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第9课时八年级下册Unit 5一、单项选择1(2018山东青岛市南二模)Which book would you like to borrow? of the two books is OK with me.AEither BBoth CAny Dneither2(2018湖南郴州中考改编)My grandfather does Chinese Kung Fu every day he is over eighty.Asince Bthough Cuntil Dbecause3(2018江苏徐州模拟)Wow, so many beautiful shoes! I dont know which pair to buy.I can help you make a .Aquestion BprotectionCdecision Dpromise4(2019原创)I was very when I traveled by plane for the first time.Anervous BinterestedCrelaxed Dtired5(2018江苏南京中考)Millie missed the train this afternoon. It started to leave right after she got on it.Aalmost BalreadyCreally Dhardly6(2018重庆长寿联考)As we know its difficult to live in a foreign country. if you cant understand the language there.AProperly BRecentlyCEspecially DExactly7(2018江苏徐州模拟)Many students dont know how to stress and become worried.I think theyd better ask their teachers for help.Aargue with Bdeal withCquarrel with Dwork our8(2018浙江温州中考)The cheese cake so good that I cant wait to eat it.Atastes BfeelsCsmells Dsounds9(2019山东青岛李沧一模)WeChat Pay(微信支付) makes our life convenient. We can buy things we dont take any money.Aunless BafterCeven though Dbefore10(2019预测)Our city has become the National Civilized City(全国文明城市)Yes. We our hometown.Aare born with Bare famous forCare proud of Dare familiar with二、完形填空(2019预测)“Never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals.A person who never gives up will keep trying to reach his 1 no matter how many times he fails. If you want to 2 , you cant give up.One reason is that if we give up easily, we can 3 succeed. It is common for us to fail in our first try at 4 new, so we should not feel disappointed and should try again. Besides, if we always 5 when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills. 6 reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes if we try hard to do something new. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is 7 . Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop 8 , and it can help us succeed in other areas of our lives.In a word, it is 9 that we do not give up when working for our goals. 10 we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us become more confident.1A.seat Bgoal Ctop Dchance2A.try Bsucceed Clearn Dmake3A.often Bsometimes Chardly Dnever4A.something Banything Cnothing Deverything5A.make up Btake up Cgive up Dput up6A.Others BOther CAnother Dthe other7A.wasted Borganized Cused Dplaned8A.interests Bskills Cconfidence Dfeelings9A.important Benough Canxious Dsad10A.Though BWhen CWhether Dunless三、阅读理解阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(2018山东德州庆云第二次练兵改编)Do you want to be happier? Well, you can do something about it. Some psychologists(心理学家) believe that 10% of your happiness is due to life conditions and 40% is the result of your own choices. Your own choices include how you manage your time at school, your relationships, your friends, your activities and your health. So you have a lot of control over how happy you feel. 1. Here are how to do that.Surround yourself with positive(积极的) people. Spend time with positive people and your ideas will become active. On the other hand, good friends will encourage, support, and lift you up when youre down. 2. Thats also true for the people that we work with.Dont try to be perfect. Remember that nothing can ever be perfect. 3. Instead think about what you already have. Think about what youve already done. Think of where you are today as a step towards tomorrow. Dont try to be perfect, just try to do things wellwith excellence.Focus on now. Dont think about all the things that can go wrong, like failing at school or your friend leaving you. Thinking like this only results in worry and stress, which is a waste of time and energy. 4. . Just worry about making today great, because the best way to be happy is just to enjoy each day.Compare yourself to yourself, not to other people. There will always be someone smarter, or richer, or better looking or more successful than you. There will always be someone with a bigger house and a bigger boat than you. Someone will always have more. Rather, look at what you have got and who you are, accept and value that. Work toward being a better one than you were last month or last year. 5. And you will feel a lot happier with, and about yourself.AThey see the best in you, and that helps you see the best in yourself.BThat way you will be pleased with the progress that you are making.CIf you aim for perfection all the time, you will never be satisfied or happy.DYou can control how happy you are, since giving always makes you feel happier.EIf you cant control tomorrow, dont worry about tomorrow.四、词语运用阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。(2018湖南郴州中考改编)loselatesomethingsocarefuleverythingexperiencefromworrytheyshareweTeenagers often have lots of problems and 1. . Sometimes they have problems with the schoolwork and sometimes with 2. friends. How to deal with them?I remember an example of a middle school girl, Nancy. She once 3. her wallet and was afraid to tell her parents about it. 4. she walked to school every day. A week 5. , she couldnt stand it any more because it was too far from home. She had to talk to her parents. They were really understanding and told her to be 6. next time.In fact, the worst thing is not to do 7. . You cant feel better unless you talk to someone. Problems are normal in life. You should not run away 8. your problems. Instead, youd better 9. them with your parents or ask an expert for help, because they have more 10. .五、补全对话(2018河南临颍二模)A: What are you going to do this Saturday?B: 1. .A: Primary school? Why are you going there?B: Because there is going to be a party for the old classmates.A: Wow! That sounds great!B: 2. ?A: Of course, Id love to. 3. ?B: Lets drive there.A: Oh, no, wed better not. 4. .B: Shall we take a bus or ride bikes?A: 5. The weather report says it will be rainy and windy this weekend.B: OK. Lets make it!六、书面表达(2018福建福州屏东中学联考)亲爱的初三同学,考试来临,毕业在即,你遇到了人生路上的转折点,你的生活、学习平添了一些烦恼和压力。当前正确面对烦恼,有效缓解心理压力非常重要。请以“How to Solve Our Stress?”为题写一篇短文,谈谈你在生活、学习方面的烦恼和压力,以及要如何面对困难,解决问题的方法。词数80左右。注意事项:1必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;3请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及提示信息以外的地名。参考词汇:nervous, sleep, time, healthy, smile, sports, help How to Solve Our Stress?The entrance examination is coming. We will graduate soon. We all have some problems and stress in our lives these days. 参考答案一、15 ABCAA610 CBCCC二、15 BBCAC610 CABAC三、DACEB四、1.worries2.their3.lost4.So 5later6.careful7.anything 8from9.share10.experience五、1.I am going to my primary schoolI will/shall go to my primary school2Would you like/love to go with meDo you want to go with meHow/What about going there with me3How shall/will/can we go thereHow are we going there4It will be too crowdedIts not good for the environmentIm afraid there wont be enough space to park in the school5Lets take a busWed be


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