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佳鑫诺专接本 内部资料注意保密 电话66125658河北省专科接本科教育英语考试大纲评价目标:考试考查应试者对于英语词汇、语法的掌握与运用以及阅读理解能力.考试对应试者的英语词汇,英语语法知识和阅读理解能力的要求分别如下:1词汇 应试者应认知3400个左右的英语单词和短语(其中的1800个单词要求活用式掌握)。在这3400个单词中,1800个单词和短语属中学已经学过的,另外1600个单词和短语属专科期间要求掌握的.要求应试者对已学过的单词和短语能够正确发音和应用.2. 语法 应试者应懂得英语基本语法结构和常用句型,能正确理解用这些结构和句型写成的句子。要求掌握的基本语法知识包括:1)英语句子的基本语序及意义;2) 英语句子的结构和常用句型;3) 各种时体的变化及意义;4) 各种从句的构成和意义;5) 句子之间的所指,省略,替代,重复及逻辑关系.3.阅读理解能力应试者应能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能来理解一般的英语书面材料.阅读能力主要包括下列几个方面:1)所读材料的主旨和大意;2)了解阐述主旨的事实和细节;3)根据上下文判断某些词语和短语的意义;4) 既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的逻辑关系;5) 根据所读材料进行一定的判断,推理和引申;6) 领会作者的观点,意图和态度.4.写作能力: 应试者能够在15分钟内按要求写出一篇句子通顺并且不少于100字的英语短文.专接本应试指导专接本考试题型、题量和分值一览表题型题量每题分值总分语音515情景对话(短、长各五)5 1 5 2110词汇和结构20120阅读理解20240完型填空20120写作12201015合计861201201 单词辨音解题技巧单词辨音常见方法:分类选择法、对照选择法、分类排列法等。由于英语单词的拼法和读音之间有差异,因此就要求我们不仅能辨认音标,而且要掌握每个音标的正确读音,从而正确拼读出每一个单词。正确做好单词辨音,最重要的是先理清题意,辨清是哪一种类型,然后看清每题考察的是哪一个字母或字母组合的发音。简而言之,弄清考查题意和范围,是单词辨音题的基本解题思路。试解几题,以加深印象。1 从下列各组单词中,找出一个与括号里所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词。1)(forgot) A. factor B. lavatory C. watch D. fashion2) ( sunny ) A. business B. rubbish C. true D. huge3) ( orderly ) A. doctor B. worldly C. worker D. ordinary4) ( forest) A. forecast B. foreign C. foreleg D. forefather2. 下列各组单词的划线部分有三个读音相同,另一个读音不同,请找出这个单词。1)A. suggestion B. revolution C. action D. promotion2) A. industrial B. industry C. publish D. public3) A. yellow B. row C. arrow D. follow4) A. comrade B. palace C. village D. ordinary5) A. comb B. tomb C. timber D. bomber要做好单词辨音题,还应熟记读音特殊的单词,这是单词辨音题的关键。如:al 在下列单词中的读音就该多加注意: talk half halves halt ; ear : beard tear (vt.) bear heard heart ; ea : beat head lead great breakfast steak ; ee: fleet sleet coffee ; oo: food flood foot ; ie: believe relieve friend ; ch: teacher research machine technical; omb: bomb comb tomb limb lamb plumb; low how row ;以下请予格外关注:ea: heat seat leave lead breathe head breakfast spread breath leadgreat break steakcreate creation creativity creativeforeheadou: group soup routemouth south loudsouthern country youngshoulder soulau: aunt auntie aunty laughautumn cause faultie: piece niece fieldcities ladies studiesfriend friendship friendlylie tie die ei: weight weigh feintreceive deceive seize ceiling receiptheight reich(德)帝国)foreignsovereign (君主)oo: good book cookfood coolblood floodear: hear clear fear gear beard tearbear pear wear tearheardheart hearty our: hour flour sourhonour colourjournal journeytourist tourism tourpour mourn(哀悼)It never rains but it pours.nourish(养育, 施肥) flourish(兴旺)ur: turn nurse hurt surface surplussurprise survive al: half calm palmwall call haltchalk talk walknger: finger longer younger strongersingerth: bath path breadth clothbreathe bathe clothe lathe tion: suggestion questionrevolution action evolutionsion: revision television decisionved: asked looked stopped amazed played nakedwanted neededc, g, s, x: city decide nice bicyclecourage cave curious cream tricycle monocycleexercise exit textexample examination exist exactg: age giant luggage village technology hugebaggage pig hug eggplants: fast maps grassreason nosemeasure pleasure sure insure ensure assure occasionb: climb lamb subtle doubt tomb comb bomb limb plumb h: hour honor honestw: answer sword write two wrongk: knife knee knock know kneel acknowledge p: psychology psy-war psycholinguistics2. 