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成人高考专升本英语150条常用词组汇总1. enable sb to do sth使某人能做某事eg. The computer enables people to communicate with each other more conveniently. /计算机使人们彼此间能更方便地交流。2. be about to do sth when 正要做某事突然eg. I was about to go shopping when it suddenly began to rain. /我刚要出去买东西,天就突然下雨了。3. by accident / by chance / accidentally 偶然地4. come across sb 偶然遇见5. act on sth 依行事eg. Each student should act on the rules and regulations of the school. / 每个学生都应该遵守学校的规章制度。6. add to / add up to 加上/ 总计达eg. The number of the patients added up to three hundred last week. / 上星期,病人人数达到了三百人。7. in advance / ahead of time 提前8. after all 毕竟9. agree to do sth / agree with sb/ agree to sth10. aim at doing sth 下定目标做某事eg. Aiming at winning the game, he practiced hard every day. / 为赢得比赛,他每天努力练习。11. allow / permit / forbid doing sth 允许/ 允许/ 禁止做某事12. allow / permit/ forbid sb to do sth 允许/ 允许/ 禁止某人做某事13. apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉14. take sth in ones arms 抱着15. arrive at a conclusion 得出结论16. put sb to shame 使某人相形见绌eg. His courage put all the other students to shame. / 他的勇气令其他学生都感到惭愧不如。17. be astonish at sth 因某事感到震惊18. make the bed 铺床19. blame sb for sth / it is me to blame 因某事责怪某人/ 该受责怪的人是我20. break down / break up / break out / break into 坏了/ 驱散/ 爆发/ 破门而入21. hold ones breath / out of breath 摒住呼吸/ 上气不接下气22. bring about / bring up 引起,使发生/ 抚养长大23. burst into tears / laughters 突然大哭/ 大笑24. burst out crying / laughing 突然大哭/ 大笑25. call at sp / call on sb / call up / call off / call out to / call for / call on sb to do 拜访某地/ 拜访某人/ 打电话/ 取消/ 大喊/ 叫来/ 号召某人做某事26. carry out / work out / point out / find out 实现/ 做出/ 指出/ 查明27. catch up with sb / keep up with sb / put up with sb 赶上某人/ 跟上某人/ 容忍某人28. change sth into sth / exchange sth for sth 把变成/ 交换eg. Can you change this note into coins? / 你能把这张纸币换成硬币吗?eg. May I exchange this book for your new pen? / 我能用这本书换你的新笔吗?29. come into being / come to oneself / 形成/ 恢复意识eg. The new system came into being in the late 19th century. / 这种新体制在十九世纪后期开始形成。30. have sth in common with sb 和某人有共同点eg. The twins have a lot of things in common with each other. / 孪生姐妹间有很多相似点。31. congratulate sb on sth / doing sth 祝贺某人某事32. be regarded / thought of / considered as 被认为,被当成33. be content / satisfied / pleased with 对感到满意34. encourage sb to do sth / encourage sb in sth 鼓励某人做某事eg. He always encourages me to work hard. / 他总是鼓励我要努力工作。eg. He always encourages me in my study. / 他总是在我的英语上给我鼓励。35. be covered with 被覆盖36. deal with / do with / handle 处理,解决37. be determined to do sth / make up ones mind to do 下定决心做某事38. to some degree / to some extent / in a way 从某种程度上来说39. put off until / delay 推迟eg. The sport meeting has been put off until next Friday. / 运动会已经被推迟到下周五。40. take delight in sth / doing sth 取悦于做某事eg. One should not take delight in making fun of others. / 人不能以取笑他人为乐。41. depend on / rely on / feed on / live on 依靠/ 依靠/ 用喂养/ 以为生42. in the distance / at a distance 在远处/ 隔一段距离43. dress sb in sth / sb be dressed in sth 打扮某人44. be due to do sth 按期,按理该做某事,由于eg. The train is due to arrive at 5 oclock. / 火车应在五点到达。eg. The failure is totally due to his carelessness. / 失败都是由他的粗心造成的。