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l BREAK语言教室四级系列*(内部资料-四级听力)*四级高频词汇,词组(1)学生与学生关系Classmate, Building, Floor, Multi-media classroom, Having class, Have a break/rest, After school, Refectory/dining hall, Stand in line/queue, cafeteria(餐厅),do laundry,Students union, Student centre, cheer lady, parade, mobil phone, cell phone, computer, desk top, lap top, Mp3宿舍与学生关系Dormitory, Dorm, Apartment, Roommate, Basement, Washer, Dryer, Shower, faucet, toilet, vaccum cleaner, bed sheet, pillow, quilt.考试Midterm, finals, count for 50%of your score, exam.选课与课堂Professor, course, required/compulsory(必修), elective/selective/optional(选修), seminar(研讨), elementary(初级的), intermediate(中级的), advanced(高级的), excellent reputation, drop a course(退课),skip class(逃课), attendance(出勤), fill sb in(替代某人), clarify the misunderstanding.作业与论文Such a heavy load, paper extended to the next week, wait till the last minute, miss a pretty important class, check the notes, explore the topic, published resources, reference, plagiarism(剽窃), get an early start.图书管理员与学生关系Magazine, periodical, journal, reference book, bibliography(文献学), stacks(一大堆), author, writer, catalogue, renew, make the photocopy, return the books.营业员与顾客的关系On sale, elevator, bargain, prices are soaring, jeans, tip, coffee pot, freezer(冰箱), leather, plastic, pullovers(套衫), cashier, check-in, check-out, stand, pie,pizza, salad, hamburger, sandwich, French fries, soup, ice-cream,dessert, soft drink, beer, ribs, mutton, chef, waiter,waitress, menu,preserve, book, order, steaks, raw, medium, well-done, poultry, soy sauce(酱油), vinegar, appetizer, cocktail, treat sb,special dish(特色菜), go Dutch(AA制), paper napkin. Restaurant医生与病人Lose weight, gain weight, worried about, come down with illness, Flu(流感), fever, blood pressure, patient, clinic, health centre, diagnose, take temperature, prescription, ward, injection, take the pill/tablet /drug(吃药), headache, stomachache(肚子痛), dentist(牙科医生).修理工与顾客Repairman, customer, plumber, carpenter, electrician, check the oil, gasoline, meter(速度表,水表等), pump, tire, flat tire, brake down.娱乐Go on a picnic, hiking trip, camping trip, go to a concert, see a movie, play the ball, I am counting the days, take a break, relax, a night-out, take your mind off your test.天气Nice weather, clear up, cold enough for skating, snow too much to fly.兼职Teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistant, administrative assistant, nanny(保姆), babysitter, dishwashing, food delivery, applicant(申请人), reference letter(推荐信), salary, wage, demand physical endurance, pre-career training, permanent employment, part-time job.居住Apartment, basement, flat, deposit, live in/off campus, sublet(转租), temporary, accommodation(临时住处), landlord(房东), land lady, messy, a leaky faucet, tenant, afford, spacious(宽敞的).宾馆Front desk, receptionist, double room, single room, room number, luggage.机场Board, gate, terminal(航空站), announcement, duty, duty free, customs(海关), immigration office, luggage, suitcase, visa(签证), passport(护照),passenger, pilot, air hostess.数量概念Spend, cost, pay, miss(错过), price, rent, deposit(存储), saving, loan(贷款), charge(收费), at a price/rate of(以的价格), last(持续), dozen(一打), a coupe of, a pair of, around, approximately(大约), roughly, more or less, nearly, almost, over, more than, above.加减关系More, less, late, early, fast, slow, before, afterDelay, prolong(延长), postpone(推迟,延期), behind schedule(晚于预期的时间), save, increase, decrease, left(剩下的), the rest(其余的,剩余的)。乘除关系Multiply(乘), divide(除), times(倍), twice, percentage(百分比), half of, double, a quarter of(四分之一), triple(三倍), twice/two times asas theof(是的两倍).分数、小数、百分数的表示方法1/3 one third 11/2 one and a half1/4 one fourth 4.862 four point eight six two75% seventy-five percent 0.5% point five79.03% seventy-nine point zero three percent多位数表达法9,743 nine thousand, seven hundred and forty-three.19,857,242 nineteen million, eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and forty-two.时刻的读法5:15 a quarter past/after five 或 five fifteen2:45 a quarter to three 或 two forty-five7:30 half past seven 或 seven thirty9:10 ten past nine 或 nine ten14:00 two pm00:25 twenty-five past/after midnight24:00 midnight/twenty-four日期的读法1998年5月7日 may seventh nineteen ninety-eight1990年 nineteen ninety2005年 two thousand and five前天 the day before yesterday后天 the day after tomorrow每隔一天 every other day 或 every two days前几天 the other day 或 a few days ago每隔一星期 every two weeks 或 every other week 饭店Book, reserve, waiter, waitress, a table for two, menu, take the order, drink, soft drink, beverage, whisky, wine, champagne(香摈酒), starter, main course(主菜), dessert, soup, coffee, steak, beef, pay a bill, go Dutch, cafeteria, buffet, pizza, apple pie, tip(小费), chef(厨师), salt, pepper, mushroom, taste, serve, napkin, snack, worth the money.