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题组层级快练38 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions “阅读七选五完形”组合练(时间:45分钟).阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Want to help fight global warming? Take off your tie, says the Italian health ministry.It has urged employers to let their staff dress casually at work in the summer so that the air conditioning can be turned down.“Taking your tie off immediately lowers the body temperature by 2 or 3 degrees centigrade,” the ministry said in a statement. “Allowing a more sensible use of air conditioning brings about electricity savings and protects the environment.”It called on all public and private offices to let employees wear no tie during heat waves like the one that has brought Africalike temperatures to many parts of Italy this week.The move echoes(回应)a similar action from Italys biggest oil group, ENI, which told its staff earlier this month they need not wear a tie at work.The tie makers, however, were left hot_under_the_collar“Italy confirms that it is a strange country,”Flavio Cima said angrily in a letter to financial daily IL SOLE 24 ORE under the headline: “I, tie maker, am responsible for global warming.”“We can now happily continue with our lifestyle, using cars, consuming fuel, heating and cooling our homes at leisure. On one condition: we should not wear a tie while we do so,” he wrote.“I should have listened to my friends and become an oil producer instead.”Italy is one of the European Unions worst performers on the pollution front and is among the EU countries expected to exceed(超出)their greenhouse gas emission(排放)targets.1. Whats the purpose of the move of taking off ties?A. To dress casually.B. To fight global warming.C. To keep the body temperature.D. To improve working conditions.2. Who first encouraged employees to take off ties?A. ENI.B. Flavio Cima.C. A financial daily.D. The Italian health ministry.3. What does the underlined part “hot under the collar” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?A. Angry.B. Speechless.C. Delighted. D. Puzzled.4. Which of the following is TRUE about Flavio Cima?A. He stands by the oil group.B. He agrees with the ministry.C. He admits his responsibility. D. He argues against taking off ties.答案与解析【文章大意】解掉领带可以让体温下降2到3度,所以许多公司鼓励员工不戴领带上班,以抵制全球气候变暖;但是这种主张却遭到了领带制造商的反对。1. 答案B解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的Want to help fight global warming? Take off your tie可知,解掉领带是为了抵制全球变暖,故B项正确。2. 答案A解析细节理解题。根据文中ENI, which told its staff earlier this month they need not wear a tie at work.可知,ENI公司最早鼓励员工上班不戴领带,故A项正确。3. 答案A解析词义猜测题。由第4、5段内容可知,包括ENI在内的很多公司都鼓励员工不戴领带上班,根据常识可知,此举势必造成领带制造商的商品滞销;再结合下文的Flavio Cima said angrily in a letter.可知,画线部分意为“愤怒的”。4. 答案D解析判断推理题。根据第六段中的The tie maker, however, were left hot under the collar.以及第7段中的“Italy confirms that it is a strange country”, Flavio Cima said angrily in a letter.可知,对于鼓励员工不戴领带上班一事,作为领带制造商的Flavio Cima非常气愤,故D项正确。.阅读填空根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。The kitchen is one of the most important parts of the house. You may think that, since its only used for cooking, theres no need to pay much attention to its color. _1_ Color influences peoples mood and creates an atmosphere, and surely you want to be in a good mood when youre cooking.To decorate a kitchen, first look for a theme which will then influence the color scheme(方案). The most common colors in kitchens are white, yellow and other light colors. Kitchens are usually painted in one color to create a clean and neat look. _2_ Also, since kitchens tend to have smaller windows, the light colors help make it brighter. Neutral colors such as gray and cream can also be used to create some contrast. _3_ Start with your favorite color, or two light colors that balance each other. Make sure that you test them thoroughly first so that you can be sure theyll actually work. For more adventurous kitchen owners, three colors next to each other can also work. But these need to be carefully chosen, because one wrong color can ruin the whole look of the kitchen.When the kitchen color scheme has been chosen, other elements must be considered. Some important things, such as cupboards, in the kitchen can affect its look. Tiles(瓷砖)and the floor must be chosen to fit the look. _4_Last but not least, no matter what color scheme you use, make sure that it really is the one you want. _5_A. Many people want to decorate their kitchens with bright colors.B. Different colors have different effects on peoples mood.C. Otherwise, get advice from other members of the family.D. The light colors make the room seem bigger than it is.E. There are different ways to create a color scheme.F. In a word, kitchen decoration must go together with the color scheme.G. But in fact, the color schemes of kitchens are as important as those of any other rooms.