45. be eager to do sth / be eager for sth 迫不及待做某事/ 对很热衷46. have an effect on sth 对有影响eg. Smoking has a bad effect on peoples health. / 吸烟有害健康。47. make efforts to do sth 千方百计做某事48. equip sb with sth / arm sb with sth 用来武装某人eg. The young people must arm themselves with knowledge. / 年轻人必须用知识武装自己的头脑。49. expect sb to do sth / count on sb to do sth / want sb to do sth 期待某人做某事/ 指望某人做某事/ 想让某人做某事50. make a face / be faced with sth 做鬼脸/ 面对eg. She was faced with many difficulties when doing the experiment. / 她在做实验时遇到很多困难。51. have faith in sth / be faithful to sth 对忠诚52. fall asleep / fall ill / fall silent 入睡/生病/ 恢复寂静53. sb be familiar with sth / sth be familiar to sb 某人熟悉某物54. find fault with sb / sb be at fault 挑某人的毛病/ 是某人的错55. do sb a favor / give sb a hand 帮某人忙56. feel like doing sth / would like to do sth 想要做某事57. be fit / suitable for sth 适合,胜任eg. Mary believes that she is fit for the new job. / 玛丽相信她可以胜任新的工作。58. be fond of doing sth 对做某事感兴趣59. force sb to do sth / make sb do sth / have sb do sth / get sb to do sth / let sb do 迫使某人做某事,让某人做某事60. give out / give away / give up / give in / give off / give back 分发/ 送人/ 放弃/ 屈服/ 释放气体/ 归还eg. I saw a man giving out pamphlets on the street. / 我刚看见一个人在街道上正发传单。eg. When I grow up, I give away all my toys to my brothers. / 我长大后,把所有的玩具都给了我弟弟。eg. Cars give off much poisonous gas every day. / 汽车每天释放出很多有害气体。61. learn / know sth by heart 背诵,牢记在心62. help oneself to sth / cannot help doing sth / cannot help to do sth 随便吃/ 禁不住做某事/ 不能帮忙做某事63. hold on / hold up 坚持,稍等/ 阻塞64. insist on / persist in / stick to 坚持65. knock at the door / knock into the wall / knock out sb / knock sth off / knock sth over 敲门/撞墙/打晕某人/把打掉/ 把撞倒eg. Who has knocked the vase off the shelf? / 谁把花瓶从架子上弄掉的?66. let out the secret / keep sth a secret 泄密/ 保守秘密67. before long / long before / it is not long before 很久之前/ 不久之后/ 不久之后便eg. It was not long before I realized that how foolish I was at that time. / 不久之后我便意识到我当时是多么的愚蠢。68. be made up of / consist of / contain / include 由构成/ 包含,包括eg. The class is made up of fifty students. / The class consists of fifty students. / The class contains/ includes fifty students. / 这个班由五十名学生组成。69. mean to do sth / mean doing sth 打算做某事/ 意味着做某事eg. I didnt mean to hurt you by telling you the truth. / 我告诉你真相并不是打算要伤害你。eg. It means killing me that you lie to me. / 对我撒谎就意味着要杀了我。70. in badly need of / in lack of / in want of 急需,缺乏71. have nothing to do with sb / it is none of sbs business 和某人没关系/ 不管你的事72. object to sth / doing sth 反对某事/ 反对做某事73. an idea occur to sb 某人突然想到一个主意eg. An idea occurred to Tom that he can hide himself under the bridge. / 汤姆突然想到他可以藏在桥底下。74. owe sth to 把归功于eg. He owed all his success to the supports from his family. / 他把成功归功于家人的支持。75. pay sb some money for sth76. sth cost sb some money77. sb spend some money on sth / in doing sth78. it takes sb some money to do sth79. take place / take ones place / take the place of sb 发生/ 取代某人/ 取代某人80. practise doing sth 联系做某事81. provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物82. on purpose 故意83. rather than / other than 而不是/ 除了,不同于eg. He bought the red tie rather than the green one. / 他买了那条红领带而不是那条绿色的。