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Module 11.1.a knife and fork 刀叉例: We use a knife and fork . 我们使用刀叉.2.behardfor 对来说很困难.例: This book is hard for me . 这本书对我来说很难.They are hard for Chinese. 它们对中国人来说很难.3.be easy for 对.来说很容易例:These questions are easy for you .这些问题对你们来说很容易. Its easy for English people . 它对英国人来说很容易Module 2一:短语1.make a cake 制作蛋糕2. eat a cake 吃蛋糕3.A piece of cake 小菜一碟4.be quite 安静二:语法: 现在进行时 主语+be+v-ing+其他定义:表示现在正在发生的事情.特征: be+ V-ing (动词的ing形式)例: Were making a cake . 我们正在制作蛋糕.注意:V(动词)+ing规则:1.规则动词直接加ing. 如:read -readingplay-playing2.以不发音字母e结尾的,去掉e,再加ing.如: make-making take-taking ride-riding3.重读闭音节单词,双写结尾辅音,再加ing.如: run-running clap-clapping4 以ie结尾的动词,把ie变成y再加ing.如:lie - lying tie - tying die - dying三:需要双写结尾辅音之后再加ing的动词:(目前接触到的)1.run - running 2.swim - swimming3.get - getting 4.sit - sitting5.put - putting 6.shop - shopping7.stop - stopping 8.clap - clapping9. skip - skippingModule 3一、名词所有格:1.人名s : 表示“某某人的”例:Amys shortsAmy的短裤2.人名 and 人名s当表示两个人共同拥有某物时,在第二个人名后加 s .例:This is Amy and Sams mother.这是Amy和Sam的妈妈。(表示两个人共同的妈妈)二、单数 近处:this这个 复数近处:these 这些 单数 远处:that那个 复数远处:those 那些三、短语:1.on the lake 在湖上例:People row on the lake.人们在湖上划船。2.in the lake 在湖里例:We are swimming in the lake. 我们正在湖里游泳。3.over there那里例:Look at those ducks over there.看那里的那些鸭子。4.get out 离开,走开,出去;5.Here it is.在这里。(注意:不用It is here.)例:Where is the bread? Here it is .(It is here是错误答案。)Module 4一:情态动词can的用法:Can + 动词原形, 动词没有人称和数的变化. 否定形式:cant例:I can run.You can swim.He can read books.They can ride bikes.表示能力。(能够做某事,会做某事)Can you swim?你会游泳吗?This bird can fly.这只鸟会飞.1. 情态动词后接动词原形She can run fast.2.否定形式:cantShe cant run fast.3.在变一般疑问句时把can提前。She can run fast.Can she run fast?肯定回答Yes, she can. 否定回答 No, she cant.二:动词jump的用法:jump:跳(动词)jump far : 跳地远jump high : 跳地高long jump: 跳远(名词短语) high jump : 跳高(名词短语)do long jump:跳远(动词短语) do high jump: 跳高(动词短语)Module 5一:情态动词can的用法:Can 在第五模块中出现,和第四模块中出现用法稍微有所差别,表示请求和允许。-Can I have an ice cream? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 我可以吃冰激凌吗? 是的,你可以./ 不,你不可以.-Can I come in? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 我能进来吗? 是的,你能./ 不,你不能.二:冠词a,和an的用法: a:用于以辅音因素开头的单词前表示一个 a booka dog a cara girl a rulera knife an:用于以元音因素开头的单词前表示一个 an eggan applean orangean English bookan hour 三:有关have的短语: have got:有have a drink:喝水have a look:看一看 have a rest =have a break :休息 四:谚语积累:A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,不用请医生。An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。Module 6短语1computer game电子游戏机2 play with 和-玩Be careful 小心Jigsaw puzzle 拼图游戏Dont worry 别担心In the lake 在湖里重点句型1、Ive got a new kite ! 我有一个新风筝。2、Ive got a computer game . 我有一个电子游戏机。3、Now weve got a jigsaw puzzle !现在我们有一个拼图玩具了。句型解释1、Ive got a new kite ! 我有一个新风筝。“Ive got”是“I have got ”的缩写形式。