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名师解读高考英语15大语法考纲要点精品整理一、情景对话1: 回答 thank you 共5条: Thank you for helping. (Its) my (a) pleasure / Thats all right(OK) / Not at all / You are welcome / Dont mention it.注意: Its my pleasure=Its a pleasure= my pleasure=a pleasure 译为:不用谢。 特大重点:with pleasure别人请求你的帮助时,回答表示“很乐意效劳” 如1.- Could you be so kind as to close the window?-_. A. Me, too. B.Yes, please. C. With pleasure. D. Go ahead2.- Would you do me a favor and give me the box?-: .A. Please dont say so B. With pleasure C. No problem D. Yes, thats right2:回答Im sorry 共5条: Im terribly sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Forget it /. Not at all / Thats all right/It doesnt matter / Never mind. 3: 回答Do / Would you mind.?1Do you mind if I open the door? No, of couse not / Certainly not / not at all /No, go ahead = if you like2). Do you mind me using your electronic dictionary?_. Please go ahead.A. Never mind B. Of course not C. Yes, I do D. Thats all right不介意:不用never mind.和I dont mind. 要用:No, of couse not / Certainly not / not at all. / No, go ahead = if you like注意: go ahead= go right ahead, 干吧,用吧,拿吧,说吧,走吧,随便。如:(1) - Do you mind my smoking here? -No,_.A. me, too. B. a good idea C. you d better not. D. go ahead(2)- III be away for a summer holiday. Will you mind going with me? -_.A:Ill like it B.No, Im no time C.Not at all D.Yes, of course not介意时:用Sorry, please dont / youd better not. / Id rather you didnt /Yes, I do.4: Why not? 怎么不行? Lets go there tonight. Why not? = Thats a good idea.如:-How about the two of us chatting onlione?-_ Its much cheaper than talking on the phone.A. No way B. Why not C. My pleasure D. Go ahead5:回答must固定句型: 1Must I go now? Yes, you must.否定用:No,you neednt / dont have to.6: 别人通过考试或取得成功及好消息用: Congratulations! 告诉别人某人病了或坏消息用:I am sorry to hear that . Tom, My daughter has won the first prize in the English contest.I cant go with you to go fishing. Has she?_!A Come on B Good luck C all the best D Congratulations7:别人外出旅行或找工作两答语别人外出旅行时:用 Have a good trip journey / agood time/ have fun.别人外出找工作时:用 have good luck/ good luck 不用 have a good chance.-Do you mind if I join my classmates in hiking this weeked, mum?-Certainly not._. A Come on B Good luck C My pleasure D Have fun 8: 商店和饭店服务员的问话商店营业员:-Can I help you?/ May I help you? Is there anything that I can do for you? What can I do for you?饭店服务员:May I take your order ,sir?9: It depends.的用法 Would you please go to the cinema? It (all) depends. (看情况吧!)/ That (all) depends.10. Its up to you. (由你决定) -Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? - Its up to you.11: 回答 How are you? 用Fine, / very well, thank you. 回答 How are you doing ?/ How is everything ? 用Not too bad.12:What does he like? (喜欢什么?) What is he like? -What does he like?- He likes singing. -What is he like? - He is handsome and warm-hearted.13: 表示甲怎么样,乙也怎么样,用so + 助动词 + 主语 He likes dancing, so do I. He will go, so will she. 表示甲不怎么样,乙也不怎么样,用neither / nor + 助动词 + 主语 He doesnt like dancing. Neither / Nor do I. If 甲怎么样,乙也怎么样,用so + shall / will + 主语 If he likes singing, so will / shall I. If甲不怎么样,乙也不怎么样,用neither / nor + will / shall+主语 If he doesnt like singing. Neither /Nor will / shall I. 表示甲怎么样,甲就是这样,用so + 主语 + 助动词 It was hot yesterday. So it was.Tom won the first. So he did. 表示甲的多种情况,乙也怎样,用“万能句型So it is with + sb ” He likes swimming but he doesnt like singing. So it is with her.14:I am afraid so / I am afraid notId like to make an appointment with Doctor smith. Would 9:00 tomorroe be all right?._.Her schedule is full in the morning.A:Yes,shes free then B:Im afraid not (我恐怕不行) C:You must be joking D:Well, it depends15: not really 的用法: 1.- Are you willing to go there? - Not really, I have a lot of homework to do.2.-Was Martin sorry for what hed done? -_.It was just like him!A Not really B. Never mind . C.All right D.Not surprisingly16. shall 和will 的区别shall 与 will 的区别主要在于疑问句 shall I. ? shall we? 和 shall he? 莫忘shall she? shall they?问句主语若是you,will /would定排头。 即:一三人称用shall; 第二人称用will.