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五四题型专练(一)选择型阅读理解A(2018河南新乡一模)Whats on in Beijing (March 39)Hamlet(Mandarin)Hamlet is considered to be William Shakespeares greatest tragedy(悲剧). The play tells the story of how Hamlet, prince of Denmark, avenged(为复仇) his dead father.Beijing Comedy Theater is putting on a Mandarin version(汉语版) of the play through next week.Click here to learn more.If you go:7:30 pm., March 210(except March 5 and 6). Beijing Comedy Theater, 11 Chaoyangmen North Street,Dongcheng district, Beijing. 4006103721.Ticket: 80500 yuan (half price for a second ticket)The Sleeping BeautyThe Sleeping Beauty is a ballet which was first on stage in 1890.The music was composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.A new version, presented by the ballet company of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater in 2006, will meet a Beijing audience this weekend.Click here to learn more.If you go:7:30 pm., March 24. Opera House, National Center for the Performing Arts, 2 West Changan Avenue, Xicheng district. 01066550000.Ticket: 100680 yuan1.Hamlet put on Beijing Comedy Theater in March is .Ain English Bin ChineseCa comedy Da movie2The Sleeping Beauty Ais a ballet composed by ShakespeareBwill be put on at Beijing Comedy Theater in March, 2018Cis a movie directed by Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyDwill be presented for the Beijing audience to see in March3If you want to book two tickets for Hamlet, how much do you need to pay at least?()A120 yuan. B160 yuan.C250 yuan. D500 yuan.4From the two passage what can we learn?()APeople can watch Hamlet every day from March 29.BThe new version of The Sleeping Beauty was first presented in March this year.CPeople can enjoy The Sleeping Beauty at Opera House from March 24.DBoth Hamlet and The Sleeping Beauty are put on at 7:30, March 24.5Where can we probably see this passage?()AOn a map. BIn a guidebook.COn a web page. DIn a science book.B(2018山东济宁邹城模拟)Zeng Zi was a famous thinker in Chinese history. And he was one of Confucius students.One day, Zeng Zis wife wanted to go to market. Their son wanted to go together with her. He made a row, crying and fussing without stop. His wife could do nothing but bend down to humour him, saying: “My darling, go home now. Mama will be back soon. When Im back, Ill kill the pig to make a meal for you.” When the son heard this, he stayed at home happily. Not long after, the wife returned home from the market. Zeng Zi tied up their fat pig, took out a shining sharp knife and prepared to kill it. When his wife saw this, she hurriedly held Zeng Zi by the hand and said: “Whats the matter with you? I was only trying to humour the child.” Zeng Zi said seriously: “How can you cheat a child? The child is still small and doesnt understand things. He only follows the example of his parents. Now you cheat him, then he will follow your example and cheat others. Furthermore, when a mother cheats her child, the child will no longer trust his mother. Then, how can you educate the child well?” Having said this, Zeng Zi raised his knife and killed the fat pig.1Where did Zeng Zis son want to go with his mother?( )AThe store. BThe market.CThe garden. DThe palace.2Zeng Zis wife when she found he wanted to kill the pig.Atried to stop her husbandBwas very calmCagreed with her husbandDuntied the rope of the pig3Which is TRUE according to the passage?()AZeng Zis son wanted to have the meat, so he cried.BZeng Zi hated his wife very much.CIf a parent tries to cheat the child, the child wont believe him or her any longer.DZeng Zis wife always disagreed with her husband.4What can we learn from the story?()AParents should take their children with them when they go outside.BParents should set good examples for their children.CMothers arent so strict as fathers.DA husband should respect his wife.C(2018山东济南槐荫一模)“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Similarly, if we drink a little more water every day, we may find that we need to go to the doctor a lot less often. A healthy diet(饮食) is made up of water and a great many different kinds of foods. We know that healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and fish, are important as they provide us with energy and fiber(纤维素), without giving us too much fat and sugar. But why is water important?The human body needs water to stay alive. Water is important as it carries poisons and waste out of our bodies.However,doctors advise us to drink plenty of water, much more than the small amount(数量) we need to stay alive.Some doctors believe that water is important for our health in all kinds of ways. They believe that a great many illnesses and health problems starts as a result of dehydrationa lack(缺少) of water in the body. Most people are dehydrated(脱水) at least some of time, although they probably dont know it. It is surprising to learn that if we feel thirsty, we are already in the first period of dehydration. In fact, we are advised to drink water before we feel thirsty.These doctors think that health problems such as headaches, high blood pressure and asthma could be helped if people drink more water. They also believe that drinking more water can help people who are overweight. Water contains no calories(热量) so it will not make us put on weight. If we drink water, we will probably drink less sugary soft drinks such as Cocacola. Doctors also believe that drinking more water