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托福词汇常用精华动词 + 介词短语1. Back away 逐渐后退同义词:(/ Withdraw / Retreat / Go back /)Encountered (/ Inflicted) with heavy losses, 4th battalion backed away to the nearby fortress, where they will be replenished with more combatants & upgraded equipments.2. Back down 放弃,让步同义词:(/ budge a little / give up / compromise / )The opponent side wont back down though they have agreed to provide more details about their products instructions.3. Back off 后退,软化Back off to and hold your original condition if everything goes worst.4. Boil over 沸腾,发怒,火药桶Do you think that economic crisis easily boils over in those countries which are lack of foods?5. Break away 脱离,放弃,逃跑Please dont break away from the original outline.6. Break out 爆发,突发Bird flu broke out recently.Lab assistants have developed a new type of vaccine to fight the variant influenza virus broke out in the previous month.7. Check up 检查,核对You can check up your video tapes which you have just taped.8. Close in 包围,迫近The antenna installation engineer closed in with the turret and entered into it.9. Cloud over 云层密布,让 笼上阴影,使 打个问号The last match failure has cast a cloud over the following championship season.10.Come about 发生,产生,改变方向How did asymmetry come about? 11.Come apart 破碎,崩溃,瓦解If you detach this necklace, all beads that were chained together will come apart instantly.12.Come on 快点,开始,要求13.Come round 苏醒,顺道拜访14.Come up 走近,开始,发生15.Cool off 变凉,平静下来同义词:(/ Calm down)16.Crop up 突然出现You cannot avoid your mistakes uncorrected, which may crop up again in another test.17.Cut in 插嘴,超车,抢道,插入A sedan cut in the lane and surpassed the motorcycle in front of it.18.Die away 减弱,消失,渐退同义词:(/ disappear / diminish / )19.Die down 逐渐消失The echo finally died down followed by a long lasting tranquility in the valley.20.Die out 灭绝,消失翻译:恐龙已经灭绝。21.Doze off 打瞌睡Some sales staff members dozed off every now and then when there were fewer customers. Managers hereby shortened shift working time period for each of them while increasing the serving frequency per months.22.Drag on 拖延The debate drags on but with more consensuses and solutions targeted at land policy. 23.Drop back 退后,落在后面When running to the 5th lap, he has dropped back down (/ plummeted) from the 1st place to the 6th place.24.Drop by 顺便拜访The average salary level dropped by 2% compared to the same date of last year.Yet there are more free public facilities as well as big brand supermarkets with best quality products available.25.Drop out 退出、退学、脱离He wont drop out of his groups running for 2016 district council election.In contrast, he has picked out more elites from social domains to settle electorates problems.26.Ease up 缓和、放松、减轻It could lower interest rates, raise government spending, ease up on credit, and encourage consumers to start spending. 中国可以降低利率,增加政府开支,放松信贷和鼓励消费者重新消费。同义词:(/ relieve / sooth / alleviate / )27.Fade away 逐渐消失The brown blotches (/ pustules / psoriasis / pimples / acnes / ) eventually faded away after being treated with intravenous fluids and special ointments on them for 2 weeks. 以上是不同的医学皮肤病特征的斑点,intravenous fluids是打打吊针的意思,special ointments是敷药膏的意思。28.Fall apart 土崩瓦解,散架The tank soon fell apart after being hit by one laser guided bomb from a helicopter.29.Fall behind 落后30.Fall through 落空,失败Their rescue plan fell through in the end due to sand storm.31.Fight back 回击,抵抗Surprisingly, XXX team fought back by feeding the ball more into the center through long rolling pass (/ long lob pass), more accurately and high effectively, by which they slotted into the net with 2 goals in the 2nd half of the game.32.Flare up 突然燃烧This diesel-propelled submarine flared up with a huge explosive sound.It occurred all of a sudden leading to about 20 members killed.33.Fool around 闲荡,游手好闲Stop fooling around, start doing some housework.34.Forge ahead 继续进行翻译:我们的学生会在阅读应用文学、理解剧情以及应用写作能力方面继续取得进步。35.Get about 传开,传播,病后重新走动,重新参与社会活动After the operation, he was able to get about freely around the hospital.36.Get along 与 好好相处How do you get along with your mother now?37.Get up 起床38.Give in 屈服39.Go ahead 前进,前行40.Go along 进行,支持41.Go away 走开We all hope that the frost goes away immediately.42.Go on 继续下去43.Go out 出去Baby sitter let all guest go out lest they wake up the baby sleeping in the cradle.