如:1.Shall I open the door? 2. Shall they come in?3. I carry the suitcase for you, madam?Oh, its very kind of you.ANeedBCouldCShall DMust17. take your time ; take it easy; take it seriously的区别take your time 意思是“不慌,还有时间”;take it easy 放松点;别紧张;take it seriously 把.看的很严重如:-Wait a moment please. I am getting changed. - _. We still have two house to ge before the concert.A take your time B take it easy C with please D Youer welcome18 .none , no one, nobody, nothing 的区别 none:没有人或物,可跟 of nobody=no one: 没有人,永远不跟 ofwho问,答 no one;两 how 要用none; what 用nothing; none 前提过要记清。1.-_ has a computer?-No one . A Who B Which C Whom D How many 2.-Please fetch me some chalk from the box. -But _ in the box , sir. A. nothing B. none C. no one D.nobody 3.-May I have a glass of beer, please?-Beer ? There is _ left, but you can have some orange juice.A. none B. no none C. nothing D. few19.比较级用在否定句cant / couldnt + 比较级表示不可能更.意思最. 。 -What do you think of the film?-It cant be more interesting .如:1.-Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?-Thank you. _. A. It couldnt be better. B. Of course you can C. If you like D. Its up to you 2.- Excuse me, Tom? -_? - Can you tell me where is the nearest way to the railway station?A. What for B. Yes C. why D. how20. 对人口的提问要用:how large 或what 不能用how many 和 how much -_ is the population of the city of Pingdingshan?- About 3,5000,000A How large B How much C How big D How many21.How is sb ? 对健康状况提问; What is sb?对职业提问; Who is sb?对人名、血统关系提问。-How is your brother?-Hes fine /very well ./much better. Thanks.22. 隐形过去时的答语:-My uncle will be here to attend a meeting tomorrow.-Oh, I _ that he _ today.A thought; was coming B thought; could come C think; will come D think; would come23. 省略句 to+ v( 原) 为了避免和上句 重复,to 不能省,动词省去. -Would you like to go to the cinema ?- Yes , Id love to . to 后若 是be,切记不能省。 eg - Do you want to be a doctor? -I want to be .when, unless, if, until,though, as, even if 等连词若引导的状语从句是被动语态时主语和be可省,只保留过去分词。1.When asked about his discovery, Sir Alexander said: “One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.”2.Dont do that until told to . 3.I dont go there unless invited4.I dont want to speak to anybody unless spoken to. 5.The flower his friend gave him will die unless _every day.A.watered B. watering C.water D.to water 6.Every evening after dinner, if not_from work, I will spend some time walking my dog. A.tired B. tiring C being tired D.to be tired7. Dont to touch the equipment unless_.A.told B. telling C being told D.to be told24:你觉得.怎样?三句式How did /do you find.? = How did/ do you like .? = What did /do you think of ? 你觉得.怎样?如:1.-What did /do you think of the film?- It is very boring. 2.-How do you like your coffee? -As it comes.(原味) 3.-How do you like your beef? -_. A Well- done B The stronger, the better C Its OK, thank you. D Thats enough. 答案是B. beef 这里是 肌肉,不是牛肉。25送客常用语:Nice having you here.- We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thank you again. Mr White- Nice having you here. Just whenever you feel like.二.几个重要的情态动词的用法1 .should +have +过分= ought to + have+过分,表示过去应该做却没有做,含有责备或埋怨的语气。2 must+ have +过去分词, 表示过去一定。 3.cant /couldnt + have +过去分词, 表示过去不可能。永远不用 mustnt+ have + done 和can +have + done注意:can +have + done只能用在否定和疑问句,不能用于肯定句中。 4.neednt +have +过去分词, 表示过去不必做某事但已经做了某事。5.could +have +过去分词, 表示过去本应该做某事但没有做某事。6may/ might+ have +过去分词, 表示过去或许。(1).The flower died , you _it. A must have watered B ought to water C should have watered D must water.(2). It_ last night ,for the ground is all wet. A must rain B should have rained C must have rained D could have rained .(3). -He failed in the exam.-Oh , he _hard at his lessons.A should study B ought to study C must have studied. D should have studied.(4)- My cat is really fat. - You _ have given her so much food.A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. mightnt D.couldnt 7. need 与dare 当情态动词+v原型,当实义动词+ to do 1.He need go there = He needs to go there .= He needed to go there.2.He doesnt need to go there.