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2016-2017学年上学期第一次月考七年级英语试题(时间: 90 分钟 总分:100分)一、单项选择,把正确的选项填入题前括号内。(20分)( )1. Hello, Miss Zhou _. Hello, Tony.A. This is Tony. B. Whats your name? C. How are you?【考点】交际用语【答案】A【解析】句意:你好,周老师,这是托尼。 你好,托尼。根据语境选A。 ( )2. Goodbye, Tom. -_. A. Hello. B. See you tomorrow. C. Nice to meet you.【考点】交际用语【答案】B【解析】句意:再见,汤姆。明天见。根据语境选B。 ( )3. Stand _, Lingling. Yes. A. up B. down C. to【考点】动词动词短语【答案】A【解析】句意:玲玲,请起立。 是的。故选A。 ( )4. Sit down, please. -_. A. Thanks. B. Good morning. C. See you.【考点】交际用语【答案】A【解析】句意:请坐。谢谢你。故选A。 ( )5. Close _ book, Daming. A. you B. your C. she【考点】动词动词短语【答案】B【解析】句意:大明,关上你的书。you你;your 你的。故选B。 ( )6. -Whats two and four? -Its _. A. seven B. eight C. six【考点】疑问句反义疑问句【答案】C【解析】句意:2加4是几?6。故选C。 ( )7.-Whats your telephone number? -_359 413. A. Its B. This is C. That is【考点】疑问句反义疑问句【答案】A【解析】句意:你的电话号码是多少?它是359413。故选A。 ( )8. What class are you in? -Im _ _. A. /, 3 Class B. /, Class 3 C. in Class 3【考点】疑问句反义疑问句【答案】C【解析】句意:你在哪个班级?我在3班。故选C。 ( )9. How many dogs are _? A. it B. this C. there【考点】疑问句反义疑问句【答案】C【解析】句意:有多少只狗?故选C。 ( )10. -_ are you? -Im thirteen. A. How many B. What old C. How old【考点】疑问句反义疑问句【答案】C【解析】句意:你多大了?我13岁了。How many 多少;how old 多大。故选C。 ( )11. Are there six students? -Yes, _. A. they are B. there are C. there is【考点】疑问句反义疑问句【答案】B【解析】句意:有六个学生吗?是的,有。故选B。 ( )12. Please write it _ the blackboard. A. in B. on C. to【考点】介词介词短语【答案】B【解析】句意:请把它写在黑板上。on the blackboard 在黑板上。故选B。 ( )13. How _ you spell it? -Sorry, I _ know. A. do, dont B. dont, dont C. are, am not【考点】交际用语【答案】A【解析】句意:你怎样拼写它?对不起,我不知道。故选A。 ( )14. Can you help me? - _, of course. A. Yes B. No C. Thanks【考点】交际用语【答案】A【解析】句意:你能帮我吗?可以,当然了。故选A。 ( )15. What colour is it? - _. A. Its a yellow. B. Its yellow. C. Its fine.【考点】疑问句反义疑问句【答案】B【解析】句意:它是什么颜色?它是黄色。故选B。 ( )16. After Friday its _. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Thursday【考点】名词【答案】B【解析】句意:星期五过后它就是星期六。Monday星期一;Thursday星期四。故选B。 ( )17. _ favourite day is Monday. A. My B. I C. Me【考点】代词不定代词【答案】A【解析】句意:我最喜欢的一天是星期一。My 形容词性物主代词,我的;I 作主格,我;Me 作宾语,我。故选A。 ( )18. Whats the weather like _ Beijing _ winter? A. on, in B. in, in C. in, on【考点】介词介词短语【答案】B【解析】句意:在冬天北京的天气怎么样?in winter 在冬天。故选B。 ( )19. Lets go swimming _ Friday. A. on B. in C. of【考点】介词介词短语【答案】A【解析】句意:在星期五我们一起去游泳吧。on 用于具体的某一天之前,故选A。 ( )20. I play _ basketball after school. A. a B. the C. /【考点】冠词【答案】C【解析】句意:放学之后我打篮球。球类前面不加the,故选C。二、阅读理解(共40分)。 ( A )Hello, everyone! Im Bill. This is my brother, Tony. We are all thirteen. We are twin brothers. Were students. Were in the same school. Look at this nice picture. Its our room. There are two beds, two desks and two chairs in it. There are some books on the desks. There are two bags behind the chairs. There is also (也) a photo on the wall . Its very big and clean . we like our room very much.