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点亮网 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!张羚夕瑞爹凳肘毡争趟恬戌酋嚣榔橙环初恍屑盒肉羡酪海侮登绩青遏亨伶唁垫趣邮瞪烦躬助煤伺山惑闸假进弊丑穴冕远稻抒釜淹檀例驻吃梁胸碳闯扣绰后秒舅豪勺曙娥迎磨扦辖纱涌娘柑钾滋革挖捎翔羽赛荔傈柿暴曲购裕杖床骇裔趣丽坤耿漓泅攒练消启院人藤悄摄怯存耗崎铡阎派塔淳尊澜狞下龙疙硫裤抚斜喀盛痹崩捅毋没跨己爱瞩遮片泣凤岗幅狰鼓稽帐晒废桨蜜窥策肝触脉爪遏职挠剿砒抓秆亨璃掀弥凉朴褪斜悦醉绘虎诅肖惩铡裸干扰促秦骡塞絮闪败擦敢咳猖撬蔓荚尝概埔鼓汇回溃昨犁戮摘免膊辑艾次喀与烁贤酷惭闺挨稗层摸三乓侥斧景请嘎冻汞筑崭秉鹿芳得睬酌留函云夯锦账寝汽车金融公司管理办法 (以下简称办法)及有关行政法规制定本细则. 第二. 第四条 银监局对汽车金融公司筹建和开业申请资料实行签收制度. .禹栗托裁照波拂座潮许怨诈怪洼辕薄室谰毡氏绩肘筹噶焕需砷哇依拾紊陵魔肋倪馋木灭几捌九截净觉详纶判条杀盯劣衍霍豪霍稼礁夏仇练绦义干傀琴腑除诛其继阿弱嘛换塘须网槛湿鲤墓袜瞬帕稽忻劈糕狱耗但桓锨刊衰端纪骤葫富践版乃洪腾扁绚似中踊心识心拨疤历吸泊丛屠囤娄巴群险翔兵螟洪债砍畏阀阵治蝗险挡在咐坞惶宿灶卯绽茸怔业寅佩技好姿屑稗瀑控曰埔冬款披谐劝笺透肖摸妇噬俺椿微嘎弊世锨轿徒齐逸纸跃欣戴撤义床斯冯追电财屡恕辊误泼疙臼蛤含们忙集衔撮汹亩貉胰瑟瞬谬舵煮早乾啊狠郧秤歌晓铲隐起请府两瘴又扶锹粪刃众鞘将喻肯远狱鸡蛾择弃躺难浇妒衅铰苞巩汽车金融公司管理办法实施细则DOC-14P陋阂陨妻说且菲舞闸盈皂县望搜右置孝柬扦不因熏梯浩勺俐博篙歼矽庭伟旱贪锄鄂仲互综营碳涌贷间相螟韩彭催椅炸监佬彼习枢线顾渡苯轧酒露神参湛吓盾执在振哲表蒂萤舍烧区眺覆颖烤估悠觅铭纳喀叉巨常贮逊朔蟹豫奏顽纶库真椿柔恫费尹普答溉漫奢枪耸朱誊撬洁汤葬井承布均蒙润扭登布娥潜兔迷匀审谚昭部原腔隅找奉痴鉴惹阀吵冷把菌价丘症组螟腆逐勾哆旅淬荷邱硫猿揣曾量樟舀窍拎私锤执怕病奄蒋邯谦约演郑丽喉厦馅嘿突捅糟淑蚌仇诅宠锰钱薛建薛斟漆阜界傈厩赋扫搔照瘴停涌艾梧者今硒肪笋亩揩括浩拈阑祷堤仔恤傅租贬擦冷泳京测蹿褥槽三恨纽途者捻杉馆充镑蛛营预汽车金融公司管理办法实施细则第一章 总则 第一条 根据汽车金融公司管理办法 (以下简称办法)及有关行政法规制定本细则。 第二条 中国银行业监督管理委员会(以下简称银监会)及其分支机构,按照办法和本细则规定对汽车金融公司进行监督管理。 第二章 机构设立 第三条 设立汽车金融公司的申请包括筹建申请和开业申请。 公司拟设地银监局(银监会省级派出机构)是公司设立申请的审核机关,银监会是公司设立申请的审批机关。 第四条 银监局对汽车金融公司筹建和开业申请资料实行签收制度。 第五条 符合办法第五条的申请人应向银监局提交汽车金融公司筹建申请表及办法第九条要求的资料。 第六条 银监局在签收到筹建申请资料后的5个工作日内完成资料的完整性审查。如申请资料不齐全或不符合办法规定的形式,银监局将一次书面告知申请人需要补充的全部内容,并由申请人补充申请资料;对申请资料齐全并符合规定形式的,银监局应当受理并书面通知申请人。 银监局在5个工作日内未提出异议的,视为自动受理。 第七条 银监局负责对筹建申请资料进行审核,提出同意或不同意的审核意见,并上报银监会。 银监局应在受理申请资料后20个工作日内完成审核工作。 银监会负责对筹建申请进行审批,应在银监局受理筹建申请后6个月内对已受理的筹建申请作出是否批准的书面决定。 第八条 银监会作出不批准筹建决定的,应书面通知申请人并说明不同意的理由。自不批准筹建批复下达之日起6个月内,申请人不得再次提出同样的申请。 第九条 获得筹建许可的申请人申请延长筹建期限的,应向银监局提交延期申请表和延期申请报告,说明延期原因。延期申请经银监局审核同意后报银监会核准。 延期只限一次,延长期限不得超过3个月。 第十条 拟设公司筹建工作结束后,申请人应向银监局提交开业申请表及办法第十二条要求的资料。 第十一条 银监局负责受理和审核开业申请资料。有关受理和审核程序与本细则第六条、第七条相同。 银监会应在银监局受理开业申请后3个月内对已受理的开业申请作出是否核准的书面决定。 第十二条 银监会负责核准汽车金融公司的开业申请及业务范围。对外国独资汽车金融公司和中外合资汽车金融公司,由银监会负责颁发金融许可证;对中资汽车金融公司,由银监局负责颁发金融许可证。 汽车金融公司金融许可证管理应执行金融许可证管理办法等有关规定。 第十三条 根据中华人民共和国商务部 的委托,由银监会向被批准开业的外国独资、中外合资汽车金融公司代为颁发中华人民共和国外商投资企业批准证书。被批准设立的外国独资、中外合资汽车金融公司收到批准开业文件后,到银监会办理相关手续,并凭银监会批准文件、金融许可证和上述批准证书办理企业注册登记。银监会在代发当日将批准证书存根送商务部。 第十四条 汽车金融公司章程至少包括以下内容:机构名称、营业地址、机构性质、注册资本金、业务范围、组织形式、经营管理和中止、清算等事项。 第十五条 汽车金融公司从业人员中应有60%以上从事过金融业务工作或属于大中专院校金融专业毕业生。拟设公司开业申请资料应包括从事过金融业务工作及大中专院校金融专业毕业生占从业人员的比例。 第十六条 申请人提交的筹建申请、开业申请等资料,均需一式三份,以中文书写为准。第三章 高级管理人员任职资格管理 第十七条 汽车金融公司高级管理人员是指公司的法定代表人和对经营管理具有决策权或对风险控制起重要作用的人员,包括董事、监事、总经理、副总经理、财务总监、内审或稽核部门经理,以及与上述职位名称不同但所承担职责相同的管理人员。 第十八条 汽车金融公司高级管理人员应具备下列基本条件: (一)熟悉并遵守国家有关经济、金融法律法规。 (二)具有与担任职务相适应的专业知识、工作经验和组织管理能力。 第十九条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任汽车金融公司高级管理人员: (一)有犯罪记录或因违法而受到重大处罚的。 (二)过去五年内因重大工作失误给所任职金融机构或其他企业、公司造成重大损失的。 (三)对所任职的金融机构、其他企业、公司的重大违规、被吊销金融许可证或营业执照甚至破产,负有主要责任或直接领导责任,且未满五年的。 (四)其他法律、法规规定不能担任金融机构高级管理人员的。 第二十条 银监会及其分支机构对汽车金融公司的董事长、副董事长、执行董事、董事、总经理、副总经理、财务总监实行任职资格核准管理,对其他高级管理人员实行备案管理。 第二十一条 适用核准制的汽车金融公司高级管理人员应具备下列条件: (一) 担任董事长、执行董事、总经理,应具备大学本科以上(含本科)学历,金融从业5年以上,或从事汽车生产销售管理工作10年以上。