(这里不要用虚拟语气woke up,那样表示实际上完全不可能吵醒婴孩,使句子毫无意义)44.Go up 上升,上涨到The retire age goes up to 65 if the new law pass.45.Grow up 成长46.Hang together 同心协力,一致All ropes available will hang together so that they wont be torn apart.47.Hit out 猛打,猛烈抨击Some passengers swiftly traced after and hit out at the thieves who just stole the handbag from an elder female owner while the latter called the police.48.Hold on (打电话,等人时)等一下49.Let up 停止,放松,让 起来Ferryboat passengers did not let up their barrage of the postponement of shuttle bus responsible for the reception. 渡轮游客并未停止指责负责接待的豪华大巴延误到来。50.Lie back 靠在椅子上,向后靠,休息When you arrive at home, youd better lie back and take a rest.51.Lie down 躺下(休息)52.Look ahead 向前看A row of guards stood straight just in front of the XXX mansion gate, looking ahead without any movements.53.Look back 回头看54.Look in 看望,顺道拜访55.Make off 逃走,离开,匆忙离开,带 走Predators, such as eagles, falcons, catch their foods in different ways, one of which is scooping down and making off small nestlings / fledglings in their nests.He used to knife to cut the iron cage wires without being noticed by any others, trying to make off though he knows it was mostly in vain.56.Melt away 消失,融掉A dice of dry-ice was melt away gradually after the hot pot fire was lighted.在火锅的火被点着后,那一小方块干冰慢慢地熔化。注:除了a dice of,还有更多量词。57.Move off 离开,出发,偏离How easily could somebody move off the project?58.Move over 挪开,挪动到 位置He requested that all guests move over the aisles on the 3rd floor.59.Own up 坦白,爽快承认Do they own up to their mistakes?同义词:(/ confess / make a clear confession / )60.Pass away 去世,(痛苦、悲伤等)慢慢化解The deaths of his companions are temporary and will soon pass away.61.Run away 逃跑,失控Head officer told his subordinates that they couldnt run away under any circumstances (/ in any case / on any account / no matter what happens / whatever happens / ).62.Run out 用完,耗尽They have run out of all provisions they brought with themselves.63.Rush in 跑进,流入,冲进l Huge sums of cashes rush in to the warehouse in piles of big packages.l Police blocked the main traffic, so that fans couldnt rush in.64.Set in 开始,到来,流行翻译:旱季来临了。65.Settle down 定居,安定下来66.Shop around 逐家逐家进行购物67.Sit back 休息,不采取行动Please sit back into your wheelchair (/ armchair / ).68.Sit down 坐下,扎营69.Speak up 大声地说70.Stand back 退后,往后站71.Start out 出发,着手进行When doing calculations, we need to start out with basic formulas, particularly true for balancing chemical equations.72.Stay on 继续停留,保持在 方位上The satellite stayed on the original orbit.73.Stay up 熬夜,不睡觉,开夜车Can you stay up 48 hours watching TV non-stop?74.Step aside 避开,回避We cannot step aside when fans are out of control.75.Step down 辞职,走下Foreign prime minister stepped down the day before yesterday? 76.Step in 介入,插手干预l The first step in the process is to press 6 digital numbers at random.l He stepped in the conference during the break.77.Stop by 顺道来访She will stop by you within a week.78.Stop off 中途停留Stop off at the vending machine. 79.Stop over 中途停留Stop over lingering around, stay alive and listen to the order.80.Touch down 着陆,降落在地上,(橄榄球)触地得分新式战机J-101可以平稳垂直地降落在任何复杂的陆地上,包括草地、沙地、冰川、岩石上。81.Watch out 小心,提防Watch out for any possible dropping objects above your head when you cross the skyscraper under construction.82.Wear off 磨损,逐渐消退同义词:(/ fade / )This group of pulleys has been worn off.I think they must be replaced immediately.The crane wheel attached to the central axle can slide from one side to the other side smoothly, thus the crane arm cannot hoist anything.83.Abide by 遵守、信守、承担后果翻译:请务必遵守职业操守规范。84.Account for 占了,说明,解释,对 负有责任Ethnic Han accounts for about 92% of total Chinese population. Font colors, font styles, image selection & decoration, as well as cover design accounts for good legibility of a journal. 85.Allow for 考虑到,顾及到 Each user needs to allow for the accuracy of all primary level script language applications before integrating & executing all processes.86.Ask after 探问,问候I need to ask after my old friends because he was in hospital now.注意:in hospital 是住院的意思,in the hospital 是在医院里的意思。87.Bank on 指望,依赖In the tax-free zone shopping district, its quite commonly seen that business partners can bank on other agents to give them funds to launch business if the previous investors, e


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