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Date1New College English Useful information (1) Creativity is a rather vague ability that usually implies originality and imagination. Although one normally associates creativeness with artists and poets, people of all ages can demonstrate creativity in a wide variety of ways. A child can create an imaginary village from an odd assortment of sticks and stones. A factory worker can solve a complex mechanical problem in an inventive fashion. An advertising agent can think up an inexpensive and humorous way to reach a new clientele. Date2New College English Useful information (2) As a general rule, creativity does not necessarily require sophisticated skills or great intelligence. The creative process often involves intuitive perception, “lateral thinking“, and experimentation by trial and error. In other words, a creative person might guess at a possible solution, pull in comparisons from totally unrelated fields, and accept mistakes as a normal part of problem-solving. Are there situations or attitudes that inhibit or prevent creativity? Teachers who regard energetic and inquisitive children as “naughty“ probably discourage creativity. A boss who feels threatened by employees questioning old ways and who calls suggestions a “nuisance“ is not favoring creativity in the workplace. Parents who expect their children to draw or paint like great masters will not tolerate “messy“ or “ugly“ artwork. Date3New College English Useful information (3) Education - Chinese and Western- involves learning skills and acquiring a body of knowledge in many fields. This aspect of education does not enhance creativity which is generally considered to be one of the key aims of Western education. Certainly since the 1960s in the United States, Canada and Australia increasing efforts have been made to integrate strategies into the educational system that help children to learn “by doing“, by “hands-on“ class work and by special “projects“. All of these student-centered activities are designed to teach children to draw conclusions from their own observations or from those of their group and especially to learn how to research a topic on their own. Science fairs and science Olympics encourage middle school and high school students to invent all kinds of things. Children are also expected to ask questions and to work independently at a very young age.Creative writing classes allow children to write short stories and novels. The quality may be questionable, but the aim is to give students total freedom to experiment. Date4New College English Useful information (4) An educational system that fosters creativity presupposes the positive value of individualism. Cultures that stress collectivism and group solidarity may not place great importance on individual expressions of creativity. Societies or institutions based on a hierarchical distribution of power may regard individual creativity as irrelevant and destabilizing. Strategies that encourage children to experiment and think for themselves are often criticized because they slow down the learning process and the acquisition of skills. In other words, they are considered to be inefficient. Certainly they do imply a tolerance for guess work, errors and imperfection. Date5New College English Part One Preparation 1. What Is Creativity? “Being creative“ means one can think of things that others cannot. “Being creative“ means one can solve problems in a simple and original way. “Being creative“ means one can think and do things in an unusual way. Being creative is not limited to scientists or artists. Actually, ordinary people also do creative work in their lives. It is carried on all the time by amateur inventors who find new and more convenient ways of doing everyday things. For example, the paper clip was invented by a man who kept losing his paperwork. Thanks to his own invention, hes now very well organized. Date6New College English 2. Creativity and Inventions The typewriter replaced pens and pencils and enabled people to write much more quickly and much more neatly. The calculator replaced mental calculations, tables and the abacus. The results are more accurate, the problems can be done more quickly, and complex operations with large sums can be done easily. The lightbulb replaced candles, lamps and torches. Electricity can be used at any time of the day or night. With electric lights, people no longer had to depend on sunlight. The ballpoint pen replaced pen and ink. It is more convenient, easy to carry and often neater. The refrigerator replaced other ways of preserving food such as ice, salt and drying. It enables people to keep vegetables and other foods fresh for many days. Date7New College English 3. Whats My Line? 1) ACTRESS2) WAITER3) ARTIST 4) BUTCHER 5) BANKER6) ACTOR Date8New College English Part Two Reading Activities Pre-reading Reference answers to discussion tasks: 1. No. They made the decisions and I obeyed. If I did not obey, I would be punished. They meant well and wanted to teach me the right moral values and not to make mistakes. But sometimes, I think they should have let me discover things by myself. I think that children are very clever and should be encouraged to make some decisions by themselves. 2. Yes. I could talk freely with the guests of our family. If I had not been allowed to speak to them, I would have felt like a little child or an outsider even though I was not really young, and I would not have felt like part of the family. Date9New College English In-Class Reading The Case for Creativity Encouraging Children to Think Date10New College English 参考译文 关于创造力的培养一一鼓励孩子思考(1) 教育和商业界的专家们说,具有创造性是通向光明前程关键 。本文将介绍一下学校和家长如何才能鼓励孩子发展这一至关重要的能力。 如果1925年迪克德鲁听从了他老板的意见,也许就不会有遮 护股带这种用品,现在我们几乎离不开它。德鲁当时就职于明尼苏达制造和矿 业公司,通常称为3M公司。在工作中,他研制丁一种用于胶带有黏性的一面的 物质,它的黏性很强,能使物体粘在一起。但是老板却不让他做进一步的研究o 最后德鲁只好利用自己的时间改进了这种胶带。这种胶带现已被人们广为使 用。而他原来工作过的3M公司也从自己的失误中吸取了教训:现在该公司鼓 励员工抽出15%的工作时间专门用来开动脑筋搞创新。 现在这种策略已被越来越多的公司所采用,而且全国(指美国) 各地的专家认为,对孩子也应仿效这种做法,无论是在家里还是学校里。他们认 为,如果我们教育孩子进行创造性思维,他们就能在明天的社会中更好地发挥作 用。 创造性的禅益不只限于音乐和艺术领域。凡是能取得成功的 学生和成人都是那些会寻求各种办法去解决问题的人.创造性并非与生俱来,也 不一定就是高智慧的特征。一个人智力高并不意味着他必然能创造性地发挥 才智。创造性就是指能利用已有的资源想出新点子,而这些点子会给某方面带 来好处。 Date11New College English 关于创造力的培养一一鼓励孩子思考 (2) 不幸的是,学校往往并不促使学生发挥创造性。许多教育者十分看重 考试分数,强调阅读、写作和数学能力,往往因追求正确的答案而牺牲了对创 造性的培养。其结果是孩子们能够反馈所学的知识,却不知道如何灵活应用 所学知识。比如,他们可能熟记乘法表,却不会用它来解决数学应用题。 然而,在有些学校里,教育者们正逐渐认识到这一问题,并致力于研究能 启发学生创造性的新的教学方法。一些教师把基础知识和要求学生发挥忽 像力的活动结合起来。比如,教师不再简单地问学生哥伦布何时发现了新大 陆,他们可能让学生思考如果哥伦布首先到达的不是加勒比地区而是纽约,情 况会是如何。回答这一问题,学生必须应用他们关于哥伦布、纽约和加勒比 地区的知识。教师们认为即使学生的回答会很可笑,也,毫无关系,这也许是通 向创造性的重要一步。专家认为,在课堂以及在家里,必须允许孩子们有些荒 唐的念头。家长和教师们则有责任和孩子共同努力,使那些念头成为切实可 行的想法。最好的办法是通过提问来鼓励孩子,同时对他们的怒法和新点子 表示赞赏。专家认为必须创造一个可以自由发挥创造刀的氛围,一个尊重和 赞赏而不是鄙视或不理会荒诞恕法的环境。 Date12New College English 关于创造力的培养一一鼓励孩子思考 (3) 在家里,家长可以做一些鼓励孩子发挥创造力的事情。如果遇到适合讨论 的问题,家长可以就该问题征求孩子的意见,让他们参与决策。家长可以帮助 孩子了解不同的决策将会带来的各种的后果。家长还应鼓励孩子大声谈论 他们正在做的事情。思维能力是和语言能力紧密相关的。大声地谈论有助 于提高语言能力和思维能力。 具有幽默感对于帮助开发孩子的创造力也非常重要。当家长表现出幽默 时,孩子们就看到丁最地道的创造性。从本质上看,幽默就得跨越常规界限,打 破圄有模式.要创造往往也得如此。 给孩子一些选择的余地也很重要。