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北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试大纲(2005年修订)北京市旅游局岗位职务培训指导委员会 编2005年12月前 言为促进北京地区旅游饭店业服务质量及饭店从业人员整体素质的不断提高,特别是为尽快提高饭店从业人员的英语水平,北京市旅游局岗位职务培训指导委员会自1995年开始在北京地区举行“北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试”(以下简称“饭店英语等级考试”)。饭店英语等级考试对于鼓励饭店员工学英语、说英语起到了很大的推动作用,受到了饭店企业及其员工的高度重视。饭店英语等级证书已经成为饭店录用、考核员工的重要参考依据,成为一线员工上岗的必要条件。2008年奥运会将在北京召开,这对北京饭店业的管理和服务提出了新的挑战与要求。提高饭店从业人员的整体英语水平成为北京饭店业向国际化发展、以优良的语言环境迎接2008年奥运会的重要一环。为此,北京市旅游局岗位职务培训指导委员会总结了十年来开展饭店英语等级考试中的经验与不足,同时紧密结合2008年北京奥运会对饭店各岗位的新要求,以及目前从业人员的构成及特点,对饭店英语等级考试的大纲重新进行了修订。新的北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试大纲采用简洁通俗的语言,对本考试的初、中、高三个级别的标准进行了重新定义,并进一步明确了各级别考试的考核范围和语言难度,力求使该考试符合目前北京地区饭店各岗位工作对英语的需要。本考试特别注重对考生语言交际能力的考查,从而使其真正起到督促、鼓励饭店从业人员学习英语、使用英语的作用。考试形式方面也有所变化,新的考试引入了先进的考试手段计算机考试,希望通过人机对话的形式避免考试中的主观因素,以实现考试的实时化和客观化,从而可以为希望参加该考试的人员创造更便捷的考试途径。新大纲的采用必将对北京饭店业员工的英语学习起到积极的推动作用。编者2005年12月目 录一、考试的目的与意义二、考试的性质三、考试方式四、考试内容与样题 (一)初级 1总体要求 2具体要求 3考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间 附:初级考试题型样题(二)中级 1总体要求 2具体要求 3考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间 附:中级考试题型样题(二)高级 1总体要求 2具体要求 3考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间 附:高级考试题型样题一、考试的目的与意义北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试的目的是为了尽快提高北京市饭店从业人员的整体英语水平,改善北京地区星级饭店的整体服务质量,进而加快与国际饭店业服务惯例接轨,以优良的语言环境满足2008年北京奥运会以及各种国际性会展服务的需要。北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试为考核、评估饭店从业人员的英语能力提供了统一的标准,对调动饭店从业人员学习英语的积极性以及对饭店人力资源的开发、合理配置、管理和培训具有重要指导意义。二、考试的性质北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试属于行业性英语语言能力测试,重点考查饭店从业人员以及即将从事饭店服务职业的人员在饭店业务工作中运用英语的能力及相关英语语言知识。本考试分为初、中、高三个等级,每个等级对听说读写四个方面的能力考查侧重点有所不同。通过某一级别英语等级考试的考试者可获得北京市旅游局颁发的相应英语等级资格证书,等级资格证书相应分为初级、中级和高级三种。三、考试方式通过计算机进行考试,试卷随机生成。听力:考生通过耳机听考题,然后在计算机上选择答案。口语:考生通过耳机听问题,然后通过麦克风用英语作答。阅读:考生通过阅读计算机上的文章,在计算机上选择答案。写作:给考生发放写作答题纸,要求考生用笔作答。四、考试内容与样题北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试以本考试大纲中规定的基本知识和能力要求为考核内容。(一)初 级1.总体要求应试者应熟悉日常生活中与其所从事工作有关的最基本的词汇、习惯表达法和常用句型。初级主要考查应试者英语听和说的能力,主要考查对象为饭店一线员工,如前厅服务员、餐厅服务员、客房服务员、行李员、维修人员、收银员等。要求应试者能用英语在本职工作的范围内,与客人进行基本的礼节性会话,处理简单的日常工作。2.具体要求要求认知800个基本词汇和常用短语,掌握其基本用法。(1)听:能听懂客人用较慢语速提出的问题和要求,并能做出恰当的反应和答复。(2)说:能简单介绍本人基本情况和工作情况;能使用礼节性语言(如问候、致谢等);能在本职工作范围内用英语为客人服务和处理简单的问题。3.考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间初级考试包括听力和口语两部分,各占50分,满分100分,60分及格。考试形式:通过计算机进行考试,试卷随机生成。(1)听力:考生通过耳机听问题,然后在计算机上选择正确答案。(2)口试:考试通过耳机听问题,然后通过麦克风用英语回答。考试形式考试项目题 量分 值考试时间听力理解听力理解30题50分30分钟口语测试人机对话15题50分710分钟听力理解人机考试考试项目题型内容及要求考查要点题量与分值听力理解A项听英语翻译单词每题一个单词,听两遍,考生从4个选项中选出一个正确答案考查考生对饭店工作中日常用语的掌握程度10题每题1分B项听英语翻译句子每题一个单句(陈述句或问句),听两遍,考生从4个选项中选出一个正确答案考查考生在不同工作场合获取事实性信息的能力,如说话人的要求、事情发生的地点等10题每题2分C项听英语单句选择正确应答语每题一个单句(陈述句或问句),听两遍,考生从4个选项中选出一个正确答案考查考生获取事实性信息的能力,以及根据所听内容进行判断和应答的能力10题每题2分口语测试-人机对话题型内容及要求考查要点题量与分值A项听中文翻译单词饭店日常用词考查考生对饭店工作中日常用词的掌握程度5题每题2分B项听中文翻译句子饭店日常工作中的用语考查考生对饭店中日常工作用语的掌握程度5题每题4分C项回答简单问题简单的自我介绍及回应客人问询与要求的能力能否对客人的问题或要求做出恰当的反应与答复5题每题4分附:初级考试题型样题一、听力理解1.听英语翻译单词(1)hotelA.车站 B.餐厅 C.旅游 D.饭店 答案:D2.听英语翻译句子(1)Where is the washroom?A.前台在哪里? B.商店在哪里?C.可以为我叫出租车吗? D.洗手间在哪里? 答案:D3.听英语单句选择正确应答语(1)Coffee or tea?A. Coffee, please. B. Thank you very much.C. Yes, please. D. Not at all.答案:A二、口语测试1.听中文翻译单词(1)前台 答案:front office2.听中文翻译句子(1)现在可以为您打扫房间吗?答案:May I clean your room now?3.回答简单问题(1) Whats the date today?(二)中 级1. 总体要求本级应试者应具备一定的英语能力,较熟练地使用常用词汇、句型、时态以及习惯表达法,进行涉及一般日常生活、工作、社交方面的交流。能通过运用一定的阅读技巧读懂与饭店业务相关的一般性文章;能通过提问或对方的重复解释,获取对方讲话的大意和主要信息。口头交流时语音语调基本正确,大部分情况下不影响正常的交流。2具体要求应试者应能理解并掌握基本的、常用的时态和句子结构、语态及一些基本的词法等。