



The LancetVolume 375, Issue 9729, Pages 1845-1938 (29 May 2010-4 June 2010)Editorial1.Detection and treatment of neonatal jaundice新生儿黄疸的诊断和治疗2.Postnatal depression: fathers have it too产后抑郁症:父亲亦有3.Attention to HIV prevention in Asia Pacific亚洲太平洋地区关注艾滋病毒预防Comment4.Fibrates in CVD: a step towards personalised medicine贝特类降血脂药在心血管疾病:走向药物个性化的一步5.Science and politics of heroin prescription海洛因处方的科学与政治6.Are we any closer to combating Ebola infections?我们更接近与埃博拉感染斗争?7.Age and the epidemiology and pathogenesis of tuberculosis肺结核病发病机制以及发病年龄和流行病学8.A UK strategy for mental health and wellbeing英国关于心理健康和福利的战略9.The neurobiology of maltreatment and adolescent violence青少年暴力和虐待的神经生物学10.Offline: The kingmakers of health离线:健康的拥立者World Report11.UN raises priority of non-communicable diseases联合国提出非传染性疾病的优先权12.Hospital train provides lifeline to rural India火车医院为印度农村地区提供了生命线13.USA and North Korea work together on tuberculosis美国和朝鲜共同致力于结核病治疗Perspectives14.Neurology and the power of naming神经病学和命名权15.Hit and misshospital dramas on TV碰运气医院电视连续剧16.What are my chances, doc?什么是我的机会,医生?17.Carla Boutin-FosterCarla Boutin-Foster:纽约威尔康乃尔医学院社区参与差距研究中心18.Moral panic and pandemics道德恐慌和流行病Obituary19.Alan John Flisher讣告:Alan John Flisher(有影响力的南非儿童和青少年精神病学家)Correspondence20.Measuring concurrent partnerships一致的伙伴关系的测量21.Measuring concurrent partnerships一致的伙伴关系的测量22.Measuring concurrent partnerships Authors reply一致的伙伴关系的测量作者回复23.Anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer乳腺癌患者的蒽环类为基础的辅助化疗24.Anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer乳腺癌患者的蒽环类为基础的辅助化疗25.Anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer Authors reply乳腺癌患者的蒽环类为基础的辅助化疗作者回复26.Withholding access to research data拒绝研究数据的获取27.Withholding access to research data Authors reply拒绝研究数据的获取作者回复28.Antimicrobial drugs for Buruli ulcer布鲁里溃疡的抗菌药物29.Antimicrobial drugs for Buruli ulcer Authors reply布鲁里溃疡的抗菌药物作者回复30.Research capacity strengthening in African countries加强非洲国家的研究能力Articles31.Effects of fibrates on cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis贝特类降血脂药对心血管影响的结果:系统性回顾和荟萃分析Min Jun, Celine Foote, Jicheng Lv, Bruce Neal, Anushka Patel, Stephen J Nicholls, Diederick E Grobbee, Alan Cass, John Chalmers, Vlado PerkovicSummaryBackground Several clinical trials have reported inconsistent findings for the effect of fibrates on cardiovascular risk. We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the effects of fibrates on major clinical outcomes.Methods We systematically searched Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for trials published between 1950 and March, 2010. We included prospective randomised controlled trials assessing the effects of fibrates on cardiovascular outcomes compared with placebo. Summary estimates of relative risk (RR) reductions were calculated with a random effects model. Outcomes analysed were major cardiovascular events, coronary events, stroke, heart failure, coronary revascularisation, all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death, non-vascular death, sudden death, new onset albuminuria, and drug-related adverse events.Findings We identified 18 trials providing data for 45 058 participants, including 2870 major cardiovascular events, 4552 coronary events, and 3880 deaths. Fibrate therapy produced a 10% RR reduction (95% CI 018) for major cardiovascular events (p=0048) and a 13% RR reduction (719) for coronary events (p00001), but had no benefit on stroke (3%, 16 to 9; p=069). We noted no effect of fibrate therapy on the risk of all-cause mortality (0%, 8 to 7; p=092), cardiovascular mortality (3%, 7 to 12; p=059), sudden death (11%, 6 to 26; p=019), or non-vascular mortality (10%, 21 to 05; p=0063). Fibrates reduced the risk of albuminuria progression by 14% (225; p=0028). Serious drugrelated adverse events were not significantly increased by fibrates (17 413 participants, 225 events; RR 121, 091161; p=019), although increases in serum creatinine concentrations were common (199, 146270; p00001).Interpretation Fibrates can reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events predominantly by prevention of coronary events, and might have a role in individuals at high risk of cardiovascular events and in those with combined dyslipidaemia.32.Supervised injectable heroin or injectable methadone versus optimised oral methadone as treatment for chronic heroin addicts in England after persistent failure in orthodox treatment (RIOTT): a randomised trial在英格兰慢性海洛因成瘾者正统治疗持续失败后海洛因注射监督或美沙酮注射与优化的美沙酮口服方案治疗的效果(RIOTT):随机试验RIOTT:Randomised Injectable Opiate Treatment TrialJohn