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英语:高三一轮复习超级课件 Unit1A land of diversity(新人教版选修8) 佳作选登 话题 谈关于19岁女孩休学参加才艺选秀的争 议。 体裁 议论文 Recently,there is widespread concern over the issue that a nineteenyearold girl who quitted school asked her mother,who has been laid off, for 100,000 yuan in order to take part in talent shows. Some students think talent shows are of great fun and can provide a colorful platform to show their talents,and it is also a way to release their pressure.But many parents and teachers hold different views.They think that taking part in talent shows will take a lot of time,energy and money,which should be used for study and doing other meaningful things. In my opinion,I do not approve of taking part in this activity. As young people,we should make the most of our limited time and concentrate on our studies to gain more knowledge in order to better serve our country and people. 经典例句 亮词 1.be of great fun很有趣 2show ones talents展示才艺 3release ones pressure释放压力 4approve of支持;赞成 5make the most of充分利用 6concentrate on集中精力于 典句 1.Recently,there is widespread concern over the issue that a nineteenyearold girl who quitted school asked her mother, who has been laid off,for 100,000 yuan in order to take part in talent shows. 最近,就某19岁女孩休学参加选秀,向下 岗母亲索要十万元这一问题引起了很大的 关注。 2They think that taking part in talent shows will take a lot of time,energy and money, which should be used for study and doing other meaningful things. 他们认为 参加选秀会浪费很多时间 ,精力 和金钱,而这些应当用在学习和做其他有 意义的事情上的。 1(2011湖北高考)The staterun company is required to make its accounts as _ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money. Atransparent Breasonable Csecure Dformal 解题指导 句意:这家国有公司被要求使 自己的账目尽可能透明,以便其员工监督 公司对资金的使用。考查形容词辨析。四 个形容词选项中,A“透明的,明显的,清 楚的”符合句意。B“合理的,讲道理的”; C“安全的”;D“正规的,正式的”。 正确答案 A 2(2012杭州模拟)Jack,could I use your laptop computer for a while? _.Go ahead,please. AWith pleasure BNo way CBy all means DCome on 解题指导 句意:杰克,我能用用你的 笔记本电脑吗?完全可以,用吧。由答 句Go ahead可知:Jack同意对方的请求,故 用By all means(当然可以)。With pleasure用 以回答Would/Will you please.?;No way !“没门”表示反对,与go ahead相悖;Come on“快点儿,得了,跟我来”。 正确答案 C 3(2012济南质检)I _ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _. Awent;was occurring Bwent;occurred Cwas going;occurred Dwas going;had occurred 解题指导 句意:我正在大街上寻找停车 点这时事故发生了。根据句意第一空要用 进行时,前后动作紧接着发生,第二空用 一般过去时态。 正确答案 C 4(2012广州月考)The _ cause of his illness was extreme drinking,but the real cause was his deep sadness on his wifes death. Amajor Bapparent Cclear Dserious 解题指导 句意:他得病的表面上的原因 是过度饮酒,但实际原因是他妻子死亡给 他带来的巨大悲痛。本题考查形容词辨义 。major“主要的”;apparent“显而易见的, 表面的”;clear“清楚的”;serious“严重的, 认真的”。 正确答案 B 5(2012大连一模)My elder brother _ a wellpaid job in Beijing the moment he graduated from Beijing University. Aapplied for Bgot from Csent for Dtook back 解题指导 句意:我哥哥一从北大毕业就 在北京申请了一份薪水不错的工作。apply for“申请”,符合句题。get from“从得到” ;send for“派人去请”;take back“拿回,收 回”。 正确答案 A .重点单词 1 adj.清晰的;明确的 n差别; 区分 2 n苦难;困苦 3 vt.选择或决定(做某事);选举(某人) n 选举 4 n侄子;外甥 n外甥女 distinctdistinction hardship elect election nephew niece 5 n申请人 v. 申请;请 求 n申请;申请书 6customs n. customer n. 7 vt.指出;表明;暗示 n表 明;象征 8 adj.显然的 adv.显而 易见地 9 n&vt.租用;雇用 10 adv.无处;到处都无 applicantapply application 海关,关税 顾客 indicate indication apparent apparently hire nowhere 11 n处罚;惩罚 vt. 惩罚 12justice n. 13 vt.&vi.哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛 14 n手段;方法 15 n大多数;大半(反义词) punishmentpunish 正义,公正 mourn means majority minority .重点短语 1live 继续 存在;生存 2 means of用的方法;借助 3the majority 大多数的 4declare war 对宣战 5 a life习惯 新的生活方式、工作 等 6keep 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传 统等) 7occur 某事被提到;出现在头脑 中 on by of on make up to 8back back背靠背 9team with与合作或一起工作 10make 标出(界线) 11apply 申请 12be thankful . 对感到感激 to up out for for .重点句型 1However, Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 然而,美洲土著人很可能在至少一万五千 年前就在加州生活着。 2 today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. 这就是今天有超过40%的加利福尼亚人把 西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。 itislikelythat Thatis why 1means n. C 方法;手段 (单复数同形) by means of. 用办法,借助 by all means 当然可以 by all means 无论如何 by no means 绝不,一点也不 They succeeded by means of perseverance. 他们依靠坚忍不拔而获得成功。 We should by all means raise productivity. 我们应该 想方设法提高生产率。 It is by no means certain that the game will take place. 这种游戏绝 不会再发生了。 means,way,method,manner, approach (1)means指为达到一个目的或产生某种结果 而采用的方法、手段。 (2)way是最普通、最常用的词,可以指一切 “方法、办法”。 (3)method是指理论的或系统的方法,有时 是针对某个具体问题而采用的特殊方法, 常与with连用。 (4)manner指特殊的或怪异的方式、方法, 与动作有关。 (5)approach常与to搭配,指从事某事的特别 方法、途径。 He won the seat with a majority of 71 votes. 他以71票的优势赢 得了该席位。 In Britain women are in the majority. 在英国,妇女占多数。 A/The majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health.大多 数医生认为 吸烟对健康极为有害。 It occurred to me to visit my parents. 我突然想去探望父母。 It didnt occur to him that the Netherlands won the champion in the World Cup. 他没有想到荷兰队赢 得世界杯的冠军。 1Less than twenty percent of the employees in their company are women. That is to say, men are in the _. Amajority Bactivity Cpossibility Dminority 解析:in the majority“占大多数”;activity“ 活动”;possibility“可能性”;minority“少数” 。 答案:A 2(2012大连质检)It suddenly _ to me that this man might be a cheat. Ahappened Bturned out Coccurred Dcame about 解析:It occurs to sb.that“某人突然想到” ,符合句意。 答案:C 3Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games? _.Ours is much stronger than theirs. AOf course BIt depends CDont mention it DBy no means 解析:by no means“绝不”;of course“一定 ,当然”;it depends“看情况而定”;dont mention it“别放在心上,不用客气”。根据题 意可知选D。 答案:D That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. 这就是今天有超过40


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