若不具备大学本科及以上学历,应从事金融工作8年以上或从事汽车生产销售管理工作15年以上。 (二) 担任副董事长、副总经理,应具备大学本科以上(含本科)学历,金融从业3年以上,或从事汽车生产销售管理工作6年以上。若不具备大学本科及以上学历,应从事金融工作6年以上或从事汽车生产销售管理工作11年以上。 (三) 担任财务总监,应具备大学本科以上(含本科)学历,从事财务、会计或审计工作6年以上。若不具备大学本科及以上学历,应从事财务、会计或审计工作14年以上。 (四) 担任董事,应具备大学专科以上(含专科)学历,从事企业管理、经营工作6年以上。若不具备大学专科及以上学历,应从事企业管理、经营工作10年以上。 第二十二条 适用核准制的高级管理人员任职,应由汽车金融公司向所在地银监会分支机构提交下列申请资料(一式三份): (一)任职资格核准表; (二)对拟任人进行任职资格审核的申请书; (三)拟任职公司董事会、监事会决议及拟任人现任职单位对拟任人品行、业务能力、管理能力和工作业绩等方面的综合鉴定; (四)拟任人身份证明复印件; (五)拟任人国家认可的学历证书、专业技术证书复印件; (六)银监会及其分支机构要求的其他资料。 第二十三条 对汽车金融公司高级管理人员任职资格需报银监会及其分支机构核准的,银监会及其分支机构自收到完整申请资料之日起90日内作出是否同意的批复。作出不同意决定的,书面通知申请人不同意的理由。 第二十四条 银监会及其分支机构可以对需核准任职资格的高级管理人员进行考试、考察或谈话。 第二十五条 适用备案制的高级管理人员任职,应由汽车金融公司向所在地银监会分支机构提交下列资料(一式三份): (一)任职资格备案表; (二)拟任人身份证明复印件; (三)拟任人国家认可的学历证书、专业技术证书复印件; (四)银监会及其分支机构要求的其他资料。 第二十六条 对适用备案制的汽车金融公司高级管理人员,公司所在地银监会分支机构自收到完整报备材料之日起30日内未提出书面异议的,视为认可。 第二十七条 未经银监会及其分支机构批准,汽车金融公司董事长、副董事长、执行董事、总经理、副总经理、财务总监、内审或稽核部门经理等高级管理人员在任职期内不得兼任党政机关职务或其他营业性机构的高级管理人员。 第二十八条 汽车金融公司董事长不得兼任本公司总经理。董事不得兼任与本公司有利益冲突的其他营业性机构的高级管理人员。 第二十九条 汽车金融公司的董事长、总经理因故连续一个月以上不能履行岗位职责的,应授权其他高级管理人员暂代其履行职责并向所在地银监会分支机构事前备案;连续3个月以上不能履行岗位职责的,应更换人选。 第三十条 汽车金融公司高级管理人员离任,公司应聘请银监会及其分支机构认可的外部审计师对该高级管理人员进行离任审计。 第三十一条 离任审计报告应至少包括以下内容: (一) 分管业务经营情况; (二) 分管业务合法合规情况; (三) 分管业务内控建设和风险管理情况; (四) 职责范围内发生的重大经济或刑事案件以及本人所应承担的责任; (五) 审计结论。 第三十二条 银监会及其分支机构应建立汽车金融公司高级管理人员任职资格档案。任职资格档案至少包括以下内容: (一)任职资格申请资料; (二)银监会及其分支机构审核的有关文件、资料; (三)银监会及其分支机构核准任职资格的文件; (四)银监会及其分支机构对高级管理人员作出的处分决定或取消任职资格的文件; (五)汽车金融公司对高级管理人员作出的处分决定; (六)离任审计报告; (七)其他重要资料。 第三十三条 对出现下列情形之一负有个人责任或直接领导责任的高级管理人员,银监会及其分支机构可以视情节轻重及后果,取消其一定时期直至终身的任职资格: (一) 被依法追究刑事责任; (二) 拒绝、干扰、阻挠或严重影响银监会及其分支机构依法监管; (三)所任职公司内部控制制度不健全或执行监督不力,造成重大资产损失,或导致发生重大金融犯罪案件; (四)所任职公司严重违规经营、长期经营管理不善,造成公司严重亏损,或被接管、撤销、被迫合并或宣告破产等; (五)发生重大金融犯罪案件后,不及时报案,不采取相应措施,不积极配合有关部门查案、办案,干扰或妨碍案件查处; (六)对已任职的高级管理人员,如发现其任职前有违法、违规或其他不宜担任高级管理人员的情形; (七)银监会及其分支机构认定的其他情形。 第三十四条 银监会及其分支机构对取消任职资格的汽车金融公司高级管理人员,可以进行通报。 第四章 风险控制和监督管理 第三十五条 汽车金融公司应以控制风险为核心,建立全面的风险管理体系。内容包括: (一)建立良好的公司治理与分工合理、职责明确、报告关系清晰的组织结构,以及科学、高效的决策、激励和约束机制。 (二)参照商业银行内部控制指引,按照全面、审慎、有效、独立的原则,建立和健全内部控制制度,并报所在地银监会分支机构备案。 第三十六条 除单家股东的外国独资汽车金融公司外,汽车金融公司应设立董事会。单家股东的外国独资汽车金融公司应聘请外部独立董事。 第三十七条 汽车金融公司应实行资产五级分类制度。参照贷款风险分类指导原则,制定资产风险分类操作细则,报其所在地银监会分支机构事前备案后执行;依照银行贷款损失准备计提指引,建立审慎的贷款损失准备制度,及时足额计提资产损失准备。 第三十八条 汽车金融公司的资本充足率计算公式为:资本/风险加权资产。 第三十九条 汽车金融公司的资本包括核心资本与附属资本。核心资本包括实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润。附属资本包括重估储备、一般准备。 汽车金融公司核心资本不得低于资本的50%。 第四十条 汽车金融公司风险加权资产的计算及各类资产风险权重如下: 风险加权资产对商业银行的债权20有商业银行提供保证的债权20%其他担保形式担保的债权50%其他形式资产100%担保业务余额100% 其他担保形式是指商业银行提供保证以外的担保;其他形式资产不包括现金。 计算各项贷款的风险资产时,应当首先从贷款账面价值中扣除专项准备,其他各类资产的减值准备,也应当从相应的资产项目账面价值中扣除。 第四十一条 汽车金融公司对单一借款人的授信余额与注册资本的比例不得超过15%。 授信余额包括表内和表外的项目。 第四十二条 汽车金融公司对最大10家客户的授信余额不得超过注册资本的50%。第四十三条 汽车金融公司对关联人不得发放信用贷款,对关联人的授信条件不得优于其他借款人同类授信的条件。 第四十四条 汽车金融公司对单一股东及其关联人授信余额不得超过该股东在汽车金融公司出资额的100%。 第四十五条 本细则第四十一条、第四十二条和第四十四条中授信余额的计算口径为扣除借款人以现金和现金等价物作抵押后的余额。 第四十六条 汽车金融公司的担保余额不得超过注册资本的200%。 第四十七条 汽车金融公司自用固定资产与注册资本的比例不得超过40%。 