认知2000个左右基本词汇,掌握其基本用法。(1)听:能听懂客人以正常速度进行的简单交谈或叙事,其内容可能涉及饭店业务、日常生活或社交。(2)说:能介绍个人情况和工作情况,进行日常会话,能较好地表达自己的意思,回答客人提出的问题,并处理本职工作中可能出现的问题。(3)读:具备基本的语法知识。能阅读并理解一般的和专业程度不很强的、句子结构不很复杂的文章,确定主旨大意,辨认其中的重要事实,并能运用阅读技巧做出合理的判断。阅读速度为4050词/分钟。3考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间中级考试包括笔试和口试两部分,各占50分,满分100分,60分及格,其中笔试和口试均不得低于30分。考试形式:通过计算机进行考试,试卷随机生成。(1)笔试:笔试包括听力和阅读两部分。听力部分考生通过耳机听问题,然后在计算机上选择正确答案。阅读部分由考生阅读计算机上的英语文章,然后选择正确答案。(2)口试:考生通过耳机听问题,然后通过麦克风用英语回答。考试形式考试项目题量分值考试时间笔试听力理解25题25分30分钟阅读理解25题25分30分钟合计50题50分60分钟口试2部分50分1012分钟笔试人机考试考试项目 题型内容及要求考查要点题量与分值听力理解A项单项选择每题一个单句(陈述句或问句),听两遍,要求考生从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案考查考生理解基本信息并正确使用回应语的能力10题每题1分B项单项选择每题一个对话,对话后有一个问题,听两遍,要求考生从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案考查考生对事实性信息的细节、观点、态度的理解能力,以及根据所听内容进行判断的能力10题每题1分C项单项选择一段独白,听两遍,独白后有5个问题(试卷中给出问题),要求考生从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案考查考生理解一段语篇中所包含的主要信息及部分细节的能力5题每题1分阅读理解短文阅读要求考生阅读5篇200300字的文章;每篇文章后面有5个问题,要求考生根据短文内容从4个选项中选择一个正确答案考查考生通过阅读来正确理解文章的主旨大意与基本细节的能力25题每题1分口试人机对话题型内容及要求考查要点题量与分值A项打招呼与自我介绍根据要求介绍自己情况的某一或某几个方面考查考生自我表述的能力。2题每题5分B项业务问答对饭店相关业务的提问(如,饭店的各类设施与服务项目),能正确回应客人的询问及要求,并能主动进行简要介绍或解释考查考生对饭店业务的掌握情况,以及在饭店工作中用英语进行积极服务的能力5题每题8分附:中级考试题型样题一、笔试第1部分 听力理解Part A 提问(听录音)Hello, Im calling to confirm my room reservation. My name is Jane Smith.(答题)A. Where are you calling from?B. Of course, madam.C. Sorry, there is no room available, madam.D. Whats your room number, madam?答案:DPart B 对话(听录音)W: Good morning. Can I help you?M: Yes. I want to stay here one more night.Q: What do we know about the man?(答题)A. He wants to extend his stay. B. He is checking in.C. He is checking out. D. He is getting some information. 答案:APart C 短文(听录音)Welcome to the Grand Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our hotel facilities to the full. Breakfast is served in the dinning-room from 8 to 9 a.m. But if you want your breakfast brought to your room at any time after 7 a.m., please fill out a card and hang it outside on your doorknob. Lunch is served from 12 to 2:30 p.m. and dinner from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Hotel room service operates 24 hours. Hotel bar is open from 12:00 to 2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Hotel shop is on the first floor at the right side of the lobby, which is open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Now do questions 1 to 5:1. What service in the hotel is it that operates around the clock?2. When is the hotel bar open?3. What would you have to do if you want a snack at 11:00 p.m.?4. Which of the following is NOT true?5. What did the passage say about the hotel shop?(答题)1. A. Hotel bar B. Hotel room service C. Hotel shop D. Hotel laundry service2. A. It opens from 12:00- 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m. B. It opens from 12:30-2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. C. It opens from 12:00-2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. D. It opens from 12:30-2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.3. A. Go to the hotel shop. B. Hang a message outside your door. C. Go to the hotel bar. D. Call hotel shop assistants.4. A. You can have your breakfast in your room. B. Room service is very convenient. C. Lunch is served from 12:00 to 2:30 p.m. D. Hotel bar service opens 24 hours.5. A. Its on the second floor. B. Its on the left side of the lobby. C. Its open round the clock.D. Its open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.