= He neednt go there.3.He dare not go there = He doesnt dare to go there .8.wouldnt 表示过去不肯; 如:The door _ open, no matter how hard I pushed it. (填wouldnt)【情态动词热点试题自测】1.I was really anxious about you. You _ home without a word.A. mustnt leaveB. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D.neednt leave 2.Write to me when you get home.-_. A. I mustB. I should C. I willD. I can 3.Sorry,Im late.I_have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.A. mightB. shouldC. canD. will4. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out.A. had to B. would C. couldD. was able to5. Johnny, you _ play with the knife, you _ hurt yourself.A. wont ; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt ; must D. cant ; shouldnt6. -Shall I tell John about it?-No, you _. Ive told him already. A. neednt B. wouldntC. mustnt D. shouldnt7. -Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course you _. A. mightB. willC. canD. should8. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady.A. might B. needC. should D. would9. -I climbed the tree and picked some apples. - Did you?It was dangerous!You _have falled of the tree and hurt yourself.A. might B. wouldC. should D. must10. - Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.-You _ it in the wrong place.A. must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put11. The room is so dirty. _we clean it? Of course. A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do 12. A left-luggage office is a place where bags _ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. A. shouldB. can C. mustD. will13. My Mp4 player isnt in my bag.Where _ I have put it? A. shouldB. mustC. canD. would 14. I didnt see her in the meeting-room this morning. She _ at the meeting.A. mustnt have spoken B. shouldnt have spoken C. neednt have spoken D.couldnt have spoken 15. Jack _ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.A. mustnt have arrived B. shouldnt have arrived C. cant have arrived D.neednt have arrived 三 分词: 现在分词和过去分词 (1)分词的用法: 分词作定语 三种用法名+tobedone将被名+beingdone正被名+done已被【考点专练 】1.This is the school _next year. A being built B built C to be built 2.This is the school_now A being built B built Cto be built 3.This is the school _last year. A being built B built C to be built 4.The question_ last night is important. Abeing discussed B discussed Cto be discussed D discussing5.I want to read novels _by Lu Xun . A . writing B written C. to be written D. being written6.He wants to buy a kind of TV set_ inJapan. A. made B make C being made D to make 7.All the people _yesterday were famous . A. to invite B inviting C invited D to be invited 8. The cloth _ of silk feels soft . A .makes B making C to be made D made 9.The boy_ by the teacher is naughty A. punished B to punish C will be punished D punishing 10. English is a language _ widely in the world . A. speaks B spoken C to be spoken D speaking 11.We are invited to a party _ in our club next Friday. A.being held B held Cto be held D holding12. The play_ next month aims mainy to reflect the local culture.A.being produced B produced Cto be produced D producing(2)分词作前置定语的五个常考点: 1 the fallen leaf 已经落下的树叶; the falling leaf 正在落的树叶 2 boiled water 开水; boiling water 正在沸腾的水 3 developed country 发达国家 ; developing country 发展中的国家 4 spoken/ written English英语口语/书面语; English speaking country 说英语的国家 5 the lighted candle 点燃的蜡烛(3)分词作状语可以和状语从句对换总结1:当状语从句是同一主语,去掉引导词和第一个主语,若只有 be动词be换成being 即可。1.Because he was a boy , he couldnt go swimming alone .=Being a boy , he couldnt go swimming alone.2.As Im your teacher, I should be strict with you .=Being your teacher , I should be strict with you .3.As he was ill , he didnt come to school .= Being ill, he didnt come to school .总结2:当状语从句是同一主语,去掉引导词和第一个主语,主动语态时,把词改为现在分词作状语。1.When he ate fish,he often thought of you= Eating fish, he often thought of you . 2.When he saw the boy falling into the river, he jumped into it = Seeing the boy falling into the river, he jumped into it .3.When I heard the news,I burst into tears.