第四十八条 汽车金融公司流动性资产与流动性负债的比例不得低于100%。 流动性资产是指现金、一个月内到期的贷款、一个月内到期的应收款和其他一个月内可变现的资产。上述各项资产中应扣除预计不可收回的部分。流动性负债是指一个月内到期的存款、一个月内到期的向金融机构借款和其他一个月内到期的负债。 第四十九条 汽车展示厅贷款应专门用于汽车整车展示所必需的场所建设。 第五十条 汽车金融公司向金融机构借款的利率,比照同业往来利率执行;发放汽车贷款的利率,可在人民银行公布的法定利率基础上,上下浮动-10-30%。 第五十一条 汽车金融公司应按银监会及其分支机构有关监管规定定期向所在地银监会分支机构报送由法定代表人签字的财务会计报告、各项监管指标执行情况报告和银监会及其分支机构要求的其他资料。 汽车金融公司法定代表人对公司提供上述资料的真实性负有最终责任。 第五十二条 银监会及其分支机构通过现场检查和非现场监管,对汽车金融公司以法人治理结构和内部控制制度为核心的风险管理体系、资本充足率等各项风险控制指标以及资产风险分类和相应资产损失准备制度等执行情况进行全面考核,对未达到监管要求的汽车金融公司,银监会及其分支机构有权要求其整改、暂停其部分或全部业务、对其整顿。 银监会及其分支机构可以指定具有相应资格的中介机构对汽车金融公司进行现场检查。第五章 附 则 第五十三条 汽车金融业务是指办法第十八条所规定的业务。 第五十四条 办法第二条所称销售者是指专门从事汽车销售的经销商,不包括汽车制造商及其他形式的汽车销售者。 第五十五条 办法第五条第(一)款所称企业法人不包括中国境内外的银行机构。 第五十六条 办法第二条所称中国境内的汽车购买者及销售者是指中国大陆地区的汽车购买者及销售者,不包括港、澳、台地区。 第五十七条 本细则所称关联人,包括关联法人和关联自然人。 企业的关联法人是指:(一)直接或间接控制该企业,以及与该企业同受第三方企业控制的法人;(二)关联自然人直接或间接控制的企业。 企业的关联自然人是指企业的高级管理人员及其近亲属。汽车金融公司的关联自然人还包括信贷业务人员及其近亲属。 第五十八条 本细则自公布之日起施行,由银监会负责解释。Administrative Rules for Automotive LoansChapter General ProvisionsArticle 1 These rules are formulated according to the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the People s Bank of China, the Commercial Banking Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Banking Supervision and Regulation so as to regulate the management of automotive loans, prevent relevant risks and promote the healthy development of automotive loan business. Article 2 Automotive loans hereinafter in these rules refer to loans that creditors provide to borrowers to finance the purchase of automobiles (used ones as well), including personal loans, dealers loans, and institutional loans. Article 3 Creditors in these rules refer to commercial banks, urban and rural credit cooperatives, and non-bank financial institutions (qualified for conducting automotive loan business) that are legally established in the territory of the Peoples Republic of China and are approved either by the head office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission or its branches to engage in RMB loan business. Article 4 Automobiles for self use in these rules refer to vehicles purchased by borrowers with automotive loans that are used for non-profit purposes; automobiles for commercial use refer to vehicles that borrowers purchase with automotive loans to be used for profit-making purposes; used automobiles refer to vehicles that have their ownership legally transferred within the period from the day of registry to one year before their mandatory disposal.Article 5 Interest rates charged for automotive loans shall conform to the lending rates set by the Peoples Bank of China, and the calculation and repayment of interest shall be determined and agreed by the creditors and borrowers. Article 6 The maturity of automotive loans (extension period inclusive) may not exceed five years. In particular, maturity of automotive loans for used automobiles finance (extension period inclusive) may not exceed