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外文翻译施 工 工 艺 与 企 业 管 理 的 研 究(cpem)christy pathrose gome1.1cpem的生命周期和研究方法在prof.dr.-lng.gerhard girmscheid的管理下,以生命cycle-oriented和社团的过程为研究和教学的中心,例如在建筑行业里的下面特定领域中:提供服务,管理和支持过程 为生命周期服务的业务和项目交付模式支持流程风险模型,知识和创新管理为信息化带动工业化过程模型提供服务的施工流程区域内的概率决策模型 风险管理建筑生产维护及修理战略实施的研究集中在试图通过科学、概念的贡献cycle-oriented过程设计生活integarating计划、执行和加工利用的研究,促进性能和创新能力的建筑行业。研究的目的是制造创新、企业发展战略,以客户为主导,以producer-oriented为概念和技术经济和环境相关的整体优化服务。研究涉及的领域一方面在于服务全部提供者方面的发展,问题为解决一次业主/开发者的利益的概念和创新的组织和合作概念以及costruction-related设计创新、风险和信息管理系统和运行的研究方法,决策工具的发展与建设过程的评价与管理的活动。另一方面我们要努力开发高效、计算机辅助集自动化的施工方法。特别关注互动的设计领域的规划和生产过程。特别是在建筑物维修的领域内,已经形成了专业课的焦点,说明了它对未来的重要性。 施工管理的目标是减少递交时质量的总合工时波动。更深深远的目标包括集成优化建筑结构的耐久性,环境兼容性的施工方法和建筑材料的循环的施工方法。研究方法由设计sycle-oriented建设和运营过程组成的,一方面建筑工业的industy-specific特点,另一方面,先进的经营理念。建筑maket-oriented和资源的方法两者都改善性能和支持程序,形成互利共生的结合,使其发展成为客户利益最大的建筑行业和最大可能竞争优势的公司。 研究和开发项目围绕以下战略性的领域: 建筑公司的管理:使用对外的整数策划、执行和运行的新生命cycle-oriented技术的范围和服务的管理,增加顾客的利益使用知识和创新的经营为基础来开发新性能和支持过程,和产业化的施工流程通过提供商以客户为本的的体系概念建立具有弹性、敏捷的企业结构从而加强竞争能力使用construction-specific、市场营销、成本和风险管理提高的公司成功管理等过程: 建筑过程的管理:发展高性能施工方法、计算机辅助,工业化生产方法和robotization维持和修复建筑结构的方法:maintenance-friendly建设,在使用,解构,回收过程中重新悬挂12 施工工艺和企业管理上在施工管理科学里的分类 整个领域的管理科学可以被分成 管理方法 一般管理科学具体管理科学管理方法包括 金融数学 会计 统计 规划方法 组织方法用一般管理科学解释企业普遍存在的现象.一般管理包括以一般理论和竞争战略营销策略组织理论一般知识和创新管理具体管理科学侧重于个人特性行业特定行业,例如工业管理施工管理银行管理保险管理一般个别管理科学可以进一步分成操作功能,例如 企业管理 融资投资采购服务提供运输销售由于施工管理科学重点和问题具体到建筑行业的一部分就是具体管理科学。施工管理主要研究和教学领域自称是之间互利共生的交叉口综合治理以及建筑工程。这就是为什么施工工艺和企业管理重心在生命周期的有关问题上, 针对建设行业结构和基础产品过程中从以下特点产生,:每一种结构的独特性格。利用该网站生产resp.construction高度的个性,物质,综合性,互动性规划目标的过程和服务1. 3 cpem中orientation-life cycle的战略管理建筑行业面临的最具挑战性的问题之一是被事实描述为现代生活结构和建筑系统通常是不打算在他们一生的可持续发展的基础上作足够的解释。序列来料加工各方当事人的一部分,负责建设规划,exscution和随后的利用意味着结构这一天都是按照规划和执行顺序展开和兴趣,连续的部分,各方当事人负责建设规划,exscution和随后的利用意味着结构这一天都是按照规划和执行顺序展开和兴趣,例如建筑的投资和建筑的美观:就保持建筑物的价值系统、能源和维修费用方面投资由没有或者很少朝向永续性定位。施工管理研究的目标和面临的挑战在于为了合并可持续发展规划和建设的过程创造的奖励制度建设和管理流程。如今,提高建筑行业的效率的潜在方式大多是在过程和施工中被发现,现今的施工流程设计在很大程度上被隔离。有专门技能的各阶段之间联系得如此的,只有经各方当事延长建设生命周期,并负责设计在建筑结构创造出可持续的目的是。我们把可持续的定义为以下的建筑系统cycle-oriented的设计:高质量的建筑,那里的建筑结构反映了这个国家的文化和社会环境,也促进了古老属于的保存价值建筑材料、设备和装修材料方面最优、持久和节约使用资源,从保护建筑结构的价值,考虑到多维评价准则,如建筑质量、灵活性变更使用、利润、价值,例如,保护自由现金贴现优化整体成本投资方面的成本和利用建筑结构的价值基于现在的市场价值结构,计算在可持续发展方面的定性价值在充满竞争的市场环境中也意味着打折的自由现金流量分析必须执行。建筑是很重要的,自由现金流贴现以上述品质的建筑结构方面考虑,及换之建筑质量、灵活性变化的使用,和投资、利用、维修和操作的费用以及收入和价值。 房地产市场的最新进展,不仅仅是从专业投资者和投资基金,而且在尊重私人所有者和使用者,使得人们增加必要采取的一种整体论。一方面,这种方法要求提供的工具和方法对这些整体方面,而另一方面新的范围的企业产品、服务、项目的实施和商业模式需要创建,让客户提供这样的一体化服务模型。那些企业的责任对产品和服务范围和建设阶段,及运行阶段的建筑结构都延长规划。通过创造一个统一的过程的责任,以便于能公开支持用潜能的方式提高可持续发展效率,其中最重要的步骤之一是设计方面的施工程序结合策划、执行和运营使成为经验丰富的公司产品和服务的新项目范围工业化、计算机辅助生产旨在奖励制度设计的集生命周期与施工过程优化了建筑结构的维修管理该方法以可持续性设计项目和企业管理流程的方法,绩效合并了所有的建筑结构和基础设施。在未来维护和修理将起到越来越重要的作用,尤其是建筑系统,重点介绍了老化进程和国家的结构。社会经济这种方法的重要性在于,提供基础设施,建筑行业对以瑞士为地点的国际投资质量有着决定性的影响。这个瑞士的出口行业的竞争能力和为未来的投资者的吸引力都有实质性影响。此外,建筑业,建筑及其开发和构建,消耗大量的资源,例如砾石水泥能量(冷热)及废物处置能力这产生了深远的后果,不只是在建筑环境,而且对自然的原材料提供,这就是为什么在我们国家的社会和经济中,建筑工业的可持续发展长期而言是最重要的。因此在规划者,企业家和建筑开发商中适当的交换过程及管理方法是很需要的, 一方面用户通过由财产开发者提供适当的鼓励系统,另一方面,建筑工业提供产品和服务的新范围。“生命周期施工管理热点提出了一种适用于所有的宏观经济。选择可持续性的实现方法可应用于所有宏观经济.这种选择可持续性的实现方法可应用于所有市场经济。除了 swiftzerland,这包括欧盟和美国。然而要考虑时空的限制社会制度的有效性。从地区的战略重点d-baug,该截面热点领域分配的资源管理,因为不仅是计划的技术条件和利用资源重要性,而是项目和企业管理程序、业务先决条件对于实现技术支持是至关重要的。它也是分配给生物学意义cycle-oriented规划、建设和运行的基础设备系统结构,因为过程和管理方法与这些建筑结构。这个还包括管理研究的计量方法的状态,为结构控制技术的操作系统和使用建筑系统。上诉还是唯心主义无法实现可持续的。这个只能在我们的社会和商业行为要开发过程和项目和企业管理方法来确保人责任的条款的框架内利用阶段整体生命周期过程和提供恰当的激励机制。成功地纳入并承担了决定性的角色这个问题只能从存在相互依赖的建设规划、执行和利用的互动过程这一视角之间处理,也强调证明了美国经济的影响。今后,现代社会的需要将越来越多地包括经济方面的建筑结构,除了它的值从纯设计或文化前景。加上这个复杂的评估现实经济建设面临的挑战将是未来的研究努力的结果。这就是为什么技术问题生产,和周围的经营方式,管理方法正从单纯的规划建设、运行,对整体分析下聚集在一起,举凡建设的遗传的期限。research in the field of construction process and enterprise management christy pathrose gome1.1 life cycle and research approach in cpemthe chair under the managemengt of prof.dr.