应该允许孩子自己做决定并清楚其后 果,要让孩子从尽可能平的年龄开始这样做。做决定有助于培养思维能力,即 使只是在午餐的两种食物的选择丰做决定也行。随着孩子慢慢长大,家长应 让孩子自己做主支配时间或金钱;当他们做出错误的决定时,不要主动地给予 过多的帮助。这样做可能会使孩子莫名其妙,但这不是个问题。因为富有创 造刀的人有一个最重要的特点,他们有很强的动刀去使杂乱无章的事情变得 井然有序。 Date13New College English 2. Language Point 1) The case for creativityencouraging children Case在此意为“与某事物有关的情况”该词作名 词使用可表 事例Thats not the case .Its not true. 病历;病案 there were five cases(five persons suffering from) of influenza 案件;讼案 When will the case come before the court? Case book 病例本;个案记录本;事 例本 箱;盒 a dressing case梳妆盒 suit case; book case Language Point Date14New College English Case 固定短语几常见搭配 It may rain, youd better take an umbrella (just) in case.可能会下雨,你最好带 把雨伞,以防万一。(若;如果;万一) In case I forget, please remind me of my promise. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 万一失火的话,请按警铃。 in this /that case 若是这样/那样的 话 in no case决不 / in any case 无论 如何 Language Point Date15New College English Creativity n.创造力 派生 create v.创造;创建 creation n.创造 ;作品;宇宙万物 creative adj.富有创造力的 Creator n. 创造者 creature n.动物;人(尤指女人) To be an artist involves creativity.作艺术家得有创 造力。 译文:关于创造力的培养-鼓励孩子思考。 Date16New College English 2) this vital skill in children (line 2): vital: adj. 必不可少的;非常重要的;有生命力的 ;生死攸关的 be vital to sb./sth.对 必不可少 的 在It is vital that句型中,从句谓语动 词要用虚拟语气 (“should +do.”)形式。词 类形容词还有important, necessary, essential,desirable, advisable, urgent It is vital that enough money (should)be collected to fund the project. Language Point Date17New College English Vital 派生Vitality n.活; vitalize(se) v.给予 生机 vitally adv.极为,甚 另:vitals n.身 体的主要器官 vital force生命力 Environment is vital for a childs growth. 环境对一个小孩的成长是至关重要的。 Date18New College English 3) If Dick Drew., (line 3) practically: adv. a.) actually实用地;b). almost; nearly几乎 派生 practical adj.实际的practicality n.实用 性; practicable adj.可行的; practice(se) n.实践 v.实行; practiced/practised adj.老练的; practitioner n.开业者(医生或律师) You can learn practically nothing from your experience in that factory. 你在那个工厂几乎什麽也不会学到。 Date19New College English mask: v. 遮住;掩藏 n.面具;伪装 派生masked adj.(人)戴面具的 He did all his hatred for his master under a mask of loyalty. He masked all his hatred for his master under loyalty. 他伪装忠实,掩饰他对住人的仇恨。 译文;如果在1925年迪克。德鲁听从 了他老板的意见,也许就不会有遮护胶带这 种用品,现在我们几乎离不开它。 Date20New College English 4) At work, (line 5) At work, he developed a sticky-side substance strong enough to hold things together. sticky-side substance:粘胶(胶带呈粘性 那面的物质) 译文: 在工作中,他研制了一种用于胶带有 粘性的一面的物质,它的粘性很强,能使物体 粘在一起。 Date21New College English 5) Drew perfected the tape,(line 7) perfect: make sth. faultless in every way 使完美;改进 eg. She needs to perfect her English before going abroad. Date22New College English 6) It is a strategy that. (line 11) It is a strategy that more and more companies are employing and one that experts around the country say we ought to be following with our children, both at home and at school. 这个句子由两个强调句组成 1) It is a strategy that more and more companies are employing. 2) Its a strategy that experts around the country say we ought to be following with our children, both at home and at school. 译文;现在,这种策略已被经越来越多的公 司所采用,而且全国(指美国)各地的专家认为, 对孩子也应仿效这种做法,无论是在家里还是学校 里。Date23New College English 7) the feeling is that (line 13) the feeling is thatthey will be better able to function in tomorrows society. function:作为可数名词使用主要表示“职责;功能;作用” 例:the functions of a judge法官的职责; the function of education 教育的功能 the functions of the nerves神经的机能 作动词使用 表示“尽职责;起作用;有效用” 例:The telephone was not functioning.电话坏了。 Some English adverbs function as adjectives.英语 的某些副词有形容词的作用。 译文:他们认为,如果我们教育孩子进行创 造性的思维,他们就能在明天的社会里更好的发挥作 用。 