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本科生毕业论文 试谈文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响 院 系 : 人文与社会科学系 专 业 : 学生姓名 : 学 号 : 指导教师 : 2009 年 6 月 , 2009 t a to a B.A me in of of I to my to me on on my in Id to my to my r me of my I a of to of as me on my of of go to me me d to my to my me a my of I to my to my in 摘要 随着世界经济全球化趋势的发展,中西方国家之间的贸易往来日益频繁,商务活动所展现出的不仅是一种经济活动,而且还是一种文化上的交流。商务英语翻译作为不同语言的人们之间进行商业交流的交际过程和交际工具就显得尤为重要。自跨文化交流活动以来,翻译实践就与文化产生了不可分割的联系。文化加速了翻译的发展,而翻译又促进了文化的传播,文化与翻译的发展相得益 彰。随着全球经济一体化时代的到来,地域不再局限人们的交流空间,跨文化交流愈加频繁。频繁的跨文化交流加速了文化碰撞的呈现,商务英语翻译中出现的文化因素也越来越多。这对于译者来说是个挑战,因为英语和汉语有诸多差异之处,所以很难把地道的英语译成能为大多数中国商务者所接受的汉语;同样,让普通的英语国家的商务者通过译文来理解地道的汉语也不容易。如何克服这些由文化差异所引起的翻译障碍是译者需要面对的一个大问题。本文将分析文化差异与商务英语翻译实践的关系以及文化差异对商务英语翻译造成的影响,通过举出充分的例子来分析文化差 异对商务英语翻译造成的影响并提出如何克服由文化差异引起的翻译障碍的方法。本文目的是借助商务英语翻译使人们能更了解文化对语言的影响并有效地进行商务交流。 关键字: 商务英语;文化差异;翻译实践 of is in a of up of to of is a it is to be by to is to by is a to is to of By of of to to by so as to F . . . . . I 摘要 . . . . . . . . .F . . . . .F . 2 F .F . . F . F F . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . . . . . . 11 O N 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 as a is a is of is we it in (a) to (b) to c) to s of of or of of of it is a of to is a To do an it is to to in a it is to in of In to is in to of of in is is of of is s is of of it in of on of to to of we an on is it so it is to an we to n of It is .6 as or of in an in of 010, be At to of to is of is of On is in is is is to is in of “is an it as an in 6” as of it 666”, “金六福 ” so to a is is a of in to it is to to of be on a A of a of to of to in In or of in is of an in It is of of an to in It is a a of is to is a of to of is to of is to is of of A an a an an s is At of of we to we As a of is of At up as or to is of to by 雪碧 ” be by a to be to of 鹏 ”is is a of “to be up s we in of of by 戏扑克 ”“of or As we “雄鸡 ” is a a is of in on it is in If as of be to 鸡 ” is we to of of on we t is to of an it be to a of of of go of In is as an It is to a is on in if we as 雀 ” TV is a of a On is an it is a to 孔雀 ”, 孔雀 ”. 翎 ” is “is a or of It in a s is a of a “ at a “is to of on a to of or of s to a is to of an is to to or it is a to be of of of in do a of is to s a of in In to by of of s be we to or in us a at on of s


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