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Lecture Three 句子: 四六级写作中如何造句 句子 句子是文章的基础,是作者表达思想的最小语 言单位。 句子的质量直接影响文章的质量。 写作的最基本要求就是句子语法正确。然后还 有修辞及其它技巧。 好的文章都有一个共同的特点句型多样。 要学好写作,必须首先写好句子,掌握不同句 型的写法,并根据自己表达思想的需要进行灵 活的句型转换,从而使文中的句子长短错落, 起伏有致,以增强文章的表现力。 句子 一篇文章的好坏在很大程度上取决于句 子的合理选择。 好的文章不仅要求句子表达正确,语言 规范,能准确有效表达思想,而且要富 有句式的变化。 同样的意思用不同的句式来表达,往往 表达出来的语言风格和修辞效果迥然不 同。 这些都要求考生有扎实的语法基础知识 ,以及良好的语言修养。 英语句子的基本类型(1) 简单句:一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语 动词(或并列谓语动词)或表语。表达简单思 想,用词较少。 Eg. College students should get to know the world outside the campus. Eg. Studying abroad is beneficial to young people in many different aspects. Eg. Information plays an important role in our life and work. Eg. What we learn today in school can lay a solid foundation for our future career. Topic sentences写法 More Examples of Simple Sentences in Writing Education is important to a person, a country and mankind as a whole. Nothing is more important than good health. Science and technology have brought about great changes to our life. Actions speak louder than words. Practice makes perfect. Failure is the mother of success. To die for the people is a glorious death. 英语句子的基本类型(2) 并列句:用并列连词或分号连接两个或 以上简单句。各个简单句无主次之分, 是并列关系。 Eg. Be honest, or you will never learn anything. (Or 表选择关系) Eg. We should not just sit here complaining, for it would be of no use. (For 表因果关 系) Eg. Some people have no money to spend, while others have nothing to spend money on. (While 表对比关系) Other Examples Many great men persisted in their efforts and so they realized their ambition and achieved great success. (And 表并列,顺 接关系) Keeping pets sounds like a good idea, but we shouldnt neglect the problems it may bring about/lead to. (But 表转折关系) Not only should we learn academic/ professional knowledge, but we are also supposed to have social experience. (Not onlybut also 表并列关系) 常见的并列连词 And, not onlybut also, then But While Eitheror, neithernor, or, or else, nor For We should not buy fake commodities, nor should we produce/make fake goods. Either we take part-time jobs to get to know the society, or we can volunteer to participate in some social services. 英语句子的基本类型(3) 复合句: 由一主句和由从属连词引出的一个或 以上从句组成。主句表达主要思想,从句表达 次要或从属思想,其中从句不能独立存在,而 是充当主句的句子成分。 Eg. Children who like fast food are not very likely to get enough nutrition from it. Eg. Though study methods may differ from person to person, the following suggestions might be beneficial to all. Eg. It is well-known that language is the most common means of communication. 从句的种类(1) 名词性从句:主,表,宾,同位语从句 (noun clauses) Eg. Many people hold the opinion that country life is inferior to city life. Eg. I think that the positive aspects of sports far outweigh the negative ones. Eg. It is generally recognized that diligence is a key factor to success. Eg. My view towards opportunity is that everybody stands a chance of succeeding in his work and life as long as he is determined to work hard for his goals. 从句的种类(2) 定语从句:形容词性从句(attributive clauses) Eg. In recent years, more and more people have become aware of the important role that information plays in our modern life. Eg. The reasons why studying abroad has become more and more popular lie in the following aspects. Eg. It is about time that the government took effective measures to fight against crime. 从句的种类(3) 状语从句:副词性从句 (adverbial clauses) Eg. If you practice doing something regularly, chances are that you will become skillful in it. Eg. Although womens liberation movement has achieved some success, there is still along way to go/ towards real equality. Eg. Ever since China adopted the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, great changes have taken place in the country. 其它句子在写作中的运用 疑问句 Eg. Which way is the best to get to know the society, through listening to the radio, watching TV, reading the newspapers, or taking part in social activities? Eg. Have you ever taken a part-time job? Do you think it is a good practice for college students to do temporary jobs in their free time? Other Examples Now that we have realized the importance of choosing a right career, what factors should we take into account when we are planning our career and making our decisions? Well, read on and you will find the answer. How can we deal with the problem of waste disposal? My proposals are as follows. Why do so many students in our country long for studying abroad? The reasons lie in the following aspects. 