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假如你是一名学生,你校学生会要组织一次徒步旅行(go hiking)。现在,请你根据以下内容以学生会的名义写一份书面通知。字数120词左右。主要内容:1为了增强体质,走进大自然,我们决定徒步旅行。欢迎高一学生踊跃参加,并于6月1日前到学生会报名登记。2旅行目的地: 离市中心西北近20公里外的黄庄新农村风景区。旅行时间:星期天(6月2日)。早晨7点到校,7点半出发,下午5点返回。3注意事项:穿运动鞋和易被认出的校服,自带水和午餐。4发通知时间是5月25日。参考词汇:1 sign ones name报名2.the Students Union学生会3.风景区scenic spot NoticeIn order to keep healthy and get close to nature,we have decided to go on a hike this Sunday,June 2. Our destination is Huangzhuang New Village Scenic Spot, which is approximately 20 kilometers northwest of the city downtown. All the students of Senior One are welcome to take part in this activity.Those who would like to go are requested to sign their names in the Students Union before the 1st of June. Please wear your sports shoes and your school uniforms that can be easily seen。In addition,please remember to take some water and lunch with you. Also please remember to get to school before 7:00 am. and we will set out at 7:30.We will come back at about 5 oclock in the afternoon.We hope all the participants will enjoy themselves in this activity.根据下面的提示,写一则字数为100120的口头通知,用学校广播向同学们发布。1 事件:英国残疾人史密斯将来校演讲;2 时间:4月25日下午24点;3 地点:学校第三教学楼302室;4 内容:他将介绍他是如何克服困难的。他8岁时,在一次事故中失去左腿和右臂。通过努力,他能生活自理并学有所成;5 听完演讲后进行讨论:如何鼓励、帮助残疾人;怎样向史密斯教授学习等。himself. He also achieved great success in his work.After the lecture we will have a discussion in groups on how to encourage disabled people, how to help them and how to learn from Professor Smith.(Thats all. )Thank you! 假设你和你朋友在中山公园散步时遇到的一件事,请根据要求写一篇英语短文。【写作内容】时间上星期六下午地点在中山公园的湖边事件我和朋友在散步,湖中一个小女孩在呼救。我们没来得及脱衣服就跳进湖中将她救上岸,对她做了人工呼吸,并在她恢复知觉后,送她去医院。我们还打电话通知她的家长。最终小女孩得救了。评价家长很感激,医生对我们的急救给予高度评价。感受懂得急救只是很重要。参考词汇:急救 first aid【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。【评分标准】结构准确、内容完整和篇章连贯。 Last Saturday afternoon, my friend and I were walking by the lake in Zhongshan Park when suddenly we heard a girl calling for help in the lake. We hurried to jump into the lake without taking off our clothes, swam towards her and pulled her out. Then we made her breathe using mouth-to-mouth way before she came to herself, sent her to hospital and telephoned her parents. Afterwards, we were told that the girl was saved because of the timely rescue.Her parents were very thankful to us and the doctors thought highly of our first aid, which made us realize that knowing first aid is very important for everyone. 假如你是李华,居住在一个风景秀美的古镇上。最近你市正在讨论是否应该开发古镇以便扩大旅游资源。以下是你班讨论的情况,请你给某英语报社写一封信,反映讨论结果,并发表自己的看法。赞成开发反对开发你的看法1太古老,跟不上时代1保持原样,保护自然资源(两点)2满足游客的更多需求2独特才能吸引游客 注意:1词数:120左右; 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3参考词汇:开发(vt.)exploit;独特的(adj.)unique Recently our class had a heated discussion on whether our old town should be exploited/ to exploit our old town. Some of my classmates agree to/are for the idea to exploit it. They think our town is too old to keep up with the pace of modern times. They also say that once (it is) exploited, it can attract more tourists from home and abroad, which will promote the economic development of our town.However, other students are against/disagree to the idea.They say thatour old town has a long history and we shouldpreserve/keep it as it is now. It is necessary to protectnatural resources. From their point of view, it is the uniquescenery that attracts tourists.Personally, I think we should not destroy the old towns original beauty. Besides, we should also find good ways to invite more tourists to come, with the beauty of our old town being preserved. 