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2013长沙学院外语系毕业论文模板(下)过程管理资料模板说明:1、下页 直接接“2013长沙学院外语系毕业论文模板(上)”最后一页,这样便于学生把这两部分 分开打印,使“模板(上)”打出来的每一页都冠有 带长沙学院徽标的页眉,而“模板(下)”不带页眉。2、模板中的说明及批注是综合了各种实际出现的问题而作,是过程管理资料的“撰写规范”,请仔细阅读,务必让每个学生一一落实。3、有个别学生文献综述有抄袭情况,请老师们细心筛查。过程管理资料是评估专家重点检查的内容之一。4、每一处 “指导(或评阅)教师意见”,不可太简单、多套话,应针对不同学生的不同情况,写具体、详细、有针对性。5、教师的名字和签字日期一定要手写。2013 届毕业设计(论文)课题任务书系(部):外语系 专业: 英语本科 班级:2009级 班指导教师职称学生姓名课题名称目的论视角下的商标翻译Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie内容及任务Contents: 1. Definition of brand name.2. Analysis on basic concepts and principles of Skopostheorie.3. Cultural adaption in brand name translation.4. Basic methods of brand name translation based on Skopostheorie.Tasks to be fulfilled:1. To apply Skopos rule in brand name translation.2. To analyze cultural adaption in brand name translation.3. To summarize basic methods of brand name translation. 4. .格式:小四号,Times New Roman,行距20磅。注意三空行:上中下拟达到的要求或技术指标Requirements of Study: (小四号,TimesNewRoman,行距20磅)a. No plagiarism is allowed.b. Collect materials for reference as many as possible.c. State reasonable and clear views about this topic. Try to avoid unnecessary mistakes.d. Write the paper independently.e. Make sure that the thesis is no less than 5,000 words.f. Finish the paper in time.度安排起止日期工作内容2012年11月5日11月24日向学生公布毕业设计(论文)课题,并组织好学生选好或确定好指导教师及课题。11月25日11月27日公布选题结果。11月28日11月30日下达任务书,指导学生写作开题报告。12月23日30日学生提交、修改开题报告。2013年3月8日前完成论文初稿,交指导老师。2013年3月19至30日论文中期检查,交中期报告。2013年5月10日前学生交论文定稿,指导老师评阅表,评阅老师评阅表,答辩评审表。2013年5月19、26日论文答辩,评定论文成绩,学生根据答辩修改论文。2013年5月20-28日根据答辩委员会意见修改论文,提交白色铜版纸封面的毕业论文最终稿,提交毕业论文电子文档主要参考资料1 Reiss, K. & Vermeer H.英文作者姓写在前,名缩略为首字母,中间名首字母,可以保留。第二作者也是如此。两位作者之间改用用&连接。注意空格! Ground for a General Theory of Translation英文文献中:书名、期刊杂志名斜体;析出的单篇论文不斜体。 M. Tubingen: Niemeyer.1984.2 Vermeer, H. J. A Framework for a General Theory of Translation J. Lebende Sprachem. 1978, (1): 99-102.英文文献中出现的符号、数字都是小四、Times New Roman.3序号统一为小四、宋体。 安亚平. 中国品牌产品商标词译名分析及其翻译方法M. 上海科技翻译,2004,(3):43-46中文文献:只有实心点为英文符号,要与其后的字空一格;其余的符号、数字统一为小四、宋体。.4 包惠南. 文化语境与语言翻译M. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001.5 代荣文献排列顺序:英文在前,中文在后;分别按作者姓氏的字母顺序排序。. 目的论与商标翻译D.上海海事大学,2006.6 李媛. 商标词及其翻译探讨D. 广西大学,2007.7 梁晓冬. 民族心理差异与商标翻译J. 上海科技翻译,1997,(3):23-25.8 苏淑惠. 广告英语的文体功能与翻译标准J. 外国语,1996,(2):51-54.9 王瑞华. 试论商标名称的翻译原则与机制D. 人文社会科学学院,2005.10王向华为了整齐,此处序号与中文名字之间不空格。另外,各序号下面的文字要缩进,与上一行文字对齐。. 商标翻译策略D. 山东师范大学,2003.2年月28-日之间,以下所有签名、日期都需要手写手写研室意见签名:年 月 日系(部)主管领导意见签名:年 月 日注:本任务书一式三份,由指导教师填写,经教研室审批后一份下达给学生,一份由指导教师保留,一份交系部存档。长沙学院本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告( 2013 届)系部: 外 语 系 专 业: 英 语 学 生 姓 名: 班 级: 学号 指导教师姓名: 职称 2012年 12 月 23 日本行位置在本页的倒数第二行,不要太上。题目:目的论视角下的商标翻译Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie1. 结合课题任务情况,查阅文献资料,撰写1000字以上的文献综述。With Chinas entry into WTO and the trend of economic globalization, Chinese文献综述凡英文部分格式:小四,Times New Roman,行距20磅;每段起始处缩进四个空格。 business has been undergoing ever-frequent exchanges with the outside world. More and more businesses around the world spare no effort to market their products or services in the world marketplace and to build their brand images on a global basis. To enter a new market, they invest much in branding, among which band names receive increasing attention. Naming can be crucial to businesses. A good brand name can bring about unexpected advantages while a bad one can jeopardize the businesses. So is the case for translated brand names. A