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Unit 10Money课时加强练(一)阅读理解提速练练速度 (限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2017烟台市3月高三诊断)Donating blood is a simple thing to do,but it can make a big difference in the lives of others.The donation process from the time you arrive until the time you leave takes about an hour.The donation itself is only about 810 minutes on average.The steps in the process are:Step 1:Registration1Our staff and volunteers will sign you in and go over basic eligibility (资格) and donation information.2You will read information about donating blood,and will be asked to show a donor card,drivers license,or other form(s) of ID.Step 2:Health History & MiniPhysical1You will answer some questions during a private and confidential interview about your health history and places you have traveled.2We will check your temperature,pulse,blood pressure and hemoglobin (血红蛋白) level present in a sample of blood.Step 3:The Donation1We will clean an area on your arm and insert a brand new clean needle for the blood draw.This feels like a quick pain and is over in seconds.2The actual donation takes about 810 minutes,during which you will be seated comfortably.Certain donation types,such as platelets (血小板) or red cells can take up to 2 hours.3When approximately a pint of blood has been collected,the donation is complete and a staff person will place a bandage on your arm.Step 4:Refreshments1After donating,you should have a snack and something to drink in the refreshments area.You can leave the site after 1015 minutes and continue with your normal daily activities.2Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment knowing that you have helped save lives.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍献血的四个步骤:登记、询问和检查健康情况、献血及献血之后的恢复。1Which of the following can be a proper title for the passage?AThe process of blood donationBThe benefits of blood donationCThe importance of blood donationDThe preparations for blood donation解析:标题概括题。通读全文可知,本文中心句为第一段最后一句“The steps in the process are:”;且由下文四个步骤可知,本文主要介绍献血的四个步骤。答案:A2During the Registration,a blood donor will be asked to_.Ago over his basic donation informationBshow something to prove his identityCanswer some questions about his health historyDhave his temperature and blood pressure checked解析:细节理解题。根据Step 1:Registration部分第二点可知,在登记的时候,献血者会被要求出示相关证件来证明自己的身份。答案:B3What should one do after donating blood?AEat and drink something.BLeave the site immediately.CTake exercise right now.DReturn to work after two days.解析:细节理解题。根据Step 4:Refreshments部分第一点第一句可知,献血之后献血者应该吃点东西、喝点东西。答案:AB(2016湖北省七市4月联考)Christmas Day is for eating,drinking,watching bad TVand trying to cover up your embarrassment as you realize your husbands aunt Maude has spent her pension on your present while you bought her a set of Christmas cards.Presentbuying can be a minefield:from how much to spend,to whether to risk surprising receivers with a gift they dont want,to knowing if you should buy your neighbor you only say hello to a little something.Here,FEMAIL has asked experts for their top tips on how to select present to_ensure_the_only_thing_thats_red_this_Christmas_is_Santa_Claus_nose.“If youve just started seeing someone you dont need to spend a fortune,” says dating advisor James Preece.“Its much better to impress them with your imagination by choosing a gift thats a little bit different.20 is about the right amount,with a maximum of 50 if you can afford it.”