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welcome to our christmas party!,2019/4/3,merry christmas,do you know something about christmas?,cultural background:,christmas eve(silent night), december 24, is the night before christmas day 平安夜是圣诞节前一晚,在12月24日。 christmas is a holiday celebrated on december 25 . 圣诞节是在12月25日举行庆祝活动的。,圣诞树christmas tree,圣诞老人father christmas,圣诞帽christmas cap,圣诞l铃christmas bell,stocking (圣诞袜),when small children go to bed on christmas eve , they hang(悬挂) a stocking at the behind of their beds . their parents warn them not to try to look at father christmas , or their parents will not leave them anything . when they wake up , they find their stockings filled with presents . as a result,children are very excited on christmas morning and always wake up early.,how many?,christmas colour,red-flower green-tree white-snow,music: jingle bells ring铃铛响铃铛,lets sing. follow me!,christmas traditions,after presents are opened on christmas morning, the whole family will get together(聚集)and eat the christmas meal.,1、game,listen and answer 问答闯关,2019/4/3,rule,1、必答题(分别抽签回答) 2、抢答题(抢答) 3、答对一个得一分。,2019/4/3,choose a, b or c,a b c,2、game,listen and act 看谁反应快,2019/4/3,rule,1、听指令做出相应的动作。 2、3组各选一名同学。 3、哪一组的同学先做出制定动作,得一分。,2019/4/3,choose a, b or c,a b c,3、game,act and guess 超级无敌大电视,2019/4/3,rule,1、每组选2名低年级同学根据提示做动作(不能用语言直接说出答案的字)。 2、每组选2名高年级同学根据提示用英语回答出对应的答案。(背对屏幕) 3、限时3分钟。 4、答对一个得一分。,2019/4/3,choose a, b or c,a b c,5、wishing tree,规则:每人写3个愿望。 1、自己的愿望; 2、对期末考试的愿望 3、对家长或老师的祝愿和感恩,6、share your wish,7、game,pass the word 疯狂邮递员,2019/4/3,rule,1、每组选5名(分15年级和6年级以上2组) 2、传单词,4个同学分别占课室4角,一名同学到主持人那听单词。然后一个一个传。 3、限时1分钟。 4、先比准确率,再比时间(看谁用时短)。 5、赢的小组得一分。,9、prize-giving,i hope your wishes come true! see you! good night.,a,1. play the piano 弹钢琴 2. stocking 长袜子(要求拼写) 3. monkey 猴子 4. skip rope 跳绳 5. lily 百合花(要求拼写) 6. father christmas 圣诞老人 7. blouse 女士衬衣(要求拼写) 8. do gardening 做园艺 9. the six babyan temple 六榕寺 10. go shopping 购物,b,1、play computer games 玩电脑游戏 2、 crocodile 鳄鱼(要求拼写) 3、take a bath 淋浴 4、throw 投掷 5、chips 薯条(要求拼写) 6、watch tv 看电视 7、great wall 长城 8、keyboard 键盘 9、umbrella 雨伞 10、tulip 郁金香(要求拼写),c,1、 dance 跳舞 2、 close the door 关门 3、 bank clerk 银行职员 4、 peony 牡丹(要求


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