well-translated brand name can adjust to local market, cultural, and legal environments, reflect brand image, and convey product information. While a badly translated brand name can only evoke unfavorable association to customers, and the image of the business will suffer. So Carrying on studies in this field is of great importance and can help to improve the competitiveness of Chinese products in the international market.A survey of articles concerning brand name translation in the past decade shows that there has been a steadily increasing interest in this field of study. The research covers a wide range of topics, which can be put into the following major categories:1. Methods of brand name translation.Nowadays there exist various ways to translate foreign language brand names into Chinese ones. Wang Xianghua (2003)文献综述要作夹注,所引观点的出处都要列在下面的“References”部分。夹注的具体情况见“论文撰写规范”。 points out four kinds of methods of brand name translation. In his essay, he says “Transliteration is done mainly according to the pronunciation. Literal translation attaches great importance to the loyalty of the rendering to the original meaning while free translation pays more attention to the acceptability of the version by the receptors. Coined translation is to make full use of the imagination to create a construing on the basis of the relevant SL text.” While Wang Ruihua (2005) adds another two kinds of methods of brand name translation in his essay: semantic transliteration and creative translation. “Semantic transliteration should be the first choice to be made in translating the load words into Chinese,” observes Hu Qingping, “It is far better than the mere transliteration or free translation” (2001). As for creative translation, he gives a good example: Dutch Lady milk powder is put into “子母粉”. This translated version, from the viewpoint of Chinese consumers, is loaded with the cultural message of mothers love for the child, which is the same as what Dutch Lady means to SL readers. 2. Principles of brand name translation.As for the principles of brand name translation, Wang Ruihua (2005) considers the following principles applying to a good translated brand name. The first is avoiding words with adverse or negative meanings. The second is attending to words with different associations in different cultures. The third is selecting simple and plain words easy to pronounce and memorize. Li Guisheng (1996: 2年份和页码之间(冒号后)要空一格,不要粘在一起。) proposes three kinds of “faithfulness”, namely, faithfulness to pronunciation, faithfulness to meaning as well as faithfulness to marketing strategies. Liu Quanfu (1996: 2) holds that principle of equivalence should be adopted in brand name translation while Xu Jinqi (2002: 11) not only agrees with him on this point but also adds another principle “beauty in sense, form, and sound”. 3. Cultural factors in brand name translation.Culture plays an important role in brand name translation. Some articles have touched upon the importance of culture in brand name translation. Cao Wenwen (2009: 7) puts forwards three aspects of cultural differences: first, differences in connotation; second, the words chosen have negative meanings in the target culture; third, differences in usage. Liang Xiaodong (1997: 3) is particularly interested in the treatment of national psychology in the translation of brand names. Besides, Cang Lanju (1999: 1) considers