eg. He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. / 他除了向我要东西,从不和我说话。eg. She seldom appears other than happy. / 她很少有不高兴的时候。84. refer to 指的是,提及85. play a role in 在扮演一个角色,在某方面起作用86. make room for 为腾地方87. see sb off / meet sb at the station 为某人送行/ 去车站接某人88. send out / send for a doctor / send off / send up / 派出/ 派人去请医生/ 发出气体/ 发射89. make sense 有意义eg. What you have said makes no sense. / 你刚才说的话都是废话。90. sentence sb to death / stone sb to death / starve sb to death 判某人死刑/ 用石头把某人打死/ 饿死某人91. be similar to 与相似92. sooner or later 迟早93. stop sb from doing sth / keep sb from doing / prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做某事94. suffer from sth 遭受痛苦95. be sure to do sth 有信心做某事eg. She is sure to win the first prize in the competition. / 她有信心在比赛中获胜。96. make sure 确保,确定eg. When you leave the room, make sure that all the windows are shut.97. it is certain that 毫无疑问的是98. tear sth into pieces 把撕成碎片99. all the time / all the same / all the best / all the way 一直/ 同样/ 一切都好/ 千里迢迢eg. He came all the way by air in order to watch the finals. / 他一路飞来,为的就是看最后的决赛。100. be tired of doing / be tired from doing 厌倦做某事/ 因某事感到劳累101. keep in touch with sb / lose touch with sb 和某人保持联系/ 和某人失去联系102. turn to sb for help 向某人寻求帮助103. make oneself understood 使自己被别人理解104. used to do sth / would 过去常常105. be used to doing sth / be accustomed to doing sth 习惯做某事106. be used to do sth / get used to do sth / be used for sth 被用来做某事107. by the way / in the way / in a way / on the way / in no way / in this way 顺便说说/ 碍事/ 从某种程度上来说/ 在路上/ 绝不/ 就这样108. be willing to do sth / be unwilling to do 愿意做某事/ 不愿意做某事109. have a word with sb / have words with sb 和某人谈话/ 和某人吵架110. in a word / in short / to sum up 总之111. in other words 换言之112. Word came that 有消息称eg. Word came that there would be a new round of sale next week. / 有消息称下周还有新一轮的打折。113. be worth doing / be worthy to do 值得做某事eg. The book is worth reading. / The book is worthy to be read. / 这本书值得一读。114. accuse sb of doing sb 指控某人做某事eg. He was accused of murdering his boss. / 他被指控谋杀了他的老板。115. assure sb of sth 向某人确保eg. The shop assistant kept assuring me of the quality, so I took it. / 售货员不断向我保证质量,所以我就买下了。116. get rid of sth 去除,消除117. suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做某事118. warn sb of sth 警告某人某事eg. I have warned him of the danger many times, but he wont listen to me. / 我警告过他很多次,但是他就是不听我的。119. differ from 区别于120. be dismissed from / be fired from 被解雇121. protect sb from sth / doing sth 保护某人免受,免于eg. The umbrella can protect people from the rain. / 雨伞可以保护人们不受雨淋。122. sb be engaged in doing sth 忙于做某事123. fail in sth / fail to do sth 失败于某事124. indulge oneself in sth / doing sth 沉溺于某事eg. He indulged himself in traveling all over the world. /他沉溺于他的环球旅行。125. sb be involved in sth 某人被牵涉进某事中eg. I dont want to be involved in their quarrel. / 我不想搅和进他们的争吵中。126. concentrate on sth / doing sth 全神贯注做某事127. decide on sth 决定eg. They have decided on the date for their outing. / 他们已经决定了出游的日期。128. economize on sth 节约eg. We should economize on all kinds of energy. / 我们应该节约各种能源。129. embark on sth 开始着手做某事130. operate on sb 给某人动手术131. vote on sth for sb / against sb 就某事进行投票选择,赞成/ 反对132. amo


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