Date24New College English 8) Creativitys benefits (line 15) Creativitys benefits reach beyond music and art. reach:达到,触及 译文:创造性的裨益不止限于音乐和艺术领域。 9) a number of ways to approach problems (line 15) approach: 1)方法,途径 2)靠近,临近 E.g. New year is approaching. Date25New College English 10) Creativity is not (line 17) Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence. 这儿nor后面的句子是倒装句。当某些表示否定意 义的词或短语位于句首时(否定词修饰主语时除外) ,句子要部分倒装,如果谓语动词为be的一般现在时 或一般过去时,则要全部倒装。 Eg. Neither at the meeting nor at the previous one did anyone raise the question. She wont leave, nor will she allow him to continue threatening her badly. Not until many years later did the whole truth become known. Never have I seen such a nice movie. 译文:创造性并非与生俱来,也并不一定就 是高智慧的特征。 Date26New College English 11) Creativity is the matter of(line 19) Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something. original ideas: 本源的思想; 全新的观念 该句中 one has 是定语从句用来修饰 resources 。从句that are good for something 用来修饰original ideas 译文:创造性就是指能利用已有的资源 想出新点子,而这些点子会给某方面带来好处。 Date27New College English 12) With strong emphasis on.(Line 21) With strong emphasis on test scores and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers. Sacrifice v.牺牲 n.牺牲;献祭物 sacrificial adj.供奉的;牺牲的 sacrilege n. 亵渎神圣 sacrilegious adj.亵渎神圣的 成功也不应以牺牲健 康为代价。 译文:许多教育者十分看中考试分数,强调 阅读,写作和数学能力,往往因追求正确的答案而 牺牲了对创造性的培养。 Date28New College English 13) The result is that . (line 24) The result is that children can give back information but cant recognize ways to apply it to new situations. 译文;其结果是孩子们能反馈所学的知识, 却不知道如何灵活应用所学知识。 Date29New College English 14) They may know (line 27) They may know their multiplication tables, for example, but they are unable to apply them to story problems. story problems:指(数学中的)应用题(参见 200页例题) 译文: 比如他们可能熟记乘法表,却不会用它 来解决数学应用题。 Date30New College English 15)new approaches to teaching (line 32) approach n.接近;渐进 eg. The enemy ran away at our approach. 当我们渐进的时候,敌人就逃窜了。 an approach to perfection接近完善. 通路;通路;引道 All the approaches to the Palace were guarded by soldiers. 所有通至王宫的道路都有士兵防守。 v. 走近;接近 eg. A boy of 18 is approaching manhood. 18岁的男孩快接近成年。 He is rather difficult to approach.他是一个不易接近 的人。 Date31New College English 16)For example, instead of .(line 34) For example, instead of simply asking When Columbus discovered the New World, teachers might ask students to think about what would have happened if his trip had taken him to New York first instead of to the Caribbean area. instead of doing sth.不做某事 WHEN大写以示强调 The New World 新大陆,指美洲 what would have happened if his trip had taken him to New York first instead of to the Caribbean area是think about的宾语从句,用虚拟语态,表对 过去发生事情的假设。 译文:例如,现在有些老师不会只问学生哥伦布 何时发现的新大陆,他可能会让学生想一想如果哥伦布 到的不是加勒比海而是纽约情况会怎样。 Date32New College English 17) In the classroom as well as at home, ,experts say. (line 40) as well (as)除外;同;并;也 He give me money as well as advice. 他除了给了我忠告外,还给我钱。 He give me advice, and money as well. 他给了我忠告,并给了我钱。 We shall travel by night as well as by day.我 们将日夜赶路。 译文:专家认为,在课堂以及在家里, 必须允许孩子们有些荒唐的念头。 Date33New College English 18) Then it is up to (line 41) Then it is up to parents and teachers to work with the children to develop those thoughts into workable ideas. be up to: be the duty or responsibility of sb. (是某人的)责任,职责 Eg. Its up to us to help those in need. 该短语还可表示“由决定” eg. “Shall we go out?” “Its up to you.” Whether he took it or not was up to him. Whether you learn or not is entirely up to you. workable切实可行的 译文:家长和教师们则有责任和孩子共 同努力,使那些念头成为切实可行的想法。 Date34New College English 19) Experts say that .