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第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词 句 梳 理,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,litter,bottom,coal,ugly,advantage,cost,plastic,cruel,industry,afford,recycle,gate,bottle,president,work,metal,row,keyboard,method,separate,be harmful to,at the top of,take part in,turn off,make a difference,pay for,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,take action,throw away,put sth to good use,pulldown,upside down,bring back,in a row,look back at,make a mess,keep ones cool,go by,believe in,first of all,separate from,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,be responsible for,set out,fisherman,disadvantage,cost,cost,wooden,harmful,harmless,lawyer,inspiration,surveys,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,instruction,overcame,overcome,careful,careless,caring,management,manager,congratulation,thankful,thanks,gentleman,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,not,only,but,also,drop,will,bring,So,far,have,shown,are,good,for,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,Not,only,can,the,art,but,it,also,shows,be,brought,back,to,to,graduate,along,with,waiting,for,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,Although,in,a,few,years,time,youll,come,set,out,where,you,came,from,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,重 难 聚 焦,考|点|1 afford v. 承担得起(后果);买得起,【点拨】 afford sth.表示“买得起某物”; afford to do sth.表示“有能力做某事,负担得起”。 I dont have enough money. I cant afford (to buy) a new house.我没有足够的钱,我买不起新房子。 针对训练 1More and more people can afford _ abroad to spend their holidays. Atravel Bto travel Ctravelling 2They cant _ to buy a house, so they have to rent one. Aafford Bsupport Csave,B,A,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,考|点|2 work n. (音乐、艺术) 作品,【点拨】,Its not easy for us to finish the work. 对我们来说完成这项工作不容易。 My clock is broken. It doesnt work. 我的钟表坏了。它不走了。,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,【拓展】 job为可数名词,可以指一项具体的工作或一份职业;work为不可数名词,指需要花体力和脑力来完成的工作。 Carrying goods is his parttime job. 搬货是他的兼职工作。 针对训练 1Mo Yan is a productive writer. He wrote many _ Awork Bjob Cworks 2If you want to be a professional basketball player, you should _ hard. Awork Bjob Cworks 3He got a new _ as a shop assistant. Awork Bjob Cjobs,C,A,B,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,考|点|3 shall modal v. 将要;将会,【点拨】 (1)用于第一人称,表示“将要;将会”。 I shall be twenty next year. 明年我就二十岁了。 (2)用在问句中表示征求对方意见,主要用于第一人称。 Shall we give each of them a card to say thank you? 我们给他们每个人一张卡片来表达感谢,好吗? (3)用于陈述句中的第二、三人称,表示说话人的意图、允诺、警告、命令、决心等。 You shall have it back this weekend. 你这个周末可以将它拿回。 She shall stay in bed. 她必须卧床(休息)。,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,针对训练 1We _ go to Yunnan next week. Ashall Bare Cwould 2_ we go boating tomorrow? Sounds good. AWill BShall CDo 3Candidates(考生) _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. Awill Bcould Cshall,A,B,C,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,考|点|4 set out出发;启程,【点拨】 set out to do sth.开始着手 We set out to find the truth behind the mystery. 我们开始着手揭开谜团背后的真相。 【拓展】 set的短语搭配: set about 开始;出发 set aside 留出;拔出 set down 使坐下;坐下 set fire to 纵火;使燃烧 set off 爆炸;出发;动身 set up 建立,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,针对训练 1The foreigners dream in China is to _ a school in the west. Aclean up Blook up Cset up 2Mr. Black, when are you going to _ for London? Next Friday. Aset off Bturn off Ctake off,C,A,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,考|点|5 so far 到目前为止;至今,【点拨】 (1)so far常用来描述动作一直持续到现在,谓语用现在完成时。 So far there has been no news. 到现在为止还没有消息。 (2)表示“如此远的距离”。 My feet are very sore because of walking so far. 因为走了这么远的路,我的脚很痛。 (3)表示“到如此的程度或距离”。 I can only help him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,针对训练 1Nearly half of the students _ the music club so far. Ajoined Bhave joined Cjoin 2Do you know Joe will drive to Tibet this weekend? I cant believe it. He _ driving so far. Ahas hated Bwill hate Chates,B,C,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,考|点|6 separate/divide,【辨析】 (1)“separatefrom”表示把原来连在一起或接近的部分分隔开来。 The two cities are separated by a river. 这两座城市被一条河隔开了。 (2)“divideinto”表示把某个整体分割为若干部分。 A year is divided into four seasons.一年分为四个季节。 针对训练 1台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了。 The Taiwan Straits _ Taiwan _ Fujian. 2我把这些书分成了三部分。 I _ these books _ three parts.,separate,from,divided,into,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,考|点|7 I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping can help.我认为例如自带包去购物之类的简单的事情能够有所帮助。,【点拨】 (1)句中like作介词,意为“例如;譬如”;like还可译为“相似;类似;像”。 She and her classmates are like sisters. 她和她的同班同学就像姐妹。 (2)bring意为“带来;取来”,其反义词是take,意为“拿走”。 Remember to bring your computer here tomorrow. 记得明天把你的电脑带来。,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,(3)go shopping意为“去购物”。“gov.ing”结构表示“去做某事”,常用于表达从事某一体育活动或休闲活动。 go boating去划船 go bike riding去骑自行车 go camping去野营 go climbing去爬山 go fishing去钓鱼 go hiking去远足 go sightseeing去观光 go skating去溜冰 go swimming去游泳 go surfing去冲浪 针对训练 1他就像我的爸爸一样。 _ 2When its fine on the weekend, I always go _ with my mom. Ashop Bshopping Cto shop,He is just like my father.,B,重难聚焦,第21课时 Units 1314 九年级全一册,词句梳理,考|点|8 Its time是的时间了。,【点拨】 Its time to do sth.表示“该做某事了”。 Its time to go to school. 该去上学了。 【拓展】


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