



S2:S3:Dear teachers!Fellow students!合:Welcome to our third English festival!Welcome to our English songs grand celebration!S1:My name is , Im from Class , Grade .S2:S3: My name is , Im from Class , Grade .S1:As a result of the great efforts of all the teachers and students, today we all gathered here to celebrate songs grand celebration. First of all, Let me represent all the teachers and students of our school, extend a warm welcome to our honorable leaders and distinguished guests. Welcome! Welcome to our English songs brand contest!S2:在我们全体初三英语教师和班主任的共同努力下,今天,我们终于站在这里,隆重举行我校第四届英语节英文歌曲合唱比赛,在此,我谨代表我校全体教师和学生对今天和我们一起观看英语节初一大合唱比赛的领导和来宾,表示热烈的欢迎,同时预祝本次合唱比赛取得圆满成功。S3:Next our headmaster Mr Huang will give us an opening speech. Lets welcome .S1:下面欢迎黄校长致开幕词。1. S1:花园般的校园是编织我们缤纷梦想的摇篮;辛勤的园丁们为我们插上通往梦想的翅膀;欢快的歌声溢满校园伴随着我们健康成长;S2:This is the place where the sun rises. This is the place where the dream starts. This is also the place where beautiful songs are heard.S3:我们深爱着我们的学校!这里是太阳升起的地方;这里是梦想腾飞的地方!S1:这里也是歌声响起的地方,Listen, there comes the song Apple tree by Class5,Grade7. 请欣赏由705班同学为我们带来的Apple tree.2.S2:“We wish you a merry Christmas”熟悉的旋律陪伴我们长大。年年必备的传统圣诞名曲,少了它,圣诞就不圣诞啦!下面请欣赏713班带来的We wish you a merry Christmas.3. S2:How beautiful the song is! S1:Yes. And we need friends, and we need friendship. Now I wonder I can sing songs with my friends.S2:Really? Of course, you can. Look! The chance is coming now. I think you can sing with them. S1:Next is the song This is the way by Class 8. Lets enjoy it.4. S2:Thank you! Thank you for your wonderful song. S3:Hey, do you know how many songs are there in a week?S2:Sure, but I wont tell you.S3:Why?S2:Because my friends from Class 9 will tell you about these in a song.S3:Please enjoy the song The days of a week from Class 9 .5 S3:S2:S3:S2:S3:Can you count? Yes, one, two, three, four Hey, cut it out. Its boring. Let them help you.Who?Students from Class 10. They are going to count the numbers in the song lets play with the numbers.6 S1:Twinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you are?Looking at your magic light Watching over us tonightLets enjoy the song Twinkle twinkle little star from Class 1 7 S1:Do you know Saint Claus? S2:Yes,and I know another name of his, Father Christmas. He has a red-nosed reindeer named Rudolph. Its Chinese name is 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫,它是这个世界上唯一长着大红鼻子的驯鹿,专门为圣诞老人拉雪橇,鲁道夫曾经因为自己独一无二的鼻子感到非常难堪,其他的驯鹿都笑话它,就连自己的父母兄弟也因此被嘲笑,他是怎么改变自己的命运的呢?下面由我们的711班讲为大家讲述鲁道夫的故事,Lets welcome.8 S1:哦,明白了,原来鲁道夫最后还是靠大红鼻子改变了自己的命运,成为圣诞老人的专属坐骑。今天真是学到了一课。All right,weve learned a story about the nose, here comes a lovely finger songs. Class4, welcome!9 S2:If you are happy clap your hands, if you are happy clap you hands,S3:boys and girls, are you happy?S2:同学们,你们快乐吗?那么,下面我们就一起跟随706班的同学一起拍手唱快乐歌-If you are happy!10 S1Youth is a beautiful song,Youth is a fantastic paintingYouth is a good storyYouth is a pretty girl,Look , here she comes.下面请欣赏702班为大家带来的:Did you see a little lassie11 S2:Thank you for the brilliant performance given by Class2, now lets invite Class7 to sing the song Doctor. Welcome!12 S3:大家的内心深处一定深刻铭记着一首旋律简单,让人亲切温暖的歌,就在不久前的八月,在那一颗蓝色星球上,歌唱家刘欢与沙特布莱曼为大家演唱了这一首唯美的歌曲,这首歌是?(与台下观众互动)我们充满朝气的712班将在这里为大家重新演绎那一份温暖。Welcome Class12 You and me13 S1:Thanks for the performance from Class One. B, what do you do when you are not happy?S3:Usually Ill go to my parents, go to my family. Because they can always give me help. My family are my sunshine, and my friends are also my sunshine.S1:下面有请702班的同学为我们演唱“you are my sunshine”14 S1:We know Christmas is coming. Here I wish everyone a merry Christmas! Oh, not only me. And also every student of Class4.S2:圣诞节即将来临,我在这里祝愿大家圣诞节快乐。下面请聆听704班同学的祝福We wish you a merry Christmas。S1:Thanks for the amazing performance of all the fellow students, S2:And also our appreciation should be given to our teachers for their patient instructions, S3:感谢所有初一同学的精彩表演,感谢所有教师的精心指导。我们的老师像蜡烛,一支支美丽的蜡烛S4:他们是在耗尽自己,照亮了每个人的生命,照亮每个人的心灵,在此,请允许我代表对初一全体英语老师说一声:合:Thank you ! Thank you so much!S1: We wish you a merry Christmas!S2: we wish you happy


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