(line 44) Experts say that it is important to create an atmosphere in which there is no risk in being creative-a place where wild ideas are honored and valued, never scorned or dismissed. scorn v.despise; mock 轻蔑;鄙视refuse; ignore 拒绝;不屑于 n. UC contempt轻蔑;蔑视 dismiss v. fire; sack 开除;解雇 neglect, disregard, ignore 对不予理会或不屑一顾 release, free解散;把打发走 译文:专家认为必须创造一个可以自由发挥创造力 的氛围,一个尊重和赞赏而不是鄙视或不理会荒诞想法 的环境。 Date35New College English 20) involve children in (line 48) involve in: 使某人参与;使某人加入 eg. Dont involve me in solving your problems. 21) When parents show a sense of humor, children can see creativity in its purest form.(line 47) 译文:当家长表现出幽默时,孩子们就看到 了最地道的幽默性。 Date36New College English 22) By its nature, (line 55) By its nature, humor crosses conventional boundaries and breaks patterns. by its nature: 本质上;从本质而言 nature: 自然 Eg. Man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature. Date37New College English nature typical qualities and characteristics of a person or an animal天性;本性 eg. Its human nature that parents should be fond of their children. Its his nature to be generous. She has a very sweet nature. the main character of sth.特性;性质 eg. What is the nature of his business. Motor-racing is by nature a dangerous sport. 译文:从本质上看,幽默就得跨越常规界限,打破 固有模式。 Date38New College English 23) As children grow older, (line 59) As children grow older, ,but not automatically help them too much if they make the wrong decision. 译文:随着孩子慢慢长大,家长应让孩 子自己做主支配时间或金钱;当他们做出 错误的决定时,不要主动的给予过多的帮 助。 Date39New College English 24) This is because .(line 62) This is because one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion. 译文:因为富有创造力的人有一个最重要的 特点,他们有很强的动力去使复杂无章的事情 变的井然有序。 Date40New College English 3. Post-reading Reading Comprehension (1) 1. Understanding the Organization of the Text 1) Introduction (Para. 1 ) The article introduces how teachers and parents can encourage creativity in children. Language Point Date41New College English Reading Comprehension (2) 2) An important strategy for parents and teachers to follow (Para. 2-3) A. The strategy: To encourage children to spend time thinking and developing new ideas. B. The significance for adopting the strategy: If we can do so. they will be better able to function in tomorrows society. Date42New College English Reading Comprehension (3) 3) The definition of creativity (Para. 4 - 5) A. Who successful students and adults are: Those who can find a number of ways to approach problems. B. What creative people can do: They can use what they have to produce original ideas that are good for something. Date43New College English Reading Comprehension (4) 4) A big problem in school (Para .6) The problem: Children can obtain and give back information. but cant figure out ways to apply what they know in new situations. 5) A new approach to teaching (Para .7) A. The approach: Combining the basics with activities where the students must use their imagination. B. How to do so: By asking Questions and meanwhile praising their ideas and new thoughts. C. How to facilitate the process: To create an atmosphere in which there is no risk in being creative-a place where wild ideas are honored and valued. never scorned or dismissed. Date44New College English Reading Comprehension (4) 6) Things parents can do at home to encourage creativity (Para. 8-10) A. To involve children in decision making. B. To help children to understand the consequences of various decisions. C. To encourage them to talk out loud about things the


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