-lng girmscheid centers its research and teaching around the life cycle-oriented and corporate processes,such as the service provision,management and support processes,in the construction industry,with the following particular areas of focus:business and project delivery models for life cycle servicessupport process models for risk,knowledge and innovation managementservice provision process models to industrialize construction processesprobabilistic decision-making models in the areas of riskmanagement construction productionmaintenance and repairsthe strategic implementation of the research missin statement focuses on the attempts to promote the performance and innovative capabilities of the building industy through scientific,conceptual contributions towards designing the life cycle-oriented processes for integarating planning,execution and utilization.the research aims to produce both innovative,corporate strategic,customer-oriented and producer-oriented concepts,and technical-economic and environmentally relevant optimizations of holistic service provider blem solveing concepts for the benefit of the owners/developers and innovative organizational and cooperation concepts as well as the design of costruction-related innovation,risk and information management systems and operation research methods for the development of decision-making tools related to process evaluation and managing of construction activities.on the other hand we strive to develop efficient,computer-aided,industrialized construction methods incorporating automation methods,with particular focus on the design of the interactive planning and production processes.the field of building maintenance,in particular,forms a major area of focus,given its importance for the future.the management of the construction process aims to reduce the flutuations in the quality of delivery.further objectives include the integrated optimization of the durability of building structures,the environmental compatibility of the construction methods and the recycling of construction materials.the research approach consists of designing the life sycle-oriented construction and corporate processes incorporating,on the one hand,the industy-specific characteristics of the building industry and,on the other hand,state of the art business concepts.both construction maket-oriented and resource-oriented approaches contribute towards improving the performance and support processes,which form a symbiotic union to ensure the development of maximum benefit for the building industy customers and the largest possible competitive advantage for the companies.the research and development projects center around the following strategic areas of focus: management of construction companies: using the process-oriented integeation of planning,execution and operation management expertise in new life cycle-oriented ranges of and services to increase customer benefit development of new performance and support processes using both knowledge and innovation management,and industrialized construction processes creation of flexble,agile corporate strtctures to strengthen competitive abilitu through customer-oriented system provider concepts using construction-specific ,marketing,cost and risk management to increase the successs of companiesmanagement of construction processes: development of high-performance construction methods,computer-aided,industrialized production methods and robotization methods to maintain and rehabilitate building structures:maintenance-friendly construction,rehabilitation during operation,recycling,deconstruction1.2 classlification of the chair for construction process and enterprise managemengt within construction management sciencethe overall field of management sciences can be split into management methods general management sciences specific management sciencemanagement methods include financial mathematics