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西方音乐欣赏(一),万方,Classification,Jazz(爵士乐) Folk& Country Music(乡村音乐) Rock & Roll(摇滚乐) Light Music& New Age Music(轻音乐和新世纪音乐) Musicals(音乐剧),乡村音乐(Country & Folk),20世纪20年代早期乡村音乐 30年代美国西部音乐 40年代酒吧音乐和兰草音乐 50、60年代纳什维尔之声 70年代叛逆运动和乡村摇滚 80年代之后,Jazz,新奥尔良爵士(New Orleans Jazz) 摇摆爵士(Swing) 比包普(Bebop) 冷爵士(Cool Jazz),自由爵士(Free Jazz) 融合爵士(Fusion),Instruments,Guitar(吉他) 吉他一直是乡村音乐的主要乐器。最初它只是提供节奏背景,后来则担当起演奏旋律的重任。从二十世纪30年代中期开始,电吉他逐渐取代了原声吉他。但一些强调传统乡村色彩的歌手还是喜欢选用原声吉他。,Violin(小提琴) 小提琴的音色柔和,表现力极强。但在演奏风格上,乡村音乐小提琴的演奏则相对简单,充满个性色彩。乐手常在演奏过程中运用大量滑音、双音、装饰音、拨音等技巧,甚至不把琴放在颌下而是放在手臂上演奏,还可以有一定的即兴演奏成分。,Mandolin(曼陀铃) 曼陀铃是乡村音乐中使用的一种弹拨乐器,琴身呈半梨形,四对弦,音域三个半八度。演奏时一般用拨片快速拨奏,声音清脆高亢。它是由欧洲文艺复兴时期的琉特琴(Lute)发展而来。,Banjo(班卓琴) 班卓琴,又称五弦琴,有一个圆形的琴身,一个很长的琴颈以及 五条琴弦。它的面板实际上是一张涨紧的塑料鼓膜,其背面则有木制 的音梁。演奏时可以使用手指或拨片。班卓琴经常出现在拉格泰姆音乐、蓝草音乐以及传统的爵士乐之中。,20世纪20年代早期乡村音乐,早在20世纪20年代以前,生活在交通闭塞的美国南部山区的人们,闲暇时常常演奏一些乐曲。这些乐曲乡土气息浓郁,旋律悠扬,和声较为简单,伴奏乐器采用小提琴、吉他、曼陀林等。20年代以后,伴随经济、交通和传媒技术的迅猛发展, 这种音乐开始走出大山,产生了全国性影响,人们称之为“山地音乐”(Hillbillies Music)。,Representatives,卡特家族(The Carter Family) 这支乐队由Alvin Carter和他的妻子Sara Carter、弟媳妇Maybelle Carter组成,被成为“乡村音乐第一家”。 代表作: Wildwood Flower(野花) Keep On The Sunny Side(心向光明) Storms Are On The Ocean(海之风暴) 吉米.罗杰斯(Jimmie Rodgers),The Carter Family Wildwood Flower林中花, Oh, Ill twine with my mingles and waving black hair With the roses so red and the lilies so fair And the myrtle so bright with the emerald hue The pale and the leader and eyes look like blue Oh Ill dance, I will sing and my laugh shall be gay I will charm every heart, in his crown I will sway When I woke from my dreaming, my idol was clay All portion of love had all flown away, 戴上花环,甩动满头乌发 红色的玫瑰,金色的百合 香桃木泛着翡翠绿 而脸色苍白,目光忧郁 舞蹈、歌声、笑声中充满欢乐 在他的光环下,我是如此迷人 当我从梦中醒来,吾爱已逝 所有的爱随之东去, Oh he taught me to love him and promised to love And to cherish me over all others above How my heart is now wondering no misery can tell Hes left me no warning, no words of farewell Oh, he taught me to love him and called me his flower That was blooming to cheer him through lifes dreary hour Oh, I long to see him and regret the dark hour Hes gone and neglected this pale wildwood flower,他教我爱他并许诺爱我 他比其他人更加珍视我 我是如此惊愕,如此痛不欲生 他悄无声息地离去,没有与我告别 他教我爱他并称我为他的花朵 在生命中最沉闷的时候绽放,给他带来快乐 我期望与他重逢,此刻令我心碎 他已经离去,丢下林中苍白的花朵,Walk The Line (June Carter & Johnny Cash),中文名字是一往无前或与歌同行,主要是关于美国乡村音乐人Johnny Cash的故事。影片给人的感觉就如同听Johnny Cash的音乐一样,很轻松。,乐坛“黑衣人” 卡什是一个不怎么唱情歌的人,他更喜欢以第三者的身份来讲一些底层民众的故事,如那首着名的Man in Black一样,卡什演出时永远一身黑衣,也常唱到犯罪凶杀等较灰暗的内容,所以被人赋予了“黑衣人”的称号。