Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus—A Heated Debate About College Students’ Part-time Job.doc_第1页
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Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus—A Heated Debate About College Students’ Part-time Job.doc_第3页
Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus—A Heated Debate About College Students’ Part-time Job.doc_第4页




getting to know the world outside the campusa heated debate about college students part-time job 学 院: 班 级: 姓 名: 2013年4月4日contentsabstract 2keywords 2chapter 1 2 definition 2 advantages 2 disadvantages3chapter 2 3 my view 3chapter 3 3 measures to defend college part-timer 3getting to know the word outside the campus a heated debate about college students part-time jobabstract : nowadays, it is not a rare phenomenon to see college students doing part-time jobs everywhere.there is no doubt that it would be of help for them to adapt society which they would step to one day.first ,the part-time job enables the college students to be independent and builds their self-confidence. second ,to take a part-time job give them the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.nevertheless the disadvantages cannot be ignored .part-time job would occupy a great amount of time ,surely it might distract their attention and even worse some part-timer cannot concentrate their efforts on last ,it is sorry to know that they failed in the it sparked a heated discussion about whether it is helpful for college students to doing part-time jobs.key words: college students part-time jobs; advantages and disadvantages; how to balance it摘要:现如今,大学生兼职已经不是一个罕见的现象。大学生终有一天将迈入社会,而兼职无疑能帮助大学生更好的适应社会。首先,兼职可以让大学生变得独立令他们树立自信。其次,兼职让他们有机会获得实践经验。然而,兼职可能存在的问题却也不能忽视。兼职要占用很大一部分时间,必然会分散兼职者的精力,甚至有可能使其无法专心致志于学习,最终令人遗憾的是部分人因此在学习上红灯亮起。因此就这个问题引发了一场激烈的他讨论。关键词 :大学生兼职;利弊;如何平衡利弊chapter 1 definition: what is a part-time job ?the oxford dictionday defined it as “for part of the day or week in which people work ”and in a word it is do some work to make money in ones spare time.advantages: as we all know that the time of college students is more abundant than high it is wise for college students to assign some time doing things that can help them gain money or other things they want.therefore taking a part-time job is really a good idea.reasons are: on the one hand ,through the part-time job,they can alleviate the burden of their families and cultivate a good economic concept that money comes not so easily and all the same no success comes from nothing.on the other hand ,they can apply what they had learned in school to get valuable social experience or so-called link the theory with practice.furthermore, maybe a part-time job also can teach you how to get along with different kinds of people ,thus you can be trained more efficient to deal with the problems in daily life.all in all, part-time job can enrich their social experience .many enterprises made it clear that the one who have experiences first!so your experiences comes from where , par-time jobs give you! disadvantages: however all things have two sides,some person pointed out that the most important task of college students is study.if they have part-time jobs, they may have to cut down their time for studying, joining in activities, traveling etc.working several hours a day consumes a great deal of time and energy ,finally made negative affect on their health and a result, they may find its hard to satisfy the college expects for them as well as their employersexpects. then, the motivation of the part-timer is to acquire exercise experience.but can all the jobs give hem useful experience?the current students mainly work in supermarket, restaurants, streets, or teaching in families and so on.these tings are mostly physical labor and these process, what experience can they acquire? third, the informations of part-time job usually come from the hard for our students to recognize which one is believable. so there are possibilities that the students might be cheated.forth, their rights are violated, its difficult to defend their benefit because labor censorial branches usually dont accept their complaints. chapter 2my view: we cannot refuse that part-time job has its significance though negative factors are also view is that advantages outweigh the disadvantages.when we graduate from the college,we have to face the society full of competition and stress, how can we make sure we are more competitive and how to be this time, the working experience might some experience in advance would make you more a student ,the knowledge gained from book is important ,as well as the knowledge comes from the world outside the campus.take some adequate part-time jobs to broaden our horizon can let us keep pace with society. nevertheless, my view also support that whatever you do ,you should put your study on the top of the list.youd better balance it well.chapter 3measures to defend college part-timer: first, for government ,they need to take me


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