



云 南 财 经 大 学 期 末 考 试试 题 答 案 及 评 分 标 准学年学期: 2010至 2011 第学年 专 业: 资国 班 级: 081 课 程: GIS 教学大纲: 有 使用教材:地理信息系统导论 教材作者: Kang-tsung Chang 出 版 社: 科学出版社 云南财经大学期末考试Geographic Information System课程 B 卷试题答案及评分标准I. Filling the blanks (10).1. Cylindrical, Conical , Azimuthal2. Overlay Operations, Comparison & Logical Operators, Conditional Operations, Spatial Analysis Functions3. Position, Form, Orientation, Color, Value, Texture, Size4. subtractive color theory II. True-false question. (20)41. (T)2. (F)3. (T)4. (F)5. (T)6. (F)7. (T)8. (T)9. (T)10. (T)III. Terminology. (20)1. Geodetic Coordinate System(大地坐标系)The systems are needed because the earth is not a perfect sphere. Neither is the earth an ellipsoid. This can be verified by differentiating the equation for an ellipsoid and solving for dy/dx. It is a constant multiplied by x/y. Then derive the force equation from the centrifugal force acting on an object on the earths surface and the gravitational force. Switch the x and y components and multiply one of them by negative one.2.Interpolation(空间插值)A technique that allows to infer some unknown property value of a spatial phenomenon from values for the same property of nearby spatial phenomena. The underlying principle is that nearby things are most likely rather similar.3. DEM(数字高程模型)Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Special case of a DTM. A DEM stores terrain elevation(surface height) by means of a raster. The word elevation refers to a height expressed with respect to a specific reference.4.Conventional International Origin(国际协议原点)A conventionally defined reference axis of the poles average location over the year 1900. Polar motion is the movement of Earths rotation axis across its surface. The axis of the Earths rotation tends, as the axis of a gyroscope, to maintain its orientation to inertial space. The Conventional International Origin is used to measure this movement.5.Geodetic Coordinate System(大地坐标系)The systems are needed because the earth is not a perfect sphere. Neither is the earth an ellipsoid. This can be verified by differentiating the equation for an ellipsoid and solving for dy/dx. It is a constant multiplied by x/y. Then derive the force equation from the centrifugal force acting on an object on the earths surface and the gravitational force. Switch the x and y components and multiply one of them by negative one.5.Conventional International Origin(国际协议原点)A conventionally defined reference axis of the poles average location over the year 1900. Polar motion is the movement of Earths rotation axis across its surface. The axis of the Earths rotation tends, as the axis of a gyroscope, to maintain its orientation to inertial space. The Conventional International Origin is used to measure this movement.III. Questions (30)1. How ellipsoid is related to geoid? (6)The geoid, aglobally best fitting ellipsoid for it, and a regionally best fitting ellipsoid for it, for a chosen region. Adapted from. istorically, the ellipsoid al surface has beenrealized locally, not globally. An elipsoid with specific dimensionsa and b as half the length of the major, reectively minor, axisis chosen which best fits the local mean sea level. 2. What is the advantage of vector data model compared with raster data model? (6)Raster representation Vector representationadvantagessimple data structure efficient representation of topologysimple implementation of adapts well to scale changesoverlays allows representing networksefficient for image processing allows easy association with attribute datadisadvantagesless compact data structure complex data structuredifficulties in representing overlay more difficult to implementtopology inefficient for image processingcell boundaries independent more update-intensiveof feature boundaries3. What happened if a polygon was cut through by a line and why? (6)a. According to the topology rule, the edge of the polygon would be cut into two firstly; b. The topology will be reconstructed and two polygons would be generated.4. What is the advantage of Geodatabase? (6)The geodatabase data model is an object-oriented data model that lets you make the features in your GIS datasets smarter by endowing them with natural behaviors.a) A geodatabase is a collection of feature classes and tables. Feature classes can be organized into feature datasets.b) The geodatabase data model is an object-oriented data model that lets you make the features in your GIS datasets smarter by endowing them with natural behaviors.c) The objects in a geodatabase can be related to each other (it stores relationships)。d) The geodatabase lets you implement custom behaviors by implementing domains, validation rules or writing software codes.5. What is the feature of geographic phenomenon? (6)a. can


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