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I am going to read some books tomorrow. I sang a song yesterday. I go to school every day today yesterday at noon this coming Friday last Friday had a party this summer holiday last summer holiday went on vacation shop for clothes this weekend last weekend shopped for clothes What are you going to do the day after tomorrow? Im going to . last weekend got a haircut meet some friends last month met some friends see the doctor last weekend shopped for clothes nowyesterdaytomorrow Past(过去) Future(将来) 一般将来时: 1.意义:表示将来的某个时间发生的事情 3.基本结构: 主语 be(am,is,are) going toV原形 2.时间:tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow evening, this weekend (这个周末),next week(下个星期), next month, next year( 明年), in two weeks(两周后) Are you going to? YesNo 1.watch TV tonight 2.meet some friends tomorrow 3.shop for clothes this weekend 4.have a party this month 5.go on vacation next summer A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.you letter? Are to going write a No, Im not 2.going to take a Are test? No, Im not. 3.for Are shop going clothes? to you No, Im not. 4. going the beach its Im to because hot. 5.haircut? Are going a to you get .No, Im not 6.the you to see going doctor? Are . No, Im not 7.going party? To Are a have you . No, Im not. .Im going to the lake Because its hot. 1.Are you going to write a letter? 2.Are you going to take a test? 3.Are you going to shop for clothes? 4.Im going to the beach because its hot. 5.Are you going to get a haircut. 6.Are you going to see the doctor? 7.Are you going to have a party? the West Lake 鄱阳湖 Poyang Lake 鄱阳湖位于江西省北部、长江的南岸,是中国第一 大淡水湖。 洞庭湖 Dongting Lake 洞庭湖位于湖南省北部的长江中游以南,为中国第 二大淡水湖。 太湖 Tai Lake 太湖位于江苏和浙江两省交界处,长江三角洲的南 部。 洪泽湖 Hongze Lake 洪泽湖位于江苏省洪泽县西部淮河中游的冲积平原 上,是中国第四大淡水湖。 巢湖 Cao Lake 巢湖位于安徽省江淮丘陵中部,是中国第五大淡水 湖。总面积为753平方公里。 take get have go phrases take: take a walk , take a nap, take a look, take a rest, take a test, take a trip get: get up get on, get off , get a good mark have: have a party, have a rest, have dinner/lunch/breakfast go:go for a walk, go for a jog, go on vacation, go to school, go home, go to the park 1.Are you going to write a letter? No, Im not. 2.Are you going to take a test? No, Im not. 3.Are you going to shop for clothes? No, Im not. 4.Im going to the beach because its hot. 5.Are you going to get a haircut? No, Im not. 6.Are you going to see the doctor? No, Im not. 7.Are you going to have a party? No, Im not. 8.Im going to the lake Because its hot. 1.What are you going to do? 2.Why? Tony is very busy this week. The day before yesterday he swept the floor. Yesterday heToday he is going to walk the park. Tomorrow, he is Jenny is very busy. Yesterday she helpedToday she is going toTomorrow she is going to Gogo is very busy. Four days ago, he watched TV. Three days ago, heThe day before yesterday heYesterday he Today he is going toTomorrow he


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