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difference between chinese culture and american cultureabstract: chinese cultural emphasis on morality and collective, while american culture focuses on personal staff. chinese culture pays more attention to integrate, while american culture emphasis on analysis. china and america has different customs and religious beliefs, and the communication is also different. the study analysis the causes of the differences between chinese culture and american culture from tradition, cognitive, language and other aspects. culture is the foundation of a country. only with a strong culture can we create a powerful country. so the people can have various intellectual and cultural activities and they will be living in a happy environment. therefore, language becomes an inevitable product of the country. each countrys language represents the wisdom of the country. although with the development of globalization and information society, human life is becoming more and more like home global village, sino-us cultural exchanges between the two countries are also becoming more frequent, but the sino-us cultural differences still exist.so what cause the difference between chinese culture and american culture? i think first, is the difference between culture values. movies, for example, american movies always represent the latest filming technology and they are always about something new. while chinese movies are mostly based on chinese history. the american people like hi-tech and creating new things. but chinese people prefer memorizing the past. the americans focus on the future, while chinese value the history.second, the difference in different opinion of family education. china has always held that everything should follow certain rules, and subject to the constraints of hierarchy. for example, the younger generation must show their respect for the elders, students should respect teachers, etc. while american culture mainly inherited protestant ideas ,which has weakened their rank view. they pay more attention to personal interests and pursuing equality. children can argue with their parents on different opinions and they are free to show their own personality.third, the difference in social relationships. in chinese culture. self-evaluation is based on the friendship between people. chinese people emphasize family and class hierarchy and the chinese culture advocates collectivism, unity and cooperation. when the individual interests and collective interests differs, collective interests always come first. americans, on the contrary, emphasizing individual potential and pursuing personal interests. to them, a strong self-conscious is very important. fourth, the difference between different customs. china has a long history and 56 ethnic groups. each group has their own culture and customs. as time goes by, some of the customs are saved, some are abandoned or changed. and because of different location and living environment, the customs various even within china. not to mention that america is thousand miles away and has its own, completely different history.fifth, the difference between different believes. america is an open and multinational country. people from all over the world living in america, that makes the religions of america various. while in china, the main religion is buddhism and most chinese dont have religions today.sixth, difference in habits. americans like to hug and kiss. when people communicate with each other, watching each others eyes is a very important thing. but in china, people are more willing to maintain a certain distance in their daily interactions. some chinese people even avoid looking into each others eyes to express their respect for modesty or deliberately.seventh, difference in thoughts. china has a history of five thousand years, and for thousand years we follow the golden mean, which was proposed by the confucious. the golden mean tells us to be neither aggressive nor over cautious. that is, to keep things in harmony and always put the publics interests in the first place. unlike chinese people, americans are more focus on the interests of a certain person. they value individual and they are willing to try new things. they dont like remain the same, they like create and adventure.summary: although there are differences between china and america, it can not stop us learning from each


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