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Money Vocabulary Translation Vocabulary P1 commodity kmditi n. 商品,货物;日用品 P2 commodity money 商品(实物)货币 beaver bi:v n. 海狸;海狸皮毛 mint mint vt. 铸造,铸币 P3 fiat money fait 不兑换纸币 pretense pritens, pri:t- n. 借口;虚假;炫耀;自吹 P4 deposit money存款货币 tangible tndbl adj. 有形的;切实的;可触摸的 A tangible asset is an object you can see, feel or touch. 有形资产是您能够看到、感觉到 或触摸到的对象。 bookkeeping buk,ki:pi n. 记帐,簿记 It requires some kind of bookkeeping to keep records about transactions. 它要求某些种类的簿记保存有关 交易的记录。 demand deposit 活期存款 P5 Gold certificate 黄金券 Silver certificate 银元券 Legal tender 通货,法定货币 P7 paradoxical ,prdksikl adj. 矛盾的;诡论的;似非而是的 But this might not be as paradoxical as it initially seems. 不过这种情况也许并不像最初看起来那么矛盾。 Bank notes 钞票 P9 Physical asset 有形资产 stereo steri,u, sti-, sti:- adj. 立体的;立体声的;立体感觉的 Stereo sets 立体声音响器材 P10 Financial asset 金融资产 sewer sju, su: n. 下水道;阴沟;污水管 short-term debt instrument 短期债务证券 near-money 近似货币 P11 savings deposit 定期储蓄 credit union 信用社 savings and loan associations 储蓄贷款社 passbook p:sbuk n. 银行存折;赊帐登录本 Checking account 支票账户 P13 A standard of value 价值标准 A unit of account 计算单位 P14 rudimentary ,ru:dimentri adj. 基本的;初步的;退化的; We have a rudimentary knowledge of it. 我们已有一个初步了解。 diaper daip n. 尿布 division of labor 劳动分工 P15 perishable peribl adj. 不经久的; 易腐坏的;易毁灭的;会枯萎的 Unlike perishable agricultural products, oil can be stored in the ground. 不同于易腐烂的农产品,石油可以长期埋在地下。 termite t:mait n. 昆 白蚁 solvent slvnt, s:l- n. 溶剂;解决方法 adj. 有偿付能力的;有溶解力的 P16 Gross National Prodect 国民生产总值 hodgepodge hdpd n. 大杂烩;混煮;一团糟 The hodgepodge system we have now demeans nearly all those who touch it. 目前这种杂乱的体系,会让几乎所有接触到它的人都有失身份。 P17 denomination di,nminein n. 面额;名称;教派 What denomination do you have? 你有什么面额的? Parties based on religion, tribe, profession or denomination are prohibited. 明令禁止政党与宗教或部落、职业和教派有干系。 Assets and liabilities 资产与负债 P18 untapped ntpt adj. 未开发的;未使用的;塞子未开的 There is plenty of untapped business to win. 有大量未被触及的业务可供开发。 Translation Money is generalized purchasing power. It is anything generally accepted as payment for commodities and services in an economy, especially that which the seller accepts in the expectation that he in turn can use it to make purchases of his own. 笼统地说,货币即购买力。人们普遍认为货币是对商品 和服务的一种经济上的补偿方式,尤其是接受货币的销 售商,他也希望自己也能利用货币来购物。 In the US economy today, demand depositsbank deposits that are payable on demand through the mere presentation of a check represent approximately three-fourths of the total US money supply. 就今日美国经济而言,活期 存款(仅凭存单银行即支付 现金的存款)大约占了美国 货币总供给量的3/4. Some sellers would not accept any of these bank notes in payment for goods, while others would refuse to accept the notes of a bank they held to be particularly shaky or suspect. 有些销售者不愿接受任何银行票据作 为商品的付款方式。而其他一些销售 者则拒收他们认为信用特别差或可信 度不强的银行发行的钞票。 Thus, while economists today almost always include checking accounts in their definition of money, they sometimes exclude savings accounts as being somewhat less liquid and threat them instead as near-money. 因此,今天的经济学家几乎总是 把支票账户定义为货币的一个组 成部分。而储蓄账户因为其流动 性较差,有时则被排除在货币范 围之外。经济学家仅把它们当做 近似货币。 The printing of the bi


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