= Hearing the news, I burst into tears. 总结3: 当状语从句是同一主语, 且状语从句是被动语态, 去掉引导词和一个 主语,只保留过去分词作状语即可。1.When water is heated , water can change into steam.=Heated, water can change into steam.2.When the city is seen from the hill, the city looks nice.=Seen from the hill,the city looks nice.3.When the earth is seen from the moon, the earth is like a plate.= Seen from moon, the earth is like a plate.4.When she is told again and again, she doesnt understand yet .=Told again and again, she doesnt understand yet .5.When the habit is once formed, the habit cant be changed. = Once formed, the habit cant be changed .(4) 分词做状语两特大重点 分词作状语,前后主语必须一致,若不一致用状语从句,不能用分词1. Entering the room, _. A. lettrer was lying on the ground . B. a letter was found on the ground .C. he found a letter lying on the ground . D. a letter flew into the room . 2. Hearing the news, _. A. tears came to her eyes . B. her eyes were filled with tears. C. tears run down her face. D. she burst into tears.3._ on the Great Wall, a sense of pride came to our hearts. A. Standing B. Having stood C. When we stood D. Stood永远用现在分词作状语generally speaking一般来说; judging by / from (ones accent)从某人的口音判断,time permitting, 时间允许的话;night falling,夜幕降临; considering that.考虑到永远用过去分词作状语Given(考虑到) that she is a girl, she cant go there Given(被给) more time ,we can do it better .(5)分词作表语 人过物现”十大词:1surprising 令人惊奇的 surprised 感到惊奇的 2exciting 令人兴奋的 excited 感到兴奋的3interesting 令人感兴趣的 interested 感兴趣的4frightening 令人害怕的 frightened 感到害怕的5pleasing 令人高兴的 pleased 感到高兴的 6Puzzling =confusing令人迷惑的 puzzled=confused 感到迷惑的7tiring 令人劳累的 tired 感到劳累的8boring 令人讨厌的 bored 感到厌烦的9 disappointing 令人失望的 disappointed 感到失望的10. annoying 令人恼火的 annoyed 感到恼火的(6) 巧记现在分词和过去分词口诀区别 ed,ing;先看动词和主语,主语主用ing;主语被,用ed ; 人过物现” 要牢记。1_the police ,the thief ran away. A Seeing B Seen C.Having seen D. To see2 _ from the great wall, Beijing is wonderful. A Seeing B Seen . C.Having seen D. To see3 _by the party, we live a rich life. A Leading B Led. C. To led D. Having led 4 _by the student , the teacher came in.A Following B Followed. C. To follow D. Having followed5 _his students , the teacher came in. A Following B Followed. C. To led D. Having led6_by his face, he must be ill . A .Judging B Judged C. To judge D. Having judged7._ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars. A .Given B Giving C. To give D. Having given8._ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set upwind farms.A .Encouraged B Encouraging C. To encourage D. Having encouraged9._ not to miss the flight at 5:20. the manager head for the airport in a hurry.A . Reminding B Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded10._ twice, the man refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog. A . Bitten B Being bitten C. To be bitten D. Having bitten四、定语从句十大用法含有“的”主谓句, 就是定语从句,被定语从句修饰的词叫“先行词”翻译定语从句时先译“先行词”,后译定语从句。定语从句六大用法:一、当先行词是人时,用who(作主语或宾语); whom(作宾语);that(作主语或宾语);whose(作定语)引导,切记引导词作主语不能省略,作宾语可以省略。判断作主语,宾语,定语的技巧 。 The man_ I see is Tom . A who B whom C that D which (2).填whose 的技巧:在先行词后面填上“的”时候,即填 whose1.The boy whose parents died is Tom.= The boy the parents of whom died is Tom.2.This is the girl whose pronunciation is the best in our class.= This is the girl the pronunciation of whom is the best in our class.二、当先行词是物的时候, 用that (主宾),which (主宾) 和 whose(作定语) 特大重点: what 永远不能引导定语从句因为what= the thing which ; the thing 是先行词;which 是引导词,用what 引导定语从句时,the thing 和前面的先行词重复,所以what永远不能引导定语从句。 同样 that / which 作宾语可以省略, 作主语不可以省略。如:This is the book_ I borrow. A whom B that C which D what E /同样: 在先行词后面填上“的”时候,即填 whose ; 先行词是物时whose + n = the +n + of which. 1.This is the house whose door is open. 2.The house _open south is new. A whos windows. B whose the windows. C the windows of whose D the windows of which.三、当先行词是物时,that与which三大 区别:1.当先行词是all, something, anything, everything, nothing 和 the one 时用that ,不用which.2.当先行词被 the very, the only, the last 序数词或最高级修饰that不用which. 3.当先行词既有人又有物时用that不用w


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