答案:1. B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D第2部分 阅读理解Text AIn order to see that all the activities of the hotel run smoothly and efficiently, the manager carries out routine spot checks, often on a daily basis, of different aspects of the hotels operation. He also deals with unusual problems as they occur. In a large hotel, he coordinates the work of the department heads who supervise their respective departments. The managers working relationship with these people has a lot to do with the smooth functioning of the hotel.Hiring and training are two other vital responsibilities of the manager. The personality, experience, and technical know-how of every employee in the hotel are matters of importance in a business where courtesy is one of the major services. The references given by job applicants are carefully checked and, during the job interview, the applicants initial behavior is observed. A watchful eye must be kept on their performance after they have been hired. Continuing in-house training programs are necessary in order to maintain the standards of the establishment.1. According to this passage, the hotel manager .A. usually works in his officeB. should have good relations with department headsC. should check every department every dayD. deals with unusual problems every day2. The overall responsibility of the hotel manager is .A. to ensure the smooth operation of the hotelB. to ensure a good working atmosphereC. to solve unusual problemsD. to check different aspects of the hotels operation3. What are the important aspects mentioned here in a staff-hiring program?A. The personality of the staff.B. The work experience of the staff.C. The technical know-how.D. All of the above.4. Before a person is hired by the hotel, .A. he will receive training provided by that hotelB. he is checked by the hotelC. he should send in letters of referenceD. he should maintain good standards5. When a person has been hired by the hotel, .A. he will definitely receive trainingB. he should expect that his work is supervisedC. he should expect to go to an interviewD. he should keep a watchful eye答案:1. B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B二、口试第1部分 自我介绍Describe your normal work in your hotel or study in your school.第2部分 业务问答Could you tell me something about your hotels health and recreation facilities?(三)高 级1.总体要求应试者应具备较好的英语运用能力,熟悉并能熟练地使用常用的词汇、句型和交流模式,正确地获取口头的、书面的信息,并在本业务工作和生活及更大范围内能够进行一般的和比较复杂的交流,使用语言较规范、得体。口头交流时有较好的语速,语音语调基本正确。2.具体要求应试者应具有较好的语言沟通能力及解决问题的能力,即在处理一般接待工作的基础上,掌握用英语处理非常规工作、客人投诉及紧急事件的能力,以及用英语书写常用应用文的能力。认知词汇在4000个以上,能正确运用其中的2000个积极词汇。(1)听:能听懂与本职工作相关的工作会议发言和提问;在商务、技术交流活动中能理解大部分的内容。(2)说:能在上述活动中进行有效的交际,能阐明自己的观点,解决工作中出现的各种问题;表达中基本无语法错误,发音标准。(3)读:能阅读一般性和与本职工作有关的专业性文章,能够领会作者的观点、意图和态度,并能进行正确的推论。能够根据上下文判断某些词汇及短语的意思。阅读速度为6070词/分钟。(4)写:要求应试者能比较规范地撰写出120字左右的常见的应用文。如:会议纪要、备忘录、工作情况报告、商务信函等。表达清楚,思路清晰,文体得当。3考试形式、项目、题量、分值、时间高级考试包括笔试和口试两部分,分别为100分,均为60分及格,笔试和口试都及格才能获得证书。考试形式:首先进行写作部分考试,然后通过计算机考核听力、阅读和口语,试卷随机生成。(1)写作:考生按照规定的写作要求在写作答题纸上通过笔写完成。(2)听力和阅读:听力部分考生通过耳机听问题,然后在计算机上选择正确答案。阅读部分由考生阅读计算机上的语法试题、英语文章,然后选择正确答案。(3)口语:考生通过耳机听问题,然后通过麦克风用英语回答。考试形式考试项目题量分值考试时间笔试书面表达一篇10分30分钟听力理解30题30分30分钟语法与词汇10题10分10分钟阅读理解25题50分30分钟合计66题100分100分钟口试3部分100分1215分钟笔试人机考试考试项目 题型内容与要求考查要点题量与分值书面表达应用文要求应试者写出120字左右的常见的应用文。