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task-based teaching method: group work in oral english class in junior middle schoolcontentsacknowledgementsicontentsiiabstractiii摘要ivoutlinev1. introduction12. lawrences exploration of male and female relationship32.1 his relationships with three women32.2 his ideals of male and female relationship42.2.1 the relationship of healthy sexual interaction52.2.2 the relationship of dialectical unification63. characteristics of the male and female relationships in the novel73.1 distorted love between a son and his mother: paul and gertrude73.2 absolute spiritual love without sex: paul and miriam103.3 addiction to the sexual experience: paul and clara134. significance of the depiction of these relationships154.1. significance to the individuals154.2 significance to the society and the whole civilization175. conclusion19works cited21abstracttask-based language teaching (tblt) combining the advantages of traditional teaching theories with modern language teaching theories encourages students to learn and use the language by a series of interactive tasks, emphasizing the importance of communicative activities. the tblt advocates learning from experiencing, practicing, participating, communicating and co-operating, and students can learn language by using language, finding and solving problems and experiencing the success of learning. based on the cognitive theory, the second language acquisition theory and other related theories, this paper makes a further study of tblt. it attempts to explore the principles of tblt and discuss the application of tblt to oral english instruction, trying to find a new and effective way in teaching for the purpose of developing students oral communication competence. the author conducted an experiment to probe into the effect of tblt on teaching by tests and interviews and made a detailed analysis of the experimental research. the study revealed the results: 1) the experimental class that used tblt approach did much better than the control class that used the traditional teaching method. 2) most of the students in experimental class like the new teaching method and received benefit from the new teaching approach. in conclusion, the tblt is an advanced and efficient way of teaching and learning oral english. its of much help in improving students oral english.key words: task-based language teaching (tblt), english, learning, oral english, student, class. 摘要任务型语言教学把传统教学理论的优势和现代教学的长处有机的结合起来,注重在真实情景下,以明确目标为导向的语言交际活动。任务型语言教学提倡在做中学,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式。学生在参与教师设计的任务型活动中认识语言,运用语言,发现问题,解决问题,感受成功。本文以认知理论、二语习得理论及其他相关理论为依据,进一步研究任务型教学法。文章试图通过讨论任务型教学法在初中英语口语教学中的运用,探索英语口语教学的新路子,以提高学生口语交际能力。本研究通过实验、测试、采访,探讨任务型教学法对英语口语教学的影响。作者使用口语测试的方式,对学生进行实验前测试与实验后测试,并对实验数据进行分析。实验结果表明:1)运用任务型教学法的实验班明显优于运用传统教学法的控制班。2)实验班的大部分学生喜欢并认可新的教学法,他们从新教法中获益匪浅。综上所述,任务型教学法是英语口语教学中先进的、有效的教学方关键词: 任务型教学法,初中英语口语教学,学习,学生。outline1. introduction2. lawrences exploration of male and female relationship2.1 his relationships with three women2.2 his ideals of male and female relationship 2.2.1 the relationship of healthy sexual interaction 2.2.2 the relationship of dialectical unification3. characteristics of the male and female relationships in the novel 3.1 distorted love between a son and his mother: paul and gertrude3.2 absolute spiritual love without sex: paul and miriam3.3 addiction to the sexual experience: paul and clara4. significance of the depiction of these relationships4.1 significance to the individuals4.2 significance to the society and the whole civilization5. conclusion221. introductiond. h. lawrence is a serious writer who has always been concerned with the social status in the 20th century, though some of his works like lady chatterleys lover have aroused controversial dispute among the public. most of his works are profound social criticism of the industrial civilization, for its “ruthless violation of the human soul, harnessing it to social, economic, and political commitments, and depriving it of its original, pious ability-the instinct to love in a pure and sincere way” (chang yaoxin, 2006: 407). as far as lawrence is concerned, it is the industrial civilization which prescribes that the human nature of love should be suppressed and hidden that leads to the dehumanization of human nature and the dehumanizing relationship between men and women. most of his works, to some degree, express his exploration on the male and female relationship. lawrences exploration of male and female relationship starts from his own life experiences. it goes through a long period of observation and creation. the first attempt of relating this topic is in the work white peacock, which reflects the writers preliminary thinking on the physical love and spiritual love, whereas the trespasser is the deepening of the topic. the work sons and lovers is the one that probes into the dehumanizing male and female relationship. compared with the three works mentioned above, lady chatterleys lover is the deepest exploration of the ideal male and female relationship, which is realized by only the sexual interaction (liu hongtao, 2007: 2-5). among these representative books, sons and lovers is a typical book criticizing the industrial civilization for its dehumanizing effect on human mind, resulting in inharmonious relationships between men and women. it reflects some of lawrences visions of how to save the dehumanized society. various perspectives of study have been given to this work. some researchers have paid attention to the study of the male and female relationship in the novel. one of them is zhou liyang whose essay gives a detailed analysis of the reasons for the dissimilation of sexual relations in sons and lovers. she owes the failure of love and marriage to the influence of modern social civilization and human nature weakness (2006: 145). wang xinchun and kang chunyan also make a research on