情景对话情景对话语境化试题主要检测考生用英语进行话语交际的能力。这类试题多为日常生活中的交际用语,具有强烈的感情色彩和灵活多变、简练等特点。如果考生不把自己 “设身处地”于语境中,不了解英美人的文化、生活习惯,单靠死记硬背语法条目,答题正确率就不会高。因此,关注英汉文化差异是答对这类试题的不二法门。以下是需要注意之处:A: 短对话1)忌用汉语思维习惯代替英语思维习惯1. - I hope you dont mind my pointing out your mistake.- _A. Of course. B. Not at all.C. You are welcome. D. Yes, I dont.2. -Do you mind my taking this seat?- _ .A. Yes, sit down , please.B. No, of course notC. Yes, take it please.D. No, you cant take it.3. -I like your earrings.- _.A. No, I am being flattered.B. Thanks. I got them in Mexico last year.C. No, they are not good at all.D. You are kidding, arent you?4. Oh, you speak very good English.A. Yes, my English is quite fluent.B. No, no, my spoken English is very poor.C. Thanks, I am proud of it.D. Thank you, but there is still much to be improved in my spoken English.B B B D2) 忌生搬硬套语法规则1.- If you wont do it, _ .A. nor do I B. neither shall IC. neither I do D. neither I shall2.- Is she going to school?- No, _ .A. she doesnt B. shes cyclingC. she gets by bus D. to the shop3.- I didnt pass the monthly exam!- _ next time , and youll succeed.A. To work hard B. Work hardC. Working hard D. Hard-working4.- Lets go for a film show.- _ .A. Yes B. No, I wouldntC. Yes, I would D. All right, letsB D B D3) 忌不了解英美人的文化习俗1. You think the new English woman teacher is very young and want to know how old she is, you should say _A.How old are you?B.Please tell me how old you are.C.We all think you look young.D.When were you born?2.- Have a good flight?- _ .A. Not at all bad, thank youB. Im glad to hear that.C. You too.D. The same to you.3.- You have a good sense of humor.A. Really? You are flattering me.B. Thank you.C. You are kidding, arent you?D. No, not at all.4.- The cake is really delicious.- _ .A. No, it has been spoiled.B. You must be making a joke about me.C. Thanks, but it didnt turn out exactly right.D. No, its nothing but an ordinary cake.C A B C4) 忌只注意孤立句子的语法正确,而忽略了语境所表达的完整确切的意义1.- We could have walked to the station; it was so near.- Yes. A taxi _ at all necessary.A. wasnt B. hadnt beenC. wouldnt be D. wont2.- You neednt have worried about him yesterday because _ across the river.- But it is said that he was captured by the police yesterday.A. He could swimB. He was able to swimC. He would have swumD. He had swum3.- _ , I would have gone to the concert last night.A. Were not I to a test tomorrowB. If I did not take a test tomorrowC. Were I not to take a test tomorrowD. If I was not taking a test tomorrow4.- Look! The house is in a terrible mess.-_ .A. It mustnt have been cleanedB. It might not have been clenedC. It cant have been cleanedD. It could have been cleaned5. I suppose he is not yet twenty, _ ?A. dont I B. do I C. is he D. isnt he6. I dont think he is up to the job, _ ?A. dont I B. do I C. isnt he D. is heA B C C C D5) 忌不注意语境中某些词组、短语、句型的习惯用法1. - Do you know our town at all?