如:一般商务信函、工作情况报告等考查应试者用英语书写涉及饭店日常工作的应用文的能力一篇10分听力理解A项单项选择每题一个问句或陈述句,听两遍,要求考生从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案考查考生从话语中获取信息并做出恰当应答的能力10题每题1分B项单项选择每题一段对话,听两遍,要求考生从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案考查考生对事实性信息的理解能力,以及对于对话中具体细节与说话人的观点和态度的理解能力10题每题1分C项单项选择23段独白,听两遍,每段独白后有若干个问题(试卷中不给出问题),要求考生从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案考查考生运用各种听力技巧掌握一段独白的主旨大意及部分具体细节的能力10题每题1分语法与词汇单项选择每题一个不完整单句,要求考生根据语法与词汇知识从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案把句子补充完整考查考生运用基本语法知识与词汇的能力10题每题1分阅读理解A项完形填空要求考生阅读一篇200300字的短文,短文中部分句子不完整,要求考生根据上下文内容从4个选项中选出一个正确答案,把短文补充完整考查考生理解一篇文章的主旨以及对英语的基本运用能力5题每题2分B项短文阅读要求考生阅读4篇400500字左右的短文;每篇短文后面有5个问题,要求考生从4个选项中选出一个正确的答案考查考生通过阅读正确理解文章的主旨大意及具体细节的能力20题每题2分口试人机对话题型内容及要求考查要点题量与分值A项自我介绍根据要求全面地介绍自己的情况,特别是工作方面的情况考查考生自我表述的能力2题每题5分B项业务问答回答与饭店业务相关的提问,如饭店的各类设施与服务项目,以及如何处理客人的投诉等考查考生对饭店业务的熟悉程度与表述能力,以及用英语处理工作中出现的问题的能力5题每题10分C项发表见解要求考生就所给话题发表自己的见解考查考生使用较为复杂的句型表达自己看法的能力1题40分附:高级考试题型样题一、笔试第1部分 书面表达假设你是一家五星级酒店的客户服务部经理。为了提高服务质量,草拟一封客户意见征询信。内容包括:1) 感谢他对酒店多年的信任;2) 说明这封征询信的目的,并希望配合;3) 询问对酒店的印象,诸如对大堂接待、餐厅服务、客房服务的印象等;4) 询问有何建议;5) 对于合作表示感谢。(范文)June 18, 2005Dear Guest, First let me express my sincere appreciation for your long-time faith in our hotel. In order to improve our service, we are now collecting your opinions about every aspect of our hotel, including reception service, restaurant service, room service and reservation, etc. Apart from that, if you have good suggestions, please let us know. And your opinions and suggestions will help us to improve our service and make your stay here a more pleasant one. Thanks for your cooperation. Hope you have a nice stay here.Sincerely yours,Guest Service Manager第2部分 听力理解Part A 提问(听录音)Sorry sir. This weekend happens to be our long national holiday and we are all booked up. (答题)A. The lady wants a room but there isnt one available.B. Weekends are bad days to book a room.C. The man wants to spend his long holiday in this hotel.D. The man was not successful in making a room reservation.答案:DPart B 对话(听录音)W: Id like to thank you for my enjoyable stay in this hotel.M: Its been our pleasure to have you with us, Mrs. Smith.Q: What can we conclude from this conversation? (答题)A. Mrs. Smith had a pleasant stay with the man.B. Mrs. Smith has stayed in this hotel for a long time.C. Mrs. Smith has had a good time in this hotel.D. The man is glad to see Mrs. Smith go.答案:CPart C 短文(听录音)Located about 2 miles to the north of the city business center in the east of the city is a three-star hotel where I have been working for over 20 years. Thanks to the fast growing tourism business of the city, the hotel business has been thriving. To meet this increasing need, new hotels have been sprung up one after another and many old hotels have been renovated. My hotel, too, underwent a significant change last year. Now it has two hundred and sixty rooms, a modern business center, three Chinese restaurants and one serving Western food, one large function room which can serve as a convention room for big meetings.The hotel used to accommodate local tourists but now more and more foreigners come here too. Because of this favorable change, the hotel management has now put great emphasis on staff training, particularly on English language training. Although I am a senior worker in the hotel, in charge of housekeeping, and I am almost 50, I need to learn English as well.Only a small staff manages the hotel, but they are all very capable and work with great efficiency. They apply modern management ideas to their daily work. Some of our workers live far away from the city and have to commute long distances every day. Yet, they all work with great dedication and a