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COMAC航空科技英语等级考试B1(技术类)样题Test Time:120 minutes部门_ 姓名_ 工号_Part I Listening (30%)Section 1 Conversation and Lecture(10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a long conversation and a lecture. At the end of the conversation or the lecture, you will hear five questions. The conversation, the lecture and the questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices.Conversation 1. A) They get you directly to holiday destination.B) Their tickets can be bought on the internet.C) They offer excellent services to customers.D) Theyre much cheaper than famous airlines.2. A) They have sprung up recently and become successful.B) They change prices on the basis of customers demand.C) They always offer travelers the extremely cheap flight.D) They do much advertising but few people ever watch it. 3. A) By travelling before public holidays.B) By buying tickets a day in advance.C) By booking at the very last minute.D) By flying at peak time like Fridays.4. A) They try every possible means to reduce expenses.B) They charge different prices depending on demand.C) They dont serve any food on any of their flights.D) They have increased the speed of their aero planes. 5. A) They only offer cheap tickets online.B) They fail to offer satisfactory service.C) They spend little time on the ground.D) They fly to and from smaller airports.Lecture 6. A) The 845m2 wing area is large enough to park 70 cars.B) The plane has the potential to carry 550 passengers.C) The tail is about as long as the Great Sphinx in Egypt. D) The two deck fuselage is as high as a 7-storey building.7. A) It is as economical to run as a common jet.B) It burns more fuel than other jumbo jets.C) It can fly an amazing 15,000 km non-stop. D) It can carry more fuel than other planes.8. A) Toulouse in France.B) England and Wales. C) All over the Europe.D) Spain and Germany.9. A) It is remarkably expensive.B) It is impressively efficient.C) It is a nation-wide project.D) It is extremely complicated.10.A) The expenses.B) The designing.C) The electronics.D) The cooperation.Section 2 Compound Dictation (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage TWICE. You have its script in the following, but with eleven blanks in it. You are required to fill in the first eight blanks with the exact words you have just heard. For last three blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Remember, there will be a pause for the last three blanks. Laurence Barron, President of Airbus China, defended the A380 superjumbo jet as its safety performance has been called into question.“The Qantas A380 suffered an (1) _ engine failure, a fairly rare event, which also damaged the aircraft itself. The aircraft performed as expected and (2) _ safely, so no, there is nothing wrong with the A380. Its a (3) _ aircraft.”Barron also says the engine issue will not (4) _ next summers scheduled delivery of the A380 to China Southern Airlines, the only (5) _ carrier to purchase the plane.Meanwhile, Barron explains that the lack of orders for its A350 aircraft, which is under development, from Chinese carriers is due to the countrys (6) _ planning structure.“The Chinese government, as you are well aware, works on a 5-year-plan basis, and they are about to (7) _ the 12th 5-year-plan which runs from 2011 to 2015. The A350 deliveries that we can offer are now in the what will become the 13th 5-year-plan period.”Eric Chen, Airbus Chinas Vice President, adds that the Chinese carriers timid (8) _ to the A350 is due to its competing product, Boeings 787. “Several years ago, Chinese airlines ordered more than 60 Boeing 787s and for various reasons, airlines lack this kind of courage and determination to be a launching customer for a new program again. In other words, we are buying the bill for our rivals dilemma and consequences.”(9) _“I dont really understand the world challenge. Our industry is challenging. There are lots of challenges but this is not a challenge, this is a competitor. (10) _Beverly Wyse, Vice President of Boeings 737 program, says Boeing is open to work with C919s manufacturer.“I think (11) _”Four Chinese airlines and two aircraft leasing companies have signed agreements to purchase 100 C919s as launching costumers.Section 3 Listening and translating (10%)Directions: In this section you are going to hear five short passages. You will hear them ONLY ONCE. In each of these passages some of the sentences are already printed. You are required to translate the missing parts into Chinese. After each of the passages there will be a pause lasting one and a half minutes. The pause is intended for you to do the translation. 