“have got ” 意思是“拥有”,常用于口语。“have got ” 与“have ”的语意相同,其缩写形式为“ve got”。2、Its great. 它太棒了。 这是描述物体特征的句子。结构为It+形容词。 例句:Wow ! Its lovely !3、Can I play with your kite! 我可以玩你的风筝吗? “play with”意为“玩”,后接名词。 例句:Lets play with my toys. 让我们玩我的玩具吧! Sheplaying with snow. 她正在玩雪。Be careful! 小心! 这是个提醒别人注意的祈使句。“Be+形容词”是个固定结构,意为提醒对方做什么。 Be careful的同义词是“Look out!”当心。 例如:Be quite! 安静!5、Li Jie has got a pet. Shanshan has got a pet,too. 李杰有一个宠物,珊珊也有一个宠物。“has got ”是“拥有”的意思,在第三人称单数后使用。“too”是“也”的意思,通常放在句末。例句:He likes bananas . I likes bananas , too . 他喜欢吃香蕉,我也喜欢吃香蕉。6、Hes got a pet dog .他有一只宠物狗。“s got”是“has got ”的缩写形式。通常和“he , she , it”连用。例句:Shes got a pet fish . 她有一只宠物鱼。Module 7短语1 On Friday 在周五2 thank you =thanks 谢谢3 be late 迟到重点句型Have you got a headache? 你头痛吗?Have you got a stomach ache?你胃痛吗?No,I havent got a stomach ache. 不 ,我胃不痛。Have you got a test today? You dont like tests. 你今天有考试吗?你不喜欢考试。Yes , I have . We have tests on Fridays. 是的。我们每星期五都有考试。句型讲解1、Are you ill ? 你生病了吗?这是一个询问对方状况的一般疑问句。肯定答句为“Yes , I am.”,否定答句为“No , Im not.”例句:Are you happy today ? 今天你高兴吗?2、Have you got a headache ? 你头痛吗?这是猜测对方病情的问句。由“have”来引导提问。肯定回答为“Yes , I have .”,否定回答为“No , I havent.”。“havent”是“have not”的缩写。3、I havent got a stomach ache . 我的胃不痛。“havent got ”意为“没有”,是“have got”的缩写。例句:I havent got a headache . 我的头不痛。4、We have tests on Fridays . 每个星期五我们都有考试。“on Friday”是“在星期五”的固定表达方式。例如:on Monday 在星期一 on the week-end 在周末。“on Fridays”则表示每个星期五。短文重点Wheres Jake ? 杰克在哪儿?Has Daming got a cold, too ? 大明也感冒了吗?句型讲解1、Wheres jake? 杰克在哪儿?这是一个有“where”引导的特殊疑问句,多用于对地点的提问。例句:Wheres my cat ? 我的猫在哪儿?2、Has Daming got a cold , too ? 大明也感冒了吗?“has”和第三人称单数连用。而“have”和第一人称、第二人称以及复数连用。例句: Has she got a pen ? 她有一枝钢笔吗? Have you got a book ? 你有一本书吗?3、Im late . 我迟到了。“late”是“ 晚的,迟的”意思。例句:Dont be late next time . 下次别迟到了。MODULE8短语 1 an elephant 一头大象2 man单数-men复数3 woman单数-women复数4 people 不可数5 lots and lots of 许许多多6 a lot of =lots of 许多重点句型There are stone animals. 有石兽。How many stone animals are there ? 有多少石兽。Look ! There is a lion . There is a camel . 看。有一头狮子。有一只骆驼。There is an elephant . And there is a horse . 有一头大象。还有一匹马。And scary animals ! Whats that ? 可怕的动物!那是什么?Is it a monster ? Help ! 它是妖怪吗?救命!句型讲解There are stone animals . 有石兽。“There is ./There are .”作“有”讲,表示某个地方存在某物。“have”也表示“有”,常用于人或动物作主语的句子中,表示某人(动物)拥有某物。2、How many stone animals are there ?有多少石兽?“haw many”常用于对可数名词进行数量方面的提问。回答用There is./There are. 。例句:How many horses are there ? 有多少匹马? There is one horse . 有一匹马。 There are four horses . 有四匹马。3、There is a camel . And there is a horses . 有一只骆驼,还有一匹马。“and”在此句中用于连接两个并列的句子。例如:There are ducks . And those are geese. 这些是鸭子,那些是鹅。短文句型讲解1、There are five people in my family. 我家有五口人。这是一个典型的“在某地有某物”的完整表达形式。句子结构为There be (There are )+数词(five)+名词(people)+介词短语(in my family)。