“Or you dont even need to go that far”,says relationship expert and founder of BeLoveC,Helen Rice.“Plan to spend a romantic evening together or have a fun day out.Feel free to give the person youre dating something thoughtful,just dont spend a lot of money.”“If youre in a longterm relationship then your budget really reflects on your personal situation,” adds James.“You dont need to go crazy,but its a great opportunity to show you love and appreciate them.”“Its also best to buy a few cheaper presents rather than big one.Part of the fun is the mystery and unwrapping,so it will last longer if you give them several to enjoy.”语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。圣诞节是西方一个盛大的节日,此刻给亲朋好友送去圣诞祝福也是非常重要的一个庆祝方式。那么如何避免圣诞节送礼不当所产生的尴尬呢?一起来看看文章给我们的建议吧。 4What is the purpose of the first paragraph in this article?ATo arrest the attention of readers.BTo criticize greed of mean couples.CTo describe traditional customs of Christmas Day.DTo express sympathies for embarrassed senior citizens.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段可知,在圣诞节那天,人们吃吃喝喝,看看没营养的电视剧还要试图掩饰因送礼不当而产生的尴尬,如你丈夫的阿姨Maude用退休金给你买了贵重礼物,而你却只送了她一套圣诞卡。下文紧接着讲买圣诞节礼物是件很棘手的事情,并为此提出了建议。由此可知,第一段通过假设点明问题,从而吸引读者的注意力。故A项正确。答案:A5What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply?ATo accumulate red symbols for Christmas atmosphere.BTo calculate how much paint they need to decorate the house.CTo surprise their friends with their delicate intention.DTo avoid unnecessary embarrassment when sending gifts.解析:推理判断题。联系上文可知,买圣诞节礼物需要考虑很多因素。FEMAIL就如何选择礼物征求了专家的建议,就是为了避免大家在送圣诞节礼物时产生不必要的尴尬。故D项正确。答案:D6Which statement does James Preece agree?AOnly rare treasures can move a stone heart.BDiamonds are girls best friends.CCuriosity to gifts adds to fun.DTrue friends need nothing but trust.解析:细节理解题。Part of the fun is the mystery and unwrapping,so it will last longer if you give them several to enjoy.(最后一段最后一句)译文:收到礼物的部分乐趣来源于礼物的神秘感和拆礼物的过程,所以如果你送他们好几个小礼物,那么这份乐趣会更绵长。由此可知,James Preece认为对礼物的好奇心会增加乐趣。故C项正确。 答案:C7Who are the target readers of this article?AThose who cannot afford expensive eating.BThose who want to fix their broken friendship.CThose who have trouble in picking proper gifts.DThose who have once quarreled with their neighbors.解析:推理判断题。根据文章前三段可知,本文是向那些不知道如何挑选恰当的圣诞节礼物的读者提供了一些建议。故C项正确。答案:CC(2017江西省重点中学盟校高三联合模拟考试)According to his GoFundMe page,Eddie Maltsby Jr.became blind when he was 11 due to sarcoidosis,a rare disease that affects many organs.However,Maltsby has committed to bringing light to people in need by playing music on the streets of St.Petersburg,Florida,and donating what he can to them,WTSP reported.In addition to playing for the public,Maltsby also hosts a radio show on WRXB called “Blind Boy Radio”While on air,the musician gives away groceries,cash and other goods to grateful callers.To date,Maltsby has donated $2,000,but his funds are running loweven with help from sponsors.Thats why hes turning to the community for help.Maltsby has set up a GoFundMe campaign in the hope of collecting $25,000 to aid struggling people in the community.While Maltsbys benevolent (慈善的) spirit is inspiring,its often the people with little to spare who demonstrate how easy it is to part with money.This past winter,for example,when Dominique HarrisonBentzen,a British student,didnt have any way to get home,a homeless man gave her all the money he had$4.60for a taxi.She returned the favor by setting up a fundraiser for the kind man,which has since collected more than 32,000 British pounds (over $50,000)“I hope my campaign will help people think a little more about the people around them,” HarrisonBentzen told The Mirror. “If people can see what I am doing then maybe they can take the time to just stop and talk to a homeless person,hear their story.”