反问句 Eg. Now that we have realized the importance of practice, why not put it into practice? Eg. Dont you agree with my idea that a test of oral English be included in the CET-4 and 6? Eg. Dont you think that it is high time that everybody joined in the effort to protect our environment and save the earth? 强调句 Eg. It is conflict that keeps freedom alive. Eg. It is good health that enables a person to go all out in his career and accomplish great success. Eg. It is education that makes a person wise. Eg. It is through regular practice that a learner of English gets to know the language well. 感叹句 Eg. How time flies! Eg. How things have changed! Eg. How wonderful it is to have computer do the heavy work for man! Eg. What an advantageous thing it is to study abroad! 倒装句 Eg. Under no circumstances should we neglect the disadvantages of owning a private car. Eg. Only by taking practical steps can our government solve the problem of unemployment of the laid-off workers. Eg. Only if we step out of the campus and take part in social activities can we get to know the society and adapt to the society in the future. Eg. Were it left to me to decide, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer living in the countryside to living in the city. 句子的写作技巧 句子的扩充 许多考生认为使用最基本的句型来写作 文不费脑筋,不易出错。可是,若一篇 文章的句子都是基本句型,文章就会显 得单调,无深度,也无法体现考生的思 维水平和语言的掌握和运用能力。因此 ,应该适当增添和扩充句子以充实润色 句子,体现文章的内涵。 扩充句子的技巧 1)增添修饰语 2)用动名词,不定式或从 句替代名词 3)利用平行结构 1)增添修饰语:用定语修饰名词a 用形容词修饰名词 1. Nowadays, kids get surrounded by advertisements for toys, games and foods. Nowadays, kids get surrounded by advertisement for dangerous toys, mindless games, and unhealthy foods. 2. Traffic is one of the activities of our society. Traffic is one of the essential activities of our society. 3) Science has now proved that smoking is hazardous to health in that it can cause lung cancer and other diseases. Medical science has now 4) We can make use of many means to learn about the society. We can make effective (wide, good) use of many different (diverse, various) means to 5) E-mails connect friends. As a bridge, E-mails connect intimate friends when they are apart. 分词作定语 By comparison, travelling by ship is a good experience. By comparison, travelling by ship is an interesting and rewarding experience. Students only know about books and have trouble dealing with realities. Students growing up from schools only know about books and have trouble dealing with realities. 从句作定语 Some people attribute the great rise in teenage smoking to the increased standards of living (which enables kids to have more pocket money), others put the blame on cigarette advertising (which gives them an easy access to Marlboros, Kents and Mores). In my life, I have met many people (who are really worth recalling), but perhaps the most unforgettable one (I ever knew) is my English teacher. 介词短语作后置定语 The cost for the privilege of living in a big city is also high. Housework such as washing and cooking, formerly done by the wife, is now shared by the couple. A walk in the early morning is greatly beneficial to our health. 1)增添修饰语:动词增添修饰语b 副词修饰语 The future is ultimately in the hands of young people. Kids today are greatly influenced by TV. Drunk driving may probably cause serious traffic accidents. It can be said certainly that a person with good manners will be popular everywhere. Taking part in sports regularly enables a person to have a sound health. 介词短语修饰动词 It can be said without doubt that environmental risks are not worth taking in the long run. It can be said with certainty that generation gaps can be bridged as long as both parents and children are willing to make efforts. I prefer going to school by bike/on foot. 状语从句修饰动词 Strike while the iron is hot. I like travelling on my own not only because it costs less but also because it gives me a great degree of independence and freedom. If you often fall ill, you will not be able to do your job or study properly. On the contrary, if you are healthy, you can go all out to make success. When you are homesick, you forget all your disagreement with your family members. If we study and work persistently, there is nothing/no goal that cannot be achieved/attained. 2)用动名词,不定式或从 句替代名词:动名词 Part-time jobs are beneficial to college students. Doing/taking part-time jobs is beneficial Regular review of what has been learned leads to improved performance on tests. Reviewing what has been learned regularly leads to 2)用动名词,不定式或从 句替代名词:不定式 To relieve the strain of a whole years studies on the campus is what students badly need to do in the vacation. Travelling on my own, I can decide when to start on my way and where to visit or linger a little longer, because I am my own boss. To err is human; to forgive, divine. 