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应用能力作文,邀请信 Invitation letter,KEY WORDS,Invite Invitation 我想邀请你星期六和我全家人一起吃晚饭来庆祝我女儿的生日。希望您能接受我的邀请。 I would like to invite you to have supper with my family on Saturday to celebrate my daughters birthday.,邀请信正文,1 表示邀请 2 说清楚活动的目的和时间地点。 3 强调被邀请人在这次活动中的重要性或者提出要求。 4 期待光临和盼回复。,Typical sentences (beginning),We would like to invite you You are invited to We have the pleasure in inviting you to Will you be able to join.,Key sentences,We do hope you can It will be taking place at the Baiyun Hotel, Guangzhou, from 24 to 28 July. Your attendance will lighten our party.,Typical sentences (ending),We would appreciate (grateful )it if you We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation (参加) at your earliest convenience. Looking forward to Please feel free to contact us. We enclose details of the fair, hotel arrangement and business activities.,Read and Simulate,Translation,亲爱的希金斯先生: 很荣幸能邀请您参加我们的年会。今年,会议将于7月24日到28日在广州市白云宾馆举行。 随信寄去会议的详尽日程、食宿安排和活动计划。 去年您给我们做了题为“高科技采购”的颇为生动的发言。如果您能考虑就此问题给我们作最新发展的报告,我们将不胜感激。 如能尽快确认您将出席会议,不胜感激。 P.马修斯 会议组织人 谨启,Read and Simulate,Dear Mr. Higgins, We have pleasure in inviting you to our annual (年度的) conference. This year it will be taking place at the Baiyun Hotel, Guangzhou, from 24 to 28 July. We enclose details of the conference, accommodation arrangements and an activity program. Last year you gave a very interesting talk on the subject of “Purchasing (采购) High Technology.” We would be very grateful if you would consider giving us update on this. We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation (参加) at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, P Matthews Conference Organizer,SAMPLE 1,邀请函回信,1感谢邀请或者感谢来信。 2接受邀请或者拒绝邀请 3 (接受)就邀请函中的要求作出回应。 (拒绝)说明不能参加的理由并道歉。 4 (接受)期待见面 (拒绝)约定下次见面,Reply of Invitation Letter,Thank you for the invitation/letter Marie and I will be delighted to join/attend I will be pleased to accept your invitation Id love to, but I am afraid that Unfortunately ,I cant attend because that It is a pity that I cant attend because of. However, it is a pity that I have to attend another meeting in Shanghai that day.,I wonder if you could make it some other time. Would it be possible to . Looking forward to seeing you. I do think it is a great pity and hope you have a good time.,Read and Simulate,translation,亲爱的马修斯先生: 鉴于你5月25日的来信,我很高兴地告诉你我将出席今年7月的年会。 如果你能给我寄来更为详细的会议日程,我将非常感激。 遗憾的是,我不能对去年的发言做最新补充。工作繁忙使我没有时间做准备。 无论如何,我期待再次参加会议。 此致 敬礼 J. 希金斯 采购部经理 2002年6月1日,Read and Simulate,Dear Mr. Matthews, Thank you for your letter of 25 May and I am pleased to confirm my participation in this years conference in July. I would be grateful if you could send me further details about the program. Unfortunately, I will not be able to give an update on last years talk. I am afraid that pressure of work will not allow time to prepare a talk. However, I look forward to attending the conference again. Yours sincerely, J. Higgins Purchasing Manager,Sample 2,你收到了你同学麦克给你邮寄过来的邀请函,邀请函中提到这周星期六举行同学聚会,希望你参加。你很愿意参加,但是你的父母亲邀请了其它几位亲戚到家里团聚,所以不能参加。可是你很想知道同学聚会的情况,希望麦克能抽时间到你家来告诉你同学聚会的情况。,6 May,2009 Dear Mike, Thank you for your invitation letter for classmates get-together on this Saturday. I missed them very much. Unfortunately, I am afraid I cant attend because my parents have already invited several relatives to hold family reunion party. Would it be possible to come to my home and tell me something about the get-together. I do think it is a great pity and hope you have a good time. Yours sincerely Cerys,感谢信,Thank (v.) you for you help. I am thankful (adj.) to you for your help . I want to express my thanks (n.) to you for your help. I am writing to express my thanks to you for your help. I really appreciate (v.) your help. I want to express my appreciation (n.) for your help. I am grateful (adj.) to you for your help. I want to express my gratitude (n.) to you for your help.,常用于致谢的表达 Beginning,Ending,Thank you again for Thank you more than I can say.,我写信来是为了表示对您帮助的感谢。真的很感谢您及时把我送到医院。因为有你的帮助,我受伤的腿才能很快的康复了。我真诚的希望能邀请您星期三到我家来晚餐。 1 先表示感谢 2 说清楚要感谢的事情。 说明帮助的重要性。 邀请吃饭或者再次表示感谢。,Dear Lin, Im writing to you for showing my gratitude for your help .I really appreciate much for sending me to hospital in time. Owing to your help, my broken leg in the bike accident recovered soon. I do hope I can invite you to my home for supper on Wednesday this week .Is that a convenient time? I look forward to your reply ASAP. Thank you again! Best wishes ! yours sincerely, Cerys,祝贺信,1表示祝贺 2 说清楚祝贺的事情。 3 表达对祝贺人的钦佩、喜爱和赞美。 4 再一次表示祝贺或祝福。