作为影响了美国近代乡村、流行、摇滚与民谣界的最重要创作歌手之一,卡什以其深沉浑厚的男中音、简约有力的吉他弹奏,横跨乡村乐和摇滚乐,他一生灌录超过1500首歌,唱片销量逾5000万张,曾获11项格莱美奖。 June Carter 卡特家族的传人,美国传奇乡村歌手J R Cash(约翰尼卡什)和妻子June Carter(琼恩卡特)的一张专辑。凭借专辑中的Keep On The Sunny Side, Wildwood Flower June Carter Cash获得了第46届格莱美奖最佳乡村女歌手大奖。,代表作 I Walk the Line It Aint Me, Babe (by Johnny & June) Im Going To Jackson,It Aint Me Babe,Go away from my window, leave at your own chosen speed Im not the one you want babe, Im not the one you need You say youre lookin for someone whos never weak, But always strong To protect you and defend you whether you are right or wrong Someone to open each and every door. Chorus: But it aint me babe, no, no, no It aint me babe, it aint me youre looking for.,Go lightly from the ledge babe, go lightly on the ground Im not the one you want babe; Id only let you down. You say youre lookin for someone Who will promise never to part Someone to close his eyes for you, Someone to close his heart Someone to die for you and more (chorus),Go melt back in the night babe, cause everything inside is made of stone Theres nothin in here moving, and anyway Im not alone You say youre lookin for someone To pick you up each time you fall To gather flowers constantly and to come each time you call A lover for your life and nothing more. But it aint me babe, no, no, no It aint me babe, no, no, no It aint me babe, it aint me youre looking for. It aint me babe, no, no, no It aint me babe, it aint me youre looking for.babe,I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time. I keep the ends out for the tie that binds Because youre mine, i walk the line I find it very, very easy to be true I find myself alone when each day is through Yes, Ill admit Im a fool for you Because youre mine, i walk the line,我密切注视着我的心 我一直注视着 我一直想解开我们之间的结 因为你属于我 我要一往无前 我发现对你忠诚一点都不难 我独自度过每一天 是的,我承认在你眼中我是个傻瓜 因为你属于我 我要一往无前,I walk on line(一往无前),As sure as night is dark and day is light I keep you on my mind both day and night And happiness Ive known proves that its right Because youre mine, i walk the line Youve got a way to keep me on your side You give me cause for love that i cant hide For you i know Id even try to turn the tide Because youre mine, i walk the line,就跟夜晚黑暗白天光明一样 我对你日夜牵挂 你是我的快乐之源 因为你属于我 我要一往无前 我随时等待你的到来 我无法压制对你的爱 我对你的爱永不会变 因为你属于我 我要一往无前,30年代美国西部音乐,到了30年代,越来越多的南部人向地广人稀的西部地区迁徙,他们带去的乡村音乐由此增添了不少粗狂豪迈的气息。同时电声乐器和鼓也首次走上乡村音乐舞台。以牧场生活为内容的“牛仔歌曲”(Cowboys Song)和将西部音乐与爵士摇摆乐相结合的“西部摇摆乐”(Western Swing),是这一时期具有代表性的乡村音乐风格。