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Unit 2 Colour Revision by Shiyiheng rainbow How many kinds of colours have we learnt? Calm colours Blue is one of the calm colours. It can make us feel _. _ blue clothes or _ in the blue room is good for our mind and body because the colour creates _. Blue can also _.Someone who_ may say, I am feeling blue. calm and peaceful Wearingsleeping a feeling of harmony represent sadness is feeling sad be good for ones mind and body create the feeling of harmony respesent sadness White is another calm colour . White is _. You should wear white if you are_. Many women like to be in white _. the colour of purity feeling stressed on their wedding day the colour of purity feel stressed be in white on ones wedding day Warm colours Orange is one of the warm colours. It represents _. It can bring you _ and _ when you are feeling sad. People in _ prefer _warm colours to give their home a _. joysuccesscheer you up cold climates to use warm and comfortable feeling represent joy/happiness cheer sb. up bring you success Yellow is the colour of _, so it can_ a warm and sunny day. Yellow is also the colour of _. Some people prefer this colour when they _. For example, they may use yellow _. sunremind you of wisdom study for exams stationery of sth. remind sb. to do sth. that stationery (un.) Energetic colours Anyone who feels _ should wear colours that can make you feel _ ,such as green. Green is the colour of _and represents_. it is also the colour of _. tired or weak energetic nature growthenvy feel tired or weak represent growth the colour of envy ( ) ( ) Strong colours Red is the colour of _. Anyone_ physical or mental strength should wear red clothes. Wearing red can also make it easier to _. This can help when you are _ in _. heatin need of take action having difficulty making a decision in need of physical or mental strength have difficulty (in) doing sth. make a decision Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the given words 1. The sun is shining through the rain and Millie sees a _ (彩虹). 2. Some colours can give you a happy and _ (舒服的)feeling. 3. The sun gives us not only light but also _(热). 4. Listening to music can make me feel _(放松). 5. On the last day of his trip to Japan, he made a big _ (决心). rainbow comfortable heat relaxed decision 6. Do you know that colours can _our moods (effect)? 7. Early to bed, early to rise. You wont feel _ in class.(sleep) 8. After a tough hike, he reached the top of the mountain _.(success) 9. If you have_ finishing homework, you can ask me for help.(difficult) 10. Red and white are a good match, as the _red balances the calm white. (power) sleepy successfully difficulty powerful affect 词 组 1.宁愿做某事 2.宁愿做A而不愿做B 3.喜欢sth. (A)而不喜欢sth.(B) 做某事(A)与做某事(B) 相比,更喜欢某事(A) would rather do / prefer to do would rather do(A) than do(B) prefer to do(A)rather than do(B) (preferred ) prefer (A) to (B) prefer doing (A) to doing (B) 4.提醒我做某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人想起某事 remind sb. of sth. 使他想起过去 remind sb. of the past 5.一个充满色彩的世界 a world full of colours 6.被漆成蓝色 be painted blue 7.产生和谐感 create the feeling of harmony 8.纯洁/智慧/嫉妒的颜色 the colour of purity/wisdom/envy 9.感到疲劳/放松 feel tired/relaxed 10.让某人高兴起来 cheer sb up 11.感到困倦 feel sleepy 12.对身心有好处 be good for the mind and body 13.给你带来成功 bring you success 14.心情很好/差 (be) in good/bad moods 15.使我们感到更加精力充沛 make us feel more energetic 16.给我们光和热 provide us with light and heat 17.做决定有困难 have difficulty making a decision 18.采取行动(做某事) take action (to do sth.) 19.决定(做某事) make a decision (to do sth.) 20.你的自行车没什么问题。 Theres nothing wrong with your bike. =Nothing is wrong with your bike. =There isnt anything wrong with your bike. 21.穿在某人身上很好看 -look(s) good on sb. The skirt looks good on you. = The skirt fits/suits/matches you well. 这件衬衫很适合你 You look good in red. 你穿红色真好看。 22.需要体力 need physical strength 23.在测试中取得高分 get good marks in tests 24.多虑 worry a lot/too much 25.有很强的个性 have a strong personality 26.平静下来 calm down 27.给你快乐和满足感 give you a happy and satisfied feeling 28.在寒冷气候里的人 people in the cold climates 29.