



动词的种类:一、考试大观【目标与要求】 了解动词的种类,掌握动词基本用法。【复习提要】根据动词的意义和句法作用,动词可分为四类:行为动词,系动词,情态动词和助动词。1行为动词有完整的词义,并能单独作谓语,行为动词又可分为及物动词( vt.)和不及物动词( vi.)。A. 及物动词后面必须跟宾语,句子的意思才能完整。例如:We plant trees every spring. ( plant 是及物动词;trees 是宾语 ) 及物动词有不同的用法,初中阶段主要应掌握下面几种:1) 主语 + vt + 宾语(宾语可由名词,代词宾格,不定式,动名词,宾语从句等充当)2) 主语 + vt + 间接宾语+直接宾语(用于这个句型的动词有:give, sell, pass, send, lend, tell teach, buy,pay, cost等)3) 主语 + vt + 宾语(sb./ sth.)+ to do sth.(用于这个句型的动词有:tell, ask, order, would like, want, get, encourage, wish, warn 等)4) 主语 + vt + 宾语(sb. / sth.)+ (to省略) do sth. (do表示经常或已经发生)(用于这个句型的动词有:let, have, make, hear, help, see, watch, look at, listen to等)5) 主语 + vt + 宾语(sb./ sth.)+ doing sth. (doing表示正在做)(用于这个句型的动词有:have, get, make, hear, see, watch, find, look at, listen to等)6) 主语 + vt + 宾语(sb./ sth.)+ done. (done 表示被动;与宾语构成意义上的被动)(用于这个句型的动词有:have, get, make, hear, see, watch, find,等)7) 主语 + vt + it (形式宾语) + to do sth.(真正宾语)(用于这个句型的动词有:think, find, feel, make, 等). 不及物动词(vi )后不跟宾语。如有需要,可在不及物动词后加介词再加宾语。例如: She lives on the sixth floor. 2 系动词在句中作谓语动词,后面跟表语。表语可由形容词、名词、介词短语等充当。 系动词有:look, smell, taste, sound, feel, become, get, turn, grow, appear, remain, seem,keep 等。 3 情态动词表示能力,义务,必要,猜测等说话人的语气或情态。情态动词是助动词,没有人称和数的变化; “情态动词+动词原形”构成谓语动词。常用情态动词有 can, may, must, need, will, shall, 等。其中could, might, must, needed, would, should是它们相应的过去时态形式。 can 的用法 “能”“会”表示能力。例:Can you say it in English? “可以” 表示许可,用法和may 同。例:Can(May) I borrow your umbrella? “可能” 表示推测,多用于疑问句和否定句;例:Who can the man over there be? may 的用法 “可以” 表示许可;You may use your pen or ballpoint pen in the exam. “可能” 表示推测, 多用于肯定句。疑问句用can表示 “可能性”推测; 否 定句用“cant”表示“不可能”。-Can the shop still be open at this time of day? -It may still be open,but I am not so sure. You may go and see for yourself. may 表示请求时,它只和第一人称主语连用. -Miss Yang, May I leave my schoolbag in the classroom after school?-Certainly,go ahead./ Im afraid youd better not. It is not safe here. 在回答用may提问的问题时, 肯定回答可以用 may但会使人觉得过于不客气或太严厉(你可以象上面的例句那样用certainly, go ahead或其它表示许可的词句)。 否定回答多用mustnt ,had better not或cant; must的用法 “必须”表示命令或主观上的决心。 例:As a student, he must come to school on time. I must learn English well. “mustnt” 意为“不准”表示绝对禁止。例:You mustnt talk while others are speaking. “一定”“必定”表示推测,语气十分肯定。只用于肯定句。 例:My mother must be cooking dinner for us now. must 引导的问句,否定回答多用 neednt 或you dont have to. need 的用法 “需要”多用于疑问句和否定句 作行为动词,有人称和数的变化,后接名词、代词或不定式作宾语。 例:Mary needs to take more exercise. 当Need 的主语和宾语动词构成被动时, need to be done = need doing. Your car needs to be cleaned = Your car needs cleaning.4 助动词只能和主要动词原形一起构成各种时态,语态和语气等动词形式。 常用助动词有:do/does/did; shall, will等; have/has/had; 和复合助动词 had better; would rather。二、例题解析(以下例题为杭州市历年中考题)1. -Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?-Oh sorry, but I dont know. You _go and ask that policeman.A. may B. must C. would D. should 考查情态动词的题目,同学们必须准确理解题意。此题意思是“你可以去问 那位警察”符合“可以”这个意思的情态动词为may. 故答案为A。2. -Its a lovely day, _it?-Yes, Lets go out for a walk. A.doesnt B.havent C.arent D.isnt反意疑问句部分的助动词应和主句助动词保持一致。主句助动词是is, 所以答案是 D。