,Representatives,坚尼.奥特里(Gene Autry) 被誉为“牛仔歌王”,代表作Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer(红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫)创下3000万张的销售记录,成为圣诞节必唱的热门歌曲。 鲍勃.威尔斯(Bob Wills),Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer,Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, You would even say it glows. All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolf Join in any reindeer games.,Then one foggy Christmas eve Santa came to say: “Rudolf with your nose so bright, Wont you guide my sleigh tonight?“ Then all the reindeer loved him As they shouted out with glee: “Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, Youll go down in history!“,40年代酒吧音乐和兰草音乐,40年代的乡村音乐稳步发展。一方面,进入酒吧演奏的乡村音乐演变为“酒吧音乐”(Honky-tonk)。作为乡村音乐的一个重要流派,它歌唱城市生活的苦闷和孤独,开始呈现出都市音乐的特点。另一方面,强调传统特色的“兰草音乐”(Bluegrass)也受到歌迷的欢迎,并表现出惊人的艺术生命力。,Representatives,厄尔尼斯.塔布(Ernest Tubb) 乔治.琼斯(George Jones) 被誉为酒吧音乐代表人物。目前发行400多张唱片,有150多首歌曲打入排行榜,其中13首成为冠军。1992年,入选乡村音乐名人堂。2000年获第42届格莱美最佳乡村男歌手奖。代表作:Tender Years(温柔的年代),He stopped Loving Her Today(今天起他不再爱她),He Stopped Loving Her Today,He kept her picture on his wall, went half-crazy now and then He still loved her through it all, hoping shed come back again Kept some letters by his bed dated nineteen sixty-two He had underlined in red every single I love you I went to see him just today, oh but I didnt see no tears All dressed up to go away, first time Id seen him smile in years,He stopped loving her today They placed a wreath upon his door And soon theyll carry him away He stopped loving her today You know, she came to see him one last time. Aww, n we all wondered if she would And it kept runnin through my mind-this time hes over her for good. He stopped loving her today They placed a wreath upon his door And soon theyll carry him away He stopped loving her today,50、60年代纳什维尔之声,五六十年代是乡村音乐的鼎盛时期。田纳西州的纳什维尔地区成为乡村音乐的制作、发行中心,其声望吸引了来自各国各地顶尖的制作人和歌手,从而造就了大量优秀的乡村音乐精品。50年代末,Chet Arkins打造出一种精致细腻、更为都市化的乡村音乐,人称“纳什维尔之声”,与此同时,50年代中期产生的摇滚乐也开始对乡村音乐产生影响。,Representatives,吉姆.里夫斯(Jim Reeves,1924-1964) 帕特西 .克莱恩(Patsy Cline,1932-1963) 约翰尼.卡什(Johnny Cash,1932-2003),Johnny Cash,当卡什的声望趋于顶峰时,厄运也随之降临,在大量的演出安排下,卡什开始依赖吸食安非他命来缓解精神压力,药物的负作用很快就影响了卡什的生活,深受毒瘾困扰的他乾脆抛妻别子远走纽约。在纽约,卡什遇见了生命中最重要的女人琼卡特,如六月般温暖的琼是乡村音乐着名的卡特家族的传人,也是卡什朋友的妻子。在琼的帮助下,卡什重返阔别四年之久的乡村音乐的冠军宝座,二人的关系日趋明朗。但毒品与酒精的沉湎令卡什的演唱事业再度陷落低谷,忍无可忍的原配妻子终于离他而去,正当卡什处于绝望的边缘时,已与丈夫离婚的琼来到了他的身边,爱情和宗教的力量终于挽救了卡什,戒除毒瘾的他在卡特家族的强大支持和哥伦比亚公司的鼓励下,重新登上了事业的顶峰,卡什的专辑月均卖出25万张以上,甚至连披头士都无法与之相抗衡,Johnny Cash,卡什的经历太多,从头到脚都是传奇,如同伟大的猫王一样,他创造了一个自给自足的世界,爱情与背叛、沉沦与梦想、罪恶与荣耀都在其中冶于一炉 。 “这是田纳西州悲伤的一日,但却是天堂里的节日”,2003年9月12日,美国乡村音乐传奇人物、驰骋乐坛50余年的约翰尼卡什,因糖尿病引发的呼吸窒息,在田纳西州纳什维尔的一家医院去世,走完了71年的传奇历程 。,70年代叛逆运动和乡村摇滚,70年代以后,维利.纳尔逊发起了针对“纳什维尔之声”的叛逆运动,强调返璞归真,反对纳什维尔制作的过分过分雕琢、丧失个性的音乐,引起乡村乐坛极大震动。而长期以来一直互相渗透的乡村音乐和摇滚乐,也形成了“乡村摇滚”这一新的风格。,80年代以后(Folk Music),80年代以后的乡村音乐局面更为复杂。一方面,乡村音乐和流行音乐结合程度之深前所未有,一首歌曲同时出现在乡村歌曲和流行歌曲榜上的现象已经司空见惯。约翰.丹佛,肯尼.罗杰斯等超级巨星被人称为“带乡村味”的流行歌手;另一方面,以乔治.斯垂特,加斯.布鲁克斯等人为代表的“新传统运动”和“新乡村音乐”则力图在传统和现代之间寻找平衡点。,Representatives,约翰.丹佛(John Denver,1943-1997) 肯尼.罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers, 1938-) 乔治.斯垂特(George Strait,1952-) 加斯.布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks,1962-),John Denver,1943-1997,在美国乡村音乐史上,约翰.丹佛具有十分突出的地位,也是第一位访问过中国的美国乡村歌曲作者和歌手。 青年时代在大学攻读建筑设计专业,他于1971年放弃学业,一心从事乡村歌曲的创作和演唱,当年即以演唱歌颂弗吉尼亚山区美丽风光的乡村路带我回家(Take Me Home, Country Roads)一举成名。 1972年因演唱高高洛基山(Rocky Mountain High)进入电视屏幕,成为美国广播公司“午夜特别节目”的主持人。,John Denver,1943-1997,丹佛熟悉农村生活,热爱大自然,他创作的许多歌曲都是赞美大自然和歌颂人类友爱与美好的感情。因其曲调简朴、优美,内容清新向上、歌词富有诗意和哲理,使他在科罗拉多州一带享有“桂冠诗人”的美名。他的吉它弹唱在美国和全世界声誉卓著。在多年的演唱生涯中,丹佛的歌曲专辑唱片曾先后获得过21次金唱片奖和4次白金唱片奖。,金唱片和白金唱片(Gold & Platinum) 一种根据唱片销售额颁发的奖项,因奖杯为镀金或镀白金的唱片形状而出名。最早是在1958年由美国唱片行业协会(Recording Industry Association Of America,简称RIAA)为了鼓励唱片销售成绩突出的艺人和制作者而颁发的。得奖的销售数字界限几经修订,目前专辑销售50万张,单曲100万张为金唱片。专辑销量100万张,单曲销量200万张为白金唱片。金唱片和白金唱片是衡量艺人商业价值和受欢迎程度的重要指标。,John Denver,1943-1997,世界“歌剧之王”多明戈也很欣赏丹佛的歌曲,曾与他合作录过一首二重唱爱或许是这样(Perhaps Love)。 1979年月邓小平访美时,曾在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心举行的文艺晚会上聆听和约翰.丹佛的演唱。 约翰.丹佛1980年曾到上海游览,有感于上海外滩的景色和都市气息,回国后特地创作了一首歌曲上海的微风(Shanghai Breezes),以表达他对上海的美好印象和对上海人民的友好感情。 1997年10月12日,丹佛在加利福尼亚海湾因飞机失事不幸身亡,终年53岁。,Perhaps Love,Perhaps love is like a resting place A shelter from the storm It exists to give you comfort It is there to keep you warm And in those times of trouble When you are most alone The memory of love will bring you home Perhaps love is like a window Perhaps an open door It invites you to come closer It wants to show you more And even if you lose yourself And dont know what to do The memory of love will see you through,Oh, love to some is like a cloud To some as strong as steel For some a way of living For some a way to feel And some say love is holding on And some say letting go And some say love is everything And some say they dont know Perhaps love is like the ocean Full of conflict, full of change Like a fire when its cold outside Or thunder when it rains If I should live forever