



河南自考网 - 自考专升本,河南自考网门户网站()第九章 形容词短语和比较 Adjective Phrase and Comparison9.0 Introduction 1. 形容词的四个特征:1)修饰作用,2)补语,3)可接加强词very做前置修饰,4)有比较级和最高级9.1.1 Structure of the Adjective Phrase(Pre-modification) + Head Word + (Post-modification) * Head word is an adjective, Pre-modification is invariably Adv.考点1He is an extremely intelligent person. He was afraid to fall again.9.1.2 Attributive adj. and Predicative adj. 修饰语&补语1. Attributive adj. and Predicative adj. 修饰语&补语1. 形容词短语修饰名词可做Pre-modification & Post Modification, 前置修饰&后置修饰Pre-modifier时,形容词短语在冠词和名词之间. An interesting story. All these certain ideas.Post-modifier时,形容词短语往往由几个形容词组成,或者使用形容词自带的修饰语,而不用单个的形容词修饰.All the people old and young. The women anxious to keep up with the Joneses. * 单个形容词在下面几种情况中可以单独后置修饰名词。 1) designate, elect, galore, incarnate等直接用于名词后; The minister designate; the present elect 2) broad, deep, high, long, tall, old, thick, wide.表示测量意义的名词: six feet tall, three meters wide. 3) concerned, involved, present, proper, responsible等在前置修饰和后置修饰时意义不同的词。 4) affected, available, required, suggested,等用在名词前后意义没有任何变化的词. Available info / info available.2. 除了修饰作用,形容词还可以当主语补语或者宾语补语. 大部分名词具有这两种功能。 A lovely girl / The girl is lovely An old car / The car is old2. Attributive adj.1. 以下是基本上只做修饰语的adj.列表1) er结尾表示关系的名词: elder, former, inner, latter, outer, upper my elder brother * whos elder?2) 增强形容词,包括强调(certain,definite, pure, sheer, plain)扩大(absolute, entire, extreme, perfect, total), 减弱(feeble, sight) 意义。A perfect idiot * the idiot is perfect 3) 限制所指范围的形容词:chief,joint,lone,main,very , only , principleThe chief produce. * the product is chief4) 科技,技术形容词: chemical,coastal,earthen,nuclear,solar,wooden,woolenThe chemical weapons. * the weapons are chemical.5) 表示方位的形容词:downstairs,downtown,indoor,inside,outdoor,outside,upstairsThree upstairs bedroom. 3. Predicative adj.1. 以下是基本上只做修饰语的adj.列表1) 带后置修饰的形容词: the ship is bound for Australia *the bound ship for Australia.2) 带前置A-(afraid,afloat,aghast,akin,alert,alight,alike,alive,alone,aloof,amiss,asleep,ashamed The child is afraid. * An afraid child3) 表示健康的形容词。(faint,ill,poorly,well,unwell The girl looks poorly. * the poorly girl9.2 形容词的语义分级1. Stative & Dynamic adjective 静态形容词&动态形容词Stative adjective1. 大多数形容词都是静态形容词,描述潜在的永恒的特征,尤其是修饰作用的形容词。A big house, a red blouse, a tall man2. 即使是做补语,大多数形容词也是静态的,所以一般与静态动词配合使用,一般不与进行体搭配。The house is big. *the house is being big. 3. 然而许多形容词可做动态意义使用,特别是他们做补语1.形容主语;2,表示临时状态时He is being foolish. She is deliberately being rude. 进行体暗示形容词所描述的品质是可以人为控制的,是主观印象。 以下是可以做动态使用的形容词。Ambitious, awkward, brave, calm, careful, careless, cheerful, clever, conceited, cruel, disagreeable, dull, enthusiastic, extravagant, faithful, foolish, friendly, funny, generous, gentle, good, greedy, hasty, helpful, impatient, irritating, jealous, kind, lenient, loyal, mischievous, naughty, nice, noisy, obstinate, patient, playful, reasonable, rude, sensible, serious, shy, slow, stubborn, stupid, suspicious, tactful, talkative, thoughtful, tidy, timid, troublesome, unfaithful, untidy, vain, vicious, vulgar, wicked, wittyGradable & Non-gradable 可分级&不可分级1. 大部分的形容词是可分级的,inflectional 或者是 periphrastic, 或者被加强助词very, so修饰Big bigger biggest / quite, rather, very, so, extremely big2. 不可分级的形容词:1) 只做及物动词 meter, latter, indoor 2) 表示起源,出处的形容词 British, French 3) 绝对意义的形容词 average,excellent,perfect,equalInherent & Non- inherent 表示内在意义和不表示内在意义1. 一般来讲,表示内在意义的形容词描述了名词的本身特征. A big house 表示房子很大,A firm hand shake 表示握手很用力.2. Non inherent, 非形容词本身意思的。A big eater不是指eater本身很大,而是指饭量大的人.Restrictive & Non restrictive 限制性&非限制性1. 限制性形容词用描述名词与众不同特性的方式来指定名词。A fat women. Fat 指出了这个女人和其他女人不同之处-胖2. 非限制性形容词只是紧紧提供某些非关键信息,不足以来指定名词。形容词修饰特有名词时不起限制作用。My fat wife. Foggy London, sunny California Marked & Unmarked 有标志&无标志Unmarked MakedBig, SmallHeavylightOldyoungLongshortTallshort习惯问句用unmarked形容词提问,要用marked adj 提问的前提是句中已经提过所提问对象有此品质。