it necessary to take into account consumer psychology, product nature, conciseness of translation, and target culture in brand name translation. The development of international economy gives birth to brand name translation. Nowadays, Chinese companies have deeply involved in a fierce competition in the global market. Well translated brand names can help to build good product image among consumers, who have become more and more critical in choosing products of their favorite brands. Brand name translation has been studied by more and more scholars. And the studies on brand name translation have made a great progress during the past decade and are of great theoretical value for the studies later on this field. But limitations and shortcomings always exist, for example, many of the discussions are confined to the mere descriptive analysis of examples and have too much repetition or similarity in examples as well as in their explanations and translation techniques and methods put forward. The lack of creativeness is another reason that hinders the comprehensive development in this field. The discussions of culture are also lack of the guidance and support of systematic theories. So future studies call for new perspectives and more systematic and in-depth efforts on the topic.References:该词与上文空一行,该词加粗,前面缩进四格,后面有冒号。此处References格式同上面任务书中相应部分的格式。文献综述涉及的所有文献应如实列出,不要遗漏,也不要增加。1 Vermeer, Hans J. A Framework for a General Theory of Translation J. Lebende Sprachem. 1978, (1): 99-102.2 安亚平. 中国品牌产品商标词译名分析及其翻译方法M. 上海科技翻译,2004,(3):43-46.3 包惠南. 文化语境与语言翻译M. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001.4 代荣. 目的论与商标翻译D.上海海事大学,2006.5 李媛. 商标词及其翻译探讨D. 广西大学,2007.6 梁晓冬. 民族心理差异与商标翻译J. 上海科技翻译,1997,(3):23-25.最后一条文献与下文之间空一行。2.选题依据、主要研究内容、研究思路及方案。From the above analysis on the previous research, it can be seen that brand name translation is so vital for international business. So the study of brand name translation is still of significance. This thesis aims to apply Vermeers Skopostheorie to brand name translation. By making a discussion of the purpose of brand name translation and giving an introduction of the Skopos theory, the thesis points out the application of principles of Skopostheorie to brand name translation and stresses on target-text-oriented strategy to brand name translation The thesis is going to solve problems as follows:1. reading relevant books and materials concerning the thesis, grasping the basic line of this research.2. analyzing the Skopos of brand name translation.3. getting familiar with the cultural adaption in brand name translation. 4. summarizing methods of brand name translation, aiming to promote the popularity of translated brand name.Outline of the thesis:1. Introduction2. Skopostheoriethe theoretical framework.3. Cultural adaption in brand name translation. 4. Methods of brand name translation.5. Conclusion如果论文正文的结构或目录发生变化,此处内容要相应修改!3.工作进度及具体安排。2 2011-11-5前选定论文题目小四号宋体,行距20磅2 2011-11-25前完成论文前期工作,提交开题报告、任务书2 2011-12-30前提交毕业论文初稿 (第16周周五)2 2012-03-1930毕业论文中期检查,提交中期报告2 2012-05-05前完成毕业论文三次修改,形成定稿2 2012-05-10前提交长沙学院毕业论文定稿,指导教师评阅表、评阅教师评阅表、答辩评审表2 2012-05-12日论文答辩2012-05-18前 根据答辩委员会意见修改论文,提交白色铜版纸封面的毕业论文最终稿,提交毕业论文电子文档4.指导教师意见(对课题方案的可行性、深度、广度及工作量的意见)。指导教师: 年 月 日5.教研室意见。教研室主任: 年 月 日说明:开题报告作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一,此报告应在导师指导下,由学生填写,将作为毕业设计(论文)成绩考查的重要依据,经导师审


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