宾馆Check in(登记入住), check out, room, room service, double room, single room, suite(套间), book, make a reservation, reception front desk, restaurant, porter(机场或宾馆的搬运工), laundry(干洗店), registration, housekeeper.邮局Stamp, regular mail, registered mail, express mail, air mail, parcel, postage, postcard, postal code, letter, first class, economic class, over weight, telegram. 医院Doctor, patient, operation, diagnose, diagnosis, medicine, fever, cough, sneeze, take ones temperature, pill, tablet, symptom, prescription, injection(挂点滴), X-ray examination, surgery, surgeon(外科医生), physician(内科医生), emergency room, a sore throat, high blood pressure, heart disease, appointment, physical exam, painkiller(止痛片)depressive, blue mood, down.学校Campus, course, academic, assignment, homework, exam, grade, credits, failure, pass, Bachelors degree(学士学位), MA, phD, dormitory, require/compulsory course, elective/optional course, diploma(毕业证书), certificate, blackboard, whiteboard(白板), classroom, professor, teacher, student, term, semester(学期), an academic year(学年), department, faculty(全体教职员工), dean(院长), major, minor, tuition, curriculum(课程设置) first year, second year, fresh man, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate student, graduate student, term paper, scholarship.图书馆Catalogue, due, overdue, renew(续借), fine(罚款), fiction(小说), journal(期刊,报刊), periodical(周期的,定期的,杂志), circulation desk, reference book, library card, publication, book shelf.银行Cash, balance, open an account, withdraw, deposit, cheque, foreign currency, exchange rate, save, savings, loan, interest rate, service charge, bank clerk.商店A special sale, on sale, groceries, food, fruits, vegetables, milk, bread, drinks, bargain, brand, fashion, cash, cashiers desk, counter, check, expensive, cheap, changes, discount, medium size, tight, loose, out of stock, receipt(收据), invoice(发票).书店Book, bestseller, map, page, price of a book, stationary.选课场景:drop class, class meets, take a course, choose course, high requirement, optional course, hard to follow听课场景:Late for class , miss/attend the lecture , presentation , briefing, assignments, interesting, boring, topic , copy 作业场景:collect data, report, deadline, draw near, ask for extension, finish, due, submit, project proposal , search, research考试场景:Pass, credits, exams, fail, congratulations, cheer up 买书、读书、借书场景:out of print, read selectively, novel hard to follow, reference books, check out ,return a book, lend textbooks谈论学习场景:partner, project, apply theory to program, article, earn a lot from class, make a lot of senses, present 购物场景:Reasonable price, discount, expensive, a good buy, a real bargain外出就餐场景:waiter, waitress, menu, serve, order, reserve a table, dining hall, make a reservation, a table for four, dine out日常生活场景:apartment, sink, leaking, fix, maintenance, failure of electric heater, lock ones keys, install, shower, shelf, furniture组织和参加活动场景:School radio station, poster, competition, club member, seminar, win, run for chairman, dance看戏、看电影、听音乐会场景:Concert, ticket, art gallery, play, show, no ticket left旅行场景:Trip, flight, switch , see sb. off, departure time, fly, gate, safety, pose for a picture, run out of film, visit, seaside, cancel the plan, change谈同事、谈工作的场景:Late for job, employee, employer, boss, manager, client, have a meeting ,boring, unfit for a job, complain about ones job求职场景:Interview, nervous, application letter, company, job opportunity, give a good impression, take a new job, feel confident, confirm an appointment, dress up社会交际场景:Call in ,drop by, invite, party, gift, birthday, dinner, meet sb., phone afriend.关于保持健康:Exercise, lose weight, doctor, quit/give up smoking, check up, appointment租房和搬家场景:Two-bedroom apartment, furniture, furnished, rent a house, available, noise关于汽车:emergency brake, fix, paint, park, parking lot, roll, run, used关于教育:Term paper, assignment, computer games, review ones lessons四级听力高频词组A while back After allAnything but As far as I knowAt any time At sbs serviceBack up Be about toBe enthusiastic about Be myselfBe sick /tired of Be up /stay upBetween you and me Boil down toBrush up (on) Bump intoBy all means Call forCant help / cannot help Care forCarry out Clear upCome around /come round Come down with (disease)Come up with Count in What does the man /woman imply?What did conversation most probably take place?Make a reservation for Make ends meetMake up Make up (ones) mindOne in a million Out of businessOut of the question Result in Round the clock Run /have /get a temperatureRun out of Rush hourTake it easy The other dayTurn down Turn out You are telling me You betCan I take your order? How are you doing?Hows your exam going? Oh, just so so.Drop in/by/on End upEnjoy oneself(玩的高兴) drop out(辍学)Do sb a favor(帮忙) Come across(偶遇)l BREAK语言教室四级系列*(内部资料-四级听力)*四级高频词汇、词组(2)需掌握指数:Around the corner / Christmas is around the corner。