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第三部分 中考题型攻略 题型五 补全对话 一、 通读对话,仔细审题 二、 分析对话,试填答案 1. 看标点,知句型。标点符号一般来说能起 到提示和限定的作用,是我们填补答案的重要依 据。根据空格所在句子末尾的标点符号,就可以 解题方法与技巧 断定其句型。若是句号,此句为陈述句;若是问号, 此句为疑问句。 2. 上下联系,寻找信息的对接点。考生要注意结 合上下文,尤其是所填句子的上一句和下一句。考生 可根据问句的疑问词、动词的时态、时间状语等关键 信息,确定答案。 3. 思前想后,要求逻辑上下一致。所补全的对 话必须要上下文连贯一致,不能仅看一个问句就做 出答案,这样容易犯逻辑错误。若无法直接从问句 中找出答案,考生须注意挖空处的下文,答案往往 隐含在下文中。 4. 遵循口语交际的原则。注意对话的表达要符 合西方人的风俗习惯。不同的中西文化差异,要靠 我们在平时的学习中注意积累、归纳与总结。 5. 运用语言要精炼。考生在填写时,语言应简 练,切忌冗长。 三、复读对话,验证答案 完成对话后,再对整个对话通读一遍,进行 核对、检查,运用所学的语法知识、词汇知识、语 感和交际语言习惯进行验证,注重细枝末节,纠正 包括大小写、单词拼写、时态、语态及表达方式等 在内的任何错误。 除上述内容外,想做好此类题还需要注重平 时学习中的归纳总结。 下面为衡阳补全对话题型常考话题(有标识 的问句可用对应话题右侧有标识的任一答语来 作答。) 一、生病就医(2016年)讲解详见本书P50 二、打电话(2016年) 打电话电话 常用语语答语语 (Hello!) May/Could I speak to Steve, please? (Hello !) This is Helen speaking. Is that Peter (speaking)? Yes, speaking, please. Hello! This is Steve/Mr. King/Peter speaking. Sorry, he isnt in now/at the moment. Sorry, he went out thirty minutes ago, and he has not come back yet. Wait a moment, please. Hold the line, please. Hold on/Hold a moment, please. Could you please ask him to call me back, please? Can you take a message for me? Sure/Certainly/No problem/Of course. May I take a message (for you)? Would you like to leave a message? Sure/Certainly/No problem/Of course.No, thats OK. Ill call back. 三、假期计划/活动(2014年,2011年,2010年) 询问计询问计 划/打算常用语语答语语 Are you planning for the summer/winter vacation? Do you have any plans for the summer/winter vaca- tion?/Do you plan to go travelling? (Yes,) Im planning to travel during my summer vacation. I plan to go to the count- ryside to enjoy the fresh air/study in an English club. What do you plan to do during your summer/ winter vacation? What are you going to do in your summer/winter holiday/after graduation? How will you spend your summer/winter holiday? I will/Im going to/want to climb the mountains with my parents. Ive no idea./I havent decided yet. What abo- ut you? Ive no idea. Can you give me some advice/ suggestions /Do you have any idea(s)? 询问询问 地点常用语语答语语 Where are you going for your summer vacation? Im going to a small vill- age to visit my grand- parents. Where shall we meet ? At the gate of the museum. Where did you stay? We camped in a mountain village. Have you decided/found where to go? I think we can go to Harbin./. 询问时间询问时间 常用语语答语语 When will you start your journey? I will start this Friday and be back next Saturday. How long have you been /are you staying/will you stay here? For two weeks. When shall we meet ? At 9 oclock. 询问询问 人物常用语语答语语 Who/Whom will you travel with? Your friends? Are you going there alone? Yes./No, Im going with my parents. Who/Whom did you go there with? Who/Whom did you enjoy the holiday with? Some of my friends/ My parents/My classmates./. 其他答语语 Did you enjoy your holiday in the country last week? Yes, I really had a lot of fun/enjoyed myself there. I believe you will have a good time/ enjoy yourself/ yourselves/. I hope you will enjoy your stay here/there. Have fun/Have a good trip! Thank you. Thank you and the same to you. You, too. I hope so. 四、邀请(2015年) 表示邀请请的常用 语语 肯定答语语否定答语语 Would you like to do sth. (with me/us)? May I invite you to do sth.? Shall we do sth.? Will/Can you (please) do sth.? Yes/Of course/Certai n- ly/Sure,Id like/love to (come). Im glad to (come) Yes, its/thats very kind/nice of you./Thanks/ Th- ank you. Id like to, but I. Sorry, Im afraid I cant. It is very kind of you, but I wont be free at that time. Are you free next Saturday afternoon, Shirley? Id like to invite you to the concert with me. Can you come (with us)? Why dont you join us/Why not join us/Would you like to join us? Id like/love to (come). Thanks a lot./Thank you (for inv


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