the sexual relations from the perspective of sexual harmony based on the theory of psychology by sigmund freud. they consider that the inharmonious sexual relationship is the cause of the tragedy of paul and his mother. their essay also relates quite detailed information about the relations of gertrude and her son paul, paul and his two girlfriends. another scholar yin jiming says a perfect relationship in a marriage needs the bond of both spirit and body, and it should be presented by the abandonment of the old self and the appearing of a new self (2006: 165). he also reveals the significance of the relationships in his thesis. that is the exploration of the internal links of sex, industrial civilization, and sound human nature (2006: 166). however, their studies of the male and female relationship in the novel are either too simple or with insufficient details. zhou liyangs essay only gives the reasons for the dehumanization of the relationships between paul and the three women in his life. as for lawrences ideals of male and female relationship, she does give her vision. nevertheless, its brief and not systematic. wang xinchun and kang chunyan also dont give a detailed analysis of lawrences ideals of male and female relationship. the significance that they have pointed out is insufficient and monotonous. the shortage of yin jimings essay lies in that it doesnt give a clear and detailed analysis of the characteristics of the relationships as it is not combined with the detailed analysis of the text itself. as none of the researches of these scholars have systematical studies on lawrences ideals of male and female relationship and the features of the abnormal relationships in sons and lovers, it is significant to further the study, which is what this thesis will deal with. in this thesis, lawrences ideals of male and female relationships are employed as a theoretical basis for the exploration of the characteristics of the distorted relationships in the novel. the discoveries of these characteristics can provoke people to think further how they can avoid similar tragedies and what they can do to maintain a well-balanced relationship, and simultaneously they can also make people have a better understanding of lawrences inner world and ideal pursuit. thats the major significance of the whole thesis.the thesis mainly consists of five parts. the first part is an introduction concerning the research background and the framework of the thesis. the second part deals with lawrences ideals of male and female relationship: the involvement of healthy sexual interaction and the dialectical unification of men and women, providing a theoretical basis for the later discussion. the third part gives a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the three pairs of abnormal relationships with a thorough combination of the text and lawrences views on ideal relationship. the fourth part discusses the profound meaning of the depiction of the distorted relationships in the novel. the last part comes to a conclusion, in which what have been stated in the previous parts is strengthened. 2. lawrences exploration of male and female relationshiplawrences research on the male and female relationship is not a rhapsody. it is based on his painful relationships with some important women in his life. his personal experiences impel him to reflect on what a perfect male and female relationship is and how to achieve that. thats what this part of the thesis will elaborate on.2.1 his relationships with three womenthree women decisively affected lawrences life. they are his mother lydia lawrence, jessie chambers and louie burrows. lydia lawrence found her marriage life miserable and her husband shared no common interest with her. thus, she turned all her attention to her son william ernest. unfortunately, the brutal blow of her beloved son died of erysipelas complicated by pneumonia made lydia withdraw into the state of being half dead. the fact that her youngest son lawrence was being attacked by pneumonia made her aware that she couldnt afford to lose him again. after she succeeded in saving her sons life, she was so afraid of losing him that she began manipulating him with a love more than that of a mother, which was very suffocating to the growing-up lawrence. this kind of monopoly didnt end until the death of the mother. it prohibited the growth of lawrence into a mature man. as he said: “from the death of my mother, the world began to dissolve around me, beautiful iridescent, but passing away substanceless. till i almost dissolved away myself, and was very ill” (qtd. in salgado, 2005: 27).another woman in lawrences life is jessie chambers whom lawrence met before the summer when william died. jessie chambers formed a quite intimate friendship with lawrence. she found in him the same enthusiasm towards the things of mind. they read together whatever they could find including fiction, poetry, autobiography, history, philosophy and have the most pure exchange of ideas and thoughts. jessie chambers is actually the “miriam” of sons and lovers. the relationship between lawrence and jessie deteriorated, when lawrence was completely dominated by his mother, emotionally though not intellectually. this relationship was to last four more years before it finally collapsed. the reason was well explained in a letter of lawrence for jessie that he could love the “deep spirit within” her all his life but he could only give her what he “would give a holy nun. so you must let me marry a woman i can kiss and embrace and make the mother of my children” (qtd. in salgado, 2005: 22).lawrence also developed relationship with louie burrows. however, it is still an unsuccessful one. “his relationship with louie burrows was slowly reaching withering-rather breaking point. his letters to her did not suggest that he ever treated her as an intellectual or emotional equal” (salgado, 2005: 30).it is evident that lawrences mothers emotional monopoly in his childhood had such a great effect on lawrence that he couldnt grow up into a mature man and have a normal relationship with other women. jessie could give him all the spirit life he desired but none of the physical touch, not even a kiss, a hug, not to mention to have sex. a relationship without sex cant help both sides to achieve their new-selves. another woman louie burrows was never regarded by lawrence as an “intellectual.” thus, the lack of emotional communication also makes a failed relationship.these complicated relationships between lawrence and his lovers in his actual life make lawrence reflect on the problemwhat is the perfect male and female relationship. his unique thoughts on this problem will be discussed as follows. 