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LESSON: Rectangular CourseOBJECTIVE:To develop the students understanding of Rectangular CourseELEMENTS: Elements of a rectangular course How to select a suitable altitude How to select a suitable ground reference with consideration given to emergency landing areas Orientation, division of attention, and planning Configuration and airspeed prior to entry Relationship of a rectangular course to an airport traffic pattern Wind drift correction How to maintain desired altitude, airspeed, and distance from the ground reference boundaries Timing of turn entries and rollouts coordination of flight controlsCommon errors related to a rectangular course Poor planning, orientation, or division of attention Uncoordinated flight control application Improper correction for wind drift Failure to maintain selected altitude or airspeed Selection of a ground reference where there is no suitable emergency landing area within gliding distanceSCHEDULE: 20 minutes totalEQUIPMENT: Appropriate textbooks Chalkboard & chalk Model aircraft Appropriate slides/Visual AidsINSTRUCTORS ACTIONS: Discuss lesson objective Introduce the concept of Rectangular Course Describe how to successfully perform Rectangular Course Discuss common errors related to Rectangular Course Ask pertinent questions to determine students understanding Assign appropriate study materialSTUDENTS ACTIONS: Listen, take notes, ask questions Respond to instructors questions Leave with a framework understanding of the subjectCOMPLETEION STANDARDS:The student should demonstrate adequate understanding of Rectangular Course by: Exhibiting knowledge of the elements related to a rectangular course Determining the wind direction and speed Selecting the ground reference area with an emergency landing area within gliding distance Planning the maneuver so as to enter at traffic pattern altitude, at an appropriate distance from the reference area, 45 to the downwind leg, with the first circuit to the left Applying adequate wind-drift correction during straight-and-turning flight to maintain a constant ground track around the rectangular reference area Dividing attention between airplane control and the ground track and maintaining coordinated flight Reversing course, as directed by the examiner, and exits at the point of entry at the same altitude and airspeed at which the maneuver was started Maintaining altitude, 100 feet, maintaining airspeed, 10 KnotsIntroductionAttention/MotivationAn understanding of the elements of Rectangular Course is essential for moving on to solo because teaches the fundamentals of operating in the airport traffic patternOverviewThis lesson describes the procedure for performing Rectangular Course and discusses some common errors encountered while performing themDEVELOPMENTDescription: Flying along a rectangular reference point on the ground while maintaining an even distance from all sides Objective: To help the pilot develop the ability to subconsciously control the airplanewhile dividing attention between the flight-path and ground references and watching for other air traffic in the vicinity. And also to prepare them for operation in the airport traffic patternComponents: 45 entry leg, downwind leg, base leg, upwind leg, crosswind legProcedure:1. Select ground reference point Rectangular farm field, Straight intersection of roads Preferably as parallel with the wind as possible Consideration given to emergency landing areas Easily identifiable: Preferably round and doesnt blend with the surroundings1. Select a suitable altitude 1000 feet AGL, standard Traffic Pattern Altitude1. Determine wind direction and speed WX Reports, ATIS, AWOS Ground references: Flags, smoke/dust, lake swells Performing a wind drift circle1. Clear the area Clearing turns 122.75, announce: area, altitude, maneuvers1. Entry technique Enter downwind (Highest ground-speed and steepest turn first) 45 angle to the middle of the reference line Reference point should be on the left Aircraft should be approximately mile from the downwind reference line Airspeed should be at maneuvering speed (95 knots) Clean configuration1. Base Turn Begin the turn when approximately abeam the base reference line Roll in to the turn with coordinated aileron and rudder (turn coordinator) Add back pressure (altimeter) Higher ground-speed requires steeper bank First 90 will be steepest bank, highest ground-speed Vary from steep to medium bank Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings Begin the roll out with coordinated aileron and rudder, when you begin to approach parallel to the base line Could use the heading indicator to turn and rollout exactly 90 to the left1. Base Leg Establish a crab (into the wind) to the left Maintain an even distance from the base line Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings 1. Upwind Turn Begin the turn when approximately abeam the upwind reference line Roll in to the turn with coordinated aileron and rudder (turn coordinator) Add back pressure (altimeter) lower ground-speed requires less steep of a bank Vary from medium to shallow bank Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings Begin the roll out with coordinated aileron and rudder, when you begin to approach parallel to the upwind line Could use the heading indicator to turn and rollout exactly 90 to the left1. Upwind Leg If necessary establish a crab into the wind (left or right) Maintain an even distance from the upwind line Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings1. Crosswind Turn Begin the turn when approximately abeam the crosswind reference line Roll in to the turn with coordinated aileron and rudder (turn coordinator) Add back pressure (altimeter) lower ground-speed requires less steep of a bank Vary from shallow to medium bank Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings Begin the roll out with coordinated aileron and rudder, when you begin to approach parallel to the upwind line Could use the heading indicator to turn and rollout exactly 90 to the left1. Crosswind Leg Establish a crab (into the wind) to the right Maintain an even distance from the crosswind line Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings1. Downwind Turn Begin the turn when approximately abeam the downwind reference line Roll in to the turn with coordinated aileron and rudder (turn coordinator) Add back pressure (altimeter) increasing ground-speed requires increasing angle of a bank Vary from medium to steep bank Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings Begin the roll out with coordinated aileron and rudder, when you begin to approach parallel to the upwind line Could use the heading indicator to turn and rollout exactly 90 to the left1. Downwind Leg If necessary establish a crab into the wind (left or right) Maintain an even distance from the downwind refrence line Keep a constant scan between reference point, flight instruments, & surroundings1. Exit the pattern to the right after completing the downwind legRelationship of a rectangular course to an airport traffic pattern Rectangular course resembles almost directly the traffic pattern at an airport Upwind reference line being the runwayCommon errors related to Rectangular CoursePoor planning, orientation, or division of attention Results in the parallelogram course Not changing bank angle and crabbing to anticipate and correct for wind drift Not picking a visible landmark, and as a result loosing sight of it Incorrectly anticipating wind direction and speed Focusing exclusively on the point: Not having a good scan, inside and outUncoordinated flight control application Slipping or skidding turn Using rudder solely to correct for wind-drift Use the turn coordinator Could result in a cross-control stallImproper Correction for wind drift Results in flying to close or too far from the reference lines Do not attempt


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