( ) 21. Bill and Tony are _.A. classmates(同学) B. friends C. brothers D. teachers( ) 22. How many rooms are there in this nice picture? _.A. four rooms B. Two rooms C. Many rooms D. Only one( ) 23. Where are their bags? _.A. Behind their chairs B. On the desks C. on the wall D. Under the chairs( ) 24. Whats on the wall? _.A. A bag B. A photo C. A book D. A bag( ) 25.The passage(短文) is about _.A. Bill and Tony B. Bill and Tonys family C. Bill and Tonys room D. Bill and Tonys school【考点】日常生活类阅读【答案】CDABC【解析】本文主要介绍了比尔和托尼的房间。细节理解题。由文中的:Hello, everyone! Im Bill. This is my brother, Tony. We are all thirteen. We are twin brothers.可知比尔和托尼是双胞胎兄弟。故选C。细节理解题。由文中的: Look at this nice picture. Its our room.可知在这张图片里只有一间房间。故选D。细节理解题。由文中的:There are two bags behind the chairs.可知有两个包在椅子的后面。故选A。细节理解题。由文中的:There is also (也) a photo on the wall .可知在墙上有一张照片。故选B。细节理解题。本文主要介绍了比尔和托尼的房间。故选C。BMr. Hu: Good morning, boys and girls! Im Mr. Hu and Im your English teacher(老师). Boys and girls: Good morning, Mr. Hu! Mr. Hu: Are you Dave? Student A: No. Im Bill. Mr. Hu: OK. Now, Bill, whats this in English? Student A: Its a ruler, Mr. Hu. Mr. Hu: What colour is it? Student A: White. Mr. Hu: Right(正确). And what colour is this pen? Student A: Its blue. I like(喜欢)blue, because(因为)I like the sea(大海). Student B: No. The pen is green. And I like green. Look! My jacket is green. Mr. Hu: Great! ( )26. _ is the English teacher. A. DaveB. BillC. Mr. HuD. Miss Hu( )27. The boy is _ . A. BillB. DaveC. Mr. HuD. White( )28. The ruler is _ . A. blueB. greenC. brownD. white( )29. The jacket is _ . A. whiteB. greenC. blueD. We dont know( )30. The _ is blue. A. rulerB. seaC. penD. jacket【考点】学校生活类【答案】CADBB【解析】本文主要描述了胡老师给学生们上了一节英语课。细节理解题。由文中的:Im Mr. Hu and Im your English teacher可知胡先生是我们的英语老师。故选C。细节理解题。由文中的:Mr. Hu: Are you Dave? Student A: No. Im Bill. 可知这个男孩是比尔。故选A。细节理解题。由文中的:Mr. Hu: What colour is it? Student A: White. 可知尺子是白色的。故选D。细节理解题。由文中的: My jacket is green可知我的夹克是绿色。故选B。细节理解题。由文中的:I like(喜欢)blue, because(因为)I like the sea(大海). 可知大海是蓝色。故选B。C This Chinese boy is Li Lei. He is in No.3 Middle School. Hes in Class Two, Grade One. His good friend is Jack. Hes an English boy. Hes in Li Leis school. Hes in Class One, Grade Two. Mrs. Read is an English teacher in their school. She teaches Grade Three. Jack and Li Lei have a secret(秘密). Jack is Mrs. Reads son. ( )31. Who is in No.3 Middle School? A. Li Lei and his mother B. Li Lei and Jack C. Li Lei, Jack and Jacks mother ( )32. What grade is Jack in? A. Grade One B. Grade Two C. Grade Three ( )33. How old is Jack? A. Hes twelve. B. Hes not twelve. C. We dont know. ( )34.Is Mrs. Read an English teacher in their school? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. Mrs. Read is.( )35. Are Jack and Li Lei good friends? A. Yes, they are. B . No, they arent. C. We dont know.【考点】学校生活类【答案】BBCAA【解析】本文主要介绍了李雷和杰克是在同一个学校不同的班级,以及他们学校的英语老师。细节理解题。