1) The ARJ21-700 jetliner, Chinas first self-designed aircraft, will undertake its maiden flight before the end of the year. COMAC chairman, Zhang Qingwei says this first homegrown regional jet has aroused great interest from aviation companies at home and abroad.” I just came back from the United States and Canada. _.”2) Nine top tier US manufacturing companies won competitive contracts to build and supply the aviation system for Chinas new aircraft program, the C919. Airport infrastructure needs are filling opportunities in the US companies as well. _3) The Deputy Chief of the Chinas Civic Aviation Administration, Xia Xinghua, says more cooperation is crucial for the Chinese side. “Firstly, we need to strengthen our cooperation on sustainable security development, expanding the relationship in a pragmatic way._”4) The Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said that the review would be comprehensive covering design, manufacturing and assembly of the Dreamliner. Michael Huerta of the Federal Aviation Administration said emphasis would be put on electrical systems and how these and the planes sophisticated mechanical systems interact._.5) Though the tricycle arrangement may be most popular today, that was not always the case. The tail wheel undercarriage dominated aircraft design for the first four decades of flight and is still widely used on many small piston-engine planes. What makes this form of landing gear most attractive is its simplicity. Another potential advantage results from the fact that _Part II Reading Comprehension(30%)Section 1 Skimming and Scanning (10%)Directions: In this section there are 10 incomplete statements. Based on the following passage, please complete the statements with the information given in the passage. Commercial aviation is an essential component of the global economy. The cost of aviation fuel is directly determined by the prevailing world price of oil, and it accounts for a major proportion of airplane operating costs. Several airline companies now add a fuel surcharge to the ticket cost of a commercial flight to compensate for the recent rapid rise in fuel costs. World oil prices are expected to remain high for several years. The prospect of sustained high aviation fuel prices could propel airline companies to seek alternative aviation fuels. Seeking alternative fuel could become paramount(最高的) for the airline industry should the peak-oil phenomenon actually occur. Breakthroughs and Research It may become possible for super-cooled liquid hydrogen(氢) to eventually be used as an alternative fuel for some types of commercial airline service. Other alternative fuels may include high-density energy-storage technologies that result from breakthroughs in research in the areas of nanotechnology(纳米技术) and in high-temperature superconductivity(超导性). High-temperature superconductivity holds great promise for use in high-density energy-storage technology. Advances in nanotechnology could enable superconductive materials to eventually be manufactured at a cost that could justify their application in airliner propulsion. Electrical Storage and PropulsionEnergy stored in a superconductive storage technology could power electric motors that drive the identical propulsion fans that are found at the front-end of modern, “high-bypass” turbo-fan aircraft engines. Such fans provide up to 90% of the propulsive thrust of the turbo-fan engine. Each electrically powered propulsion fan may be driven by multiple (induction) lightweight electric motors during take-off. Some electric motors would “cut-out” under reduced power demand at cruising altitude so that the remaining motors will operate at higher efficiency (electric motors have poor part-load efficiency). Coanda fans may propel subsonic commercial aircraft that use high-density electrical storage technology. Such units were originally developed by physicist Henri Coanda and can operate at comparable efficiency and at comparable flight speeds as turbine-driven propulsion fans. Electrically powered aircraft that use either turbine propulsion fans or Coanda fans could be flown in thinner air at higher altitude (up to 65,000-feet) to reduce energy consumption (less drag on aircraft) on extended flights. The cooler air found at such altitudes could assist in keeping the superconductive energy storage systems functioning properly. Superconductive energy storage systems used in future commercial aircraft would likely be cooled by liquid nitrogen(氮). Both systems would need to be frequently recharged, which would likely be both energy-intensive as well as time consuming. It may be possible to design the energy storage systems along with their cooling systems to be removed and replaced during shorts layoverssuch technology could help reduce the turn-around time of the aircraft. The introduction of superconductive energy storage systems in commercial aircraft in the long-term future would require that future airport terminals be equipped with power generation technology at or near the premises. Power GenerationThe number of electrically powered and hydrogen powered road and railway vehicles would likely increase during a post peak-oil period. Commuter aircraft that operate short-haul service could be powered by ethanol(乙醇) or by hydrogen while future supersonic aircraft could use liquid hydrogen as fuel. The commercial aviation industry of the future (post peak oil) could likely require vast amounts of electric power to recharge superconductive energy storage systems, recharge liquid nitrogen cooling systems as well as to generate, compress and supercool large amounts of hydrogen. Modern commercial aircraft are energy intensive during take-off. Airports that serve metropolitan areas presently process continual processions of large long-distance aircraft during peak periods. Such aircraft could require between 300-Mw-hr and 1000-Mw-hr of power to undertake trans-oceanic flights at subsonic speed. The power requirements of a future electrically based commercial aviation industry could likely overwhelm the power generation