例如:There are three monkeys in the tree . 树上有三只猴子。2、There are lots and lots of animals.“lots”意为“许多”。“lots of”是个固定结构,后接名词,同义词组为“a lot of”.讲解语法一 There be(is ,are)表示某处有某物There is a book on the desk.(桌子上有一本书 ) There are three lions in the zoo.(动物园里有三只狮子 )*There be遵循就近原则There is a book and three rulers in my bag.There are three rulers and a book in my bag.二、There be句型的否定形式 将There be句型的肯定句变为否定句,就直接在be的后面加上not即可(常用缩写形式isnt或arent)。若肯定句中有some,要将其变成any。如:There is a picture on the wall.There isnt a picture on the wall.There are some books on the desk.There arent any books on the desk.三、There be句型的一般疑问句及肯、否定回答There be句型的一般疑问句较简单,在肯定句的基础上将be提到句首,句末加上问号即可,若肯定句有some,也要将其变成any。肯定回答是:Yes,there are/is;否定回答是:No, there arent/isnt。如:There is a picture on the wall.Is there a picture on the wall?Yes, there is .(No, there isnt).There are some books on the desk.Are there any books on the desk?Yes, there are.(No, there arent.)对主语前的数字(或修饰)提问,如果主语是可数名词,则用句型“How many名词are there地点状语?”形式。如:There is only one glass of water on the table.How many glasses of water are there on the table?*There are 24 stone animals.How many stone animals are there?MODULE 9短语1 Sports Day 运动日2 do long jump 跳远3 do high jump 跳高4 come on 加油5 run fast 跑得很快6 run a race 跑步比赛7 pilot 飞行员8 farmer 农民其他职业参照9课短文第二题9 pill 药丸Its going to be Sports Day on Friday. 运动日星期五就要到了。Amy is going to do high jump . 我准备参加跳远。Amy is going to do high jump . 埃米准备参加调高。Im going to run a race . I can run very fast . 我准备参加赛跑。我能跑的很快。Come on , Daming ! 大明,加油!Yes ! Im the winner ! Im the winner !是的! 我是胜利者!我是胜利者!句型讲解1、Its going to be Sports Day on Friday . 运动日星期五就要到了。“It”在本句中指代日期。“going to be”将要。“Its going to be.”指某一天就要来临了。例句:Its going to be Childrens Day tomorrow . 明天就是儿童节了。2、Im going to do long jump . 我准备参加跳远。该句的结构为:主语(I)+be going to(am going to) + 动词(词组)(do long jump)。例句:Im going to go swimming . 我准备去游泳。3、Amy is going to do high jump .埃米准备参加跳高。主语Amy 为第三人称单数,后接 be 动词“is”,其句子结构为:主语Amy(第三人称单数) + is going to + 动词(词组)(do high jump)。例句:My father is going to paly basketball this weekend . 我爸爸这个周末准备打篮球。短文句型讲解Hes a driver . 他是一名司机。这是一个表达某人职业的陈述句。例句:Im a pupil. 我是一名小学生。 My grandpa is a doctor. 我爷爷是一名医生。2、Im going to be a driver .我打算成为一名司机。这是一个表达自己愿望的陈述句。结构为:主语(I)+be (am) + going to be + 职业名称(a driver)。主语为第一人称:I + am going to be + 职业名称例句:Im going to be a nurse. 我打算当一名护士。主语为第三人称:He/She + is going to be + 职业名称例句:Shes going to be a teacher . 她打算当一名老师。3、What are you going to be , Daming ? 大明,你打算成为什么?这是一个询问对方的职业愿望的特殊疑问句。当询问其他人要从事的职业时,应说:Whats he/she going to be ? 他(她)打算成为什么? Module 10句式What -do? 做什么Where -go? 去哪里?What- see? 看见什么?重点句型At the Airport 在飞机场Where are you going ? 你要去哪儿? 3、Im going to go to Hong Kong . My grandma


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