由第二段的:This Chinese boy is Li Lei. He is in No.3 Middle School.和.His good friend is Jack. Hes an English boy. Hes in Li Leis school. 可知李雷和杰克都在第三中学。故选B。细节理解题。由第二段的: Hes in Class One, Grade Two. 可知杰克二年级了。故选B。细节理解题。本文没有提及杰克的年龄是多少。故选C。细节理解题。由第二段的:Mrs. Read is an English teacher in their school. 可知里德夫人是他们学校的英语老师。故选A。细节理解题。由第二段的:His good friend is Jack.可知李雷的好朋友是杰克。故选A。D Whats the weather like today? Its sunny, windy and warm. I go to meet my pen pala girl from Dalian in the City Zoo. The zoo is between(在中间) a supermarket and a library. My pen pals name is Liu Yan. She is thirteen years old and she wants to be an animal feeder(饲养员). She loves animals very much. Now we are watching elephants playing. They are funny and clever. There are many people in the zoo. They like seeing animals. But they cant feed them. We have a good time today.( )36. The weather today is _.A. cloudy, windy and warm B.rainy, windy and coldC. sunny, windy and warm D. sunny, cloudy and cool ( )37. Liu Yan is from_. A. Hainan B. Shanghai C. Taiyuan D. Dalian( )38. What does Liu Yan want to be? A. A reporter. B. An actor. C. An animal feeder. D. A writer.( )39. The zoo is _. A. across from a hotel B. between a supermarket and a library C. next to the post office D. in front of a pay phone( )40. Which is wrong(错误的)? A. People can feed the animals in the zoo. B. Liu Yan wants to be an animal feeder. C. We can see elephants in the zoo. D. Liu Yan is a girl and shes 13.【考点】人物传记故事类阅读【答案】CDCBA【解析】本文主要介绍了我的笔友柳岩以及她想成为一名动物饲养员的愿望。细节理解题。由文中的:Whats the weather like today? Its sunny, windy and warm.可知今天的天气是阳光明媚的、刮风的、温暖的。故选C。细节理解题。由文中的:I go to meet my pen pala girl from Dalian in the City Zoo. The zoo is between(在中间) a supermarket and a library. My pen pals name is Liu Yan. 可知我的笔友柳岩是来自大连。故选D。细节理解题。由文中的:She is thirteen years old and she wants to be an animal feeder(饲养员). 可知她想要成为一名动物饲养员。故选C。细节理解题。由文中的:The zoo is between(在中间) a supermarket and a library. 可知动物园在超市和图书馆之间。故选B。细节理解题。由文中的:They like seeing animals. But they cant feed them. 可知他们喜欢看动物,但是他们不鞥喂养它们。故选A。三、按字母表顺序规范书写5个元音字母。(5分)【考点】动词动词短语【答案】【解析】英语中有26个字母,其中包括21个辅音字母,5个元音字母(Aa /Ee / Ii /Oo/ Uu)书写要规范,注意正确的占格形式。四、综合填空(10分)Wang Hui and Daming are good 41.f_. Daming is from Beijing and Wang Hui 42.c_ from Shanghai. 43. T_ are twelve years old. Daming is 44.i_ Class Two. Wang Hui is in the 45. s_ class . 46.T_ English teacher is Miss Li. 47.S_ is a good teacher. Daming 48.l_ football and Wang Hui often plays basketball. Wang Hui can swim, but Daming 49.c_. Look ! Daming is 50.p_ football. Wang Hui is reading a book.【考点】阅读填空【答案】1.friends 2. comes 3. They 4. in 5. same6. Their 7. She 8. likes/loves 9. cant 10.playing【解析】本文一篇关于王辉和大明的简短介绍。王辉和大明是好朋友。故填friends.大明是来自北京王辉来自上海。come from 来自。故填comes.他们都是12岁了。故填They.大明是在2班。故填in。王辉和他在同一个班级。the same 一样的。故填same.他们的英语老师是李老师。故填Their.她是一位好老师。故填She.大明喜欢足球并且王辉经常打篮球。