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最新上学年度四年级英语科期末综合测试卷 听力部分(50分)一、听音选择听到的单词或词组。(10分)( ) 1.A.right B. light C .read ( ) 2.A.some B. soup C .sock ( ) 3.A. buy B. between C. beside ( )4. A. from B. fruit C. food( )5. A. Christmas B. chicken C. Chinese 二、听音,选择相符的内容。(10分) A. 跳高 B.划船 C.骑马 D.跳远 E.坐飞机1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_ 5、_ 三、听音,选词填空。(5分)( )1. Im listening _. A. to music B. music C. milk( )2. Look _ the people the park. A. to B. in C .at( )3. He is _ to his mother. A. taking B. talking C. playing( )4. Lets get _the bus. A. on B. in C. up( )5. He is watching TV and I am watching TV,_. A. to B. two C. too四、听音根据你所听到的录音顺序,给下列图片按1-5的顺序标序号。(5 跳远 听音乐 唱歌 照相 圣诞节( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听问句,选择正确答语,并将答语前的字母标号写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( )1、A、Yes ,I have. B、 sorry,you cant. C、No, I cant. ( )2、A、Theyre running. B、Im swimming. C. Shes running. ( )3、A、Im playing chess. B、Im going to swim in the sea. C. Hes swimming. ( )4、A、Its next to a park. B、I live in Wuming. C.I go to the supermarket.( )5、A、There are twelve. B、Ive got twenty-two points. C. Theyre eating grass.笔试部分(50分)一、 英译汉(10分)1. Have a good time _2. On holiday _3. Chinese lesson _4. Fall down _5. What about Sam ? _一、 单项选择。(10分)( )1.-What are you doing, Mum? -Im _vegetable. A. cooking B. cook C. run ( )2.Did you fall _your bike ? A. on B. of C. off ( )3.They_swimming yesterday. A. is B. are C. were( )4.There _ three chickens in the photo. A. winter B. win C. winner ( )5. -_is your school ? - Its near the zoo. A. Where B. What C. Which 三、 从B栏中选出A栏句子的答语。(10分) A B( )1、Does he live in New York ? A. Yes, it will .( )2、Did you travel by train? B. No it wasnt .( )3、Who are they ? C. No, he lives in San Francisco.( )4、Will it be cold in Guangzhou ? D. Yes, I did .( )5、Was it fat? E. They are my grandparents .一、 情景会话,根据中文提示选择正确答案。(10分)( )1.-Whats the girl doing ? -_(照相) . A. She is taking pictures. B. She is watching TV. ( )2.- _(画龙) -No, I cant.A. Can you draw a dragon . B. Can you jump far? ( )3. -What are you going to do for Sports Day? - -_ (踢足球) . A. Im going to play football. B. Shes going to play football. ( )4. -Wheres the school, please? - _(左转) A. Turn left. B. Turn right. ( )5.-Have you got an elephant ? - _(没有) A .No, I havent. B. No, I have. 二、 阅读理解。(10分)Hello,I am Amy. Today is my birthday. Im nine years old now. Look! There is a big cake on the table. There are some sweets, some biscuits, some peanuts and some fruit on it ,too. My friends Daming and Lingling are here. We are having some sweets, peanuts and fruit. We are all very happy. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1、Today is Linglings birthday.( )2、Amy is nine years old now


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