accounting statistic planning methods organization methodologythe general management sciences explain corporate phenomena that are common to all companies.general management encompasses general theories and competitive strategies marketing strategies organizational theory general knowledge and innovation managementthe specific management sciences focus on the individual characteristics of specific sectors of industy,such as industrial management construction management bank management insurance managementthe general and specific management sciences can be further divided into operational functions,such as corporate management financing investments procurement service provision transport salessince construction management science focuses on isses and problems that are specific to the construction industry,it is part of specific management sciences. construction management research and teaching consider themselves as a symbiotic intersection between general management and construction engineering.this is why the chair for construction process and enterprise management focus on issues relating to the life cycle process of structural and infrastructure products and arising from the following characteristics that are specific to construction industry:unique character of each structure production resp.construction on the site of utilization high degree of individuality, immateriality, integrativity, interactivity project-orientation of the processes and services provision1.3 strategic orientation-life cycle management in cpem one of the most challenging problems facing the building industry is characterized by the fact that moder-day structures and building systems are usually not planned to take sufficient accunt of their sustainability across their entire life cycles.the sequential processing on the part of the various parties involved in and responsible for the construction planning,exscution and subsequent utilization means that the structures to this day are mostly planned and executed in line with sequential aspects and interests,such as building investment or aesthetic appearance;there is little or no orientation towards sustainability in respect of presering the value of the building systems,energy and maintenance costs and the architectural quality.the objectives of and challenges facing moder-day construction management research lie in the creation of incentive systems for the construction and management processes in order to incorporate sustainability into the planning and construction process.nowadays,potential means of impoving efficiency in the building industry are mostly to be found in the process and construction methods. todays construction processes are designed sequentially to a large extent.neither the expertise not the direct responsibility for the various phases are linked to such an extend among the parties involved in the construction that a life cycle design of and responsibility for the building structures in created that aims for sustainability. we use the term sustainability to define the following life cycle-oriented design of building systems: high-quality architecture,where the building structure reflects its cultural and social environment,thus also contributing to the long-tem preservation of valueoptimal,lasting and economical use of rescourse,in terms of building materitals,equipment and refurbishment materialspreservation of the value of a building structure,taking into account multi-dimensional valuation criteria,such as architectural quality,flexibility for changes of use,profit,value preservation and,e.g,discounted free cash fiowoptimized overall costs in terms of investments and utilization costs and value of the building structurecalculating the qualitative value in terms of sustainability in a competitive environment also