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n应用文的范围很广,包括书信、便条、广 告、简历以及通知等诸方面。英语考试中 的应用文以书信为主,这一点在大学英语 四级考试中屡有所见。 应用文写作 书 信 n英文书信一般包括六个部分: 信头-写信人的地址和日期(右上角) 收信人内文地址-收信人的姓名及地址( 左上 角) 称呼-对收信人的称谓语,写在内文地址 以下两行 正文-写信人的身份及写信目的 结束客套语-信尾谦辞 签名 China West Normal University, No 1, Shi Da Road, Shunqing District, Nanchong, Sichuan Province, 637009 P. R. China (由小到大) May 21(th), 2011 (美式) Oct. 3rd , 2011/ October 3rd , 2011 Ms Alice Green, Store Manager Carefour 四级中有地址就写, Building 8, Red Star Street 没有就不写 Dongcheng District, Beijing 但时间一定要写 Dear Miss Green: 称谓(Salutation) 对收信人的称谓, 从左边顶格写起,自成一行,比信 内地址低两行。其开头词和专有名词的第一个字母 还应大写。称谓后,英国人喜用逗号,而美国人则 用冒号。 Dear的用法: 最常见的是用Dear + (头衔)姓或名,如:Dear Professor Chen, Dear Mr. Alan 或Dear Isabel, 也就是在Mr., Mrs, Miss, Ms, Prof., Dr. 等后只用姓,不用名字。Dear Mr. 如果关系比较亲密,可用My Dear。 给某个机构或你不认识的人写信,则按如下称呼写: Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Sirs, Gentlemen, Dear Madame, Ladies or Madame, To Whom It May Concern. 写给政府各部门首长,如参议员、法官、大使、市长 等可用Hon. (Honorable 阁下的缩写),表示尊重。 正文(Body) 正文是书信的主要部分。通常在低于称呼 一行处写起,每段开头要向后缩进五到八个字 母。正文从内容结构上一般包括: “ 写信人的身份及写信目的-位于开头 部分,一般是寒暄或点明写信的目的。 ” 写信人的想法,请求等细节-位于中间部 分,叙述一封信的主要内容。 “ 向收信人表示谢意、希望等-位于结尾 部分,通常写一些表示祝愿、问候、感谢等结 束敬语或希望之类的话语。 结尾语常用表达: “ We send you our best wishes. “ With best regards. “ Looking forward to hearing from you soon. “ Love to all you. “ Please give my best regards to your family / parents. “ All the luck in the world to you. 结尾谦辞(Complementary Close)。 结尾谦辞指写信人对收信人的谦辞称,写在正文下第 二、三行处,从信纸中间稍向右处或齐头左顶格写起 ,第一字母大写,末尾加逗号。结尾谦辞根据通信人 之间关系的亲疏恰当选择。常见的有以下几种: 通常使用: Sincerely,(Your Sincerely; Sincerely yours; Most sincerely) Truly,(Yours truly; very truly yours) 给上级、长辈、领导或公务信件用: Respectively yours, Faithfully yours, 一般同事或熟人之间用: Yours ever, Your friend, Cordially yours, 写出亲属或关系非常亲密的是: With love, Love, All my love, Forever yours Yours affectionately, Your loving son / daughter n签名 n考试中一般不用真实姓名,可用英文名 英文书信的其他说明 信封:和中文一样,英文信封由 三部分组成,发信人地址,收信 人地址和邮票。发信人的地址在 信封左上角,收信人地址在信封 偏中右偏下出。 LIMING CHINA WEST NORMAL UNIVERSITY, STAMP NO 1, SHI DA ROAD, SHUNQING DISTRICT, NANCHONG, SICHUAN PROVINCE, 637009 P. R. CHINA MS ALICE GREEN STORE MANAGER CAREFOUR BUILDING 8, RED STAR STREET DONGCHENG DISTRICT, BEIJING 英文书信书写款式:齐头式和折中式 齐头式 正文与称呼之间空一至二行。每 段的第一句话不需要空格,但段与段 之间空一至二行。 齐头式的信尾客套话和签名有两 种方式:可以写在左下方,也可以写 在右下方。 February 14th, 2005 Dear Ms Green: You want retail clerks and managers who are accurate, enthusiastic, and experienced. Working as clerk and then as assistant department manager in a large department store has taught me how challenging a career in retailing can be. I understand that Carefour prefers to promote its managers from within the company, Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours, Adam Smith Adam Smith 英文书信书写款式:齐头式和折中式 折中式 正文与称呼之间空一至二行。每 段的第一句话第一个单词必须在 DEAR的下面,以后每段开头都要与 第一段第一个字对齐。 齐头式的信尾客套话和签名都写 在右下方。 February 14th, 2005 Dear Ms Green: You want retail clerks and managers who are accurate, enthusiastic, and experienced. Working as clerk and then as assistant department manager in a large department store has taught me how challenging a career in retailing can be. I understand that Carefour prefers to promote its managers from within the company, Sincerely yours, Adam Smith n根据写信的目的, 可将信分为感谢、道歉、邀请、 祝贺、申请、慰问、投诉、介绍、申诉信等等 。 n1、感谢信: 感谢信的内容可包括: 感谢 具体写出所受到的恩惠 表示回报 再次感谢 例文: September 10, 2003 Dear Susan, Words are beyond me to express my thanks to you for your timely gift- Longman Contemporary English Dictionary . There are many reasons why I should call it a timely gift. First and foremost, Im preparing for CET-4. It can surely help me deeply understand the new words and expressions in CET-4 Vocabulary Book. Furthermore, though Ive had a New English-Chinese Dictionary, it just has Chinese Explanation. You know, it usually leads us to misunderstand the real meaning of each word in English. In addition, it is said that Longman Dictionaries emphasize more on modern and spoken English. Accordingly, it is so useful that I can improve my oral English. In conclusion, your present cant be too suitable for me for the time being. Next year, when your birthday is coming, I will give you a pleasant surprise, too. Thank you once more. yours, Stella n2.