影响我们的心情 affect our moods 30.代表悲伤/高兴/权力 represent (s) sadness / joy/ power 代表新生命和成长 represent (s)new life and growth 31.问题的答案 the answer to the question 32.忘记忧愁 forget ones unhappiness 33.一个最佳搭配 a good match 34.色彩和心情之间的关系 the relationship between colours and moods 35.答应做某事 promise to do sth. 36. 在天空 in the sky 37.睡得很沉 (be) in a deep sleep 38. 在他们婚礼那天 on their wedding day 39. 在天空 in the sky 40. 给某人打电话 make a phone call to sb. 41.给某人买礼物 buy a gift for sb.=buy sb. a gift 42. 改善你的生活 improve your life 43.发现它有点奇怪 find it a bit strange 45.使我们快乐或悲伤 make us happy or sad 46.使她自己看起来更有力量 make herself look more powerful 句子翻译 1._(你真是太好了) to bring me the newspaper . 2.It is silly of you_ _(不去原谅别人的错误). 3.You are_ _(你有足够的耐心等而不生气). 4.Do you know _ (有多少颜色) in a rainbow ? Its nice Its nice ofof you you not tonot to forgive others forgive others for their mistakefor their mistakes s patient enoughpatient enough to wait to wait withoutwithout gettinggetting angry angry how many how many colourscolours there arethere are 5.Some colors _ (使我们感到平静和祥和). 6._ (任何感到疲劳 和虚弱的人)should wear colours that make you feel energetic . 7.He _(不介意做额 外的工作)for the Students Union . 8. 红色和白色很相配。(两种) _ _ makemake us us feel calmfeel calm and and peacefulpeaceful Anyone Anyone whowho feels feels tired or weak tired or weak doesnt doesnt mind doingmind doing extra work extra work Red and white is a good Red and white is a good matchmatch. . Red Red matches matches well with white .well with white . 9. Simon 数学比我强 (两种) _ _ 10. 有更合适的人选吗? (两种) _ _ 11.你穿蓝色好看。 (两种) _ 12.我的电脑坏了。 _ _ _ Blue looks good on you. = You look good in blue. Simon Simon is better atis better at math than I . math than I . Simon Simon does better indoes better in math than me math than me . . Is there any more suitable person ?Is there any more suitable person ? Is there any person more suitable ?Is there any person more suitable ? My computer My computer doesnt workdoesnt work . . There is There is something wrongsomething wrong with my computer. with my computer. Something Something is wrongis wrong with my computer with my computer . . 用would rather than 和preferto 翻译下列各句 吉姆喜欢篮球,而不喜欢足球. Jim _ basketball _football . 他宁愿步行去上学,也不愿坐车去。 He _ to school _a bus . He _to school _a bus . 昨天我宁愿呆在家里也不愿意到外面去. I _at home _outside yesterday. I _at home _outside yesterday. . would rather would rather dodo sthsth than than dodo sthsth prefer / preferred prefer / preferred doingdoing sthsth to to doingdoing sthsth preferprefers stoto would rather gowould rather go than takethan take preferprefers s goinggoing to takingto taking would rather staywould rather staythan gothan go prefepreferredrred staying staying to goingto going 注意注意 would rather than would rather than 后后 面不直接跟名词面不直接跟名词 sothat / too to / enough to 句型的互换 他太小了以至于不能去上学。 He is _young _he cant go to school . He is _young _go to school . He is _ _ _ _go to school . 注意:1.sothat 后面通常跟从句。而tooto 后面跟动词 不定式。2.enough to 后面也跟动词不定式,要特别注意 enough 的位置。放在名词之前,形容词和副词之后。 汉译英 1.这间房间大到足以能容纳100 人。 This room is _hold 100 people . 2.他有足够的钱买下这台钢琴。 He has _buy the piano . sosothatthat tootoo toto notnot oldoldenoughenoughtoto big enough tobig enough to enough money toenough money to 不定代词的用法 (1)someone / somebody ; anyone / anybody ; no one ; none ;nobody 用于指人。 (2)something / anything / nothing / none用于 指物。 (3) 用于肯定句:someone / somebody something 用于疑问,否定句: anyone / anybody / anything 用于否定句: no one / nobody / nothing / none (4) someone / somebody 是指某个人 e.g. Listen ! Someone is knocking at the door . (5) 在疑问句中用 someone / somebody / something 表示征求意见,希望得到肯定答案。 e.g.Would you like something to eat ? (6) 在陈述句中用anyone / anybody / anything 指的是任何一个人或一件事. e.g.You can do anything you like . (7) 修饰不定代词的形容词要后置. e.g. There is something important in todays newspaper . Do you need anything else ? (8) none 的用法 a.代词,代指上文出现过的人或物 e.g. I wanted two tickets, but there were none left. b. 常与of 连用 (no one / nobody 均不 能和of 连用) e.g.None of the money was paid to me . None of the students voted for him . c 注意在答句中与no one 的区别. e.g.


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