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OPEN-ENDING COMPOSITION 开放性写作出题方式: 1 根据结果,解释原因 What happened? 2根据事件,接续故事 What happened next? What did you do with.? What should you do.? How will you introduce your school to them? 3提出问题,给出建议 写作注意原则: 1、认真审题,即:审语境、审人称、审时 态 2、要紧扣主题,符合要求,首尾呼应 3、注意写作对象和语言风格,要有读者的 意识 4、要进行细致描写,有细节的支撑 5、要有主次之分, 详略得当 6、要力求内容新颖,必须符合逻辑 7、要做到思想健康,积极向上 海淀二模: When your mother comes home from work., she finds the living room in a terrible mess. She asks you the reasons. You tell her what happened. 审题:人称- I, 时态 - 过去时 叙事- 根据结果,解释原 因。 切记: 1 审题要准;定位要清。 2 紧扣主题;首位呼应。 3 内容充实;详略得当。 4 合情合理;逻辑清晰。 5 语言简洁;交际得体。 说明文 说明文出题形式: 1。文字+表格 2。图表 3。图画 说明文的篇章结构 主题句引出全文的话题 支持句围绕话题展开讨论,用 事实,理由,观点等来进行解释, 说明或论证。 结束句对话题进行概括,总结 归纳。 说明文的写作方法: 列举法-用事例说明主题可用表示顺 序的示意词来突出每个实例。如: first, second, third, first, secondly, finally, the first thing (point) is, the second thing (point) is, the third thing(point) is, first of all, also, finally, one, another, the last 以事物的重要性来排列顺序,可使 文章层次清楚,重点突出。 如: for one thing, also, the worst thing is, first of all, apart from that, the most important is, for one thing, what is more, the most, one important, more importantly, the most important, one problem, another problem, the most serious problem, 比较对比法: 比较通常是指对人或事物之间的相 同点进行分析。 对比通常是侧重分析两者之间的不同 点,利与弊。 写作方法通常有: 1)相同点-不同点分析A,A,A, B,B,B, 结构 2)A,B, A,B, A,B, 结构 (如内容较 多,可逐点分析。) Topic sentence whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks Supporting sentence 1 60% of the students are against the idea of the entrance fees. (A) to have a rest and enjoy themselves in the park (A) to become necessary to build gates and walls, (A) to do harm to the appearance of the city. Supporting sentence 2 40% think that fees should be charged (B) need money to pay gardeners and other workers (B) to buy plants and young trees. (B) fees should be charged low. 请根据以下图表和提示写一篇关于我国 手机拥有量变化的报导。并阐述手机给 人们生活所带来的利与弊。 1.方便 2.随时,随地联系 3.许多设置满足不同要求 4.发短信,电话记录 5.接到打错的电话为之付费 6.电磁污染 宣武一模: 请你根据下面图表用英语写一篇短 文,内容要包括以下两方面: 1。概括说明中美大学生的主要收入 来源。 2。分析产生这种不同现象的可能原 因。 Income * American *Chinese sources *students *students - Parents *50% *90% - Part-time jobs * 35% *5% - scholarships *15% *5% The income of the American and the Chinese students comes through almost the same channels:parents, part-time jobs and scholarships, but the percentage of each is quite different. Half the American students income is from their parents, thirty-five percent from from part- time jobs, and fifteen from scholarships. Chinese students, on the other hand, get ninety percent of their income from their parents. In my opinion, there are two main reasons for this. One is that Chinese parents care so much for their children that it is almost unthinkable for students to live on their own. The other is that Chinese students have fewer chances to find part-time jobs. 小结:小结: 1。确定主题;理清结构。 2。信息归类;支撑论点。 (相同;不同) 3。上下连贯;逻辑清晰。 (正确使用连接词) 4。首位呼应; 紧扣扣题。 Wish you success 写作常见错误: 1 动词与主语关系不清 误:I saw an old man going out of City Park and was about to cross Park Road. 正:I saw an old man going out of City Park and he was about to cross Park Road. 误:But the car ran off immediately instead of stopping to apologize to the man. 正:But the driver drove off immediately instead of stopping to apologize to the man. 误:The park should charge the entrance fee. 正:The entrance fee should be charged for parks. 正:People should pay for the entrance fee if they go to the parks. 2 句子之间的逻辑关系不清 误:It hit the old man down but the driver, a woman, didnt stop her car. Finding she had caused an accident, the woman sped her car to flee away. The old man and I saw the cars number. Its AC864. The old man couldnt move , I decided to help him. 正:It hit the old man down but the driver, who was a woman, didnt stop her car. Finding she had caused an accident, the woman sped her car to flee away. Fortunately, I saw the cars number. Its AC864. Noticing the old man couldnt move, I decided to help him. 3画蛇添足 、过多的长句使句子复杂 化(语言不简洁) 修改前: A famous sportsman was giving a speech which was rather interesting. 修改后: A famous sportsman was giving an interesting speech. 修改前 Nowadays, some people are still cutting down trees without permission. The air pollution is becoming more and more serious which is caused by buses and cars. Whats more, so many rivers are polluted by dirty water which is from factory. In addition, sandstorm struck us now and then, from which we suffered a lot. 修改后 Nowadays, some people are still cutting down trees without permission. As a result, people have to suffer sandstorms now and then. Whats more, as buses and cars give off a lot of poisonous gases, the air is getting dirtier and dirtier. Moreover, there are many rivers polluted by dirty water from factories. The situation is becoming more and more serious. 修改前: As soon as came in, we heard some voice made by instruments. There were some students playing piano violin and so on . 修改后: As soon as we came in, we heard a piece of beautiful music played by the students by different instruments, such as, piano, violin and so on. 4 过于简单的句子使文章缺少逻辑 性,可读性。 修改前 Yesterday, there was a policeman in the street. He stopped a car. The car was at the corner. It looked like a Honda. There was a boy on the sidewalk. He was riding his bicycle. The bicycle was a two-wheeler. The car nearly knocked down the boy. 修改后 Yesterday, a policeman stopped a car Honda at the corner of the street, because it nearly knocked down a boy who was riding a two-wheel bicycle on the sidewalk. 修改前 Suddenly, a car run quickly from the third street and turned to the west. The car didnt stop and hit the old man. The dri


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