答案与解析【文章大意】本文讲述的是如何装饰厨房,会给你营造一种做饭时的好心情。1. 答案G解析根据空前“. theres no need to pay much attention to its color.”对比空后的“Color influences peoples mood.可知该空为过渡句,从不重视转到重视。2. 答案D解析根据空后Also, since kitchens tend to have smaller windows, the light colors help make it brighter.可知答案为D项。3. 答案E解析根据空后“Start with .”可知,此空开始讲述如何布置厨房的颜色。4. 答案F解析空前讲的是瓷砖的颜色与地板颜色配套,可知,空格的位置决定应为总结性句子。5. 答案C解析上句. make sure that it really is the one you want可知下文讲述的是与此前相关的话题。故选C项。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Cyclist, Lance Armstrong(2017百校联盟)In my mind, the definition of a hero is Lance Armstrong. He has _1_ so many things and inspired so many people. He _2_ a lifethreatening disease, and has lived a very _3_ life.He is a great teammate and a _4_ leader. He gave his winnings from races to his teammates. Armstrong knew he could _5_ only with their help. Even though he has retired, he still helps coach the team. Many people _6_ him because of what he has accomplished.Lance Armstrong was _7_ with cancer at 25 and didnt just survive but he went on to again win the hardest cycling race in the world, the Tour de France. He has _8_ money for cancer patients with his clothing line, Livestrong. He also _9_ the Lance Armstrong Foundation and has helped the MakeAWish Foundation.He has won the Tour de France seven times, which is a(n) _10_ accomplishment for anyone, _11_ one who survived cancer. It is said to be the longest and most grueling race in all of _12_. Only the best are invited. He started out as a helpful teammate and then became a leader. He has also won the Tour of Georgia. While he was racing, he would also _13_ extremely hard for the Tour de France because he didnt want to lose or _14_ be the runnerup.The Lance Armstrong Foundation has raised$14.4 million for cancer _15_ and started a center for cancer survivors. His _16_ may help find a cure. I know thats what he is hoping for.As you can see, Lance Armstrong has many _17_ that make him a hero. He is a good leader with goals. His accomplishment and story is a(n) _18_ to kids and adults. He does all of this _19_ being too proud or overconfident. I can _20_ that he will try his hardest to find a cure for cancer and help its survivors. Even though Im not a crazy cyclist, I find his life very inspiring.1. A. accomplished B. possessedC. researched D. directed2. A. tolerated B. survivedC. suffered D. treated3. A. difficult B. wealthyC. wonderful D. natural4. A. common B. pleasantC. obvious D. brilliant5. A. deserve B. winC. lead D. compete6. A. admire B. imagineC. promise D. welcome7. A. suspected B. diagnosedC. infected D. touched8. A. raised B. earnedC. spent D. saved9. A. organized B. fixedC. founded D. settled10. A. tough B. enormousC. informal D. regular11. A. especially B. typicallyC. widely D. obviously12. A. disease B. cyclingC. sucess D. foundation13. A. strengthen B. runC. train D. insist14. A. yet B. stillC. even D. just15. A. research B. informationC. explanation D. control16. A. illness B. contributionC. trouble D. concentration17. A. methods B. racesC. qualities D. affairs18. A. inspiration B. situationC. surprise D. impression19. A. without B. forC. as D. but20. A. doubt B. guaranteeC. challenge D. calculate答案与解析【文章大意】作者心目中的英雄人物是兰斯阿姆斯特朗。他虽然身患癌症,却创造了环法历史上的奇迹,并在帮助癌症患者方面做出了很大的贡献。1. 答案A解析结合空格后面的inspired so many people可知,他实现了很多成就,激励了很多人。accomplish“实现”;possess“拥有”;research“研究”;direct“指导”。2. 答案B解析联系下文中的with cancer at 25 and didnt just survive but.可知,他经历危及生命的疾病却存活下来。3. 答案C解析difficult“困难的”;wealthy“富有的”;wonderful“精彩的”;natural“自然的”。此处表示“虽然身患癌症,却过出了精彩的生活”。4. 答案D解析根据前面的He is a great teammate.可知,他是一位出色的队友和领袖。5. 答案B解析根据空前的He gave his winnings from races to


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