industry of most developed nations. Major international airports may eventually need to generate electric power on-site to meet the energy needs of future fleets of electrically powered and hydrogen-fueled commercial aircraft. Airport power stations may be nuclear; use hydrogen fusion or be based on some other unconventional power generation technology that is still subject to research. Energy StorageThe ability to store large amounts of energy at or near major airports could gain importance during a post peak-oil period. Electric power could be purchased from the grid during their off-peak periods and put into short-term storage. Airport power stations that encounter off-peak periods could replenish(装满) airport energy storage systems that may include superconductive storage, flow batteries, hydraulic storage in hydroelectric dams in nearby mountains (coastal airports) or off-site pneumatic storage (subterranean salt domes that were emptied). Air that is exhausted from pneumatic storage systems may be sufficiently cold to assist in “replenishing” liquid nitrogen super-cooling systems.Power Regulation (Airports)Power stations that provide energy for air transportation use may have to be excluded from the regulatory framework. Most of the electrically powered airliners that will be recharged would be “foreign” owned, that is, the owners would be domiciled in a different jurisdiction(司法权) to where the aircraft would be recharged. The idea of regulators in one jurisdiction looking after the interests of parties who live, do business and pay taxes in another jurisdiction is quite ludicrous. Power stations that supply a future airline industry with electric power would need to be regulatory-free despite the “foreign” airline owners being “captive” customers. It would be possible for power to be supplied to a single airport by several small providers who compete against each other. Power providers and airline companies could negotiate deals, perhaps even on a daily basis. ConclusionFuture scientific breakthroughs are likely to occur in both nanotechnology and in superconductivity. High-density energy storage technologies could be the likely result and appear in the distant future. Electrically powered commercial aircraft that fly at subsonic speeds could appear in the future irrespective of whether or not peak-oil actually occurs. Alternative liquid fuels that are cost-competitive to fossil oil are also likely to appear and find applications in aviation. Large ground-effect aircraft(地效飞行器) that fly above water and that carry either passengers or freight between coastal cities are also likely appear in the future.1. The prospect of sustained high aviation fuel prices could propel airline companies to seek _.2. Breakthroughs in nanotechnology could enable _ to be available in their application in airliner propulsion.3. Coanda fans were first developed by _ .4. _ could be used to cool superconductive energy storage system used in future commercial aircraft. 5. _, which operates short-haul service, could be powered by ethanol(乙醇) or by hydrogen.6. Future airport power stations may be_; use hydrogen fusion or be based on some other unconventional power generation technology. 7. During a post peak-oil period, the ability to_ at or near major airports could gain importance. 8. Power stations that provide energy for air transportation use are likely to be _ from the regulatory framework.9. Electrically powered commercial aircraft that fly at _ speeds could appear in the future. 10. Aircrafts flying above water and carrying either passengers or freight between coastal cities are called _. Section 2 Reading Comprehension (10%)Directions: The following passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the best answer from the four choices.Living standards have soared during the twentieth century, and economists expect them to continue rising in the decades ahead. Does that mean that we humans can look forward to increasing Happiness? Not necessarily, warns Richard A. Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California, in his new book, Growth Triumphant: The Twenty-first Century in Historical Perspective. Easterlin concedes that richer people are more likely to report themselves as being happy than poorer people are. But steady improvements in the American economy have not been accompanied by steady increases in peoples self-assessments of their own Happiness. The explanation for this paradox(悖论) may be that people become less satisfied over time with a given level of income. In Easterlins word: “As incomes rise, the aspiration level does too, and the effect of this increase in aspirations is to vitiate (破坏) the expected growth in Happiness due to higher income.”Money can buy Happiness, Easterlin seems to be saying, but only if ones amounts get bigger and other people arent getting more. His analysis helps to explain sociologist Lee Rainwaters finding that Americans perception of the income “necessary to get along” rose between 1950 and 1986 in the same proportion as actual per capita income. We feel rich if we have more than our neighbors, poor if we have less, and feeling relatively well-off is equated with being happy.Easterlins findings, challenge psychologist Abraham Maslows “hierarchy(等级) of wants” as a reliable guide to future human motivation.


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