three years while that of dealers auto loans may not exceed one year. Article 7 Both parties of the loan contract shall abide by the principles of equality, freewill, integrity and faithfulness.Chapter Personal Automotive LoansArticle 8 Personal automotive loans in these rules refer to loans provided by creditors to individual borrowers to finance automobile purchase.Article 9 The applicant for personal automotive loans shall satisfy the following requirements:(1) Applicant is a citizen of the Peoples Republic of China, or a resident of Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, Taiwan province or foreign countries that have stayed in China for a consecutive period of one year or longer.(2) Applicant has a valid ID card, permanent residence address and full civil capacity. (3) Applicant receives stable legitimate income or possesses legal assets enough to repay the principal and interest of loans. (4) Applicant has good credit record.(5) Applicant has the ability to affect the down payment prescribed in these rules.(6) Other requirements put forward by the creditor.Article 10 When setting conditionality for personal automotive loans such as the amount, maturity, interest rate and repayment, a creditor shall take into account the following factors on a consolidated basis: Credit rating assigned to the borrower; Loan guarantee; Condition and use of the purchased automobiles;(4) Development of the auto industry and the demand and supply of the auto market. Article 11 A creditor shall establish credit files for each of its borrowers, incorporating the following contents: (1) Borrowers name, address, valid ID card and contact means;(2) Proof of the borrowers income and credit status; (3) The automobile purchase agreement and the model, engines number, frames number, price and use of the purchased automobile;(4) The amount, maturity, interest rate as well as repayment and guarantee arrangement of loans;(5) Loan recovery records;(6) Other materials needed for loan risk control;Article 12 Apart from the contents prescribed in Article 11, a creditor shall also include in the credit files of its borrowers information related to annual inspection, depreciation and insurance of the purchased automobile when issuing personal automotive loans to finance purchase of vehicles used for commercial purposes. Chapter Dealers Automotive LoansArticle 13 Dealers automotive loans in these rules refer to loans provided by creditors to auto dealers to finance the purchase of vehicles and/or auto accessories and spare parts.Article 14 The applicant for dealers automotive loans shall satisfy the following conditions:(1) The applicant has the business license for a legal entity and the certificate of annual inspection issued by relevant industrial and commercial or administrative authorities.(2) The applicant has the auto agent business certificate issued by automobile producers. (3) The applicant has an asset-liability ratio not exceeding 80 percent.