语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。Eddie Maltsby Jr.因肉状瘤病而失去视力,但他依旧赚钱帮助他人。8What can be learned about Eddie Maltsby Jr.?AHe has collected $25,000.BHes going to keep on giving.CHe was born with blindness.DHe plays music to earn a living.解析:考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“and donating what he can to them”和第二、三段的内容可知,他已经捐赠了很多钱物,并发起了GoFundMe运动,希望能筹到25 000美元来帮助他人,由此可推知,Eddie Maltsby Jr.会继续付出,帮助他人。答案:B9Why does Eddie Maltsby Jr.ask for help?AHe earns less and less money.BHis funds have been used up.CHe needs more people to donate.DHis family give no support to his campaign.解析:考查细节理解。 根据第二段中的“To date,Maltsby has donated $2,000,but his funds are running loweven with help from sponsors.Thats why hes turning to the community for help”可知Eddie Maltsby Jr.求助的原因是他的资金快花完了,即他需要更多的人捐款。答案:C10Which of the following words best describe Eddie Maltsby Jr.?ACreative and determined.BTalented and friendly.CCooperative and optimistic.DHelpful and generous.解析:考查推理判断。根据文中的“Maltsby has committed to bringing light to people in need”“While on air,the musician gives away groceries,cash and other goods to grateful callers”和“Maltsbys benevolent(慈善的)spirit”可知,Eddie Maltsby Jr.既乐于助人又大方。答案:D11Dominique HarrisonBentzens story is used to_.Aget people involved in community serviceBprove that giving is indeed importantCencourage people to share and giveDshow the poor are more willing to give解析:考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“its often the people with little to spare who demonstrate how easy it is to part with money”和第五段中的“for example”可知,作者用Dominique HarrisonBentzen的例子表明穷人更乐意付出帮助别人。答案:DD(2017福建省五校高中毕业班统一考试)More than nine out of ten young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed, causing problems with sleep.A new survey also shows more than 28 million people in the UK regularly get no more than seven hours sleep a night.Prof Richard Wiseman,who commissioned the YouGov poll described the findings as “extremely worrying”Of the 2,149 adults questioned,78% said they used electronic devices before going to bed.This rose to 91% among the 18 to 24yearolds questioned in the survey.Getting less than seven hours sleep a night is below the recommended guidelines,and is associated with a range of problems,including an increased risk of weight gain,heart attacks,diabetes and cancer.“The blue light from these devices suppresses (压制) the production of the sleepinducing hormone melatonin,so its important to avoid them before bedtime,” said Prof Richard Wiseman,from the University of Hertfordshire.Everyone needs different amounts of sleep,but adults are generally thought to require a minimum of seven to eight hours a night.Teenagers are recommended to get more,about nine hours.The proportion (比例) of people thought to be getting too little sleep had risen by a fifth since a “bedroom poll” conducted last year by the National Sleep Foundation.Last week revealed opticians were warning that the overuse of smartphones may be increasing peoples risk of eye damage.Optician Andy Hepworth said,“Blue violet light is potentially harmful to the back of your eyes.” So over a long period of time it can damage your eyes.When youre looking at a smartphone,the light peaking out of that is blue violet.The news came as a survey of 2,000 people suggests under25s check their smartphones 32 times a day.