And all my dreams come true My memories of love will be of you,And some say love is holding on And some say letting go And some say love is everything And some say they dont know Perhaps love is like the ocean Full of conflict, full of change Like a fire when its cold outside Or thunder when it rains If I should live forever And all my dreams come true My memories of love will be of you,Shanghai Breezes,its funny how you sound as if youre right next door 真有趣,你的声音听起来就像在隔壁 when youre really half a world away 实际上,你却在半个世界以外 i just cant seem to find the words Im looking for 我一时找不到适当的字眼 to say the things that i wanna say 来表达我心中想说的话 i cant remember when i felt so close to you 我感觉离你是如此的近 its almost more than i can bear 却让我几乎无法承受 and though i seem a half million miles from you 虽然我离你有五千里之远 youre in my heart and living there 你却依然在我心中 and the moon and the stars are the same ones you see 这儿的月亮和星星,都和你在那边看到的一样 its the same old sun up in the sky 天上挂的是同一个太阳 and your voice in my ear is like heaven to me 你的声音在我耳里,听起来就像天籁一样 like the breezes here in old shanghai 如同这古老的上海微风,there are lovers who walk hand in hand in the park 公园里情侣们手牵着手散步 and lovers who walk all alone 也有形单影双的恋人 there are lovers who lie unafraid in the dork 有些情侣毫不畏惧的躺在黑暗中 and lovers who long for home oh 有些情侣赶着要回家 i couldnt leave you even if i wanted to 噢!我就是无法离开你 youre in my dreams and always near 你永远都在我梦中,仿佛就在身旁 and especially when i sing the songs i wrote for you 特别是当我唱起为你所写的歌 you re in my heart and living there 你总是在我心中 and the moon and the stars are the same ones you see 这儿的月亮和星星,都和你在那边看到的一样 its the same old sun up in the sky 天上挂的是同一个太阳 and your face in my dreams is like heaven to me 你的声音在我耳里,听起来就像天籁一样 like breezes here in old shanghai 如同这古老的上海微风 shanghai breezes cool and clearing 上海微风沁凉清新 evenings sweet caress 像黄昏甜美的爱抚 shanghai breezes soft and gentle 上海微风晃和怡人 remind me of your tenderness 使我想起了你的温柔,and the moon and the stars are the same ones you see 这儿的月亮和星星,都和你在那边看到的一样 its the same old sun up in the sky 天上挂的是同一个太阳 and you love in my life is like heaven to me 你的爱在我生命中,使我如置身天堂 like the breezes here in old shanghai 就像这古老的上海微风 and the moon and the stars are the same ones you see 这儿的月亮和星星,都和你在那边看到的一样 its the same old sun up in the sky 天上挂的是同一个太阳 and your love in my life is like heaven to me 你的爱在我生命中,使我如置身天堂 like the breezes here in old shanghai 就像这古老的上海微风 just like the breezes here in old shanghai 就像这古老的上海微风,Other Folk Singers,Shania Twain 才貌双全的 Twain,曾经有着相当坎坷的年轻岁月。 