



初二期中测试一、用所给中文的正确形式填空(8%) 1. How often do you go shopping? _(两次) a week. 2. I think Jin Chengwu is _ (英俊的). 3. Max is a _(友好的)boy. 4. Can you tell us some _(英雄)in the world history? 5. In the _(最后), we won the match. 6. Is your father _(更年轻的)than your uncle? 7. The boys and girls in a _(混合的)school can study together. 8. My sister often helps me. She is _. (乐于助人的) 二、单项选择(12%) 1. A: You have the same cap as I have. B: Mine is _, but not as _ as yours. A. better; expensive B. better; more expensive C. more better; expensive D. good; more expensive 2. Millies English is _ than Amys. A. bad B. worst C. badly D. worse 3. Please dont give the fish _ food. A. much too B. too many C. too much D. quite a few 4.Jim likes to get up late, _ his ideal school starts at 9 a. m. A. so B. but C. as D. or 5. Its too difficult. Why _ the teacher for help? A. not to ask B. not asking C. dont ask D. not ask 6. Which is WRONG? A. There isnt else something in the fridge. B. There isnt anything in the fridge. C. There is nothing in the fridge. D. There is none in the fridge. 7. We havent heard from Jack _. A. for a long time B. in a long time C. at any time D. last year 8. He is one of _ in our class. A. the nicest boy B. the nicest boys C. nicest boy D. nicest boys 9. Lucys hair clip and Nancys are _. A. alike B. like C. the same D. both A and C 10. Lilys skirt is different _ Tinas. A. as B. from C. for D. with 11. My cousin is willing _ things _ me. A. to share; to B. to share; with C. share; to D. share; with 12. A: Must I come early tomorrow? B: _. A. No, you mustnt B. No, you neednt C. Yes, you can D. Yes, you may 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(5%) 1. The moon _ (travel) around the earth. 2. Please keep quiet. We _ (have) an exam. 3. Lucy _ (not make) mooncakes for that day every year. 4. Thank you for _ (ask) me to attend your meeting. 5. Its getting dark. Lets _ (walk) fast. 6. How beautiful the weather is! What about _ (go) hiking? 7. I would like _ (tell) you about my best friend. 8. He likes _ (watch) TV very much. 9. Mike _ (go) to London next week. 10. You should _ (finish) your homework first. 四、把下列句子翻译成英语。(15%) 1. 在聚会上,我们都玩得很开心。 _ 2. 数学是我最喜欢的科目。 _ 3. 我和我的父亲一样高。 _ 4. 他视力不好,因为在电脑面前工作时间太长。 _ 5. 他长大后想成为一名英语老师。 _ 五、完形填空(10%) I have a brother who is _1_ me. We _2_. Yesterday was an _3_ day to us and our friends. In the morning, _4_ of us had a big exam at school and then _5_ there was a big party at the youth club at 9 oclock. You know we usually go when we want to _6_ ourselves. A rich woman had given us some money and yesterday we had to decide what to do _7_. Many people wanted to buy something new for our club, but my brother and I didnt _8_ them. We wanted to give the money to another club that has hardly _9_. In the end we decided to give half to the poor club and leave _10_ half to ourselves. 1. ( ) A. so old as B. as old that C. as old as D. the same as 2. ( ) A. both are 16 B. are both 16 C. are 16 both D. 16 both are 3. ( ) A. sunny B. funny C. important D. lovely 4. ( ) A. most B. much C. more D. few 5. ( ) A. last night B. last evening C. yesterday night D. yesterday afternoon 6. ( ) A. enjoy B. meet C. like D. rest 7. ( ) A. for it B. with them C. with it D. for them 8. ( ) A. agree with B. agree to C. agree on D. agree 9. ( ) A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 10. ( ) A. another B. the other C. others D. the others 六 阅读理解(20%) Should we tell our parents how we do on our exams? Chen Yi: I think we should tell our parents how we do on our exams. If the grades are good, Ill be happy to tell them. If I dont do well, my parents will help me to do better the next time. Xia Yi: I dont want my parents to know my grades. Even when I get good grades, they still arent happy. They just push me to do better. Ma Peibei: My parents pay for my schooling. I think they have the right(权利)to know how Im doing at school. If I got bad grades, I would let them know. I think they would try to help. Lu Wanxin: Id like to keep my grades a secret. When I get bad grades, my parents beat me. This makes me more afraid of exams, and it makes me less interested in school. Fu Xiaolei: I dont think we need to let parents know our grades. Weve already grown up. We should learn to decide things for ourselves. Our parents dont need to know everything. 1. Who will tell the parents, when he/she got bad grades? ( ) A. Fu Xiaolei and Lu Wanxin B. Ma Peibei and Xia Yi C. Chen Yi and Ma Peibei D. Xia Yi and Lu Wanxin 2. When Lu Wanxin gets bad grades, his parents will _. ( ) A. give him some money B. praise him C. beat him D. take him out for a trip 3. Which sentence is not right? A. Xia Lis


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