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书面表达的写作步骤 1 审试题 观察判断要写文章的类型和特点 2 圈要点 要点就是考试评分的给分点或者扣分点。要求在 能在图画图表等 提示上用简单词语标出所表达的内容。这样做可以防止要 点遗漏或者过分发挥。 3 定基调 即定出时态语态、人称口吻、顺序段落、开头和 结尾 4 写全文 选择熟悉短语和句型,一气呵成 5 改病错 看看是否有要点遗漏,字数是否符合要求,人称 、时态、主谓一致等方面的错误,以便及时修改 6 重抄写 最后将修改好的文章抄写在考卷上指定地方。要 字迹工整。 书面表达注意事项 1 英语书面表达和语文命题作文不一样。它是一种指导性 作文,不允许考生自行立意,不能漫无边际地发挥。字数 (100左右)达不到要求或者超出范围均要扣分。 2 注意正确使用英语标点符号和大小写。 3 文中不要出现汉语式英语,遇到不会的词汇,可以采用 相近意思表达即可。 4 在书写时要不勾不画,卷面美观。 附录 1 常见的过渡表达法 附录 2 英语中五种简单句型解析 附录 3 写作常见经典句型(供参考) 附录 4 关于写作中的一般表达和高级表达 附录 5 高考书面表达评分标准 附录 6 高考书面表达常见错误及对策 附录 1 常见的过渡表达法 一 表示时间的过渡词 at first, next, then, after that, soon, soon/shortly after, finally, in the end, eventually, at last, lately, recently, since then, later, in no time, after a while, afterwards, to begin with, immediately, meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time, so far, suddenly, at the age of, as early as, as soon as, before, the other day, early in the morning, after/before dark, one day, one afternoon/evening 二 表示空间的过渡词 to the left/righton the left/right, on the opposite side, in the middle of, in front of, in the front of, at the back of, at the bottom of, on the edge of, on top of, opposite to, close to, next to, near to, under, over, below, above, across, around, behind, before, against 三 表示列举和时序的过渡词 first of all, in the first place, next, and then, finally, at the same time, to begin with, lastly 四 表示举例的过渡词 for example, for instance, for one thing, for another, such as, like, take for example 五 表示对比或者比较的过渡词 like, unlike, similarly, in the same way, compared to/with, while, still, on the contrary, different from, on the one handon the another (hand), in common (with) 六 表示增补的过渡词 and, bothand, not onlybut also, as well as, also=besides=furthermore=moreover, in addition, apart from, whats more, worse still=whats worse= to make things/matter worse, including 七 表示因果的过渡词 because, since=now that, as, for, therefore, thus, so, as a result, because of=on account of, thanks to, for this reason, if so, if not 八 表示目的的过渡词 for this purpose, in order to do=so as to do, in order that=so that 九 表示让步的过渡词 though=although, in spite of=despite, after all, even if=even though, no matter what/when/where/how =whatever/whenever/wherever/however 十 表示条件的过渡词 if, unless, so/as long as, provided that=on condition that 十一、 表示强调的过渡词 above all, indeed, in any case, in fact=as a matter of fact, in this case, in particular, obviously, anyway=anyhow, or rather 十二、表示解释的过渡词 that is (to say), in other words, or, namely 十三、表示转换话题的过渡词 by the way, Im afraid, in my opinion, to tell you the truth, to be honest 十四、表示总结的过渡词 in a/one word, generally speaking, in short=in brief=in a few words, in conclusion, on the whole, as has been mentioned/stated, It is quite clear that-, There is no doubt that-, It is well known that-, as we all know=as is known to us all, as/so far as I know, to sum up= to summarize= in summary 十五、表示选择或者排除的过渡词 eitheror, or, without, except=but, instead of 八 表示目的的过渡词 for this purpose, in order to do=so as to do, in order that=so that 九 表示让步的过渡词 though=although, in spite of=despite, after all, even if=even though, no matter what/when/where/how =whatever/whenever/wherever/however 十 表示条件的过渡词 if, unless, so/as long as, provided that=on condition that 十一、 表示强调的过渡词 above all, indeed, in any case, in fact=as a matter of fact, in this case, in particular, obviously, anyway=anyhow, or rather 十二、表示解释的过渡词 that is (to say), in other words, or, namely 十三、表示转换话题的过渡词 by the way, Im afraid, in my opinion, to tell you the truth, to be honest 十四、表示总结的过渡词 in a/one word, generally speaking, in short=in brief=in a few words, in conclusion, on the whole, as has been mentioned/stated, It is quite clear that-, There is no doubt that-, It is well known that-, as we all know=as is known to us all, as/so far as I know, to sum up= to summarize= in summary 十五、表示选择或者排除的过渡词 eitheror, or, without, except=but, instead of 十六、表示转折的过渡词 but, however, still, and yet 附录 2 英语中五种简单句型解析 英语基本句型有5种,即(1)主语+ 连系动词+ 表语 (2 )主语+ 谓语(+状语) (3)主语+ 谓语+ 宾语 (4) 主语+ 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 (5) 主语+ 谓语 + 宾语+ 宾语补足语 从5种句型来看,一个句子的核心部 分是动词。也就是说我们写出来的任何句子总少不了动词 。 还有,句子的主语一般是名词,代词,-ing 形式, 不定式, 主语从句或者the + 形容词等等。请看下列句子 的主语: China is a great country. Swimming is her favorite sport. To finish that task calls for great skills and patience. What he said at the meeting surprised us all. The poor are looked down on by the rich. 句型一:主语+ 连系动词 + 表语 常见的连系动词有:be, look, seem appear, become, turn, get, feel, sound, smell, taste, grow, go (bad/wrong/mad/hungry/), come(true/loose), fall (asleep/ill), stay, remain, keep, stand, lie,etc.表语可以 是名词,形容词,介词短语,不定式,-ing 形式,-ed分 词,副词等等。 句型二: 主语 + 谓语(+ 状语) 此句型的谓语由不及物动词或者相当于不及物动词的短语 来充当。状语可以由副词,形容词,名词,介词短语,不 定式,-ing形式或者with的复合结构等来充当。 句型三: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 此句型的谓语由及物动词或者相当于及物动词的短语来充 当。宾语可以由名词,代词,不定式,-ing形式, 或者从句来 充当. 句型四: 主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 间接宾语和直接宾语一起称为双宾语。能够带双宾语的动 词有如下一些:give, show, send, bring, offer, read, pass, lend, leave, hand, tell, return, write, pay, allow, wish, teach, promise, award, owe, refuse, make, buy, do, fetch, get, paint, spare, cook, sing, etc. 句型五: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 宾语补足语由名词,形容词,副词,介词短语, -ing形 式,-ed分词,不定式等充当。 附录 3 写作常见经典句型(供参考) 1 It was + 时间段+before/ It was not long before/ It will (not) be + 时间段+before 2 It is(has been) + 时间段+since+ 过去时 3 be about to dowhen 4 while(表示对比) 5 Not until 的倒装句型/ It was not untilthat(强调 句型) 6 asas(not as/so as)/ more than/ more and more/the morethe more 7 It +be+ 过去分词/形容词/名词+to do/that-从句 8 It +不及物动词(seem/appear/happen)+that-从句 9 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 10 There be 句型, 其中be 可以换成 stand/live/lie/come There is no need to do/There is no point in doing/There is no difficulty in doing/There is no doubt that 11状语从句句型, 比如if/unless/although/though/as long as/no matter +wh- /whetheror/even if/ in case/so that/ in order that/ sothat/suchthat 12 祈使句(表条件)+and(then)+句子(表肯定结果) 祈使句(表条件)+or/or else/otherwise+句子(表否 定结果) 13 so as to do/in order to do 14 tooto do/enough to do/only to do 15 think/find/feel/consider/make +it +宾语补足语(形 容词或者名词)+to do 16 with+宾语+宾语补足语(形容词/介词短语/to do/doing/-ed) 17 几种重要倒装句型,比如no sooner than/ hardlywhen/only+状语+/not onlybut also/neither(nor)/so 附录 4 关于写作中的一般表达和高级表达 解析新的高考评分细则,我们不难看出,运用高级词汇、复 杂句式和适当的过渡连接词语是书面表达得高分的重要手 段.这里我们所说的一般表达和高级表达指的是词汇和句 式两个方面. 1. 学会使用从句 (1)使用定语从句 The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. (一般) The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of. (高级) (2)使用状语从句 I wont believe what he says. (一般) No matter what he says, I wont believe. (高级) If you come back before six oclock, you can go out. (一般) You can go out on condition that you come back before six oclock. (高级) If she doesnt agree, what shall we do? (一般) Supposing that she doesnt agree, what shall we do? (高级) 2. 