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单元知识检测,教材回扣,.课文缩写填空,答案:1.predictions 2.risky 3.resources 4.which/that 5.birth 6.shopping 7.operations 8.surgery 9.disabilities 10.attached,What will the city of the future look like? Making 1. . (predict) is a 2. (risk) business. One thing seems certain care for the environment will become very important as earths natural 3. (resource) run out. However, there are plenty of things about city life in the future 4. are not certain. Here are some ideas that young people had: Everyone will be given a telephone number at 5. (bear) that will never change no matter where they live. Everyone will do 6. (shop) and place orders online. Doctors will carry out 7. (operate) from thousands of miles away and distance 8. (surgeon) will become common. Senior citizens and people with 9. (disability) will be able to go anywhere using high-tech cameras 10. (attach) to their head.,.用本单元所学短语完成句子,答案:1.for sure 2.running out 3.relied on 4.free of charge 5.get rid of,1.We know (肯定地) that there are differences between the male and female brain. 2.We have had such bad luck up till now, and time is . (用完;不多了). 3.Such people lacking a sense of responsibility are not to be (依靠). 4.If you are not satisfied with our products, we can exchange them (免费) within 7 days. 5.But there are other habits that we can . (摆脱;除掉) very easily.,.微写作,答案:1.As natural resources are getting rare, we have no alternative but to get rid of any practice that wastes energy. 2.We must know for sure what we should do. 3.I think alternative energy should be exploited.,1.随着自然资源变得越来越少,我们别无选择只有克服掉任何浪费资 源的习惯。,2.我们必须确切地知道要做什么。,3.我认为我们应该开发可替代能源。,答案:4.Cars should be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind power. 5.If everyone attaches importance to saving energy, we can predict that human beings will eventually have a wonderful future.,4.车辆应该用电能、太阳能或风能来提供动力。,5.如果每个人都重视节约资源,我们可以预测人类最终将会有一个美好的 未来。,.单句语法填空,答案:1.will be working 2.muddy 3.powerful 4.becoming 5.the,语境活用,1.She (work) the night shift when her husband arrives. 2.He was walking slowly on a (mud) path. 3.We must strengthen our unity in the face of (power) enemies. 4.A lot of people attach great importance to (become) rich and famous. 5.For a start, this type of jeans doesnt suit you and secondly it is on way out.,6.To spend the summer vacation, we may go to the mountains, or (alternative) go to the seaside. 7.A few months in the country will put him good physical shape again. 8. (load)with so many books, the students didnt know what to do. 9.You may rely on that Jennifer will come and help us if we are in trouble. 10.Obviously,he (definite) knew what was happening.,答案:6.alternatively 7.in 8.Loaded 9.it 10.definitely,1.His patience had run out of and he began to lose his temper. 2.Well, Im afraid the box is so heavy for you to carry, but thank you all the same. 3.The only alternative to go to see him is to write to him. 4.What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has used up? 5.Tom should not be sent to carry out the task for the start, he hasnt had enough experience.,答案:1.去掉of 2.将so改为too 3.将go改为going 4.has后加been 5.将第二个the改为a,.单句语法改错,6.With the guide led the way, we finally got to the village which we were looking for. 7.We should attach important to the use of the verbs when we learn a foreign language. 8.Pity welled up in her heart as she watched the disable child. 9.No matter what he goes, he just attracts all the people around him. 10.He


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