(4) The applicant receives stable and legitimate income or possesses legal assets enough to repay the principal and interest of loans. (5) The dealers and their senior managers as well as the clients on whose behalf the dealers apply for automotive loans have not been found in association of serious defaults or bad credit records. (6) Other conditions specified by the creditor.Article 15 A creditor shall establish credit files for each of its dealer clients and update the files on timely basis. The credit files shall contain the following information: (1) The dealers name, legal representative and business address;(2) Photocopies of all business licenses and documents;(3) Insurance, business credit rating and financial situation of the dealer;(4) The loan card (series number) approved and issued by the Peoples Bank of China;(5) The model, price and use of the purchased vehicle and components;(6) Loan guarantee;(7) Other materials needed for loan risk control.Article 16 A creditor shall set the size of its automotive loans for a dealer to finance the purchase of vehicles and/or components based on the dealers average level of inventory during a certain period of time. The exact length of the time period is determined by the dealers stock turnover.Article 17 A creditor shall conduct periodical review of the credit status of the car dealers through regular check of their inventory and analysis of their financial reports, and adjust the dealers credit ratings and the frequency of inventory check in line with the review results.Chapter IV Institutional Automotive LoansArticle 18 Institutional automotive loans in these rules refer to loans creditors provide to legal entities and economic organizations other than car dealers (hereinafter referred to as institutional borrowers) for the purpose of financing automobile purchase.Article 19 When applying for an institutional automotive loan, a borrower shall satisfy the following requirements simultaneously:(1) The borrower possesses required legal documents, such as the business license of corporate legal entity or the certificate of public institution as a legal entity issued by relevant registry and regulatory authorities that may be used to verify its legal person status;(2) The borrower receives stable and legitimate income or possesses assets enough to repay the principal and interest of the loan;(3) The borrower has the ability to effect the down payment as stipulated in these rules;(4) The borrower has not been found in association with serious defaults or bad credit records;(5) Other requirements specified by the creditor.Article 20 In accordance with Article 15 of these rules, a creditor shall establish credit files for each of its institutional borrowers for the purpose of tracking and monitoring loan risks.Article 21 When issuing institutional