合理使用复杂的句型 When he spoke, he felt more and more excited. ( 一般) The more he spoke, the more excited he felt. (高级) Who will be on duty today? (一般) Whose turn is it to be on duty today? (高级) She cant correctly pronounce the word. (一般) She has trouble in pronouncing the word. (高级) 3. 适度使用高级词汇 (1) As a result the plan was a failure. (一般) The plan turned out to be a failure. (高级) (2) She went to Australia in order to study music. (一 般) She went to Australia for the purpose of studying music. (高级) (3) Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. (一般) Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable. (高级) (4) When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow. (一般) At the news of his death, she went pale with sorrow (高级) 体会下列翻译是属于一般表达还是高级表达? 1 一回到家他发现所有的窗户都是开着的. On arrival home he found all the windows open. As soon as he arrived home, he found all the windows open. The moment he arrived home, he found all the windows open. No sooner had he arrived home than he found all the windows open. 2 等了大约半个小时车之后,我不耐烦了,决定打的去学校. After waiting for the bus for about half an hour I became impatient. Then I decided to take a taxi to school. After waiting for the bus for about half an hour I became so impatient that I decided to take a taxi to school. 3 我们已经有5年没有见面了. It is five years since we last saw each other. We havent seen each other for five years. We havent seen each other since five years ago. 4 我还没有到家就开始下雨了. I didnt arrive home, but it began to rain. It began to rain before I arrived home. 5 他直到凌晨2点才回家. He didnt arrive home until 2 oclock am. Not until 2 oclock am did he arrive home. It was not until 2 oclock am that he arrived home. 6 王先生以前住在那间房子里.房子的后面有一个大的花园 . Mr.Wang used to live in a house with a big garden behind it. Mr. Wang used to live in that house. There was a big garden behind it. 7 现在太晚了.我认为没有必要去看他. It is very late now. I think it is unnecessary to visit him It is so late now that I think there is no need to visit him. 8 我准备出门,就在这时邮递员送来特快专递. I was about to go out when the postman sent an EMS. I was leaving. Just at that time the postman sent an EMS. 请看下列来自学生习作的错句并加以改正。 1 I havent see you for several month. Hope you are very good. 2 Suddenly I had a idea. 3 I asked he what happened. 4 I am back in China. Thanks for help me in Australia. 5 I felt sadly, because a few of my classmates laugh to me in class. 6 Both my mother and my sister likes listen to pop music. 7 Collect stamp is my favorite hobby. 8 I have been to England twice two years ago. I hope you to come to China for a visit. 9 I was absent yesterday because I have to look for my sister. She was ill at home 10 I hurt me when playing football yesterday afternoon. (二)句子结构错误 这种错误常见的有句子结构不完整(如漏掉be动词);在表 达时试图用比较复杂的结构,但往往又事与愿违,丢三落 四;2个句子之间缺乏连词或多用连词;写出断句 (sentence fragment)等等。对策是学好英语中的复合句( 包括定语从句,状语从句和名词性从句),重点把握连词 的用法;还要充分理解句子和句子的逻辑关系。 请看下列来自学生习作的错句并加以改正。 1 My home town on the bank of the Changjiang River. 2 Guo Jingjing, who has won two gold medals, she was born in Hebei. 3 This is all what I know about it. 4 I have a good friend, his name is Li Lei. 5 Last week our class went on a trip to a factory, it is a modern plastic factory. 6 I think you should put on more clothes. Because it is very cold. 7 I dont know that when they left here. 8 One morning it was raining strongly. However, I was late for schoo


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