1965 年 8 月 28日,她出生于加拿大的安大略省,有着爱尔兰和法裔加拿大人的血统, 她的生父在她两岁时就抛弃了家人,后来母亲改嫁,她才跟着继父改姓 Twain。 母亲发觉了她的音乐才华后,开始积极的行动,为她争取任何可以公开演唱的机会。 从 1995 年让她一炮而红的The Woman in Me开始,Shania Twain 只在 1997年推出过另一张专辑Come On Over,在热门专辑榜上停留了将近两年之久,而且仍然在前 20 名内。光是在美国,Come On Over的销售数字早已超过了 9百万张。,Shania 在97年发行的专辑 更是 Billboard 杂志90年代专辑排行第3位的作品, 连 原声带也无法与之抗衡. 拥有 “Youre Still The One”, “From This Moment On”, “That Dont Impress Me Much ”, “ Man! I Feel Like A Woman”与“ Youve Got A Way”, “Dont Be Stupid” 等7首英美TOP10单曲, 此张专辑由 Shania 与制作人老公 Robert 联手制作, 从淡雅的情歌 “Youre Still The One”开始, 加上管弦乐的誓言情歌 “From This Moment”, 俏皮强劲的“That Dont Impress Me Much”, 结合 Relvon(露华浓)化妆品行销的单曲 “Man! I Feel Like A Woman“, 搭衬浪漫约会电影 的抒情曲“Youve Got A Way“, 再到新近混音改编成爱尔兰音乐剧 具有十足节奏感的 “Dont Be Stupid“. Shania 发行的单曲曲式从慢板情歌到快版劲歌, 再透过商品广告歌与电影主题曲这些包装, 将乡村纯情风格转成无比庞大的亲和力, 完全打破往昔乡村歌手的专辑仅能跨流行专辑榜却始终无法将单曲推向流行单曲榜的格局.,Youve Got A Way,Youve got a way with me Somehow you got me to believe In everything that I could be Ive gotta say-you really got a way Youve got a way it seems You gave me faith to find my dreams Youll never know just what that means Cant you see. you got a way with me Its in the way you want me Its in the way you hold me The way you show me just what Ioves made of Its in the way we make love,Youve got a way with words You get me smiling even when it hurts Theres no way to measure what your love is worth I cant believe the way you get through to me Its in the way you want me Its in the way you hold me The way you show me just what Ioves made of Its in the way we make love Oh, how I adore you Like no one before you I love you just the way you are Its in the way you want me Its in the way you hold me The way you show me just what Ioves made of Its in the way we make love,Brothers Four,The Brothers Four成军于1958年的西雅图,成员包括Bob Flick、Michael Kirkland、John Paine与Dick Foley等四位当地受过良好教育的大学生。他们除了每个人都拥有一副优美的嗓子外,他们均还有相当英俊的外表,这使得他们在成团没多久便受到了广大乐迷的喜爱。,Brothers Four,“四兄弟合唱团”是美国音乐的代表。他们的音乐及背后的相关故事与美国民歌传统有着身后的联结。经验老到的他们有着特别的天赋,总能娱乐不同年龄阶层的观众。简单、纯净就是“四兄弟合唱团”成功的神奇秘方。 有人曾这样说,如果要我选择一种死去的方式,我宁愿醉死在四兄弟迷人的和合声当中,对他们而言,任何乐器都是多余的,唯一的音乐就是他们自己的声音,而那些如溪水般潺潺响起的吉他只不过是为听者营造了一个更加完美的幻境,一旦他们的声音出现,所有的幻影都会散去,出现在眼前的就是那真真切切的蓝天,白云,绿树,阳光。,Try to Remember,Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh so mellow Try to remember the kind of September When grass was green and grain was yellow Try to remember the kind of September When you were a tender and a callow fellow Try to remember and if you
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