You say your mother is very young, tell me how young she is.考点29.3 前置形容词的顺序问题DetermineZONE IZONEZone Zone Head WordTheIntensifying Adj.Gradable Adj.同时满足符合形容词特征的4个条件Color & ParticipateColor before ParticipateDenominal Adj. 不是由名词变形而来,就是名词本身充当形容词Ae.g.: both the last two nice big old round red carved French wooden card table.ZONE:同时满足符合形容词特征的4个条件。当有好几个形容词时,遵循以下规则: 1. 非变而来的adj.( small, old, thick) 在变形而来的adj.(helpful, interesting)之前。2. Subjective measure + objective measure (size, shape) +age 主观意志,想法客观事实 A handsome young man. (subjective judgment + age) mean wealthy man. (Subjective judgment + objective measurement)Zone : E.g. : an expensive woolen cardinal. A major tourist attraction.9.4 比较级 Comparative and Superlative 9.4.1 比较级变形 a. Regular 规则变形 1. 单音节形容词 : regular. Inflected form : -er / -est 2. 双音节形容词 : Periphrastic form: More- / Most- 3. 双音节以-y,-er, -ure, -le, -ow 结尾的形容词也可加-er/ -est, (见下表)*特别是y结尾的形容词(否定前缀也可使用此规则)happy-happier Unhappy-Unhappier *clever-cleverer / more clever mature- maturer / more mature4. 两个或者两个以上形容词一起使用,即使是是单音节形容词也可以加more, mostShe is more kind and gentle than her mother.She is kinder and gentler than her mother.5. 由形容词变形而来以-ly结尾的副词比较级和最高级都是加 more/ -most Slowly More slowly Most slowly Quickly More quickly Most quickly6. 三音节或以上的都用 periphrastic form. Important More important Most import* 双音节单词一般用periphrastic from more/ most ,注意以-y,-er, -ure, -le, -ow结尾的形容词也可以有inflected form.双音节单词Inflected formPeriphrastic -yEasy, sillyEasier/easiest Sillier/silliest More easy, Most easyMore silly, Most silly*双音节形容词或者以-y结尾的副词一般使用inflected form,这些词加否定前缀-un时也成立。除了Shy, sly -erCleverCleverer/ cleverestMore clever, Most clever-ureMature, obscureMature/ maturesObscurer/obscurest More Mature, Most MatureMore obscure, Most obscure-leGentle, simpleGentler/Gentlest Simpler/SimplestMore Gentle, Most gentleMore Simple, Most simple-owNarrowNarrower/narrowest More Narrow, Most narrowb不规则变形 Irregular Inflection Adjective AdverbsComparativeSuperlative OldOlder, elder Oldest, Eldest Good, wellWellbetterBestbadBadlyworseWorstFarFarFarther, furtherFarthest, Furthest littleLittlelessLeast Many, much Muchmoremost9.4.2 Usage notesa. Elder & Older Elder/Eldest 表示家庭关系中长辈的意思,只可以有形容作用(attribute position), Older/Oldest 可做补语,可以指人也可以指物。She is my elder/older sister. She is *elder()/ older than me. b. Farther & Further 都可以用来指物理距离,further/furthest可指抽象意义的距离。I cant work any farther/further.If there are no further questions, I declare the meeting closed.c. Less & Fewer Less 接不可数, Fewer 接可数名词d. lesser 作为形容词来用,只可以起形容作用,表示“not so important or great”,不可与 than 连用To a lesser extent.e. the与最高级配合使用, the best, the most也可以用其他冠词来代替the , my best friend, our most important task. Most可以做为intensifier means “very” when goes without “the”: a most interesting visit.The+比较级表示两个中级别较高的那个。 He is the taller of the two.考点39.4.3 comparative construction Positive degree: asas Comparative degree: morethanSuperlative degree: the mosta. Asas Negative form: not asas not soas1. *as 后面可以是 主语+(助词),非正式情况下,可以直接接主语。My brother is as tall as I (am).We dont have as much time as John (dose).2. adj和Nouns有两种位置关系,前置和后置。Jim is as qualified a teacher as Bob.Jim is a teacher as qualified as Bob.I cant move as heavy a box as this one.I cant move a box as heavy as this one.*前置时,形容词在不定冠词+单数可数名词前。*determiner限定词不可以后置,一般都在名词前面。I can give you as many copies of this book as you want.(Many为determiner) I can give you copies of this book as many as you want. ()3. As.as.结构三种用法:(1) 两个人或者事之间具有同样的品质,(2)同一个人或者事两种不同品质的比较,(3)两个人或事之前两种不同的品质。(1) Susan is as intelligent as her husband.(2) Susan is as intelligent as she is beautiful.(3) Susan is as beautiful as her hu


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