2.2 his ideals of male and female relationship lawrences ideals of male and female relationship can be summed up as two parts: the involvement of healthy sexual interaction and the state of dialectical unification. as for the healthy sexual interaction, it has its distinct difference from “pornography” and “obscenity”. according to lawrence, the root of the suppression of mans natural instinct of love is the industrial civilization. the only way of helping modern people extricate them from this dehumanizing control of industrial civilization is through the liberation of sex. however, a relationship wont be harmonious if there is only the indulgence in sex. it also needs the communion of spirit of both parties. the significance of healthy sexual interaction is not only helping people get rid of the dehumanizing condition but also discover the self-identity of each individual. as for the other part, the dialectical unification means men and women keep a good balance between wholeness and independence. men and women are inseparable from each other under the prerequisite of respecting each others independence or self-identity. 2.2.1 the relationship of healthy sexual interactionsexual interaction is an important part of lawrences exploration of the ideal relations between men and women. he once proclaimed that “im sure that only through a readjustment between men and women, and a making free and healthy of the sex will she get out of her present atrophy” (qtd. in salgado, 2005: 36). what he means by “free and healthy sex” is something that is totally different from pornography or obscenity. sex itself is pure, natural and primitive. it has its existence since human beings are born. it is also the instinct of a healthy man. without it, the civilization of humankind cant be continued. he points out that it is the peoples intention to hide sex, suppress of it and shame of even referring to it that produce the term of “pornography” and “obscenity”. the word “sex” itself is neutral. for lawrence, sex is the expression of ones self identity, which is granted by nature. he thinks that only by coming back to the basic human nature of love, the natural state of no religious prejudice, no restraint of traditional morality and customs, can man live a vigorous and refreshing life (nie zhenzhao et al., 2007: 645). the only way of getting rid of the constraint of human nature and coming back to nature is through the liberation of sex. by having healthy sexual interaction, the red blood of a human being is stimulated, and man begins to return to the natural state (liu hongtao, 2007: 5). the natural state man once owns is a world without all kinds of prejudices and taboos but innocent, pure, sincere and plain humanity. men and women living in this world will have a harmonious relationship. to sum up, life without sex is incomplete. only by reviving the natural and normal sexual life and reaching the unification of spirit and body can human beings have new life. then the question comes to what is the perfect sexual relationship. to come back to the natural state, men and women need to have a relationship combined with soul and body in a sound and real way. the first step towards this relationship is sex. however, if men and women are indulged in satisfying their instinctual need, which has the consequence of degrading sex to the level of animal need, this is still not what is called healthy sex. therefore, the other respect of the problem needs to be considered. that is the spiritual communion of the two parties including their common views on love and marriage, freedom and equality, obligation and responsibility. that means, in the process of making-love, men and women should respect each other. hence, a well combination of sex and emotional communion make healthy sexual interaction. searching for ones own identity is the real motivation of having sex. every man and woman is looking for themselves in the experience of sex (feng jiqing, 1995: 97). the experience of sexual interaction does not only contribute to finding selves of the two participators but also ameliorating the old selves to become new selves. 2.2.2 the relationship of dialectical unificationthe dialectical unification means that men and women in a relationship should keep a good balance between independence and integration. on the one hand, the integration here means a perfect bond of both spirit and body. lawrence stated this clearly: every man and woman grow and develop as a result of the polarized flux between the spontaneous self and some other self or selves. it is the circuit of vital flux between itself and another being or beings which brings about the development and evolution of every individual psyche and physique. this is a law of life and creation, from which we cant escape. (lawrence and steele, 2004: 41) it simply means that a man and a woman grow and develop under close connections, without which the development of individual spirit and body will stop. therefore, in a relationship a man and a woman can be regarded as a whole. one cant l


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