high sense of responsibility.Recently, the city government gave this hotel an award in recognition of their excellent service. Now answer the questions:1. Where is this hotel located?2. What do we know about this hotel?3. What do we know about the author of this passage? (答题)1. A. Right in the city center.B. To the north of the city business center.C. In the east of the city business center.D. In the north of the city.2. A. It is a newly-built hotel with modern facilities.B. It has three restaurants and a big meeting room.C. It is a fairly old hotel but it was recently renovated.D. It is a three-star hotel accommodating Chinese tourists exclusively.3. A. He has been working as the manager of housekeeping department for over twenty years.B. He was recently given an award by the city government in recognition of his good work.C. Like his colleagues, he is learning English.D. He is over 50 and will retire soon. 答案:1. B 2.C 3.C 第3部分 语法与词汇(1)_in our check-in procedures since the new manager took over.A. There are changes B. Changes have been thereC. There have been changes D. We have changes 答案:C第4部分 阅读理解(一)完形填空Chinas size and its sharp contrasts in climate and tradition have given rise to many different types of cooking. Five of the best-known Chinese 1 today are Guangdong, Shanghai, Shandong, Sichuan-Hunan and Beijing.People in Shanghai eat fish of different kinds. They have a sweet tooth and tend to add sugar to many of their dishes. Food in Sichuan and Hunan Provinces is known 2 its hotness because red pepper and other such spices are used.Perhaps the best-known Chinese cuisine outside China is that from Guangdong. In some cases, only steam and water are used in 3 of this type of cooking, instead of a lot of frying. One of this areas most famous dishes is the “fight between the dragon and the tiger”, 4 is cooked with snake and cat meat.The cuisine of Beijing is little known in the West. But the Beijing Roast Duck is probably the most popular dish and has 5 more foreign tourists than any other dish in the country.1. A. cuisines B. cookings C. foods D. flavors2. A. as B. by C. to D. for3. A. beginning B. preparation C. making D. getting4. A. this B. that C. which D, it5. A. invited B. attractive C. drawn D. received答案:1. A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C(二)短文阅读Text AAs we know, it is very important that a hotel pays attention to the training of its staff, as there exist many weak parts in its various departments. Staff training must have a purpose, which is defined when a hotel considers its training needs, which are in turn based on job descriptions and job specifications.A job description should give details of the performance that is required for a particular job, and job specification should give information about the behavior, knowledge and skills that are expected of an employee who works in it. When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification. This specifies what the training department must teach for the successful performance of the job, and also the best methods to use in the training period.There are many different training methods, and there are advantages and disadvantages of all of them. Successful training programs depend on an understanding of the difference between learning about skills and training in using them. It is frequently said that learning about skills takes place “off the job” in the classroom,
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