语篇解读本文是一篇科普说明文。研究表明,睡前使用智能手机将导致睡眠问题。12The purpose of the passage is to_.Astress that people dont use smartphonesBremind people of enough sleepCask people not to sleep too muchDtell people not to use smartphones before bed解析:考查写作意图。根据第一段的第一句“More than nine out of ten young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed,causing problems with sleep”可知,超过90%的年轻人会在睡前玩智能手机,因此导致睡眠问题;据此可以判断,本文旨在告诉人们不要在睡前玩智能手机,故D项正确。答案:D13Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AAccording to a new survey,more than 28 million people in the UK get more than seven hours sleep a night.BMore than 90% of young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed.COf the 2,149 adults questioned,91% said they used electronic devices before going to bed.DThe news came as a survey of 2,000 people suggests under25s check their smartphones 30 times a day.解析:考查细节理解。根据第一段的第一句“More than nine out of ten young people expose themselves to the blue light from smartphones before bed,causing problems with sleep”可知,超过90%的年轻人会在睡前玩智能手机,故B项正确;根据第一段的第二句“A new survey also shows more than 28 million people in the UK regularly get no more than seven hours sleep a night”可知,这些人每晚的睡眠时间不超过7个小时,故A项错误;根据第一段的倒数第二句“Of the 2,149 adults questioned,78% said they used electronic devices before going to bed”可知,这些人中的78%说他们在睡前使用电子设备,故C项错误;根据文章的最后一句“The news came as a survey of 2,000 people suggests under25s check their smartphones 32 times a day”可知,这些人每天检查智能手机32次而不是30次,故D项错误。答案:B14According to what Andy Hepworth said,the overuse of smartphones may be increasing peoples risk of_.Aweight gainBcancerCeye damage Dheart attacks解析:考查细节理解。根据最后一段的第一、二句“Last week revealed opticians were warning that the overuse of smartphones may be increasing peoples risk of eye damage.Optician Andy Hepworth said.Blue violet light is potentially harmful to the back of your eyes.”可知,Andy Hepworth认为,过度使用智能手机会损伤眼睛,故C项正确。答案:C15Teenagers are generally thought to get sleep of_a night.Aabout 9 hours B78 hoursCless than 7 hours Dmore than 10 hours解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段的第二句“Teenagers are recommended to get more,about nine hours”可知,青少年所需要的睡眠时间是每天大概9个小时,故A项正确。答案:A.七选五(2017江西重点中学盟校联考)Yawn!If you often feel too tired in the mornings,even if youre getting 8 hours in,then this article is for you.Waking up still tired is pretty commonbut that doesnt mean its natural._1_The following tips may help.Body scan.When you open your eyes,even if you have to madly turn off your annoying alarm,lie back down for 2 minutes to do a quick body scan.First,take four deep breaths._2_This will leave you feeling very calm.Say something youre grateful for.This simple,short act gives us a moment to take our minds off all of our responsibilities,tasks,projects and deadlinesand instead give thanks for another day of life._3_Listen to your favorite songs._4_There is a list of recordings for waking up and getting up in a shiny mood but you can pick anything you like._5_Having set sleep and waking times is so important for ensuring you feel energetic and happy in the mornings.Your body begins to expect sleeping and waking up,making it less likely that youll wake up tired.AKeep your routine.BTry to develop good habits.CThen,start at your toes and feet.DMusic will make you energetic all day.EIt will take you much energy to do it.FWe are deserving of a peaceful start to each new day.GThis can take 60 seconds but give peace to the day.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。