3. -We can use MSN to _with each other on the net. A.speak B.talk C.say D.tell此题考查speak, talk, say, tell 这四个动词的区别。Speak:讲话,表示动作。 为不及物动词; talk: 谈话,聊天。不及物动词;say: 说话,及物动词。Tell:告诉,双宾语动词,即 tell sb. sth从句子的形式上看,此句应该用不及物动词即 speak 或talk; 从意思上看,表谈话,聊天。因此答案是 B。4. -Do you still remember _me somewhere in Beijing?-Yes, of course. Two years ago.A. to see B.see C.seeing D.saw此题考查remember这个动词后接动词作宾语时的用法。Remember to do. (记得去做。)Remember doing(记得做过。)根据题意,应是“你还记得在北京的什么地方见过我吗? 当然记得,那是两年前吧。”“记得。见过”应是第二种用法。答案是:C5.-Where is Jack, please? -He _be in the reading room.A. can B.need C.would D.must此句题意为“他可能在阅览室或他肯定在阅览室”表示“肯定”的情态动词是must. 所以此题的答案是D. 情态动词“ can” 有“可能”之意,但它一般用于疑问句或否定句。三、标准练习 基础题A。适当形式填空1.She will write or telephone me as soon as she _there.(到达)2. Does Da Mao look _ from Xiao Mao?(不同)3. Most people enjoys _(旅行) by plane because it is faster and more comfortable.4. Cant you see many people _ in front of you ? (等)5. You must look after yourself and keep _.(健康)6. I shall meet Lily at the school gate, so _Lucy.7. Sorry, I cant go out with you at the moment. I felt more like_at home. (呆)8.The doctor told him _(吃) this medicine three times a day.9. His bike was _, so he bought a new one. (坏)10. You can_ the book for two weeks.(借)11.Every player wishes_ (赢得) agold medal or two in the Olympic Games.12. Do you think it _(必要) for us to wait?13. When the students came back to the classroom, they found something_.(丢失)14. I am sorry to keep you _(等) here for such a long time.15Mr. Brown often _ _(自学) Chinese after work. B.情态动词和助动词 (用适当的助动词填空)1-By the way, _you come across the word “brunch”? -Not yet. What _ it mean?2It seems to me that Lucy and Lily _your classmates.3-_you like to have some coffee? -Yes, a cup of coffee without sugar please.4. Dont talk so loudly in the classroom, _you?5. Neither he nor I _sure if there _ _ a concert in the stadium tonight. (情态动词练习题)6. Cars and buses stop when the traffic lights turn red. Acan Bneed Cmay Dmust 7Must I go with them tomorrow? No,you Amustnt Bshouldnt Cneednt Dcant 8I take some photos in the hall? No,you ACan;neednt BMust;mustnt CCould;wont DMay;mustnt 9Henrybe at home because he phoned me from his office just nowAmustnt Bisnt able to Cmay not Dcant 10. -Can you answer this question in English? -No, I _.A. neednt B. mustnt C. may not D. cant重高题C单选题1_you busy tomorrow morning? A. Will B.Are C.Do D. May2. Tickets, please. May I _at your ticket, madam? -Yes, here it is. A. show B. watch C. see D. look3. We all went to _the match last night. A. look B.watch C. see D.look at4. What are the girls doing?they _the music. A. heard B. are hearing C.are listening to D.were listening5. -Will you show me your family album ?-OK, Ill _it here tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. catch D. carry6.With the help of computers, news can _every corner of the world quickly. A. get B. arrive C. reach D. return7. The heavy snow _arriving in time. A.let the train not B. made th


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