,Sentence patterns:,Congratulations! Id like to congratulate you on your success/promotion/victory/progress I must congratulate that I feel happy for you Please accept my hearty congratulations Best wishes!,A letter of Congratulations Dear Jennifer, Id like to congratulate you that you have been promoted to be the manager of Sales Department in a big import and export company. I feel happy for you. It has been only one year since we graduated from college. You have made such great progress. you are really our model of excellence. Congratulations! Yours sincerely, Li Qinghai,Dear Richard, I got the news of your promotion to the position of sales manager of your company. congratulations! I really believe that you deserve the position after years of hard work and excellent experience you had in international trade. please accept my hearty congratulation again. I wish everything will be going well with you. With Love Daisy,道歉信,Apologize for Make an apology to sb for sth/doing sth. 我对我所犯的错误向您诚挚的道歉。 I should sincerely make an apology to you for my mistake I have made. I should sincerely apologize to you for my mistake I have made.,1 道歉以及需要道歉的事由 2 解释理由 3 做出保证或者提出弥补措施。 4 对因为自己的过失所带来的后果再一次道歉。,Beginning,I would like to apologize for the delay of payment. I am writing to apologize to you for the mistake (I have done.) I am sorry about breaking your window (that I broke you window yesterday).,Sentences,The fault is entirely mine and I deeply regret what happened yesterday. I have acknowledged that my fault has brought you great trouble and inconvenience. I express my deep apology and I am going to try my best to make you up.,Ending,I do hope you can accept my apology. I m sure that this type of mistake will not occur (happen) again. I would be very appreciated if you could forgive me and give me another opportunity.,Letters of Apologies,Dear Sir, I should sincerely make an apology to you. I am terribly sorry that I was not able to come to the class this morning owing to a severe attack of illness. I enclose a certificate from a doctor .I trust that my absence will not bother you and I do hope you can accept my apology. Respectfully yours, Li Daming,询价信(询盘) enquiry letter,1 (介绍自己公司的情况) 2说清楚从某某地方得知公司情况,并表示对公司产品的兴趣以及原因。 3 询问该产品的价格以及折扣情况。 4 要求对方提供商品的详细资料,例如目录,样品,到货日期等等.,We are a .company based in We are a company which specialized in. As we have learned from(人名或者报纸机构的名字), you are manufacturing /producing We saw your ad in the current issue of We visited your stand at the .exhibition. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality at moderate prices.,Please quote your most competitive/lowest price for the relevant goods. If your prices are competitive and your goods up to standard, we shall order on a regular basis. I should be grateful if you send me your latest catalogue/price list/brochure. We would also like to know if you are prepared to grant discounts for large quantity.,We should like to know your earliest date of delivery。 Please let us know the minimum quantity for an order If you can let us have a competitive quotation, we believe that there is a promising market (that we will have an opportunity for further cooperation.),Dear Sir or Madam, We are large gloves dealers in china .We learn from Thomas H. Pennie of New York that you are producing hand-made gloves in a variety of artificial leathers. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality at moderate prices. Will you please send me a copy of your glove catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. If your prices are competitive and your goods up to standard, we shall order on a regular basis. I should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these gloves. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Manager of,报价信 offer letter,1 表示高兴收到对方的询价信 2 报价 3 保证能够达到对方的要求。 4 提出合作希望或者希望尽快得到回复。,Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. At your request, we are also sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover. We are pleased to enclose our price list and terms of payment for your consideration. We are pleased to quote you our best price with our terms as follows: No.1352345 US $ 12 each Payment : By L/C. Delivery: Within 30 days after our receipt of your order.,We can provide discount if you place large order. We are sure that our varied range and competitive prices will encourage you to place an order with us. We are sure that these goods will meet with your requirements, and we look forward to your early order.,报价信,发信人:Mr. Peter Kevil 收信人:Mr. David Johnson 发信日期: 2004年12月16日 内容:Mr. Peter Kevil 非常感谢Mr. David Johnson对他们公司生产的激光打印机感兴趣,随信附上目录及价目表,并告知HP公司为客户提供优良的服务.