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TOTAL LOSS FARM NATURE AREA (TLFNA)Introduction:The Total Loss Farm NA, covers an area of 10 ha, is situated in the northwestern part of theSymons Campus (Figure TLFNA-1), west of Highway 28 and north of Woodland Drive and containsthe highest ground on campus. This Nature Area consists of two separate parts of an abandonedfarm. There are several informal trails leading into this Nature Area, from Woodland Drive andfrom Highway 28.Topography and Soils:The northern section of this Nature Area (Figure TLFNA-1) occupies the southeastern slope of a longridge, and the remainder is in a narrow lowland at the bottom of the slope. The southern partoccupies a the floodplain of the stream which eventually runs under Highway 28 into the Lock 22NA. The north and south sections are connected by gently sloping upland.Soils of the upland parts of the TLFNA belong to the Otonabee Series which have a medium texture,are moderately stony and have good to excessive drainage. Foxboro Series soils which havea coarse texture, are stone free and have poor to very poor drainage occur in the north sectionwetlands. Along the western boundary is a small area of Waupoos Series soils which are fine textured,slightly stony and have good drainage.Hydrology:A stream runs along the base of the slope through the north section Nature Area into an adjacentfield and then re-enters the Nature Areas approximately 190 m to the south (Fig. TLFNA-1). The streamappears to originate from springs and seeps on the neighbouring property and this section ofthe stream apparently runs year round. Seepage from a series of springs also originates from theslope above the stream to create a strip of very wet soils between the springs and stream. Thestream flows east, under Highway 28, and provides water for the plants and animals in the Lock22 NA.Northwest of the intersection of Highway 28 and Woodland Drive, is a small thicket wetlandmaintained by surface drainage from ditches. Runoff in these ditches can be substantial as indicatedby deposits of roadside gravel swept into the low area adjacent to the wetland.Vegetation:The vegetation of the north section (Fig. TLFNA-2) varies according to topography and degree of disturbance. The upper slope in the northwest corner supports a semi-mature red pine plantation.South of the plantation are communities of cedar swamp and trembling aspen swamp. The cedarswamp supports two species of Sphagnum which are distributed in small patches. Other uncom- mon species that require cool, moist habitats are also present. A trail separates the cedar swampfrom a mixed wood swamp to the east. The red ash, white birch, and cedar canopy is relativelyopen, permitting the growth of a moderately dense and varied shrub layer, an uncommon featureof other woods on the Symons Campus. The largest bitternut hickory observed on the campuswas found in this community. Upslope from the mixed wood swamp is a small, healthy, mid-successionalstand of deciduous woodland in which sugar maple and white ash are dominant, alsopresent are American beech, ironwood and black cherry.The vegetation of the southern section of the TLFNA is primarily open, with a mixture of tallwetland herb and graminoid species, such as spotted joe-pye-weed, boneset, canary reed-grassand meadow horsetail. A light cover of willow shrubs and Manitoba maple trees lines sections ofthe stream-bank. The fields south of the TLFNA and between the north and south sections of theTLFNA are undergoing secondary succession.Wildlife:The isolated nature of this area and its mix of open, wooded, and wetland communities providesa variety of excellent wildlife habitat. Several bedding depressions, numerous scats and sets oftracks indicate usage by white-tailed deer, particularly in the north section. Porcupines have beenobserved and trails, tracks and/or scats of eastern cottontail, red fox and raccoon were seen. Thesmall thicket swamp north of Woodland Drive provides reproductive habitat for at least two speciesof frogs b(spring peeper and western chorus frog).Birds seen in this Nature Area include ruffed grouse with young, seen in the north section in1997, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, and flycatchers. In late summer, mixed flocks ofwarblers may be encountered in the woodlands. Song birds, such as song sparrow, common yellowthroat,and yellow warbler inhabit the wetland thickets. A pair of red-tailed hawks may havenested in the area, since they were observed several times in the same area during the summersof 1997 and 1998.The four Nature Areas, TLFNA, Lock 22 NA, Highway 28 Woods NA and the Lady EatonDrumlin NA, in the northern part of the campus and on the west bank of the Otonabee River,while being separated from one another by Highway 28 and Woodland Drive, comprise essentiallycontiguous habitats for birds and mammals.Historical Features:The northwest part of the TLFNA contains an extensive pine plantation. Other evidence ofhuman presence in this area consists of the foundation of a farmhouse which burned down in theearly 1970s, fence rows, rock piles, a garden site and some perennial plants, an abandoned welland a road bed with a stone culvert. Tree stumps at varying stages of decay indicate that treeswere selectively harvested in the woodlands over a number of years.Significant Features:The mixed woodland (red ash, white birch and white cedar) and white cedar swamp communitiesin the TLFNA are two of the most floristically interesting communities on the SymonsCampus, containing a number of uncommon species that have an affinity for cool moist environments.The presence of Sphagnum species is of particular note. These communities have a lowincidence of introduced species, and support several species of uncommon plants not observedelsewhere on campus. The extensive pine plantation is of great interest for comparative ecologicalstudies of natural and man-planted woodands. The stream at the base of the slope in the northwestcorner of this Nature Area is apparently the only permanent running stream on the SymonsCampus. Water running from this Nature Area is vital for the hydrology of the Lock 22 NA.This Nature Area is an important wildllife corridor linking several Nature Areas in the north ofthe Symons Campus with surrounding woodlotsLand Use:Teaching and ResearchThis nature area is used for some courses in Environmental Science . There is potential for hydrologicalstudies of groundwater flow and quality using the several springs and seeps comingfrom the steep slopes in the northwest of this Nature Area. The area is relatively isolated andhas potential for academic and research wildlife studies. The presence of a pine plantation anddeciduous forest on the same slope has the potential for comparative research and undergraduatefield studies. The flora and fauna of the cool, moist environment along the Total Loss Stream, anuncommon environment in the municipality, and the stream itself also have potential for ecologicalresearch studies.Recreational UseThe varied topography along with diversity of associated vegetation communities and wildlife,makes this Nature Area extremely interesting for nature enjoyment, nature interpretation and forwalking. From open upland areas, excellent views of parts of the Symons Campus to the east andsouth are evident. There are several informal trails which are used also by ATVs, motorized trailbike and snowmobile traffic. Cross country skiers use the snowmobile trails in winter.Adjacent Land Use:Trent University owns the old field south of this nature area and the land between the north andsouth parts comprising the TLFNA. Privately-owned pasture, old fields and woodlands borderthe northern and western boundaries of TLFNA. Highway 28 bounds the eastern edge alongwhich there are residential properties and the Lock 22 NA.Ecological Integrity:There is concern that: several kinds of introduced garde
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