may stop people from overeating. They say that many people think that they are hungry when they are, in fact, thirsty. Doctors suggest, therefore, that we eat less food and drink more water.There are still many health problems that cannot be solved by drinking water, so we should not stop going to see the doctor completely. However, if we make a decision to drink water every day, we may find that we need to go to the doctor a lot less often.1From Paragraph 1 we can learn that Asome doctors dont like applesBwe get energy and fiber from healthy foodsCIts very important to save waterDhealthy foods give us a lot of fat and sugar2The doctors advise us Ato drink water even if we dont feel thirstyBto drink water only when we feel thirstyCto stay in the first stage of dehydrationDto drink a small amount of water every day3The word “asthma” in Paragraph 4 is most probably a kind of Afood BillnessCdrink Dmedicine4From Paragraph 4 we can learn that drinking more water can help people Asleep well Bhave a better memoryClose weight Dunderstand things better5According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?( )AWater is important because it provides us with fat and sugar.BWell never need to go to the doctor if we drink plenty of water.CA lot of illnesses and health problems can lead to dehydration.DDrinking water is important but it cant solve all health problems.D(2018山东滨州阳信模拟)To anyone who isnt British, the name of Red Nose Day probably sounds a little strange. Red Nose Day is an event which takes place every other year. The aim of the day is to raise as much money as possible for Comic Relief(喜剧救济基金会), a charity which helps people in the UK and across Africa. This year, it took place on 13th March.Across Britain, people are encouraged to wear red noses and do something “funny for money” this day. This could be dyeing(染) their hair red for the day, painting their faces or joining in many kinds of moneyraising events. Many schools hold cake sales or have a nonuniform day to raise money. There are also bigger events which they can take part in, such as “Dancing”. Over 2, 000 people took part in this sixhour dancing event, alongside several famous guests. The money raised will be put towards the projects run by Comic Relief. On Red Nose Day, lots of television programs make special reports for Comic Relief.For me, the best part about Red Nose Day is wearing the red nose. New noses are designed each year and there is usually a theme. For example, one year the noses had a dinosaur theme. Besides the traditional red nose, people can also buy other products to support Comic Relief, such as umbrellas, cups, Tshirts and pens.Comic Relief works with both children and adults. In Africa, the charity works to improve the quality of life in local communities. It helps children go to school and provides vaccines(疫苗) against deadly illnesses. In the UK, Comic Relief works closely with disabled and elderly people to make sure they have equal rights and have chances to use the facilities(设备) that they need.1How often does Red Nose Day take place?( )ATwice a year. BTwice a month.COnce two years. DOnce a year.2What may people usually do on Red nose Day?( )AThey wear red noses and do something funny to raise money.BThey only watch TV at home.CThey hold a big party to have fun.DThey buy products from poor children to help them.3What will the money raised be used to do?()AIt will be put into a nearby bank in Britain.BIt will be given to poor children around the world.CIt will be used to buy umbrellas, cups and Tshirts.DIt will be put towards the projects run by Comic Relief.4Which of the following is TRUE about Red Nose Day?()AThe best part about Red Nose Day is dancing all night.BThere is usually no special theme for each Red Nose Day.CPeople can also sell their products to Comic Relief.DComic Relief helps all kinds of people in trouble in the UK and Africa.5Whats the best title of the passage?()AComic Reliefs WorkBRed Nose Day in BritainCLets Have a DanceDVaccines for Africa(二)判断正误型阅读理解阅读文章,判断正(A)误(B)。A表示正确,B表示错误。(2018湖南衡阳中考)Once upon a time, there was a tree which wanted to become a treasure box. One day, a farmer cut it down and sold it to a carpenter(木匠). The tree was happy because he thought the carpenter would make it into a treasure box.To its surprise, the carpenter made it into a feed box for animals. The tree felt very disappointed because that was not its dream. Several years later, the feed box was thrown away. Someone picked it up and placed it into an old temple. The tree forgot its dream little by little.One day, a couple came to the temple. The woman gave birth to a baby boy. There wasnt a bed in the temple. So they placed the baby in the feed box. They loved him and regarded him as their treasure. The tree suddenly realized that it became a real “treasure box” at that time.Sometimes you may think your dream will not come true. Dont forget your dream. It may be realized in another new way.1The tree felt very sad when the farmer sold it to a carpenter.()2The carpenter made the tree into a treasure box.( )3To be a feed box was the trees dream.()4The couple used the feed box as their babys bed.()5Never give up your dream, it may be realized in another new way.()(三)还原型阅读理解阅读文章,根据短文内容,将下面方框中的句子还原到文章当中,使短文内容完整。(2018湖北黄冈中考改编)When you speak, write a letter, or make a telephone, your words carry a message


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