- No, this is the first time I _ here.A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming2.- Dont be so hasty. Take your time, boy.- _ .A. Heres mine B. Here it isC. Thank you, I will D. Im afraid3.- I was lucky actually, because it was the third time I _ China that year.A. have visited B. visitedC. had visited D. would visit4.- She thought I was talking about her daughter, _ in fact, I was talking about my daughter.A. whom B. where C. which D. while 5. What do you think of your English teacher? _ .A. I miss him very much B. He is very kind C. I often think much of him D. He reminds me of my fatherB C C D BB: 长对话长对话除了需要注意上述五点之外,还要注意对话的主题与前后文的衔接,避免跑题及前言不搭后语。Sample AA: Havent seen you for a long time. Glad to see you, Mary.B:_11_A: I wonder if you are free next Friday evening.B: Oh, _12_ Why?A: Well have an evening party that night. And I _13_ to take part in it.B: Thank you. Ill try to attend it.A: _14_ See you!B: _15_A. nothing special.B. Glad to see you, too.C. How do you do?D. Its wonderful.E. See you then.F. Hope to see you that night!G. have the pleasure of inviting youB A G F ESample BA: Can I help you, madam?B: Yes. _11_ . How much is it?A: 30 pounds.B: Oh. _12 _ And it looks too big for me.A: Yes, it is. Its XL.B: How much is that dress over there? The short green one.A: 15 pounds.B: Ah, thats not too expensive. _13_A: But I think its not big enough for you, madam. _14_B: Yes, this is too small for me. Have you something like this, but bigger? I am of medium size.A: _15_A. And the color is very nice.B. Just a moment, please, madam.C. Wait here, please.D. I like this blue dress.E. its small size.F. Thats quite cheap.G. Thats quite expensive.D G A E B3. 词汇与结构Part A: 专接本大纲对词汇题部分的要求与学习方法、考试技巧考试大纲规定考试要求考生们“领会式掌握3,0单词(其中活用式掌握的单词为0),以及由这些词构成的常用词组条(其中包含中学所学的单词和词组)”。并且“有按基本构词法识别生词的能力”。当然,还必须具有较高的阅读理解能力和猜词能力。词汇是语言的基础,掌握词汇并能熟练地掌握其用法,是提高英语水平的根本,也是在应试中提高选项命中率的正确途径。对往年试题分析表明,在试题的词汇与语法结构30小题中,词汇约占一半以上,其中名词(包括后面要求跟的固定介词搭配的形容词)及副词3-4题,介词短语2-3。而其中动词和动词短语占词汇题的近半数。因而在对词汇进行全面复习的基础上,要突出重点,以动词和动词短语为中心,注意搭配,务求达到熟练掌握的目的。在解题时,首先要读完全句,理解大意。然后判断空格处所需的词类,再利用所掌握的应试技巧进行解题。可采用排除法,即不符合题意的选项逐一排除,最后剩下可选选项。也可采用分析法,即抓住考题中的关键信息,避免干扰项的迷惑,或对考题中不认识的难度较高的词汇从前缀、后缀或词根等分析其构词特点以解其意。现从试题的备选选项的类别来进行分析。一、 备选选项为形近异义词这类考题的备选选项词形相近,而意义不同。应试这类考试,应准确地掌握每个词的确切含义,方能选出正确的选项。例如:1. Dr. Smith _ his speech with a welcome to the guests.A. proceeded B. preceded C. processed D. procedured proceed vi. 意为进行,着手做(to do),继续(with);precede vt. 意为先于,(地位等)高于,在。前加上;process vt. 意为加工,处理; procedure n. 意为手续,步骤,程序,礼节。根据句意可知这里指史密斯博士在讲话前加上了对来宾的欢迎词,故应选B为答案。2.A completely new situation will _ when the examination system comes into existence.A) arise B)rise C)raise D)arouse首先从句子的结构判断出空格中需填入一不及物动词。选项C)raise“举起”和D)arouse“引起,唤醒”可排除。选项A)arise和 B)rise 是两个极容易混淆的词,它们不仅词形和读音相近,而且又都是不及物动词。因而要选出正确的选项应从它们的词义出发。选项A)arise 意为“出现、发生”, B)rise 意为“升起,上涨”。选项A)arise 符合题意。