假如你是李华,你校学生会于2013年2月15日下午举行“校园书市(a campus book fair)”活动。请你写封email给你的美国笔友Peter,告诉他此次活动的有关情况。1活动目的:(1)给同学们提供一个交换图书的机会;(2)更好地利用读过的书。2具体内容:(1)把你不想保留的书拿到书市上出售;(2)购买你喜欢的书;(3)交换图书。3谈谈你的感想、收获和体会。注意:1.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Hello Peter!How are you going these days?In order to provide us students with an opportunity to exchange books and make better use of our used books, our Students Union held a campus book fair on the afternoon of February 15,2013.At the book fair, students could sell unwanted books, buy books they needed or simply trade books with each other. Like other fairs of this kind, prices were typically very low. Happily, I not only got rid of several books but also bought a few books I really wanted.As far as Im concerned, I like this activity, which is beneficial to us students. On the one hand, I felt my social skills had been well practiced and improved. On the other hand, this activity also gave us an excellent opportunity to feel a bit of the real world. I wish more events like this book fair would be held in our school.Looking forward to hearing from you! 假如你叫王方,乘出租车时丢了手提箱。在失物招领处,工作人员要求你用英文写一份书面材料。 内容要点:1 上午11点钟到达机场,然后带着5件行李乘一辆黄色出租车到假日酒店(Holiday Inn);2 到达酒店后,发现由于粗心将手提箱遗失在出租车上。不幸的是,未注意到出租车的车牌号;3 手提箱是黑色的,由塑料制成,尺寸大约为60cm40cm16cm;4 箱内有一台摄像机、两条长裤、三件衬衫、几本儿童读物以及一个钱包。钱包内有一张2,000美元的支票;5 你的联系电话是My name is Wang Fang. I arrived at the airport at 11 am. Then I took a yellow taxi to the Holiday Inn with five pieces of luggage. When I arrived at the Holiday Inn, I found my suitcase had been left in the taxi because of my carelessness. Unfortunately, I didnt notice the number of the taxi. The suitcase is black and made of plastic. It is about 60 centimetres by 40 centimetres by 16 centimetres. In it there is a camera, two pairs of trousers, three shirts, several books for children and a purse. In the purse, there is a check for 2,000 dollars. Could the finder get in touch with me? My telephone number is Thank you. Wang Fang 下面的表格是你一天的活动安排,请根据表格内容写一篇英语日记。时间地点活动安排8:00校门口欢迎美国学生(约50人)到校参观访问8:309:30图书馆阅览室联欢会(get-together)9:3010:30校园内参观教学楼,实验楼,校办工厂,游泳池10:3011:30操场友谊篮球赛12:00校门口美国学生离开14:0017:00几家书店和几名同学购买了书和磁带(tape) 要求:1. 词数100词左右; 2.注意格式;写日记的时间:2013年3月6日; 3.可适当发挥,以使短文连贯。 4.参考词汇: 校办工厂 the factory run by our school 友谊篮球赛 a friendly basketball game 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Helen将要来到你校参加为期一个月的中文学习并入住寄宿家庭。请写信帮助她了解中国的社交规则,请你根据下面提示给他写一封电子邮件。1. 见到主人时要跟他握手,并问候他的家人;2. 在闲聊时,要注意准备好话题及开场白,避免过多眼神接触等;3. 收到礼物以及赞美的话如何回应;4. 其他建议.(至少两点)写作要求: 2. 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3. 词数100词左右。 Dear Helen, Hi! How is everything going on with you? Im glad to hear that you are coming to our school and live in a host family. Im writing this letter to share with you some tips of social communication. Firstly, remember to shake hands with yo


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