道歉信 n道歉信内容可包括: 道歉 说明理由 说明补救方法 请求原谅 December 21st,2002 Dear Helen, Im terribly sorry that I failed to meet you at Pu Dong Airport. But I think you will forgive me if you know the reason. yesterday morning, I got up early for I was eager to see you. After breakfast, I telephoned a Qiangsheng Taxi to get the gate of our neighborhood at 8 am. Hardly had I left the room to meet the taxi, I heard my daddy breathe heavily and hardly. I realized that his asthma(哮喘)attacked him once more. But, I never heard he breathe with so much difficulty. I hurried to ask a robust man named Ken, my neighbor, for help, since my mother happened to be out. He carried my father on his back and went straight to the coming taxi and we drove directly to the nearest hospital, Pu Nan hospital. Please dont worry. My father is much better now. Fortunately, I called a taxi in advance. Thus, we sent my father to hospital in time. For this reason, I would thank you. However, I should apologize for missing the opportunity to meet you at the airport. In order to compensate for my absence, Id like to invite you to have dinner with me. When and where is up to you. I hope you can pardon me for this matter again. Yours sincerely, Mary n3、 邀请信 n邀请信的内容可包括: 邀请(时间、地点、目的) 尽力说服对方接受邀请 告诉对方交通路线 表示期待 例文: January 17th,2003 Dear Ivy, If you have no previous engagement at 7 pm. On Jan. 23rd, Id like to invite you to our annual dinner in the Garden Hotel. We havent enjoyed being together since we graduated from the high school, for everyone is too busy to have a reunion. Shall we cherish the memory of the high school life on our campus and especially in our dormitory? Id like to give you a pleasant surprise. Wang Ping, our best friend, arrived in Shanghai the dau before yesterday. We havent met her for a whole year ever since she left for overseas study. Now, she has come back from Britain for winter vacation. Last night, she asked me to invite the other 6 girls including you, Lin Qin, Fng Hongxia, Lin Sansan, Zhang Lin and Tian Hong to enjoy dinner with her. You may take bus No.15 or you can get there by subway. Well be expecting you at the hall of Garden Hotel. R.S.V.P. (法语。意思为“请回信” ) Yours sincerely, Ye Fang 4.申请信(LETTERS OF APPLICATION) 该类信件主要用于求职、求学或辞职以及其 它请求,是一种十分重要的正式函件。 写申请信文字讲究规范化,提供的信息要真实、简 洁,语气要肯定、自信。例如,大学生在求职时, 有一个不利之处在于缺乏工作经验,在表达该意思 时,一般我们不用 “I dont have much experience in “,而选择 “I am eager to get more experience in“。后者比前者要积极很多。 February 14th, 2005 Ms Alice Green, Store Manager Carefour Building 8, Red Star Street Dongcheng District, Beijing Dear Ms Green: You want retail clerks and managers who are accurate, enthusiastic, and experienced. You want someone who cares about customer service, who understands merchandising, and who can work with others to get the job done. When you are ready to hire a manager trainee or a clerk who is willing to work toward promotion, please consider me for the job. . Working as clerk and then as assistant department manager in a large department store has taught me how challenging a career in retailing can be. Moreover, my AA degree in retailing (including work in such courses as retailing, marketing, and business information system) will provide your store with a well-rounded associate. Most important, I can offer Carefour Dongcheng Store more than my two years of study and field experience: You will find that I am interested in every facet of retailing, eager to take on responsibility, and willing to continue learning throughout my career. Please look over my resume to see how my skills can benefit your store I understand that Carefour prefers to promote its managers from within the company, and I would be pleased to start out with an entry-level position until I gain the necessary experience. Do you have any associate positions opening up soon? Could we discuss my qualifications? I will phone you early next Wednesday to see whether we can arrange a meeting at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Adam Smith 请假条 Suppose you are a student and are i


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