Unit11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are..doc_第1页
Unit11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are..doc_第2页
Unit11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are..doc_第3页




unit11 could you please tell me where the restrooms are. sectionb(ii)(读写课教学设计-预案)教学内容与分析教学内容:unit11 sectionb 3a - 3b教学目标:language goals:a.words and expressionsslide,water,slides,clown,museum,concertb.key sentences watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation.parents will spend many happy hours walking through the history museum.ability goals:enable the ss to learn how to write a guide to a city or town.emotion goals:encourage the ss to do some guide work.l课前准备:教师准备教学课件。l教学设计step1 warming-up and show the learning aims: 1、show the ss some pictures of famous places in own hometown to inspirite the student to study .2、learning aims (学习目标):1. to learn and master the key words, phrases and the target language on p90.2. read an article and get the useful information .3. write some sentences to complete the guide to guanwangmiao.step2 revision and lead-in what do you think is the most important in a park/restaurant/museum?step 3 presentation ask students to read the passage quickly ,then ask some questions. teacher teaches some new words:slide,water sliders,clown,museum,concert此部分复习上节课的重点句型,可启到承上启下的作用ask students to read these new words.step4 reading practice.lets read:1、fast read: read 3a and get the main idea while underline the difficulties.then answer the following questions.what can you do in watertown?does a rock band play at uncle bobs every week?where can we find good food for parents in watertown? 2、read carefully (3a) read and fill in the chart kidsteenagersparentseathave funwater slideslearn3、slow read:find out the key(important and difficult) points and write them down. 通过填表的形式检测学生对文章的理解程度,能有效地提高学生阅读的注意力。通过几个问题的设置,让学生复述,让学生进一步巩固课文。step 5 writing practice:complete this guide to guanwangmiao.(information:yunqiu mountainhualing temple3a1alearnhistorymountaintreewatertemplesteps台阶cloud)guanwangmiao has something for everyone. if youre looking for museums, 这一环节把所学的语言运用到实际生活中去,达到语言运用的目的,培养语言的运用能力。并且将本节课读和写联系起来,做到学以致用,读和写的能力同时提高。 step 6. exercise in class (巩固提升).a基础篇: 用括号内所给动词的适当形式完成句子。1. the farmers market is a good place _ (eat).2. most old people usually spend many hours _ (walk) through the new park.3. could you please _ (park) your car here?4. its important _ (use) correct language in a foreign country. 5. we enjoy _(learn) english.b能力篇:根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. you must _ (上交) your homework on time.2. the kid often_(打扮) as a clown on weekends. 3. bill didnt _ his dictionary _ (把借给) his sister. 4. _ (咨询信息) is a very common activity. 5. mr miller got up early _(为了) catch the first bus. 教学反思: 根据平时的教学和最近的学习,积极总结,目前我认为将读与写相结合是提高学生阅读理解能力和


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