Speeding / The taxi driver must have been speeding。Achieve / Achieve happiness/achieve success。Have no idea / Ive no idea where the ideas come from。Come up with / How did you come up with the names of your characters。Impact / Have a direct impact on your body。Elementary and middle school student。Rate / Rate the students into different levels。Recall / Renew / Recall old things/old material; renew the contract.Take into consideration / They didnt take weather into consideration。Turn upside down。Distracted by noise。Crashed into a tree。Reluctant / willing / He was reluctantly to do that。Take place / Great changes have been took place。Ban / The laws ban the driver from using cellphone。Audience / In front of large audience。Transmit / Transmit knowledge from one generation to another。Restriction / Strict restriction。Catch cold。Cold virus/computer virus。Remedy for cold。Symptom of cold。Taking medicine。Running temperature。Exception / English is no exception / there is no exception。Reference book / reference letter。Be bound to do sth / There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in the formal language and others informal. / the weather is bound to get better tomorrow。Resume / We receive your resume last week.。Financial / Stock / Bond / Were a small financial company, trading mostly stocks and bonds。Put up with / might as well / If you can put up with the noise you might as well live here.In charge of / In charge of a team of eight brokers。Client / We buy and sell stocks in the stock market for major clients worldwide.。Candidate / You are candidate for this position / president candidate。Human resource / Personnel Department / R & D Department。 Philosophy / psychology / I want to do philosophy rather than psychology。Talk sb out of doing sth / Persuade / My father talked me out of choosing Business Management。Prospect / my job prospects would have been pretty limited。Resist / But Greek church resists this practice。Support / My father support carrying out the policy。Look up to / admire / John admires his sister。Schedule / time schedule / bus schedule / plane schedule。Adjust / Adjusting to countryside life。Industry / food industry / tourism industry /entertainment industry。How is the project going。Come along / Everything is coming along really well。Competition / competitor / competing with。Result in / These investment will result in great losses。Degree certificate / teacher certificate / birth certificate。Physically, mentally and emotionally shocked.Surgery / operation。Emergency room。Ambulance。High blood pressure。Heart attack / heart disease。Cancer. Stomach bleeding / Organs。Bed reaction。Injury。Only child 。Family planning policy。Spoiled 。Self-center。Shift from.to / When my interest shifted from space to the sea, I never expected it would cause such confusion.。Underwater exploration / space exploration。Surviving skills。Cold-blood creature / warm-blood creature。Species / bird species。Hate to do sth / I hate to tell you this, but I cant seem to find them。Out of the way / dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way?.Go ahead / go right ahead. / can I borrow your bike? Go ahead!Go through / you might go through their indexes to see what you wanted。Press conference。Take part in / participate / take part in the contest。Engagement / marriage propose / wedding ceremony / diamond ring。Bride / bridegroom。Maintain / maintain a given body weight。Drop a class / drop out of school / quit school / Im going to drop my Information Science class。Drop by / stop by / Ill drop by on Sunday。Go over / Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrow midterm。More or less / the scores are more or less the same。Flat=apartment / Im ringing about the flat。Dive into / he dived into the river to save the boy。Rescue / Michel has rescued more that twenty people in this river。Alcohol abuse / brain cell / cell phone。Alcohol abuse kills brain cell。Investigate / we have investigate a range of different models to see which is the best。Be familiar with / people who are familiar with different cameras。Assess / evaluate / valuation / assesses the impact of typhoon。Run into / I ran into one of my old friend on the street。Tooto / too busy to call you。Suffer from / suffering from high blood pressure。Distance learning course。Make sense / what you say make no sense


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