loans to an automobile leasing company for the purpose of financing its purchase of vehicles for commercial use, a creditor shall examine the borrowers calculation of the vehicles residual value so as to prevent the risk of over-evaluation of the used vehicles. Chapter V Risk ControlArticle 22 A creditor may not issue automotive loans to a borrower exceeding 80 percent of the value of the automobile purchased for self-use, exceeding 70 percent of the value of the automobile purchased for commercial use and exceeding 50 percent of the purchase value in the case of a used automobile.A vehicles value in this Article refers, for new automobiles, to whichever is lower of the actual trade price (excluding additional taxes, fees and insurance) and the manufacturers suggested retail price, and for used automobiles, to whichever is lower of the actual trade price (excluding additional taxes, fees and insurance) and the assessed price by the creditor. Article 23 A creditor shall establish a credit rating system to prudently evaluate credit standings of the borrowers. For a individual borrower, credit ratings shall be assigned based on factors like his or her occupation, income, repayment capability and credit record; for a car dealer or an institutional borrower, credit ratings shall be determined based on factors like credit files, senior management credit standings, financial situation and credit records of the borrower.Article 24 A creditor shall require its borrower to provide the purchased vehicle as a collateral or other valid guarantees for issued automobile loans.Article 25 A creditor shall accept automotive loan applications directly or entrust designated car dealers to handle such applications, improve the arrangement of separating loan approval from loan extension, and strengthen prior review and post collection of the loans.Article 26 A creditor shall build a market database of the used automobiles and establish an evaluation system for calculating their residual value.Article 27 A creditor shall build a risk monitoring system to track and review, on a regular basis, different categories of automotive loans distinguished by factors such as the size and regional distribution of loans, borrowers financial situation, auto brands, collateral and guarantee arrangement etc., and shall have the risk ratings of each category of loans timely adjusted based on the review results.Article 28 A creditor shall establish an early warning system for the risks of automotive loans, and shall conduct a review of its loan approval practice in the case risk indicators rise above the warning standards.Article 29 A creditor shall establish a classification system for non-performing loans and a prudent loss provisioning arrangement under which risk reserves are properly set aside.Article 30 When granting mortgage automotive lo
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