3. New techniques have been _ to improve the quality of the products.A) adapted B) adoptedC) admitted D) adjusted4.When I asked him to have a drink with me, he said he was in a hurry and not a minute to _ .A) spend B) save C) spare D) share5. There was a _ growth of the heavy industries during the war.A) considerate B) consideredC) considering D) considerable6. You cant afford to let the situation get worse. You must take _ to put it right.A) decisions B) directions C) sides D) steps7. Social evils were fundamentally caused by _ inequality.A) economy B) economicalC) economic D) economics8. We are busy choosing _ subjects this term.A) optimistic B) opponentC) orbit D) optional9. The student _ the teacher by raising his questions.A) interrupted B) interpretedC) interviewed D) interfered10. The man had thirty parcels to be _ at houses all over the town.A) distributed B) contributed C) attributed D) tributed A. 分送, 分发;B. 捐献,贡献;C.将归因于;D. n. 贡品。3-10 B C D D C D A A二、 备选选项为异形异义词这类考题所设置的选项,词类相同,但词形、词义完全不相同。用以测试考生的认词能力,要作出正确的选择,首先要有词汇量;其次要能读懂题意,在认识词的基础上,一定要紧密结合题意。例如:1. He made such a_ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.A)genuine B)minimumC)modest D)generous选项A)genuine 意为“真实的,真诚的”;B)minimum“最少的,最低的”C)modest“适中的,不过分的”D)generous “慷慨的”。根据题意,选择D)generous为正确答案。首先所填入的形容词必须能修饰空格后的“捐款”,而且此笔“捐款”使得人们“打算将一座新建筑以他的名字命名”。2.The thief _ to shoot me if I dont give him my money.A) promised B) refusedC) begged D) threatened3.Dont hope to _ English in a couple of years. It takes time.A) grasp B) master C) hold D) seize4.The story says that our calendar _ the dawn of civilization.A)dated back in B)dates back toC)dates back from D)dated back at5.The best student in each class will _ a prize at the end of the semester.A)catch B)possess C)accept D)receivecatch sb. red-handed6.He spoke so fast that I didnt _ what he said.A) miss B) catch C) listen D) receive7.We couldnt _ him of his mistakes.A) persuade B) advise C) convince D) believe8.We could not afford to rent a house like that, _ it.A) let alone to buyB) let alone buyC) to say nothing to buyD) say nothing buying“更不用说”的用法归纳:to say nothing of ; not to speak of ; not to mention; stillmuch less ; let alone do9.When you rewrite the paragraph, I advise you to _ the last sentence as it was rather misleading.A) point out B) make outC) leave out D) put out10.He was _ of having asked such a silly question.A) sorry B) guiltyC) ashamed D) miserableKeys:1.D 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C三、 备选选项为近义词或同义词这类题的备选选项词形相异,但意思相近,虽然概念相同或相近但其含义和用法仍存在细微差别。所以对于此类考题应把握名词的真正的内涵,并要从用法、使用场合和搭配结构上进行分析,最后再作出判断。例如:1.In the driving class, Jack made slow but _ progress.A. steady B. staticC. stable D. still答案:A Still waters run deep.A barking dog seldom bites.2.Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _sicknesses.A.normal B.regularC.average D.ordinary选项D.ordinary 意为“普通的,一般的”,符合题意。而其它三个选项虽然在一定的语境中可以是ordinary的同义词,但它们的含义不同。选项A.normal作“正常的,平常的”即“按照通常的情况”,B.regular 意为“通常的,常规的”C.average“平常的,普遍的”。3.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become_.A.hurt B.damagedC.spoiled D.harmed这四个选项都有“受伤害”的意思,选项A.hurt 指对身体或感情“伤害”; B.damage 指物品受“损害”或遭“毁坏”;C.spoiled若指人意为“宠坏的,溺爱的”;D. harmed指“对某人或某物有害处”。根据句意,选项C)spoiled符合题意:那些受到父母过分照顾的孩子容易被宠坏。4.Many people complain of the rapid_ of modern life.A.rate B.speed C.pace D.growth四个选项都和“速度”有关系。选项A.rate意为“速率”;B.speed意为“速度”,表示事物进行的速度;C.pace意为“节奏,步伐”,其基本意思是步行的速度;D.growth意为“发展,增长”。所以选项C.pace符合题意:许多人抱怨现代生活的节奏太快。