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开放英语1 / unit6 / Unit6 Review and Assessment(Units1-5)复习与自测电大形考答案1.Peter usually gets up at回答 from Monday to Friday.A:6:30B:8:00C:7:302.He is回答in a big company.A:an IT managerB:a deputy IT managerC:a worker3.He回答has lunch in the canteen.A:oftenB:neverC:always4.Peter回答finishes early on Friday.A:alwaysB:sometimesC:often5.Peter and his回答sometimes go to a bar in the evening.A:parentsB:colleaguesC:brothers反馈答案反馈:1. 正确答案:6:302. 正确答案:a deputy IT manager3. 正确答案:often4. 正确答案:often5. 正确答案:colleaguesGrammar & Function题目2正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干I sometimes go to the pub _ Friday _ my colleagues.选择一项:A. on, withB. at, toC. in, for反馈正确答案是:on, with题目3正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干_ people are my friends. _ people are my husbands friends.选择一项:A. These, ThoseB. This, ThatC. Here, There反馈正确答案是:These, Those题目4正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干I am _ engineer.选择一项:A. aB. anC. /反馈正确答案是:an题目5正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干A: Hello, Linda, how are you?B: _选择一项:A. Very good. Are you good?B. Very well, thank you. And you?C. Hello, Rose, how do you do?反馈正确答案是:Very well, thank you. And you?题目6正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干A: What does your father do in the factory?B: _.选择一项:A. He is responsible for the central computer systemB. He works with another manC. He is in the office反馈正确答案是:He is responsible for the central computer system题目7正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干A: Could you ring them up please? Im sometimes quite nervous on the phone.B: _.选择一项:A. Are you? I am fine.B. Yes, why dont you call them?C. Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.反馈正确答案是:Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.题目8不正确获得4分中的0分标记题目题干My cousin doesnt _ serious(严肃的) TV programmes on weekends.选择一项:A. like watchB. enjoy watchingC. love watch反馈正确答案是:enjoy watching题目9正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干Id _ a beer, too . Thank you.选择一项:A. like havingB. like to haveC. like have反馈正确答案是:like to have题目10正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干Mary _ brown eyes and golden hair.选择一项:A. haveB. have gotC. has got反馈正确答案是:has got题目11正确获得4分中的4分标记题目题干My father _for an important phone call at the moment. He cant go to have lunch with you. I am afraid.选择一项:A. waitB. waitingC. is waiting反馈正确答案是:is waiting标记题目信息文本Reading题目12部分正确获得20分中的12分标记题目题干Read the following advertisementsAd. 1Lge flat - 1 bedroom, kitchen/dining room. Bathroom, separate toilet. Nr buses. Garage.400 pcm- Tel. 017484 832201Ad. 2Sml house - 2 lge bedrooms, kitchen, separate dining room. Nr tube (地铁). Private (私家的) garden. 150 p.w.- Mob. 07798 850475Ad. 3Flat - 2 lge bedrooms, kitchen, separate dining room.Nr tube. Garden 500 pcm- Mob. 07485 7316231. Lily needs a flat convenient for transportation. Which flat is better (更好)for her?A. All the three flats.B. The flat in Ad.2 and that in Ad.3.C. The flat in Ad.1.2. Sally loves gardens, Which flat is better (更好) for her?A. All the three flats.B. The flat in Ad.2 and that in Ad.3.C. The flat in Ad.3.3. David has got a car to go to and from work, Which flat is better(更好) for him?A. All the three flats.B. The flat in Ad.2 and that in Ad.3.C. The flat in Ad.1.4. Tom has two daughters, .W which flat is better (更好) for him?A. All the three flats.B. The flat in Ad.2 and flat in Ad.3.C. The flat in Ad.1.5. Jane does not want to spent much on rent, Which flat is better (更好) for her?A. The flat in Ad.1.B. The flat in Ad.2.C. The flat in Ad.3.提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分 您的答案是:1.回答2.回答3.回答4.回答5.回答题目13部分正确获得20分中的12分标记题目题干The dream (梦想)of every family is to live in a big house. Most British people buy a house when they have their first child. The house has a kitchen, a bathroom, a dining room, a living room, two or three bedrooms, a toilet and a garage.The living room usually has a sofa for three people, a few chairs, a coffee table and a television set. There is often a bookcase. There are other things like a desk, some family pictures and a calendar. The large bedroom is for the parents and the small ones are for their children. Children put their games, toys, clothes and school books in their rooms.The garage is for their car. Children also put their bicycles in the garage. The house often has a small garden in the back. British people like gardening. They grow flowers and sometimes vegetables in their gardens.1. Most British people rent a house when they have children.A. Right.B. Wrong.C. Doesnt say.2. Every house in Britain has three bedrooms.A. Right.B. Wrong.C. Doesnt say.3. Each room has a TV set.A. Right.B. Wrong.C. Doesnt say.4. Chi


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