犯错误乃人之常情,能宽恕则是神明。 To be or not to be-that is the question.(William Shakespeare) 2)用动名词,不定式或从 句替代名词:从句 My belief is that there should be a balance between work and play. What I believe is My opinion is that What I hold/take/think is that His only thought was that What he thought was that More for Appreciation Parents should encourage their children to be competitive, to get ahead, to make money and to acquire possessions. To a terminally ill person, to be allowed to end his life painlessly is a good release. To his family it is also a big relief. I never mind spending beautiful nights on paperwork; I never consider myself miserable and unfairly burdened and I never think college education is a waste of time and money. 3)利用平行结构 A creative person is not only imaginative and flexible, but also conscientious and persevering. Getting up late in the morning, relaxing on the beach in the forenoon, playing tennis in the afternoon, and dancing till late at night - that is my idea of a vacation. Darkness would make the blind more appreciative of sight, silence would teach the mute the joy of sound. Nothing, not even a big salary, can compensate for the opportunity to continue learning, the satisfaction of being your own boss and a gentle peace of life. 句子的写作原则 清晰 完整 连贯 简洁 多样 清晰 指代要清楚 Parents often make selfless sacrifices in order to educate their children well. They are willing to do all the heavy housework so that they can bury themselves in piles of books. They want them to study hard. They love them very much. They, their children, themselves. They, their children. They, their children. 正确使用标点符号 A great crowd of shoppers rushed inside and outside hundreds more were pushing through the door. A great crowd of shoppers rushed inside, and outside hundreds more were pushing through the door. 完整 My little brother has many hobbies. For example, stamp collection and painting. My little brother has many hobbies. For example, he likes stamp collection and painting. Living in the city is more convenient. Living in the city is more convenient than living in the countryside. 连贯:协调,一致 A Chinese student abroad has to deal with a language problem because they have to pursue their study in a foreign language.( 数不一致) When one catches cold, you should get plenty of rest and drink hot water. (人称 不一致) When I arrived at the park, I find, to my surprise that there were so many people there. Some are doing morning exercises while others are just sitting there, talking with each other cheerfully.(时态不一致) 非平行结构 I feel that the school activities are rather dull and my classmates annoy me. I feel that the school activities are rather dull and my classmates are annoying. I am sure about his honesty and that he means well. I am sure about his honesty and his good intentions. 使用垂悬的修饰语 To be successful, talents and luck are needed. To be successful, one needs talents and luck. Through reading extensively, our range of knowledge can be broadened. Through reading extensively, we can broaden our range of knowledge. To learn English well, a great deal of practice is needed. To learn English well, you/we need a great deal of practice. 简洁:避免罗嗦wordy On account of the fact that Be of the opinion that Because of the fact that Has the ability to do At this point in time There is no denying the fact that Because Believe Because Can do Now No doubt 多样 多样是指句子形式的多样性,即句子的 长短,结构类型和修饰语位置的多样性 ,能使文章语言生动,富于表现力。 长短句交错 There is one positive result of the rising crime rate. This has been the growth of neighborhood crime prevention programs. These programs really work. They teach citizens to patrol their neighborhoods. They teach citizens to work with the police. They have dramatically reduced crime in cities and towns across the country. One positive result of the rising crime rate has been the growth of neighborhood crime prevention programs. These programs really work. By teaching citizens to patrol their neighborhoods and work with the police, they have dramatically reduced crime in cities and towns across the country. 排比句式 Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of Gods children. _ Martin Lurther King I have a dream Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. _ taken from Bible 心虚者有福,因为他们享有天国。 哀恸者有福,因为他们必得安慰。 温顺者有福,因为他们必得土地。 慕义者有福,因


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