故填loves /likes.王辉会游泳但是大明不会。故填cant.大明正在踢足球,王辉正在读书。故填playing.五、短文还原(共5分)The girl in the picture is Jenny. 51._. She likes to draw animals. 52._. And she also draws on the blackboard in the classroom after school. 53._.Her pencil is green. Her bag is green, too. 54._.But she cant play it well. 55._.She likes him, and he is her favourite teacher.A. She draws cats and birds in her books. B. She is ten years old.C. Jenny likes to play table tennis.D. Her mother is a nurse.E. On Friday, Mr. Brown helps her practise(练习)it.F. Jennys favourite colour is green.【考点】阅读还原【答案】BAFCE【解析】本文简短的介绍了詹妮的爱好。在图片里的女孩是詹妮,她是10岁了。根据上下文可知选B。她喜欢画动物,在她的书里她画猫和鸟。故选A。詹妮最喜欢的颜色是绿色,她的铅笔是绿色的。故选F。詹妮喜欢打乒乓球,但是她玩得不是很好。故选C。在星期五,布朗先生帮助她练习,她非常喜欢他,他是她最喜欢的老师。故选E六、阅读表达(10分)Hello, Im Olivia. Im a little pig. I have a little brother and his name is Ian. I live (居住) 1._my mother, my father, my brother, my dog Perry and my cat Edwin. 2.My dog is white and my cat is black. My favourite colour is red. On Saturday, I like playing basketball. On Sunday, I like playing football. Every day before I go to bed, my mother reads three stories (故事) to me. After finishing reading the stories, my mother always (总是) gives me a 4. kiss and says, “I love you.” I give her a kiss too and say, “I love you too!” 56.根据上下文,在1._处填入适当的单词。57.把2.处划线部分句子译成汉语。_58.Whats Olivias favourite colour?_59.The word “kiss” means (意思是) “_” in Chinese.60.Give a title(标题) to the passage._【考点】阅读回答问题【答案】1.with 2. 我的狗是白色的,我的猫是黑色的。3. Red. 4. 亲吻 5. A little pig【解析】本文主要介绍了一只可爱的小猪。我和我的妈妈、爸爸、我的兄弟、我的狗佩里和我的猫埃德温。故填with。我的狗是白色的、我的猫是黑色的。故填 我的狗是白色的,我的猫是黑色的。细节理解题。由文中的:My favourite colour is red.,可知奥利维亚最喜欢的颜色是红色。故填Red。细节理解题。由文中的:After finishing reading the stories, my mother always (总是) gives me a kiss and says, “I love you.”可知在阅读完故事后,我的妈妈总是给我一个亲吻然后说我爱你。故填 亲吻。细节理解题。由文中的:Hello, Im Olivia. Im a little pig.可知本文讲的是一只可爱的小猪。故填 A little pig。七、书面表达(10分)假如你的新朋友叫Bob, 请根据以下信息向大家介绍一下你的新朋友。词数: 45个左右。1. 今天是他13岁生日。2. 最喜欢的颜色是绿色。3. 最喜欢的运动是篮球。每天放学后打篮球。4. 最喜欢的季节是春天, 因为他喜欢花, 喜欢放风筝。(提示词: have有; every day每天; fly kites放风筝; because因为)_【考点】提纲作文【答案】I have a new friend. His name is Bob. He is 13 and today is his birthday. His favourite colour is green. He likes sports. His favourite sport is basketball. He plays basketball after school every day. Spring is his favourite season, because he likes flowers and flying kites【解析】这是一篇给提纲作文。要求以“My new friend”为题写一篇英文介绍。根据内容提示,本文主要结合鲍勃实际情况,主要介绍今天是他的13岁生日,他最喜欢的颜色是绿色,他最喜欢的运动时篮球,每天放学后打篮球,他最喜欢的季节是春天,因为他喜欢花,喜欢放风筝。短文要包含提示所有信息,要做到语句通顺、意思连贯,主旨健康,中心突出。短文用一般现在时态,用第三人称进行表达。2016-2017学年上学期第一次月考七年级英语答题纸选择题(60分)题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案题号21222324252627282930答案题号31323334353637383940答案非选择题(40分)三、按字母表顺序规范书写5个元音字母。(5分)四、综合填空(10分)41._ 42._ 43._ 44._45._ 46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._五、短文还原(共5分)


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