不仅如此,如果购买的数量较大,还可以享受折扣.,December 6, 2004 Dear Mr. David Johnson: Thank you for your enquiry of 14 December and we are pleased to hear that you are interested in our jet printer. At your request, we are also sending you a copy of our latest catalogue and price lists. I believe you have a good choice as HP will offer you considerate and excellent service. We allow a proper discount on larger orders. We are sure that these goods will meet with your requirements, and we look forward to your early order. Thank you again. Sincerely yours Peter Kevil,投诉信 complaining letter,1 自我介绍,说清楚投诉内容 2 告诉对方你所受到的伤害,提出解决问题的建议 3 表达希望解决问题的强烈愿望。,假如你叫王兰,上个星期五在广州数码城买了一台照相机,但回去之后发现拍出来淂底片经过冲洗之后,质量很差,基本上看不到景象,现在你给那家数码城淂经理写封投诉信,希望能给一个满意的说法。,Dear Manager, Im your customer Wang Lan. Last Friday I bought a camera in Guangzhou Digital City, and I was so happy to have this brand-new camera. But to my disappointment, it didnt work well. After developing the film, I was surprised to find the poor quality of the photos, the images on which could hardly be recognized. Could you please look into this and Id really appreciate your help if you could give a satisfactory answer a.s.a.p. Thanks. Yours sincerely, Wang Lan,Sentences,I am writing to complain about /against the goods I bought /received from your factory (store) last week. I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has been delivered on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.,This problem has affected our normal life. Would you please let me know if you could send a repairman as soon as possible? . We shall be glad if you will replace (refund退款) all 20 sets(套) as soon as possible . I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.,应聘信,I am writing to apply for the position advertised at GZ Daily on June 1, 2004. I am quite interested at the position you offered I believe I am well-prepared, both psychologically and academically, for the post.,I believe I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post, and therefore, here I am enclosing my resume. I graduated from I had five-year experience in a company as a salesman. I am available for an interview at your convenience. I am looking forward to your reply ASAP.,1 看到前天中国日报的招聘英语助教的广告,你想申请这份工作。 2 你今年二十六岁,毕业于山东大学外语系,或文学学士学位。 3 有三年工作经验,自认为能胜任这份工作。 4 附上个人简历,期待答复。 5 时间是2001年10月3日,Oct, 3, 2001 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position advertised in China Daily of the day before yesterday about hiring a teaching assistant of English. I am quite interested at the position you offered . I believe I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post. I graduated from Shandong University with a bachelor degree in literature. I am 26 and I have worked for three years and I am sure that I can do the job well. Enclosed please find my resume. I would very much appreciate it if you would give me a reply at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, Cerys,招聘信,Requirements/qualifications Responsibility/ Duties /Job description,1 广东省一家从事电脑的合资公司已开业,特请合格的人士应聘财务分析员。 2 条件:英语流利;有财会或经济相关的学科的毕业文凭;熟悉中国的财会事务。 3 联系地址:广州东方宾馆2670房(请寄来简历一份及近照两张,勿电话求见。) words for reference: 合资公司:Joint venture 财务分析员:Finance analyst 流利:Fluent 文凭:Diploma 财会:Finance accounting 简历:resume,We are a joint venture company in GZ dealing with computers. We are now open for business. We seek for a qualified person for the post of finance analyst. The applicant must fit our requirements. He or she must be fluent in English with a diploma in finance accounting or related to economics and the applicant must be familiar with finance accounting in china. Our address in Room 2670, DongFang Hotel. Send us your resume together with two recent photos. No telephone appointments, please.,Requirements: 1 The applicant should be fluent in English with a diploma in finance accounting or related to economics 2 The applicant must be familiar with finance accounting in china. 3 The applicant should have 5 years financial experience at least in a Financial management role Responsibility: 1 Provide financial analysis to company . 2 Establish standard costing and budget system .,POSTER,Poster,English Speech Competition With support of English Association ,a fantastic English Speech Competition will be held in our college . Candidates from six secondary colleges of Guangzhou University will take part in this contest .If you are interested ,please come and see on time . Time : 7 oclock on Tuesday (3,April) Place: College Speech Hall students union 23,March,NOTICE,Notice,Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day. It is warm .You will have no classesWe shall plant trees in the park We will meet at the school gate at 8:00in the morning and go there by bikeWe will(shall)have lunch therePlea


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