Strang, Nicola Metrebian, Nicholas Lintzeris, Laura Potts, Tom Carnwath, Soraya Mayet, Hugh Williams, Deborah Zador, Richard Evers, Teodora Groshkova, Vikki Charles, Anthea Martin, Luciana ForzisiSummaryBackground Some heroin addicts persistently fail to benefit from conventional treatments. We aimed to compare the effectiveness of supervised injectable treatment with medicinal heroin (diamorphine or diacetylmorphine) or supervised injectable methadone versus optimised oral methadone for chronic heroin addiction.Methods In this multisite, open-label, randomised controlled trial, we enrolled chronic heroin addicts who were receiving conventional oral treatment (6 months), but continued to inject street heroin regularly (50% of days in preceding 3 months). Randomisation by minimisation was used to assign patients to receive supervised injectable methadone, supervised injectable heroin, or optimised oral methadone. Treatment was provided for 26 weeks in three supervised injecting clinics in England. Primary outcome was 50% or more of negative specimens for street heroin on weekly urinalysis during weeks 1426. Primary analysis was by intention to treat; data were adjusted for centre, regular crack use at baseline, and treatment with optimised oral methadone at baseline. Percentages were calculated with Rubins rules and were then used to estimate numbers of patients in the multiple imputed samples. This study is registered, ISRCTN01338071.Findings Of 301 patients screened, 127 were enrolled and randomly allocated to receive injectable methadone (n=42 patients), injectable heroin (n=43), or oral methadone (n=42); all patients were included in the primary analysis. At 26 weeks, 80% (n=101) patients remained in assigned treatment: 81% (n=34) on injectable methadone, 88% (n=38) on injectable heroin, and 69% (n=29) on oral methadone. Patients on injectable heroin were significantly more likely to have achieved the primary outcome (72% n=31) than were those on oral methadone (27% n=11, OR 742, 95% CI 2692046, p00001; adjusted: 66% n=28 vs 19% n=8, 817, 2882316, p00001), with number needed to treat of 217 (95% CI 160397). For injectable methadone (39% n=16; adjusted: 30% n=14) versus oral methadone, the difference was not significant (OR 174, 95% CI 066460, p=0264; adjusted: 179, 067482, p=0249). For injectable heroin versus injectable methadone, a significant difference was recorded (426, 1631114, p=0003; adjusted: 457, 1711219, p=0002), but the study was not powered for this comparison. Differences were evident within the first 6 weeks of treatment.Interpretation Treatment with supervised injectable heroin leads to significantly lower use of street heroin than does supervised injectable methadone or optimised oral methadone. UK Government proposals should be rolled out to support the positive response that can be achieved with heroin maintenance treatment for previously unresponsive chronic heroin addicts.33.Postexposure protection of non-human primates against a lethal Ebola virus challenge with RNA interference: a proof-of-concept studyRNA干扰挑战致命的埃博拉病毒暴露后的非人类灵长类动物的保护:概念验证研究Thomas W Geisbert, Amy C H Lee*, Marjorie Robbins*, Joan B Geisbert, Anna N Honko, Vandana Sood, Joshua C Johnson, Susan de Jong, Iran Tavakoli, Adam Judge, Lisa E Hensley, Ian MacLachlanSummaryBackground We previously showed that small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting the Zaire Ebola virus (ZEBOV) RNA polymerase L protein formulated in stable nucleic acid-lipid particles (SNALPs) completely protected guineapigs when administered shortly after a lethal ZEBOV challenge. Although rodent models of ZEBOV infection are useful for screening prospective countermeasures, they are frequently not useful for prediction of efficacy in the more stringent non-human primate models. We therefore assessed the efficacy of modified non-immunostimulatory siRNAs in a uniformly lethal non-human primate model of ZEBOV haemorrhagic fever.Methods A combination of modified siRNAs targeting the ZEBOV L polymerase (EK-1 mod), viral protein (VP) 24 (VP24-1160 mod), and VP35 (VP35-855 mod) were formulated in SNALPs. A group of macaques (n=3) was given these pooled anti-ZEBOV siRNAs (2 mg/kg per dose, bolus intravenous infusion) after 30 min, and on days 1, 3, and 5 after challenge with ZEBOV. A second group of macaques (n=4) was given the pooled anti-ZEBOV siRNAs after 30 min, and on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 after challenge with ZEBOV.Findings Tw


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