means that a discounted free cash flow analysis based on the current market value of a building strecture must be performed.it is important that this discounted free cash flow takes the aforementioned qualities of the building structure into consideration,i.e.architectural quality,flexibility for changes of use,and the investment,utilization,maintenance and operating costs as well as revenues and value.lastest developments on the property market,not just in terms of professional investors and investment funds,but also in respect of private owners and users,are making it increasingly necessary to adopt a holistic approach.on the one hand,this approach requires the provision of tools and methods for evaluating these holistic aspects,whilst on the other hand new ranges of corporate products,services,project delivery and business models need to be created to acquaint the customers with such all-in-one service models.these corporate responsibilities with regards to the ranges of products and services extend both to the planning and construction phases,and the operating phase of a building structure.in order to align the potential means of impoving efficiency to sustainability by creating a uniform process responsibility,one of the most importment steps is to redesign construction processes in terms of intrgration of planning,execution and operation expertise into new project ranges of company products and services industrialized,computer-aided production incentive systems aimed at integrating life cycle design into the construction process optimized maintenance management of the building structuresthis approach to sustainability with regard to designing the project and corporate management processes is a resource-based approach that incorporates both building structures and infrastructures.maintenance and repairs will play an ever more important role in the future,especially the monitoring of building systems with focus on the aging process and state of the structures.the social and economic importance of this approach lies in the fact that,by providing infrastructures,the building industy has a decisive impact on the quality of switzerland as a location for intemational investment.this has a substantial impact on both the ability of the swiss export industry to compete and the attractiveness for future investor.moreover,the building industry,and the building its develops and constructs,consume the largest volumes of resources,such as gravel cement energy(heating/cooling) and waste disposal capacitiesthis has far-reaching consequence,not just for the built-up environment,but also for nature as the provider of raw materials,which is why sustainability in the building industry is of the utmost long-term importance for both the society and economy of our country.thereforce,appropriate interactively linked process and management methods are needed to implement the same among planners,entrepreneurs and building developers,and users by means of on the one hand appropriate incentives systems offered by the property by the building industy.the “life cycle construction management”hot spot presented here applies to all macro-economies.the chosen approach to implement sustainability can be applied to all macro-economies.the chosen approach to implement sustainability can be applied to all market economies.in addition to swiftzerland,this includes both the eu and the usa.the spationtemporal restrictions on the validity of social systems do,however,need to be taken into account.in terms of areas of strategic focus of the d-baug,this cross-section hot spot is allocated to the field of resource management,since not only are the technical prerequisites for planning and using the rescources important,but also the project and corpor


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