即便睡了8个小时,但有些人早晨起来仍然很疲惫,这该怎么办呢?文章就如何保持充沛的精力提出了一些建议。1解析:上文提到,早晨起来仍然很疲惫是很常见的,但并不意味着这是件自然的事情。F项意为“我们每天都应该有一个平静的开始”承接上文话题,同时也是下文要提出建议的原因。故F项正确。答案:F2解析:下文提到,这将会使你感到非常平静;由此可知,上文应是关于让人感到平静的方法。C项“然后,活动你的脚趾头和脚”符合语境,且照应上文的“First”。故C项正确。答案:C3解析:上文提到,说一些你感恩的事情。G项“这会花费你60秒钟的时间,但会给你一天的平静”承接上文话题,且照应该段主题句“Say something youre grateful for.”。故G项正确。答案:G4解析:上文提到,听听自己喜欢的歌曲。D项“音乐会使你整天都精力充沛”承接上文话题,符合语境。故D项正确。答案:D 5解析:此处为该段主题句。通读该段内容可知,每天的睡眠和起床时间要固定,这对保证每天早晨的充沛精力和愉悦心情非常重要。由此可知,A项“保持生活规律”符合语境,适合作主题句。故A项正确。答案:A课时加强练(二)英语知识运用板块练练准度 (限时:25分钟).完形填空(2017潍坊3月模拟)We are unique family,two white parents adopting a brown son and a black daughter both with special needs.When we go out together we stand out.This was one of those tiring days.We were ready to go home from shopping,hurried and _1_.My husband was pushing the cart as fast as he could to leave the store before the situation got _2_.Sweat was_3_on my forehead,caused in part by my embarrassment,but_4_from running through Trader Joes with 18pound Arsema fastened to my chest and Mareto screaming behind me.I felt like a hot mess.I rushed to get to the car,_5_hoping that no one was looking at us too closely,when a voice behind me_6_my steps.“Maam!” She called out.I stopped and_7_to find a young woman,with a bright smile_8_her face,running toward me.Recognizing her shirt,I realized that she_9_in the store and assumed I must have dropped something.I looked at her,_10_my tears,waiting.“I just wanted you to have this bouquet.”and I looked down to see the flowers in her hands.She explained,“I was_11_as a baby and it has been a wonderful thing.We need more_12_like yours.” I stared at her,shocked.Didnt she see that I was a failure as a mother,_13_able to keep the family together?I just want to hide far away from the_14_stares.As she handed me the flowers I managed to_15_out a thank you.She_16_my shoulder,and then walked back into the store.My steps were much slower_17_I headed to the car with tears.On a day when I hoped no one noticed us,she did.But she didnt see what I assumed_18_was seeing.She saw beauty,hope and love.I wish I had thought to get her name,could go back and tell her,two years later,what her_19_continues to mean to me today.To the beauTIFul young woman.thank you from the bottom of my heart.You are a_20_.语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。“我”和丈夫是一对白人夫妇,但是由于特殊的需要,“我们”领养了两个不同肤色的孩子,当“我们”一家一起外出的时候总是格外显眼,为此“我们”感到很尴尬。后来商店里的一位年轻店员的行为改变了“我”的想法,直至很久以后都一直影响着“我”。1A amazedBdelightedCdiscouraged Dinspired解析:考查形容词辨析。根据上文提到的“tiring”“hurried”及下文可知,这是令人倍感疲倦的一天,作者一家购物后匆忙回家。结合选项可知,此处表示很沮丧。A项意为“惊奇的,吃惊的”;B项意为“高兴的,愉快的”;C项意为“沮丧的”;D项意为“有灵感的”。答案:C2A.worse BbetterCnormal Ddangerous解析:考查形容词辨析。A项意为“更糟,更坏”;B项意为“更好”;C项意为“正常的”;D项意为“危险的”。联系上下文可知,“我们”为自己是这样特殊的家庭而感到尴尬,所以此处指在事情没有变得更糟之前,丈夫推着手推车想尽快离开商店。答案:A3A.disappearing BformingCmoving Dgrowing解析:考查动词辨析。根据下文“caused in part by my embarrassment”及“running”可知,“我”的尴尬和带着孩子跑使得“我”的额头开始出汗。A项意为“消失”;B项意为“形成,构成,产生”;C项意为“移动”;D项意为“发展,生长”。答案:B4A.practically BpreviouslyCnearly Dmostly解析:考查副词辨析。联系上文可知,“我”的额头上出汗的部分原因是由“我”的尴尬引起的,但主要原因是18英镑重的Arsema系在“我”胸前,“我”带着她跑并且Mareto在“我”后面尖叫。A项意为“实际上,事实上”;B项意为“先前”;C项意为“几乎,差不多”;D项意为“主要地,大多数地”。此空与上文“in part”相对应。答案:D5A.frightened BexcitedlyCsincerely Dcautiously解析:考查副词辨析。A项意为“害怕的”;B项意为“兴奋地”;C项意为“真诚地,由衷地”;D项意为“小心地,谨慎地”。根据空格前“I rushed to get to the car”及下文“I just want to hide far away from”可知,此处指“我”由衷地希望没有人太靠近地看着“我们”。答案:C6A.slowed BacceleratedCadjusted Dfollowed解析:考查动词辨析。根据上文的“rushed”及下文的


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