



状语从句练习二1. _ they decided which college to go, students should research the admission procedures. a. as b. while c. once d. until2. i would appreciate it _you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment.a. until b. if c. when d. that3.after the war,a new school building was put up _there had once been a theatre.a. that b. where c. which d. when4. is mr. smith in the office?yes,_ he is in charge of the office,he must be there.a. since b. however c. whether d. for5. john may phone tonight. i dont want to go out _he phones.a. as long as b. in order to c. in case d. so that6. someone called me up in the middle of the night,but they hung up _i could answer the phone.a. as b. since c. until d. before7. dont look down upon bob. he has his own advantages.oh, yes. _others are weak, he is strong.a. if b. when c. where d. though8. it is ten years _he smoked.a. that b. when c. since d. while9. we must hurry up _catch up with the last train.a. that b. so that to c. in order that d. in order to10. no matter _hard it may be,i will carry it out.a. what b. whatever c. how d. however11._ you may do,you must do it well.a. which b. whenever c. whatever d. when12. are you thinking about going to new york for the holiday? no. but if i _the time,i would definitely go.a. have b. had c. have had d. would have13._ you are so weak,youd better stay at home.a. since b. for c. because d. though14. english and french are taught here. you can choose _you like.a. no matter which b. whichever c. which d. whatever15. i saw mr. smith last sunday. we had not seen each other _i left london.a. as b. before c. since d. till16. in some place women are expected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children. a. when b. while c. becaused. though17. there were some chairs left over _ everyone had sat down. a. when b. until c. thatd. where18. they went on working _it was late at night.a. even if b. as if c. however d. as though19. i hurried _i wouldnt be late for class.a. since b. so that c. as if d. unless20._ you talk to someone or write a message,you show your skills to others.a. at times b. some time c. by the timed. every time21.although he is considered a great writer,_.a. however his works are not widely read b. but his works are not widely readc. his works are not widely read d. still his works are not widely read22. she is willing to help you, _busy she is.a. what b. how c. however d. whatever23. _he is, he will be thinking of you.a. whereverb. where c. now that d. as soon as24. you should make it a rule to leave things _you can find them again.a. when b. where c. then d. there25.he got excited at the news,_ i was calm.a. when b. while c. because d. after26.shall brown come and play computer games?no,_ he has finished his homework.a. when b. if c. unless d. once27._ you try,you will never succeed.a. if b. until c. since d. unless28. hardly had he arrived in hong kong _she rang me up.a. when b. than c. that d. and29.the air is full of smoke and people are coughing.it will get worse _the government does something about the pollution.a. but b. unless c. except d. if30. we will never give in _they might do or say about our plan.a. no matter how b. how c. whatever d. although31. its no wonder youve got a headache _you drank so much last night.a. though b. in case c. when d. while32. i wonder if i_ time. if i _time,ill go with you.a. have;have b. will have;will have c. have;will have d. will have;have33._ i live,i will never give in to the enemy.a. as far as b. as long as c. as well as d. as soon as34. i was about to leave my house _the phone rang.a. while b. when c. as d. after35. i had cut the meat into pieces _mother started cooking.a. when b. as soon as c. after d. while36. john shut everybody out of the kitchen _he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.a. whichb. when c. so that d. as if37. it just isnt fair_ i was working as a waiter last month, my friend were lying on the beach. a. wheneverb. thoughc. for d. while38. all the dishes in this menu, _ otherwise stated, will served two to three people.a. as b. thoughc. unless


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