



欧盟第七框架食品、农业和生物领域合作需求调查表 Survey on China-EU Cooperative Needs in Food,Aguriculture and Biology under FP7本调查表主要就中国农业领域科研人员参与欧盟框架计划项目的难、疑点而设计,并着重针对欧盟第七框架下今年7月份的开标收集中方科研人员的合作意向。 请就调查表中列出的问题,在方框中打勾(如不能打勾请选择相应的数字)标注您的对该问题的了解和关切度。 谢谢您的配合。 The survey is designed to collect concerns and diffciulties Chinese Agro-researchers encounter when they participate in FP7, as well as gather cooperative needs of Chinese side for appying the new call in Agro-Food-Biological area to be published in the coming July. Please indentify your understanding and concern on the following questions by clicking . Thanks for your time on it. 一 欧盟第七框架项目申请难、疑点。Questions on FP71 项目申请准备阶段 Starting Phase (Information Collection and Writing a proposal)l 如何寻找潜在的欧盟合作伙伴,有哪些渠道,以及如何使用这些渠道?选()1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息 How to indnetify potential EU partners? Are there any chanels for Chinese researchers to get in touch with them, for example, websites/newsletters/magazines? And how will Chinese researchers to make best use of these channels?l 欧盟项目申请书的写法,和欧委会对项目申请书的关注重点?是否可以获得欧盟项目申请书的范本?选()1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息 How to write a proposal, and what are the criteria/foucuses of EC Research on a qualified proposal ?Can you showcase a successful proposal?Explain on how it is actually structured? l 如何在欧盟项目申请书中明确中方的人员报酬等经费使用问题?选()1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息 How to deal with the financial issues and personnel costs in a proposal ? For example, how do EC caculate the labor contribution of Chinese to a proposal?And in reality, how are EC contributions managed in a project l 参加欧盟框架下项目的一些基本要求?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息 What are basic requirements on particpating in FP7 projects, regarding numbers and qualifications of particpants, especially for the thrid country?可将您对这一阶段关注的其他问题写下:More questions you concern can be lised below: 2 提交项目申请书 Submission l 从哪里、如何能及时获得开标和结标信息?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息How and where can Chinese researchers be timely updated on the publish and close of a call? l 在线提交项目申请书时有哪些注意事项?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息What shall Chinese researchers pay special attention to when they submit the proposal online?可将您对这一阶段关注的其他问题写下:More questions you concern can be lised below: 3 项目评审阶段 Evaluation l 一般情况下,欧盟对项目的评审时间是多长?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息How long will ususally the evaluation phase last?l 欧盟在项目评审中比较注意项目的那些方面?是否关注欧方合作伙伴的资质?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息What matters most when the independent experts evaluate the proposal? Will that who is the EU partners matters when they evaluate a proposal?l 从哪里获取项目评审信息?欧盟以何种方式通知项目负责人?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息How will the applicants be informed of the eveluation results? And where will the results be published? In what way will EC inform the coordiantor the results? 可将您对这一阶段关注的其他问题写下:More questions you concern can be lised below: 4 项目合同谈判 Contract Negotiation l 合同谈判中有那些注意事项?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息Are there any things partners should pay special attention to when they negotiate the contrat with EC or coordinator?可将您对这一阶段关注的其他问题写下:More questions you concern can be lised below: 5 项目执行阶段和结题 Implementation and Conclusion l 项目执行阶段需要向欧盟提交那些经常性的报告?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息 What are regualar reports generally required in a EU project?l 项目结题时,欧盟如何审计项目经费的使用?选() 1 基本了解2 不了解,高度关注3 了解部分信息When a project concluded, how will EC Research audit the expenditure of EC contribution to a partner?可将您对这一阶段关注的其他问题写下:More questions you concern can be lised below: 二 针对欧盟第七框架下7月份农业领域开标的合作需求调查 Cooperative Needs Pool for the New Call to be Published in July.l 您认为目前有哪些该领域的科研方向最需要通过同欧盟合作取得突破?Which reasearch directions in Food, Agriculture and Biology are in urgent need of cooperation with EU for breakthroughs? l 您是否通过/ 发布合作意向, 寻找合作伙伴?Have you ever accessed / to publish your coopertive needs and serach for potential partners?l 是否了解中意在农业领域的研究合作,希望与意方在农业领域开展那些方面的合作?Are yo


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