



Quiz 1. Which major departments does a hospital consist of?A. medical department, surgical departmentB. pediatric department, obstetric and gynecological department C. dental department, skin department D. outpatient department, inpatient department. 2. Among all the following roles the nurses act, which one is central?A. comforter B. teacher C. communicator D. protector3. Under whose supervision do nurses work?A. hospitals B. doctors C. patients D. chemists4. What are the common sites for measuring body temperature?A. the mouth B. the rectum C. the axilla D. all of the above5. Whats Hypertension?A. Systolic above 140 mmHg, Diastolic above 90 mmHgB. Systolic above 130 mmHg, Diastolic above 90 mmHgC. Systolic above 140 mmHg, Diastolic above 80 mmHgD. Systolic above 130 mmHg, Diastolic above 80 mmHg6. Whats Hypotension?A. Systolic below 90 mmHg.B. Signs of dizziness and increased pulse.C. Systolic below 80 mmHg with signs of dizziness and increased pulse.D. Systolic below 90 mmHg with signs of dizziness and increased pulse.7. What does the nurse need to give any injection?A. clean gloves B. clean syringe C. clean needle, an alcohol swab D. above all 8. Why is it important for the nurse to give an injection correctly?A. Because it is irretrievable. B. Because it is injury.C. Because it is painful. D. Because it is absorbed more quickly9. When do the nurses check the patients penicillin allergy test? A. after 10 minutes B. after 15 minutes C. after 20 minutes D. after 30 minutes10. Whats the major nursing diagnosis when giving medications?A. Risk for Injury B. medicines act C. potential side effects D. the usual dosage11. What are the four vital signs?A. Blood pressure. B. Body temperature. C. Pulse rate. D. Respiration rate.12. What instruments should be used when checking a patients vital signs?A. A thermometer. B. A sphygmomanometer. C. A watch. D. A stethoscope.13. What rules should the physicians obey when recording the history and physical?A. Record all pertinent data B. Use common terms, avoid nonstandard abbreviations.C. Be objective. D. Record extraneous data.14. Which of the following should a nurse instruct to the patient who is going home from hospital?A. Diet. B. Exercise. C. Regular examination. D. Clothes.15. In what kind of situations is rehabilitation needed?A. Hip fracture. B. Amputation. C. Heart attack. D. Serious cardiac events.16.The basic outline structure for the patient history and physical exam does not include_.A. impression/diagnosis B. physical exam C. working experience D. history of present illness17. Family situation in the patient history refers to _.A. family members B. living habits C. heredity D. marital status18. What is normal blood pressure?A.120/80mmHg B. 80/50mmHg C. 180/105mmHg D. 200/120mmHg19. Which of the following positions would be most appropriate for ECG test?A. the squatting position B. the sitting position C. the lateral position D. the supine position20. The patients temperature is 39. Its equal to _?A. 96 B. 102 C. 108 D. 11621. A good time to collect any needed urine or stool specimens is _?A. before the start of an examination B. anytime C. one day ahead D. half a day ahead22. Which of the following contents is not included in blood test?A. liver function test B. white blood test C. full blood test D. PH value23. Which of the following instructions is not included in blood test?A. a fasting state B. no exercise C. no ECG test D. no IM injections24. What are the key aims of first aid?A. To preserve life and limb. B. To prevent injuries from becoming worse.C. All answers are correct. D. The prevention of further injury to the individual or yourself.25.What is the correct order of approach to patient assessment?A. Breathing, airway, circulation B. Airway, breathing, circulationC. Circulation, breathing, airway D. Breathing, circulation, airway26. List three common causes of nosebleeds.A. Nose picking B. Blowing the nose with force C. High blood pressure D. Anaphylaxis27. In preparing for an intravenous infusion, which of the following areas should the nurse try first? A. forearm B. hip C. back of the hand D. head28 . Which of the following is not the factor of increasing the risk of hypertension?A. obesity B. a tendency in the family to suffer hypertensionC. excessive salt intake D. loss of weight29. Which of the following is not the symptom of diabetes?A. loss of weight B. excessive thirst C. fever D. increased production of urine30. Which administration route amounts to the most rapid drug absorption? A. skin B. oral C. drugs for external use only D. intravenous injection简历智联招聘- 欢迎下载资料,下面是附带送个人简历资料用不了的话可以自己编辑删除,谢谢!蒋rong超男 | 已婚 | 1988 年9月生 | 户口:湖南永州 | 现居住于广东深圳-宝安区3年工作经验 | 团员 | 身份证:广东省gz市宝安区51810118613345324(手机)E-mail: 314855817求职意向工作性质: 全职期望职业: 销售业务、销售管理、市场期望行业: 专业服务/咨询(财会/法律/人力资源等)、教育/培训/院校、通信/电信运营、增值服务工作地区: 深圳期望月薪: 4001-6000元/月目前状况: 我目前处于离职状态,可立即上岗职业目标喜欢营销管理类工作,喜欢有挑战的工作,大学四年一直在挑战自己,挑战自己的极限,一直在做营销的兼职,坚信“也精于勤而荒于嬉”一直严于律己,在各方面都要从严要求自己。相信自己总有一天会成功的!只有自己不敢做的,没有做不成的,做销售10分靠天,九分靠人做,市场是人做出来的。 工作经历2013/01 - 2014/04 电脑专卖店 | | 市场主管 行业类别:计算机硬件 | 企业性质:民营 | 规模:20人以下 | 职位月薪:4001-6000元/月工作描述:在各工业区和住宅小区做广告宣传为店铺销售做铺垫,并且为各用户提供售后维护工作。2011/06 - 2012/11 | | 销售主管 行业类别:教育/培训/院校 | 企业性质:民营 | 规模:20-99人 | 职位月薪:2001-4000元/月工作描述:为学校制定招生计划,带领招生专员在各社区以及学校周围做广告(包括粘贴墙体广告,入户拜访宣传)开展招生工作,定期到中小学校门口驻点宣传,联系各学校任课老师开展招生工作。项目经验教育经历2007/09 -2011/06 湖南大学 | 市场营销 | 本科在校学习情况曾获 院校级三等奖 在校实践经验2008/03 - 2010/10 大学生英语周刊衡阳市推销


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