5. It suddenly _ to him that his father might have gone bankrupt.A. happened B. took placeC. occurred D. arose选项A.(意外的)发生, happen to(不幸、意外降临到);B.举行, 发生; C.发生,出现, occur to 被想到;D. 出现, 发生。根据题干中空格后的to可知, 考生只能在AC中选择, 再考虑句意, C符合题意, 故选C。6.The suspect was _ with attempting to smuggle drugs.A. accused B. challengedC. charged D. scolded7.He wrote a letter to the company to apply for that _ position.A. empty B. vacantC. blank D. hollow8. The _ food is cooked and served may greatly affect the appetite of children.A. method B. processC. way D. means9. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to _ healthy.A. preserve B.stayC. maintain D. reserve10. I hope there is _ for the doctor.A. seat B. room C. place D. cornerKeys: 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10. B四、 动词词组或介词词组动词词组部分的试题主要是由主体部分是同一个动词,后半部分是介词或副词的短语构成。如:make for, take after, occur to; give rise to, give full play to; carry forward, give in, look sb. up and down, look forward to, look up to, look down upon, put up with, put down, lay off, take place等。这类短语动词大致可分为:1.vt.n.vi.如:take place ; take part ;take ones leave;2.v.adv.vt.或vi. 如:see off; break out; give in; carry on; put forward; give up;3.v.prep.vt.如:set about; see through; ask after; care for; look into; break through;4.v.adv.prep.vt.如:look down upon; look up to; catch up with; look forward to; do away with; break away from; put up with;5.vt. n. prep. vt. 如:give full play to; take care of; make use of ; give rise to; put an end to; pay attention to;6.其它方式:make up ones mind; make sure; get in touch with; see to it that 值得注意的是这些词组的意思不是两词或三词词义的简单叠加,而是词组的新义。所以在复习时要经常复习这类短语,并牢牢记住短语本身的含义。例如:1.The sports meet was _ until next Friday.A. put up B. put outC. put down D. put off2.The engine_ smoke and steam.A. gives up B. gives inC. gives away D. gives off本句是一个简单句:主语+谓语+宾语。宾语是“烟和蒸汽”(smoke and steam),空格中要填入谓语动词。选项A.gives up意为“放弃,停止”;B.gives in“屈服,让步”C.gives away“赠送,泄露”;D.gives off“释放出”。选项D.gives off符合题意。3.Important people dont often have much free time as their work_ all their time.A.takes away B.takes overC.takes up D.takes in空格前work(工作)是主句的主语,空格后的all their time(他们所有的时间)为宾语。所以空格中应填入选项C.takes up,意为“占去”,符合题意。选项A.takes away 意为“拿走”;B.takes over“接收,接管”;D.take in“领会,接受,欺骗”。(take after)4.The manager needs an assistant that he can _ to take care of problems in his absence.A.count on B.count inC.count up D.count out本句中that 引导的定语从句,空格中要填入谓语动词,that修饰前面的an assistant (助手)并且作为空格里所填的谓语动词的宾语。选项A.count on意为“依靠,指望”,符合题意;B.count in “把.算入”;C.count up“算出-的总数”;D.count out “把.不算进去”。5.Children are very curious_.A.at heart B.in personC.on purpose D.by nature空格前意思是:孩子是好奇的。选项D.by nature“天生地,出于本性地”符合题意:孩子生性好奇。选项A.at heart意为“内心里”;B.in person“亲自,本人”;C.on purpose “故意地 ,有意地”。6.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are_.A.out of work B.out of stockC.out of reach D.out of practice选项A.out of work意为“失业”;B.out of stock意为“没有货”,符合题意;我们遗憾地通知你们,你们所定的材料现在没货。选项C.out of reach“达不到,够不着”;D. out of practice “荒疏,缺乏练习”。7. After saying that, he _ the door quickly.A.made up B.made forC.made out D.made from8.The young man promised to his parents, “I would never _ again.”A. let


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